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February 20, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-20

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Page Two


Sunday, February 20. 1977


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i Common Market. The*J.Jma at m nt*U nnlAL*iJ a c PrtL 0.0ivng hpp n


British leader
Crosland dies

LONDON - British Foreign
Secretary Anthony Crosland, 58,
who last Sunday suffered a
stroke which asociates believ-
ed was brought on by the strain
of Rhodesia negotiations a n d
the chairmanship of the Com-
mon Market's Council of Min-
isters, died yesterday.
The death of Crosland leav-
es the ruling Labor government
with a major leadership gap at
a time when Britain has crucial
roles to fill in the Rhodesian ne-
gotiations and the European

A leading Labor party theor-
ist, Crosland was named fore-
ign secretary last April a n d
was scheduled to become chan-
cellor of the exchequer t h is
As Crosland's condition wors-
ened during the week, specula-1
tion grew over his replacement.'
Prime Minister James Calla-'
ghan may have to name a suc-
cessor quickly because Britain,
in the midst of efforts to settle
under Crosland's direction, was
the war between Rhodesia's
white minority government and
black nationalists, and w a s 7
chairing the European Common
Market council for a six-month1

a replacement is Dennis Healey,
the current chancellor of the
exchequer - British treasury
minister. Crosland and Iealey
were to have switched jobs in
July, but Healey is now tied
down preparing the annual bud-
get, and difficult negotiations
with the trade unions o v e r
curbing pay increases.
* * *
Cuba relations
HAVANA - The Cuban press
is maintaining total silence on
recent United States - Cuban
developments, but the C u b a n
government clearly hopes they
signal a chance to improve re-
lations with its big northern
Cuban news media complete-
ly ignored a visit this past week
by New York Democratic con-
gressman Jonathan Bingham.
The Foreign Ministry has de-
clined to comment on President
Carter's statement Wednesday
that he "would be willing to
move toward normal relations
with Cuba" if it showed re-
straint abroad and respect for
human rights at home.
Still, these and other recent
developments appeared to be
common knowledge among Cu-
ban citizens - many of whom
listen to the Voice of America
and to Florida commercial ra-
dio stations.

r oeigner s n eesay
their Cuban neighbors are iree-
ly discussing Bingham's v i, i tI
and Carter's comments about
Cuba. A visiting American en-'i
gaging Cubans in casual con-
versation is repeatedly told of
their hope for a resumption of
normal relations "provided we
can stick with our principles."
That's also the government
Translated, it means Cuba is,
unlikely to accept tough Amer-9
ican political terms as a pr:ce
for resumption of normal rela-
tions, broken since the last days
of the Dwight D. Eisenhower
administration in January 1961.I


standpoint, and I might help ; E d
you as president . . . through *to U. J.
the government structure.' nuclear
Joseph Califano, secretary of
education; Mary Berry, assist- WASHINGTON - The former
ant secretary for education; and head of the Environmental Pro-
Commissioner of Education Er- tection Agency says U.S. energy
est Boyer Iso were at the meet- policy should aim for "the phas-
ing in the Cabinet Room. ing out and eventual elimination
Carter asked them for "your of all nuclear power."
initiatives" on how to reduce the Russell E. Train, who f i r s t
reports and paperwork required headed the President's Council
from them, and said he intend- on Environmental Quality and
ed to propose comprehensive then the EPA under former Pre-
tax reform by the end of Sep- sidents Richard Nixon and Ger-
tember. aid Ford, expressed concern
, Iabout nuclear waste and the se-
Ohio River curity of dangerous nuclear ma-
terials. Train indicated. his
chemicals spill skepticism about the ability of
governments to cope with these
CINCINNATI - A 75-mile-long problems.
spill of a toxic chemical, be- Train resigned as EPA head
lieved discharged in West Vir- last month when the Carter ad-
ginia, is flowingdown the Ohio ministration took office.
River and threatening water Train's antinuclear v i e w s ,
supplies as far south as LouisI which had not been expressed
ville, Ky. while he was in office, were
Public officials urged people published in a newsletter of the
to boil all drinking water. Conservation Foundation, t h e
Joseph Harrison, chief of wat- environmental organization heI
er supply at Chicago's Environ- directed before assuming his
mental P r o t e c t i o n Agency government posts. He is rejoin-
branch, said the chemical ing the foundation on a part-
atime basis.


