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i au
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 130
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 16, 1977
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Postcard blues
Harry Horton still doesn't understand why his
superiors at the Ohio Department of Liquor Con-
trol fired him. Horton started down the road to
ruin when he wrote his boss asking if he could
work as a full-time clerk instead of part-time.
Unfortunately no one ever told Harry what sort
of stationery he should use. Consequently, when
George Schoeffel, Cleveland district sales super-
visor for the liquor department, received a post-
card fromn Horton bearing a picture of a purple
butterfly sitting on a horse's rump, he was far
from pleased. "It was a poor choice of stationery,"
snorted Schoeffel, explaining Horton's dismissal.
Horton is still in a fog. "People buy posters like
this for their houses and everything," he lament-
ed. Not in Ohio, kiddo.
Imagine yourself dashing across an open field,
your cap-and-ball Springfield rifle firmly in grasp,
as a group of Confederate soldiers tries to find
you in their sights. Huh? you say? Be this some
variety of Roots-inspired dementia? Hardly. This
is just to tell you that the First Michigan Volun-
teers Commemorative Civil War Association is
looking for a mess of good men and women. The
group will hold an organizational meeting on March
20 at 2:30 at the Ann Arbor YMCA for all those
who think they'd like to spend their Sunday After-
noons braving clouds of gunpowder in -mock bat-
tles, Mostly by way of such bogus clashes or
parades, the Volunteers hope to re-acquaint us
with the Civil War period. The group emphasizes,
though, that it does not wish to glorify the war,
the purpose of the demonstrations being purely
educational. If you sig on, you'll be outfitted in
a soldier's uniform copied from authentic Civil
War uniforms on display in the Smithsonian In-
stitute. The Volunteers want you!
The odd squad
The fabled charm of Paris in springtime seems-
to be making an early appearance this year. Yes-
terday, a giddy bunch of up-front oddballs gave
the press a previewa of a frankly foolish affair-
the Eleventh Festival of Silly Records. On hand
was a rotund Frenchman, a Monsieur Nangetout,.
who calmly chomped down a cup and saucer while
outlining his menu for the coming week. "Next
week, I am going to eat a child's bicycle, start-
ing at the handlebars. Another deft performer,
a razor blade clamped between his toes, gave a
volunteer a shave.
Happenings ...
start at the sleepy hour or 8 this morning with
registration for those who wish to participate in
Workshops in Chest Physical Therapy; those in-
terested should go to the Towsley Center ... at
the Michigan League at 8:30, you can register
for Community College Day, courtesy of the Ex-
tension Service ... Listen to Prof. Danial Offer
of the University of Chicago speak on "Four Psy-
chological Types of Juvenile Delinquents" at the
Children's Psychiatric Hospital auditorium at 9:30
..., from 9:30 to noon and 1:30-5, leading Japa-
nese scholars in sociology, social psychology, jour-
nalism, and statistics will discuss the role of wom-
en in post-war Japan at Ann Arbor's Campus Inn
... there will be a women's film festival in the
Returning Students Lounge from 11-2 ... the In-
ternational Center will hold 'a bag luncheon at
noon - you can get some tips on getting around
overseas ... also at noon, Vladiniir Gvozdanovic
will give an illustrated lecture on "The Influ-
ences of Carolingian Art in Southeastern Europe"
in the Commons Room of Lane Hall ... and ifthat
doesn't excite you, go listen to Dr. Harold Cruse
speak on "Black Politics: Reassessment of the
Sixties" at noon in the CAAS Conference Room,
1100 S. University ... six tax experts will discuss
"A New .Tax Structure for' the United States"
at 4 in Hale Auditorium in the Business Admin-
istration Assembly Hall ... at 6, tune in to WCBN
for "the Nice Ladies Comedy Hour" ... the AFSCME
Student Support Committee will meet at 7 in
Greene Lounge in East Quad ... also at 7, there
will be a seminar in Great Lakes limnology in
2032 Dana Building ... then from 7-10, the Univer-
sity Television Center will show "Worlds of Wom-
en" ... Solo vocal music of Haydn will be dis-
cussed by Prof. Ellwood Derr and performed by
soprano Michelle Derr and pianist Deanna Boyle
at 8 in the Cady Roomx of .the Stearns. Building
.. then at 8/ the International Center will present
"Israeli Perspective" as part of their Middle East
series ... also at 8, Dr. James Kirsch will speak
on "Personal Recolleetions of Dr. Jung" at Can-
terbury House, corner of Catherine and Division
... and finally, Prof. Richard Ford will discuss
problms faced by Southwest Indians at 8:30 in
the Anderson Rm. of the Union.
On the outside... .
Westerly winds will bring us partlycloudy skies
today and (boo-hoo!) lower temperatures. The
mercury will hover around the low fifties and high
forties today, with a high of 52. Tonight, however,
make sure you wear your thermal undies to bed,
for the low will be around 22. Sad, my friends,
but all too true.
Sky-high start for Ren-Cen
Special T' The Daily
DETROIT - The Renaissance
Center, a $337-million develop-
ment which has captured the
Motor City's lagging economic
hopes, opened yesterday to huge
crowds of curious onlookers. The
Center's five towers rise high
above the city's downtown area,
transforming the old skyline into
a vision of the future.
"Today marks an .important
milestone for those who believe
this oation's cities can be revit-
alized." declaredsGovernor Wil-
liam Milliken at the Center's
dedication ceremonies. "Stand-
ing here this morning, looking
at the magnitude of this center
and at the supoort for Detroit
evidenced by those in attend-
ance, I see new evidence we
will succeed in a joint effort to
save Detroit."
