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March 16, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-16

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Page Two


Wednesday,.lVtarch 1 , 1977._

Page Two FHE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 16, 1977

m I
RlE l

Fifth Smash Week
Shows.Today at
P. 2All Seats $1 .5 Till 5:00
10 Academy Award Nominations
including BEST PICTURE

Black South African blasts Goldwater denies links
., .Gdaerdmshk

azparthieid; U. Involvement

to organize'd crime


3 H

PG - G177 TwentithCe
403 LI, A/ ea t ete Ce
r..b . ...

Fourt-h Magical Week!
shows Toay at
All Seats $1.25 Till 5:00

University Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes,
who will present his report on
the University's' 1977-78 econom-
ic status to the University Re-
gents tomorrow, says the out-
look is poor, with a possible $7j
million deficit. "
A tuition hike is "inevitable,"
Rhodes said, but the final de-
cision is up to the Regents, he
RHODES AIMS to present the
Regents with a budget in April
in an effort to inform students
of a tuition hike prior to sm-
mer break.
University .administrators re-
main wary of disclosing what
will be cut from current Uni-
versity programs to bridge the
$7 million budget gap until the
final figure for state allocations
is learned.
Gov. Milliken has recommend-,
ed a $9.7 million increase inj
funds to the University for 1977-
1978, but this figure has not been
ratified yet by the state iegis-
lators. Budget hearings are set
to be held in Lansing later this
UNIVERSITY officials remain
pessimistic about the chances of
receiving -more money from the
state in lieu of Milliken's pro-;
posed record budget.

Other issues will be taken up
by the Regents in their monthly
public discussion session. on
Chief Finiancial Officer James
Brinkerhoff early this week re-
leased a report which appears
to all but extinguish the MSA
proposal for the re-use of the
Barbour-Waterman gyms.
the Regents states the MSA
proposal, which would convert
the gyms into badly-needed
space for student activities,
"could be accommodated more
economically in a new building."
The report, the third issued by
administrators recommending
the razing of Barbour/Water-
man, suggests that a new stu-
dent activities building would be
feasible if built on the parking
lot located directly north of the
current one.
Brinkerhoff" does recommend
that "the MSA program (fir a
new SAB) be considered for in-
clusion within the priorities of
the University."
MSA representatives have
worked out a detailed report
concerning the feasibility of us-
in g Barbour/Waterman for stu-
dent activities with the neces-
sary repairs being paid for by
students. According to the MSA
report. the gyms would work

