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September 16, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-16

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Thursday, September 16, 1976
Auto strikea may last

JOLIET, Ill. (,P) -- It took
only five minutes yesterday
for the state parole board to
deny freedom to Richard Speck,
convicted of killing eight youngt
nurses in their Chicago town-
house ten years ago and now
serving 400 to 1,200 years in
the state penitentiary.
Law enforcement officials
and relatives of the slain wo-
men appeared at a public hear-
ing on paroling Speck.
"I WOULD rather come to
his execution than his pardon,"
said John Wilkening of Lan-
sing, Ill. His only daughter,
Pamela, was one of Speck's vic-
It became known several
weeks ago that Speck was elig-
ible for parole. Since that time,
officials said, they received
about 3,000 letters demanding
Speck be kept behind bars.

blasts Speck

The Illinois Parole and Par-
don Board deliberated for only
five minutes before denying
Speck parole. The board said
setting him free at this time
"would deprecate the serious-
ness of the crime."
THE BOARD had held a pri-
vate meeting earlier with Speck
at Stateville Penitentiary. Peter
Kotsos, board chairman, said
he and two other members talk-
ed with Speck for 40 minutes in
a prison hearing room.
Speck was dressed in blue
denim prison work clothes, Kot-
sos said.I
"He had no remorse during1
the questioning period concern-
ing the crime and maintained
his innocence," Kotsos said.
THE PUBLIC hearing follow-1
ed the board's meeting with1
Joseph Matusek of Home-

wood, Ill., the father of another
of the girls, appeared before
the board. "People come up to
me. They tell me "if you don't
do something about him we
will . . . We will cut him with a
razor blade.' And I believe they
will," Matusek said.
SPECK, WHO is now 34, was
sentenced to die in the electric
chair following his trial in Pe-
oria. He was saved when the
death penalty was declared un-
constitutional by the Supreme
After the ruling he was sen-
tenced to serve eight consecu-
tive terms of from 50 to 150
years in prison for each murder
-a total of 400 to 1,200 years.
Casimir Wachowski, an at-
torney who said he was asked
by families of the victims to
be at the hearing, described
Speck as "a fiend and spawn-
ed in hell." Speck has "never
told the true story. He is a clev-
er, ingenious and evil man,"
said Wachowski.
SPECK WILL automatically
receive another parole hearing
in September of 1977 and every
year thereafter, Kotsos said.
Under provisions of a 1973 state
law, inmates can decline to ap-
pear at parole hearings for
which they are eligible. Au-
thorities said they knew of no
one, including Speck, who had
taken declined to appear be.
fore the board.
Speck came up for parole un-
der the 1973 law making inmates
serving sentences of more than
20 years eligible after 11 years,
three months. With his good be-
havior time, Speck has served
that long.

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two W
DETROIT P)-Negotiators in
the strike against Ford Motor
Co. indicated yesterday that con-
tract talks will not resume until
next week, and a union source
said the autoworkers were brac-
ing for a strike of at least two
United Auto Workers President
Leonard Woodcock, who called
170,000 workers in 22 states off
their jobs at midnight Tuesday,
said he was not optimistic about
prospects for a short strike.
PICKETS WERE out in force
yesterday, and a union source
close torWoodcock said UAW
leaders are bracing for at least
a two-or three-week strike. The
source said union bargainers
feel the two sides are far apart
and are not sure how to get
talks going again.
"We don't expect any serious
main-table bargaining to resume
until Monday at the very ear-
liest," the source said. "It's
pretty obvious now that both
sides expect this strike to go
into October."
"We know how to get in
touch . . . Meetings can be ar-
ranged on very short notice," a
Ford spokesman said, and the
UAW said, too, that negotiators
would be available to resume
talks before Monday.
THE coast-to-coast walkout,
the first against the nation's
No. 2 automaker since a 66-day
work stoppage in 1967, became
inevitable last weekend when
Woodcock announced there had
been no progress made on any
major issue despite eight weeks
of discussions.
Financial analysts have said a
brief walkout would have no
significant adverse impact on

