Wednesday, March 16, 1977
Page Three
"At this stage of the game if Hi*acker seeks a o
Internationl things don't work out it will be iN
no great problem for the U.S.,"dac he _ _______
I he said. But he added, from --i----
7 , 7 ~our national interest I certain- UI NIayt},-A a-
F +ate of MIAs ,y would like to see stability UIN, Ita A eta ug r imp rs
iSoutheast Asia, and I hope ian hijacker whohatkea
-we can contribute to it. Spanish jetliner on an odyssey
CLARK AIR BASE, The Phis.- a otiut oi.o oethn600mlsi WASHINGTON ( ') - Presi-'
Th hadofth of more than 6,000} miles in
ippines - The head of the search of two daughters order- dent Carter is being urged by
U. S. Presidential commission ekaed the plane to Moscow on yes- his chief farm adviser to de-
traveliing to Hanoi to seek the "'i "terday night after failing to get cide quickly to reduce sugar
fate of missing Americans saidIni_ possession of his 5-year-old imports, a move that some re-
yesterday that unless the Viet- GAURIGANJ, India (P) i finers say could cost each
namese "break out of the ster- Prime Minister Indira Gand- cl. American family an additional
ile negotiating mold of the hi's son Sanjay said yesterday Airport sources in Vienna said $16 a year in higher costs for
past," the mission will fail. that an attempt to ssssinate the jet commandeered by the food and sugar.
' sallowed Lo drag on for ti n e-
tire 60 days, it might be too State
late to help many sugar beet!
farmers who are preparing this
year's crop. - ed m l
Sugar refiners, who have pro- Feed mill
tested cutting quotas, say that
if Carter follows the comfnis- CADILLAC (UP
sion recommendation, it would contaminated fes
"have a potential" to increase ordered closed by
retail sugar prices for the av-
erage family by at least $16 Department of A
1975 but remained
a year. Warm Bureau Se
The refiners yesterday urged intervened.
?I) - A state'
terday a PBB
ed mill was
the .Michigan
Agriculture in
open after a
rvices official
ichigan's first
ld Wester, an
tment inspec-
y, said traces
nical are still
McBain Plant
in Missaukee County.
Wester 'was the fifth witness
called to testify in farmer Roy
Tacoma's $1 million damage
suit against Farm Bureau
Services and Michigan' Chemi-
cal Co. The lawsuit blames the
two firms for the contamination
of tons of livestock feed with
the rfire retardent chemical
polybrominated biphenyl PBB.
As a result of the contamina-
tion thousands of farm animals
died or were destroyed and
some meat and dairy products
in the state were contaminated.,
Volume LXXXVII, No. 130
Wednesday, March 1$, 1977
Is edited and managed by students
st the University of Michigan, News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a i ly Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer.session published Tues
dlay throughx Saturday morning.
Gubscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 y mail outside Ann
°. ;o nSln rrnd to ri«nrr nn f"n« 4 in nn_ w r..____s___ e- _____.__
The five - member commis-
sion headed by Leonard Wood-
cock, president of the United
Auto Workers, arrives in Ha-
noi today hoping the talks on
American MIAs may also lead
to - normalizing relations with
"There are very few negotia-
tions I've been in with as little
leverage on.our side," the labor
leader said in an interview
aboard the presidential jet fly-
ing the groupto this American
air base.
He said the United States had
advised the Vietnamese of the
seriousness of its intention
through third parties such as
the'Soviet Union.
"I'll tell you what we don't
want to hear, and that is con-
tinuing talk by them about the
linkage of issues," Woodcock
said. He was referring to Viet-
nam's past insistence that
those articles of the 1973 Paris
agreements dealing with the
return of missing personnel
and American economic aid be
tied together.
"If we get mired down in
talking about that situation,:
then. we know we have failed,"
he said.
him was "eirher inept or not
serious." The opposition in In-
dia's national elections said it
was faked.
"Whoever it was didn't go
about it very efficiently," Gand-
hi told The Associated Press in
his first interview since the al-
leged assassination attempt;
here Monday night.
Five shots were fired at;
Gandhi's campaign jeep and'
one of the three that hit it nar-
rowly missed Gandhi in the;
front passenger seat, accord-
ing to the account by India's
national news agency. His se-
curity guard returned fire but"
the attackers escaped in the
dark, the agency said.