C, "I


quite well for the current stu-
dent needs of offices, meeting
rooms and mock stages for re- By The Associated Press Sunday and there were wide
hearsals. Reports linking U.S. Sen. Bar- variations in the way the stor-
In further action, the Regents ry Goldwater, (R-Ariz.), his ies were handled.
are set to hear the Ann Arrtor brother Robert, and a close I Some papers started the series
chapter of the Public Interest friend to mob figures in Arizona as scheduled and said they........... . .
Research Group in Michigan have spawned new controversy, would continue daily articles for
(PIRGIM) propose a new fee with both Goldwaters attacking the 23-day span of the project. >
collection system for the coming the stories. Others said they would delay the
year. The new system would in- The Senator said Monday that series to allow for further edit-
volve a positive check-off where what he had seen of the stories ing and tailoring for local audi-
students would have to indicate was "totally false," libelous and ences.
their interest in funding the stu- was "rather shabby, rather dis- Some papers, citing the length ;
dent group before being billed. honest reporting." His brother of the installments - which run
PIRGIM board chairman Gary called the report "poppycock" several thousand words eacn
Claxton considers their request- and added: "None of my friends cut large sections of the reports. '
ed changes "essential to its sur- will pay any attention to it." Others made lesser changes.
vival." The group requests an A SPOKESPERSON for the
increase in the contribution per Investigative Reporters and Edi- THE REPORT sparked ccn-
term from $1.50 to $2.00, a col- tors, Inc., (IRE), which pro- troversy in the Arizona legisla-
lection of fees from students en- duced the series of stories in t'lre on Monday. Sen. Sue Dye,
rolled during the Spring'Sum- question, said the groupwould; (D-Tucson), criticized the Ari- G ld ater'
mer terms, a relaxation o' the stand by its work. zona Republic and Phoenix Ga-
requirement that one-third off A 36-member team of journal-! zette - which participated in
the student body contribute to ists from 23 newspapers and the IRE project - for deciding he had cancelled two appoint-
PIRGIM if the fee collection is broadcast outlets went to Ari- not to publish the entire series. ments.
to continue and that the Recents zona six months ago to investi- Sen. Leo Corbet, (R-Phoenix).
let students giure authorization gate organized crime. The I"said he snnported the newsna- G 0 L D W A T E R telephoned
to the gronp for collection of group said the aim of the effort ner's stance. members of the news media in
dues for future terms, subject was to continue the investiga- Tn the first two days,. -n"- his home state of Arizona on
to cancellation at any tme. tive work of reporter Don Bolles 1ished accounts of the series said Monday. He' also said he had
These requests are being of the Arizona Republic who was there was widespread organized seen pub'ished reports of the
made in the wake of a Janu ary murdered last June. One man crime in Arizona, often con- series and added: "I would say
decision by the Regents to ater' has pleaded guilty to second de- doned by political leaders who from the copies of the original
the current PIRGIM f:'nding gree murder in the case; two nrofited from associations with material that we've gotten our
system where students are as- are awaiting trial. the underworld. The Monday in- hands on . . . I would have to
sessed unless they indicate they Goldwater said Monday that sallment focused on the two say, not being a lawyer; that
-.. ........he believed -the reporters had Goldwaters and on a close they're all libelous. What I've
.!gone to Arizona "hoping to solve friend, Harry Rosenzweig, for- seen of it is totally false,"
the Bolles murder." When they mer Arizona Renniblican chair- Asked if he would file suit, the
o found they could not solve the man. R e p u bl i c a n Senator said:
murder, he said. "they set out to Both Robert Goldwater, who "That's something we're taking
do a job on Arizona." 'He con- Pads the family business. and a look at."
"They used the Bible in the ceded that organized crime does Rosenweig. a jeweler, were in- Anthony Insolia, managing ed-
right hand and when we looked exist in Arizona, "particularly in terniewed by IRE members itor of Newsday, the Long Island
up, they shot us with the gun the field of land sales." with their attorneys present. newspaper, and story editor for
in the left," he declared. "The: Barry Goldwater was not. He the IRE report said: "We stand
white man has come only to' THE COPYRIGHT series of said he was forced to cancel one on what we have reported and
do onesthing: confiscate our re- renorts by the IRE was released an"'ointrnent with the roun be- written based on six months of
sources."d to participating newspapers and callse of family obligations: a , intensive, dedicated investiga-,
Seatholo specified sever e as- broadcasters for use starting snokesnerson for the IRE said I tion in Arizona."


5th H
1 00-3
All Sec

ilarious Week!
hows Today at
:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 '
Open 12:45t
ats $1 .25 Tilt5:00
er o
3 _ _.
______ __ I
-___"" ° t- '- -i
j ti

Rhodes warns of n


LotsO Seatholo, exiled lead-
f South Africa's Soweto Stu-!
ndependent study programs in 3
7 countries around the world!
Ulnique program for adding r;
dimension to your educa-
ion and developing per-
anal initiative: orienta-
ion, languages, in-country
homestay,. contemporary j
culture seminar, indepen-
lent study project. Apply
he Experiment's
school for International Training
Iquies OfIce

dent Representative Council,
came to campus last night with
a powerful attack on apartheid.
"Whites have institutionalized
violence in South Africa and I
won't blame anyone who says
'Let's kill allythe white folks
in South Africa.' I'm not op-
posed to that," he said. "I've
never met a white man who
could prove to me he was op-
posed to apartheid."
Speaking at the School of Edu-
cation's Schorling Auditorium,
Seatholo said South African
whites have, since the nation's
origins, relied on exploitation
of the native black inhabitants.
OPEN 1 1 A.M.

pacts of oppression in the apart-
heid policy:
- Education. South African
blacks have been forced to learn
lessons in the white language of'
Afrikaans. "We told the authori-
ties that we weren't interested
in learning Afrikaans," he said.
"Afnikaans is a poison to us..
This education makes us better
tools for them."
- Hospitals. He said Southj
African whites have provided
hospital service to blacks only
to make them more efficient;
tools for white society.-
Attempts at protest - peace-+
ful demonstrations, studenti
strikes, and boycotts - have
been met with violent repres-!

