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!1-0*, .
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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No.7
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 16, 1976
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
I c 0
2,000 turned
away as Ford
needles Carter, bids for trust
President Gerald Ford launched
his campaign against Jimmy Car-
ter at Crisler Arena last night with
a pageant more reminiscent of a
high school pep rally than a politi-
cal speech.
Football broadcaster Bob . Ufer
set the tone for the evening with
an opening speech which began
"Welcome to Crisler's Cathedral,
Cazzie's Castle, or better yet, the
home of the number one football
team in America."
FORD WAS ALSO presented with a
windbreaker reading "Michigan, No. 1"
and joined his wife Betty in several
boisterous renditions of the Michigan
fight song.
"I'd rather run against Jimmy Car-
ter than Harlan Huckleby any day of
the week," quipped Ford, and while
he did not mention the Georgia gov-
ernor again by name, it was apparent
that many of his remarks were in-
tended as opening shots of his elec-
tion campaign.
"The question in this campaign of
1976 is not 'who has the better vision
of America'," Ford said, "the question
is 'who 'will act to make that vision
a reality'."
IN A THINLY VEILED reference to
Carter's statement that he would nev-
er lie to the public, Ford said "it is
not enough for anyone to say 'trust me.'
Trust must be earned. My administra-
tion has restored trust in the White
A noisy crowd of over 14,000 added
to the hoopla by cheering and booing
Ford lustily throughout his speech. The
loudes , applause of the night was for
Betty Ford, who received two standing
The greatest commotion of the night
occurred when a firecracker exploded in
the stands, momentarily startling Ford.
Secret Service agents rushed to investi-
gate, but no one was arrested in con-
nection with the incident.
when Ford talked about the crisis in
southern Africa and Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy
there. "We will not and cannot impose
solutions," Ford said, "but will depend
upon the good will and determined
efforts of the African parties them-
selves to achieve negotiated settle-
Approximately 2,000 people were turn-
ed away at the door, some of whom
had special "guest" tickets issued by
organizers of the event. Groups of dem-
onstrators representing numerous caus-
es were among those left outside when
they chose to picket the doors until
just before the speech started.
"Why the hell didn't they go to the
Stadium, or set up a ticket system?"
complained Athletic Director Don C a n-
ham afterward. 'If they don't think
they're going to draw more than 13,000
in Arbor ..."
IN HIS SPEECH Ford said that vot-
ers demand "specifics, not smiles; per-
formances, not promises." He reaffirm-
ed his opposition to the national health
care program favored by Carter, say-
ing "$70 billion a year for a govern-
ment-dominated health insurance pro-
gram is not the way."
The only new ground Ford broke in
the speech was a promise to recom-
mend changes in housing laws which
would reduce down-payments on lower
and middle-price houses by 50 per cent.
He also said he would direct the De-
partment of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment to "accelerate implementation"
See FORD, Page 7
Three students look on as President F : answers questions in a special reception before his speech yesterday. Over 20 stu-
dents attended the interview session.
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(EDIToR's NOTE: Twenty University stu-
dents, including Daily reporters Ken Parsigan
and Pauline L ubens, questioned President
Ford in a 45-minute session at Crisler Arena
yesterday afternoon. Here is a partial, tran-
script of that question-answer session,)
Q. My question for you is, in view
of the fact that your so-called clemency
program reached only 18 per cent of
the 100,000 or so draft resisters that
(are eligible) and that no presidential
candidate has even touched upon the
heritage of the three-quarter million vet-
erans who have bad conduct or general
discharges - I was wondering - these
people are doomed to unemployment and
loss of their veteran's benefits as a re-
sult of being forced in that time period
to other elements outside of the mili-
tary - I was wondering, would you not
feel that a full unconditional amnesty,
such as the one you gave President
Nixon, would be in order for the al-
most one million people whose military
careersnwere upset because of their con-
A. Well in September of 1974 I spoke
to the V.F.W. (Veterans of Foreign
Wars) National Convention in Chicago
and announced a program that would
permit draft evaders or deserters to
apply for and earn, as I put it, the
opportunity to clear their records. As
I recall there were about 130,000 in both
categories and the time for application
was first set, as I recollect, on Janu-
ary 1st. The number that applied was
not encouraging; I established a panel
of twelve, very broad based, including
such people as Father Hessberg, the
President of the University of Notre that many di
Dane and others to review the records ords changed
of all that applied. Because the re- some other w
sponse was not as good as I hal hoped the board re
I extended it for another sixty days, other hand I
as I recollect - maybe another thirty.