The prime minister's 30-
year-old son is running here
for a parliament seat that
would be his first elected job.
National elections, delayed a'
year by his mother's now-end-
ed 19-month suspension of
many civil liberties, start to-
day and the attack came as a
largely peaceful campaign sea-
son \was drawing to a close in
much of India.
gunman was over Poland head-
ed for Russia.
One daughter, a 3-year-old
handed over Monday by his for-
mer mistress in the Ivory
Coast, was among 21 passeng-
ers aboard the Iberia Airlines
Boeing 727 along with the hi-
jacker, 36-year-old Luciano
Porcari's estranged wife in
Turin, Bella Zavoli, refused to
let their 5 -year - old daughter
go because, she said, the one-
time mechanic was dangerous.
Records in the Abidjan, the
Ivory Coast capital, said Por-
cari shot and wounded two sold-
iers and his wife was hit in the
face by a bullet when she tried
to leave with the child in 1972.
After shuttling from Spain to
the West African capital, back
to Spain, Italy, Switzerland and
again to Italy, the jetliner had
been circling Turin under or-
ders from Porcari not to land
until he heard the voice of the
5-year-old daughter.
Agriculture Secretary Bob
Bergland wants imports of
cheaper foreign sugar reduced
to help drive up prices for,
American producers. He says
without higher prices the do-
mestic industry is sunk.
Sources in the Agriculture
Depai ment said yesterday
that Bergland's proposal also
includes government price sup-
ports for American growers and
that he has "continued to
press" for it.
The U. S. International Trade
Commission recommended Mon-
day that the current sugar im-
port quota of seven million
tons be cut to about 4.3 million
tons annually over the next five
years to help protect the do-
mestic industry.
Carter has 60 days in which to
approve, reject or change the
commission's recommendation.
If he does nothing, it will take
effect automatically.
One USDA source said Berg-
land fears that if the decision
Carter to ask Congress for hear-
ings on possible sugar legisla-
tion. They also said that "re-1
strictive quotas on importedt
sugar will be the most expen-t
sive way" of aiding U. S. farm-t
Supplies to Zaire
Cartertadministration has de-
c ided to speed about $1 million.
Testifying in M
PBB trial, Haro
Agriculture Depar
tor from Lake Cit
of the toxic chen
turning up at the
Join The Daily Staft
.. . . .. .....mim mara aam em m aasms
An Evening of BLUES with
in military and medical sup-i
plies to Zaire after the central
African country's urgent re- I
quest for aid to repel intruders!
from Angola.
The U. S. budget for fiscal
year 1978 calls for $32.5 million
in military security assistance
for Zaire. U. S. officials said " ,
the emergency aid would re-
quire no new funding and that
the administration consulted
with members of Congress be-
fore deciding to accede to the 'r
request to speed up the aid..
"We are confident their re-
quest is based on legitimate
need," S t a t e Department
spokesman Frederick Brown
said yesterday in describing the
airlift from Dover Air Fo ce
Base in Delaware to Kinshasha,
the capital of Zaire.
Zaire's official news agency
said yesterday that the intrud-
ers, about 5,000 strong, were
led by Cubans and supported'
by "a third power for ideologi-
cal reasons." It was the first!
time the agency accused Cub-!
ans of leading the intruders, al-
though it had hinted at it be-
Belgian radio, said Zaire had
asked for American help not
because of the size of the in- -.-
vading force, but because it
was armed with such modern
weapons as missiles and long-
distance rockets.
White House Press Secretary
Jody Powell said Tuesday that
approval for the shipment to
Zaire came from President Car-
Powell said no arms were in-
volved. Nor, he said, were any
American personnel involved in
the activities in Zaire.
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MENT OFFICE, Room 3529, Stu-
dent Activities Bldg., or call 764-
Wednesday, March 16,19'77
Psychiatry: D. Offer, U. of Chi-
cago, "Four Psychological Types of
Juvgnile Delinquents,"' CPH Aud.,
8:30 a.m.
WUOM: National Town Meeting,
"The Equal Rights Amendment:
What Next?" 10:30 a.m.
Commission for Women: Women's
Film Festival, 3205 Union, li a.m.