JUDGING BY the size of yes-
terdav's crowd, local interest in
the Center is indeed strong.
Thousands milled about in the
giant lobby, lounged on the plush
conches gazed at the numerous
tanestries and bent their heads
backward to neer up at the mon-
strns- b ildines towering above
the;,1, More than a few were
honing that the Renaissance
(>?nter ,,td he the seinnina
of the end for the troubled city
of Detroit.
See DETROIT, Page 7
A view from above shows a large restaurant and lounge area
wyhich stretches through the Center's lower levels.
The Reivissance Center, which opened yesterday, is looked to by many Lo revitalize a de-
caying downtown Detroit.
_ __.-
nurse '<S
New doubts plague VA trial
With Wire Reports
The trial of two nurses ac-
cused of poisoning patients at
Ann Arbor's Veteran's Adminis-
tration (VA) Hospital continued
yesterday as the University re-
fused to release psychiatric rec-
ords of another nurse - now
dead - who reportedly con-
fessed to the poisonings before
she killed herself.
The University refused to re-
linquish the records of Betty Ja-
kim, 51, who reportedly con-
fessed to her psychiatrist at the
University"s Neuro-Psychiatric
Institute that she had poisoned
the patients. She also reportedly
left a note exonerating the de-
fendants before she committed
suicide Feb. 3.
DEFENSE attorneys for Leon-
ora Perez, 32, and Filipina Nar-
ciso. 30l, su bpoenaed the records
covering Jakim, but the Univer-
sity withheld them on the
grounds that the common law
guarantee of confidentiality be-
tween patient and doctor pre-
vented their release.
"The University moved to
quash the subpoenas. on the ba-
sis that they are subject to pa-
tient-physician privilege," said
University attorney Roderick
Daane. "Confidentiality is a crit-
A 24-year-old woman was raped at knife-point after she was
kidnapped with her two roommates as they were leaving a restaur-
ant on Ann Arbor's west side early yesterday morning.
According to Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny, the ab-
ductions are still under investigation and the police have no sus-
- POLICE SAID the women were leaving the West Bank Res-
taurant at 2900 Jackson road about 1:45 a.m., and as they entered
their car, a man with a knife forced himself into the back seat.
He ordered the driver to head ,west on Jackson Road, toward
Dexter. Finally, they stopped in an area west of Wagner road.
According to Krasny, the man then bound the three women and
raped one of them.
He then left the women and drove away. in the car. The car
was found in the parking lot of Weber's Inn on Jackson road,
Krasny said.
The women freed themselves and ran to a nearby house where
they called the sheriff's department, Krasny said.
The women described the man as a 25-year-old white male,
about 5'9" and 150 lbs.
None of the women were known to be University students.
ical part of psychiatric treat-
Assistant U.S. Attorney Rich-
ard Yanko said that Jakim was
under suspicion buttnever an ac-
tual suspect, and that the gov-
ernment and FBI knew nothing
about her confessions to her psy-
chiatrist. .Asked if they knew,
Yanko said, "Capital N, capital
O and four exclamation points."
prosecutors have taken all steps
to give defense information. No
information has been withheld,"
he added.
Thomas O'Brien, one of the
four defense attorneys for Perez
and Narciso, said he received
additional information about Ja-
kim from the government yes-
terday. O'Brien would not elab-
orate on the new information,
but specified that it did not stun
from the re-opening of the Ja-
kim investigation ordered by
U.S. Attorney Philip Van Dam
earlier this week.
U.S. District -Judge Philip
Pratt told attorneys represent-
ing the University to outline
their arguments concerning Ja-
kim's records in writing by Fri-
day. Defense attorneys will re-
spond by Wednesday of next
week, with oral arguments com-
ing later.
O'Brien said the defense law-
yers might seek a dismissal of
the charges at that time if they
find the -government withheld
Meanwhile, jury selection
went into its third week vester-
day. Attorneys said selection
could be finished 'by Friday, but
it was not known if the Jakim
situation would delay the start
of testimony.
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
A softball game sprang up quickly at the School of Education yesterday.
5mm? andas? Sring
Mother Nature repented for her early win-
ter sins yesterday and bequeathed upon Ann
Arpor a balmy, cloudless preview of spring-
an ideal setting for campus revelers to lick
ice cream cones along South University, party
down on a people-filled Diag, or just curl up
on the lawn in hopes of prolonging last week's
Florida tan.
Bank thermometersQ flashed the happy tale
of the year's warmest day - the mercury
topped 70 degrees - and local worshipers re-
acted by peeling off shirts, breaking out the
beer and flocking outdoors in raucous celebra-
BUT SOME managed to combine the friend-
ly sun with a more pressing matter at hand:
"Actually, I'm sitting here drawing arti-
chokes," said Senior Laura Swain, whose Art
230 class retreated to a grassy portion of the
Diag. "I'm communing with nature and
checking out the hairy legs at the same time,"
she added, using water markers to sketch
vegetables on a large, white pad.
Swain, who offered a reporter a chilled can
(See SWEET, Page 7)
s f
B1g Ten
"Nine out of ten girls in the
Big 10 are beautiful, and the
tenth one goes to Michigan," a
frustrated, unappreciative cam-
Union may reverse
Evidence was building last night that bargainers for strik-
ing campus service workers would reverse their stand and ac-
cept the wage package offered by the University last week.
Although no official action on such a move was reported'last
night, "unofficial' conversations between University negotiators
and representatives of the American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583) were said -to be
pointing toward an agreement.
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