Carter asks ed.
leaders for help
WASHINGTON - President
Carter asked college and univer-
sity leaders yesterday to help
tolve the nation's problems and
said in turn he would ease the
burden of paperwork the gov-1
ernment requires from them.
"I want foremost a relation-
ship with you that is continu-
ing," the casually dressed Car-
ter said, "so that you might
help me with the problems that
affect our nation from an a.. a-
demic and also a practicalI


The GAO report noted the ed delegates for hours, urging
United States has 3.8 million them to support McLaughlin,
miles of highways, of which 929,- who eventually nosed out chal-
000 miles are on federal-aid sys lenger F. Robert Edwards for
tems. Latest available figures the post of party boss.
show that 1.29 trillion vehicle- Milliken told delegatesthat
miles were traveled in 1974 on; a vote against McLaughlin
the highways, three-fourths on would be a' repudiation of his

the federal network.
"The states are required by
law to provide adequate main-
tenance to the federal-aid high-
ways," GAO said. "However,
the Highway Administration has
not prescribed any maintenance
standards or guides for the stat-
es to use."
The report also said there is
little uniformity in the prfcedd
ures that federal field engineersI
use to appraise state mainten-
ance efforts.
Third term
for Milliken,
DETROIT - Gov. William
Milliken's fervent, personal in-
volvement in the reelection of
state Republican Party Chair-
man William McLaughlin may
be a sign Milliken plans to run
for a third full term as governor,
in 1978.
Milliken lobbied well into the
night Friday and waded into the
crowds on the convention floor,
yesterday on McLaughlin's be-
A grim-faced Milliken corner-

Would YoU
mi sthis?
The wind in your face,
The blur of trees,
The sudden spray of snow
that hangs suspended in
the crisp, still air...
No, this isn't the day
to stay home. Not for
anything. Not even your
So trust Tampax tampons.
Internal protection that
can't chafe or show, or.
feel bulky and awkward.
Tampax tampons-because on
a day like this you need
protection, not distractions.

carbon tetrachloride - can
damage the liver and has caus-
ed cancer in laboratory animals.
"If you don't drink it, y o u
probably won't be acutely af-
fected right away. There is a
risk, it could cause cancer even-
tually. It's a high risk," Harri-
son said.

Highway repair
WASHINGTON - Ameriia's
federal highways are wearing
out faster than they are being
repaired, in part because fed-
eral overseers have not enforc-
ed rules which require states to

own leadership.
The governor's intense inter-
est in getting McLaughlin re-
elected, and the fact that he
literally made it a contest be-
tween himself and Edwards,
pointed to the fact that he is
looking at his image and his
party's structure for 1978.
The governor, however, niain-
tamed that he has not yet de-
cided whether to run again.
"I didn'tmean one way or
the other to tip my hand," he
told reporters.
Milliken said he was pleas-
ed with the outcome of the con-
test, even though the closeness
of the final tally was viewed as
an embarrassment to him.
EGOP favors
death penalty
DETROIT - Michigan Repub-
licans have gone on rec.rd in
favor of instituting capital pun-
ishment as an optional penalty
for first degree murder.
The Michigan GOP adopted
the stance on a 572-267 voce Sa-
turday at its mid-term c nven-
The state Republicans said
Michigan should institute the op-
tional death penalty because it
could help deter serious crime.
Gov. William Milliken, the ti-
tular head of the state Repab-
lican Party. says he is against
the death penalty.
The GOP also adopted a plat-
form resolition pledging i t s
simport of a statewide petition
drive to require persons con-
victed of violent crimes to serve
at least their minimum ienten-
ces before becoming eligible for
That resolution was adopted
on a resounding voice vote. Wits
only two voices issuing feeble
Michigan Republicans rejecter
a platform proposal calling foi
gubernatorial appointment of
Sunreme Court Justices.
The proposal was rejected on
a close voice vote.