It ended up with about 18,000 that have think it woul
applied and have been given either par- went through1
dons or have their status changed and effrt, spent
I was disappointed in the response but catted earned
every one of the total had a complete ords. So at the
opportunity to apply and I was pleased See S
or eiVes
d apply and got their rc-
- either a pardon or
- - depending on what
commended. But on the
was disappointed and I
d be unfair to those who
the process and made the
some time in what was
effort to clear their rec-
he present time I have no
TU) DENTS, Page 4
ixed welcome
If Gerald Ford expected the type of
reception he got the last time he was
in Ann Arbor, he was pleasantly sur-
prised last night.
Ford, then vice-president, was almost
heckled off the stage of the May, 1974
commenceament exercises, but last night
the Crisler Arena crowd of over 14,000
was considered by most to be, on bal-
ance, favorable. While many parts of
Ford's speech were lustily booed, the cat-
calls were frequently drowned out by
the applause reminiscent of football Sat-
PUT the generally favorable response
nioht have been drastically turned
,a-ound had 150-200 protestors gone into
the arena earlier. The group, which
comprised members of several leftist
camnpns factions, picketed and chanted
outsid4 the arena from about 6:00 on.
When they tried to move inside about
7:00, the arena was full and the doors
were soon locked. The Ford opponents
Insicde consjstently booed and hissed, but
lacked organization to mount a disruptive
heckling camPaign.
The alternation between heavy boos
and heavy cheers made clear that many
spectators were doing both, apparently
choosing which parts of Ford's speech
then liked and which parts they didn't.
As one student pointed out, "I tried to
get some booing and hissing going but
people kept drowning me out. And we
were in the student section. The only
thing anybody would join in with me on
vas an amnesty chant."
Outside, before Ford arrived, the pro-
testors were more conspicuous. Approxi-
mately 170 Ford opponents gathered in
separate groups to champion causes
ranging from the UAW auto strike to
ending U. S. military presence in Korea.
ABOUT 70 demonstrators, many of
whom were members of the Spartacus
Youth League or an ad hoc group car-
rying a banner saying "Ann Arbor Unit-
ed for Jobs and Workers' Control, Not
War Abroad," carried picket signs and
strolled in a circle in front of the main
Crisler entrance.
Meanwhile, about twenty UAW auto
workers from the Ypsilanti Ford plant
stood by, but someone had given them
PRESIDENT, GERALD FORD speaks before a capacity crowd of over 14,000
at Crisler Arena in his campaign opener last night. Ford was greeted with
mixed boos and cheers as he delivered his stands on issues including foreign
policy, the economy, and streamlining of government bureaucracy.
Carter hits GOP record
A alumnus returns
to his mla maer
The rain preceded Geralq Ford, Class
of '35, by three minutes yesterday, but
the torrential downpour vhich greeted
the University's most famous alumnus
provided only a temporary damper to
his campaign swing here.
Arriving at a dark and dreary Willow
Run Airport yesterday afternoon, I resi-
dent Ford and his wife Betty descended
the sleek Air Force One jet, protected
Ier's football practice session, eat with
the team, and finally provoke the col-
I ectiu anger and admiration of a pack-
ed arisler Arena crowd, in a setting
wbich mnor~e closelv resembled a rowdy
eg circus than a political event.
Anid 'il P the resident conducted a
" ">' d t"r of the school where he
-aived some of his greatest pre-politi-
cd - '' cess'es, sterr-faced Secret Service
nons a throngs of local law offic-
ers kept heir eves peeled on an antici-
Special to The Daily
DEARBORN - While President Ford
was addressing the crowd in Crisler
Arena last night, his opponent, Demo-
cratic nominee Jimmy Carter, was
launching a bitter attack on the eco-
nomic policies of the Ford Administra-
Speaking to approximately 1,100 dele-
gates to the AFL-CIO constitutional con-
vention here, Carter lashed out at Ford
gallantry in last night's speech. In-
stead, he spoke of his opponent's "crude
policies" and charged him with "turn-
ing difficulty into disaster."
Carter listed what he termed tho "nine
economic errors" of the Nixon-Ford
years - outlining and embellishing a
long account of "the worst fiscal mis-
management in history" - and con-
tinned in the same vein by criticizing
GOP performance on inflation, a bal-
anced budget, housing, and economic