HE SAID HE was encouraged
by the willingness expressed by
both sides "to work to get
settled as soon as possible. There

Soviet Union begins
space photo mission

eeks or more
Ford, the strikers or the econ- is that degree of hope, but there
omy, but a strike of more than is a great, great deal of work
a month would begin to hurt to be done.
everyone involved as well as Ou
:the economic recovery. One major issue dividing the
th two sides is a top union demand
"We have many issues be- for 12 more paid days off each
tween us, we have done almost year to preserve current jobs
nothing," Woodcock said in an and create new ones. Ford has
address yesterday before the offered up to five more days a
annual convention of the Michi- year, based on seniority and
gan AFL-CIO. "We've settled attendance.
only minor matters." I hAl..,..+,,.A c

r se u uea issues involve
wages, pensions, health care in-
surance and supplemental un-
employment benefits for laid-off

MOSCOW (Reuter) - Two
Soviet cosmonauts entered earth
orbit yesterday aboard the un-
used back-up spaseship from
last year's U.S.-Soviet Apollo-
Soyuz mission to start a new
phase in space cooperation be-
tween Communist nations.
The craft, Soyuz-22, carries an
East German-made camera-
the first time foreign equipment
has been used in a Soviet man-
ned craft-and for the first time
will photograph East, German
as well as Soviet territory for
the economic benefit of the two
yesterday, Major General Vlad-
imir Shatalov, head of cosmo-
naut training, said mission com-
mander Colonel Valery Bykov-
sky, 42, and civilian flight en-
gineer Vladimir Aksyonov, 41,
would not dock the ship with the
orbiting Soviet Salyut-S space
The station was inhabited by
two other cosmonauts from
July 7 until August 24.

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Major Shatalov added that the
flight would be a short one.
REPORTING THE launch, the
official Tass news agency said
it was part of a program of
cooperation in the exploration
and peaceful use of space which

the nine countries of the Com-
munist trading bloc Comecon
drew up in Moscow in July.
Until now the Comecon coun-
tries--Bulgaria, Cuba, Czecho-
slovakia, East Germany, Hun-
gary, Mongolia, Poland, Ro-
mania and the Soviet Union--
have limited their space cooper-
ation to their "Intercosmos"
series of scientific research
Today's launch was the first
move to bring Russia's allies
into the manned flight program,
even though only East Germany
is so far involved and its con-
tribution is restricted to photo-
graphic equipment co-designed
with Soviet specialists And
man'ifactnred at the Carl Zeiss
Jena Works.
THE DURATION of the flight
can hardly be more than a week
or two, given the limited sup-
nlies a Soyuz can carry. The
end"rance record for an undock-
ed Sovuz is 18 days, set by
Soyuz-9 in 1970.
A Moscow Radio commentator
said today the cosmonauts' pro-
gram would be "crowded."
According to Tass,tthe main
aim of the flight is to improve
methods of studying the earth's
geology and geographyrfrom
space, and the results are de-
signed to benefit the Soviet and
East German economies.
... begin with an open house
at the Pound House Children's
Center, 1024 Hill, from 3:30 to
5:30 p. m. . . . prospective
workers for the Riegle cam-
paign will mass at 7:00 p.m. in
the Kuenzel Rm. of the Union
a mass meeting for new
staff members for Michiganen-
sian, the student yearbook, will
be held at 7 p.m. in the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg., 420
Maynard (or call 764-0561) .. .
mass meetings for The Daily
are at 7:30 tonight in the East
Lounge at Bursley and the An-
Bela Davis Lounge at Mark-
Iley. Representatives from the
news, business, arts and sports
staffs will be there to beg for
your recruitment ... GEO holds
a membership meeting at 7:30
in Rackham Amphitheater .. .
an Introductory meeting of the
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow-
ship is at 7:30 in the League ...
and a memorial program for
Mao Tse-tung begins at 7:30 in
the International Center, spon-
sored by Revolutionary Stu-
Idents' Brigade.

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