Ctr. Afro-American, African Stud-
ies: H. Cruse, "Black Politics: Re-
assessment of the Sixties," CAAS
f. Rm., noon.
. Int'l. Gtr.: "Getting Around Over-.
seas: Trains, Railpasses, Ships, Cars,
Flights," Int'l. Ctr., noon.
ISMRD:, W. Cruickshank, "Learn-
tng Disability: Adolescent & Young
Adult,". 130 8. First St., 3 p.m.
Math Club: M. Nashed, "Episodes
in the Development of Generalized
Inverses," Rmn. 229, W. Eng., 4 p.m.
Ristory/Judatc Studies: E. Sivaa,
Hebrew U., "The Sanctity of the
Holy Land in Islamic Tradition,"
451 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
Psychology: i. Luce, Harvard, "The
Psychophyatsi Homrunculus as Sta-
tistician," Rm. 121, Perry Bldg., 4
Industrial & Op. Engrg.: ! . Loup,
R. Ament, OPHA, 'Development of
Hospital Case Mix Indices," 229 W.
Eng., 4 p.m.
Studio Theatre: O'Neill's "The
Long Voyage Home,'" Arena Theatre,
4:10 p.m.
TV Ctr.: Preview, "Worlds of Wom-
en Series," 400 4th St., 7 p.m.
Alliance Francaise: D. Arajou, pi-
ano recital, Rackham Assembly, 8
Max Kade Deutsches Haus: '"Der
Verlorence," Deutsches Haus, 8 p.m.
Music Sch.: E. Derr, M. Derr, D.
Boylan, "Elaboration, of Vocal Mu-
sic in the Late 18th Century," Cady
Rm., Stearns Bldg., 8 p.m.
History/Judaic Studies: A. Halkin,
U. of Cal., "The Sanctity of Israel
in Jewish Tradition," Hillel, 1429
Hill, 8 p.m.
Int'l. Otr.: Middle East Series,
"Israeli Perspective," Int'l. Ctr., 8
3200 SAB - 763-4117
Camp Tamarack, MI, Coed. Will
interview Thurs., March 17, 9-12 and
Mon., March 21, 9-5. Register by
phone or in person.
Camp Niobe, MI. Coed. Will inter-
view Fri., March 18, 1-5 p.m. Reg-
ister by phone or in person.
Camp Westminister, MI. Coed. Will
interview Mon., March 21, 9-5. Open-
ings include waterfront director,
program director, counselors, busi-
ness mgr., arts and crafts director,
scuba instructor. Register by phone
or in person.
Murray Hotel, Mackinac, MI. Con-
tact 769-4222 for applications. Open-
ings include person to play piano
music during dinner hour and
evening, cooks, sec'y, maintenance,
food service, housekeeping.
S'at M arch 19 8pm
Bowen Field Hmouse
Eastern Michigan Unriversity
APRIL 4, 5 and 6
Candidates May Register in MSAOFFICES:
Rm. 3909 Michigan Union BY MONDAY,
MARCH 21-5 P.M.
TICKETS: $6.50 reserved, $5.50 general admission
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Schoolkids Records(Ann Arbor), and the McKenny Union (E.M.U.)
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Improve Your Professional Skills
Leern to Use and Teach Effective Decision-Making Techniques
Marrott Inn, Ann Arbor, Michigan
WHEN: Saturday, March 26, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
nui Making decisions Is never easy. And the more
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decide? Are you a businessman or woman, an
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ested in learning how to make choices? Then,
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take the time to learn more about decision-
flW This one-day workshop in decision-making will
ayshelp you learn to use and teach a decision-
making method that reduces the anxiety of
making choices and increases chances for good
results. It consists of mini-lectures and dem-
onstrations of how the decision-making process
works with particular emphasis on participant
practice and the application of principles to
real life situations.
Decision-making skills to be covered include:
learning what is important to you and how im-
'portant it is; clarifying what you want in life;
expanding your alterantives and developing new
ones; confronting the obstacles that keep you
from deciding; assessing and understanding
your personal risk-taking characteristics; learn-
ing to take action; and becoming an assertive
and responsible decision-maker,
Workshop tuition ($30) includes coffee, lunch
and decision-making materials. To register,
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gram (212) 582-6210.
I will be attending your workshop, Improve Your Professional
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