Playboy photographer scours
campus for Big Ten Girls'

(Continued from Page 1)
eager for the exposure, sat in
Chan's Campus Inn suite last
night to talk to him about it.
The young women, who read
about Chan's Ann Arbor hunt
in The Daily or were approach-
ed by the photographer as he
scanned the campus, filled out
index cards with their names,
addresses, phone numbers, and
"pertinent measurements."

Daily Classi
Get Resu


i i
SCHOOL YEAR. Applications are now beinq accepted for
for students to head Mediotrics films, Musket, Soph Show,
Children's Theatre, Eclipse Jazz, Ticket Central, Travel
Sei, Sp,,eial Events, and Assistantsto esthe Pesident ,atnde
Financial, Co-ordinating and Public Relations Vice-Presi-
dents. Pick up an application at the University Activities
Cener, 2nd floor, Michigan Union. Deadline: March 21,
- --

Noting whether the women:
would pose clothed, semi-nude,
or nude, if the magazine asked
them to model, Chan rifled
through the portfolios which the
experienced applicants offered
him. The veteran Playboy, pho-
tographer took the others into
the hallway and snapped Pola-
roid shots of the fully-clad coeds
who were without modeling
PHONE CALLS regularly in-
terrupted the session as more
women expressed their interest
in setting up appointments writh
"Quite a few mamas are call-
ing up," he remarked..
The "mamas" who were at
the hotel last night leafed
through a copy of Chan's Latest
Playboy layout and munched on
the nuts and drinks he had the
Campus Inn room service de-
IN AN ATTEMPT to make the
prospective models feel com-
fortable, Chan had ordered up
a Stroh's eight-pack and bottles
of Coke and Seven-Up.
Three of the women had done
nude modeling before.
"I'm not too uptight about it,"
said Kathy Beresa, 23, who plans
to enter art school here in the
fall. Outfitted in a jump-suit,
the blond-haired Beresa said she
used to model nude for art
school classes.
"EVERYBODY has a body;-
it's nothing to be ashamed of,"
she said.
"It's art," continued Carolyne
Beauchamp, 24, who met Chan
at the Blue Frogge bar Monday
night. "If it's a good shot and
shows her body in a form or
shape, like any other piece of
art, it's' beautiful," she said.
"If it's exposure for the girl
and makes money for the maga-
zine, how can you go wrong,"
said Beauchamp, who plans to
take language courses here in
the spring. Beauchamp also has

worked as a dental assistant
and modeled nude.
DARK - HAIRED, dark - eyed
Debbie Coleman, a student
teacher with nude modeling ex-
perience, doesn't "care what
other women think" about pos-
ing for the granddaddy of girlie"
"I couldn't do it," said Julie
Savereno, 'a. physical education
sophomore. "Its a good maga-
zine, but I don't like the pic-
Chan approached Savereno and
her friend, Denis'e Muller, after
seeing'the two :stt'nts working
at Miller's Ice Cx'eam Parlur.
CHAN LATER ran into the
two women on South University,
identified himself, ad told them
he was interested in'taking their
"He asked us if we wentF to
school, where we're from, and
then he showed us his card and
we freaked out," said Muller,
an 18-year-old freshperson don-
ned casually in a teeshirt and
"He said you didn't have to
take your clothes off, so what
the heck, we decided to come
over and check -it out," Savar-
eno explained.
ASKED WHETHER she'd con-
sider posing nude, Muller said,
"I doubt it, I'm too self-con-
Chan will take " the photo-
graphs to Playboy headquarters
in Chicago, where the staff will"
look over the pictures and make
offers to some of. the women.
The fall spread will feature
three or four girls from each
Big 10 school, in which some
will be clothed and others will
When Teresa Morley walked
in the room, Chain explained
that he first saw her on the
street and it was the "first time
I ever stopped a car to retrieve
a girl."

How the energy
CIiS chills
your chances
So you're geting your degree and
looking for that perfect job. More
power to you. Literally. You'll need it.'
America will have to find the energy
it takes to make you. a job.
Expressed as heat, this nation
spends at least 71 quads of energy a
year. T1hat's 71 quadrillion BTUs. A 71
folkcwed by 15 zeroes. Since one BTU
will heat a pound of water one degree
Fahrenheit, we're talking about bring-
ing 219 trillion pounds of ice to a boil.
That's a glacier thirteen miles long,
two miles wide and a mile thick.
Every year.
Each working man and woman's
share of our 71 quads comes to
8(X),(XX),(XX} BTUs. Of course all that
cnergy isn't spent on the job. Nor do
all jobs take the same amount,
although most spend more than we
think. But when you kok at our avail-
able energy and the 89,(XX),XX) people
at work, then &JO,OO0,000) BTUs is
each job's share.
Now think about the 18,(XX),(XX)
mr1e U.S. men and women experts say-
will be koking for jobs over the next
ten years. At 8(Xl,(XX),(XX) BTUs apiece.
we'll have to come up with an extra.
14.4 pcjad of energy to create new
jobs for them..
At Armrco, we face the energy
problem every day because it takes
about 29,(XX).(XX) BTUs to make each

toncof steel.(ur energybill last year
came to over S3(X),(X}0),(XX. The cost
keeps climbing every year. No wonder
companies conserve energy We have
to, even though most of Armco's
energy comes from coal which we
mine ourselves. When companies can't
get energy, people lose their jobs. We
all learned that during the winter. The
energy crisis is here. And it's huge.
Plaitn talk abut
We Americans already know how to
solve the energy crisis. We have the
technology to reach solutions. Yet each
solution ciomes with its own set of
political problems. Natural gas mustn't
cost too much. Offshore oil mustn't
spoil our beaches. Coal mustn't rape
the land or poison the air. The atom
mustn't threaten to destroy us. Energy
conservation mustn't interfere with.
spending BTUs for worthy reasons.
Fair enough. But so far, we're pay-
ing more attention to the problems
than we are to the energy itself. We've
got to stop making every social goal
an ideological crusade. We need to
think things through and make rational
trade-offs if we're ever going to get
those 1 8,}(}),XX additional jobs.
Next time some zealot crusades
for anything, test the crusade against
this question: Does it jrmdwce at least
0ne1 BTU's s'mwrth of energ:' If not, it
won't do a thing to help you get a job.

Free-Armco's plain
talk on how to get
a job
We've got a free booklet to help you
get a job. Use it to set yourself apart,
above the crowd. We answer 50 key
questions you'll need to know. Like
why you should bone up on companies
you like. What to do after the first
interview. Hints to make you a more
aggressive, attractive job candidate.
All prepared for Armco by a consult-
ing firm specializing in business
recruiting, with help from the place-
ment staff of a leading university.
Send for your free copy of How to
Get a Job. Write Armco Steel Corpora-
tion, Educational Relations Dept.,
General Offices, U-2, Middletown,
Ohio 45043. Our supply is limited,
so write now.
Amico wants y p plain talk
o ®
about eegy and fobs
Does our message make sense? We'd
liket n orw wha i -nk ni nr

What can you do with only a bachelor s degree?
Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an
undergraduate education and a challenging. respon-
sible career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do
work traditionally done by lawyers.
Three months of intensive training can give you
the skills-the courses are taught by lawyers.{ You
choose one of the seven courses offered--choose
the city in which you want to work.
Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training
has placed more than 1600 graduates in law firms.
banks, and corporations in over 75 cities.
If you are a senior of high academic standing and
are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant.
we'd like to meet you.
Contact your placement office for an interview with
our representative.
We will visit your campus on
nAIE cneY lMnnAV Mu 'LI E'211

MUSKET ifli{
MARCH 31-APRIL 3, 1977
[vening Performance I
8:00 I.n4. . t


Matinee, April 3
2:00 p.m.
t2 fn tA Rn A r

,3 Y;

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