- -I

"We have a good idea at this fix the roads, the General Ac-
point what company is t h e counting Office charges.
source," said James Manwaring, ,
EPA director in Philadelphia,# The GAO, the accoulnting
e nebranch of Congress, also said the
firm problem might become worse,
because heavier trucks are be-
He said that carbon tetrachlor- ing allowed on the roads and
ide was found in three discharge because funds for repairs are
pipes of the FMC Corp. plant in becoming less available.
South Charleston, W.Va., one The GAO urged the Federal
of four producers of the chem- Highway Administration to get
ical in that area. tough with state officials i-espon-
sible for road maintenance.
FMC was the only one of the The GAO's comments were in
four plants that refused to allow a report last week to Transpor-
EPA inspectors to make t e 5 t s tation Secretary Brock Adams.
Feb. 8. FMC did agree to test- "Segments of the interstate
ing Friday during a federal dis- highway system appear to have
trict court hearing at Parkers- been inadequately maintained,
burg, W.Va., Manwaring said. and the highways are now de-
teriorating SO per cent fasteri
Msthan they are being replaced,"{
idwest's Larqest Selecton of the report said.
I I - -H

For students presently living in residence halls
who wish to return to the residence halls
for the academic year 1977-78
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1977
7:30 p.m.
Housing Reapplication for Students


Canadian and U.S.
from $289
CALL 769-1776
- fGreat Places
216 S. 4th Ave, Ann Arbor

It said the Highway Admin-
istration, which is part of the
Transportation Department, has
been lax in setting maintenance
guidelines and in penalizing stat-
es that do not repair the roads.
It urged the agency to make a
"substantial effort" to correct

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Who Win in Their Drawing:

Put the DAILY
on Your Doorstep!

The Internal protection more women htfS

Monday thru Friday

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m Friday for Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Sunday, February 20, 1977 I
Musical Society: Guarneri Quartet,
Reckham Aud., 2:30 p.m.
3200 SAB -763-4117
Dana Corp., Ottawa Lake, MI.:
Opening for Mech. and Metallurgical
engrs.- in tech. lab. Must have car
to get to work. Further details
Murray Hotel, Mackinac $sland:
Opening for music student - piano.
Furnish dinner and evening back-
ground music. Further details avail-
Camp Tamarack, MI.-Coed: Will
interview Mon., Feb. 21, from 9 to
1. Most staff positions are still open.
Register in person or by phone.
Lakeside Farm Camp, (Coed),
Watervliet (Girls), MI.: Will Inter-
view Weds., Feb. 23, from 10 to 5.
Openings include CIT Dir., Water-

March 14-March 18, 1977

Questions should be directed to your respective hall
or to the Housing Information Center, 1011 Student
Activities Building, 763-3164





Volume LXXXVII, No. 118
Sunday, February 20, 1977
Why wait until the afternoon to catch up is edited and managed by students
on what's happening in the world when the phone 74-0562Second class postage
Daily can be at your doorstep in time for paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
breakfast? Published daily Tuesday through -
breakastSunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 421 Maynard Street. Ann
We're prepared to bring you the best in Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
news and sports - so subscribe now and rtes:$1e pt. tru Apri 2 seid e-
don't miss a single issue! Arbor.
Summer session published Tues
TO GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION--STOP BY day through Saturday morning:
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
420 MAYNARD OR CALL 764-0558 Arbor $7.50 by mai outside Ann
April 23-April 30
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* round trip air transportation with meals & beverages
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front, WSI, ski-sailing instr., mu-
sic, nature, back-packing, canoeing
campcraft, theater, kitchen aids.
Register in person or by phone.
Monday, February 21, 1977
Physiology: John R. Pappenheim-
er, Harvard Medical School, "Receni
Progress Toward the Purification 01
Sleep-Promoting Factor,: 7745 Med
Sci. II, 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: P. Koehler
Fermi National Acceldrator Lab.
"Polarization Measurements in Elas-
tic Scattering at Fermilab Energie
- Any Surprises?", 2038 Randal
Lab., 4 p.m.
Ctr. Human Growth/Development
The Marriage of Hamey and Adisa
Feast; Miracle of Bali, Aud. 3 MLB.
8 p.m.
Musical Society: Alvin Alley Dan-
cers, Power Ctr., 8 p.m.
Music School: Wind Ensemble, Hill
Aud., 8 p.m.
Office of Financial Aid, applica-
tions now available for Spring/Sum.
mer, 19977 and Full Time Summei
Employment, application deadline is
February 25, 1977, Student Activities
building, room 2011.
The Center for Continuing Educa-
tion of Women will hold an Ad-
missions Information Clinic for
women who want to return to
school at a brown bag lunch on
Wednesday, February 23. Topics to
be discussed will include choice of
program, degree and non-degree ad-
missions categories, processing appli-
cations, and finding help with indi-
vidual problems and questions.
The Admissions Clinic will be held
from 12 noon-1:30 p.m. at the Cen-
ter, 328 Thompson Street. All per-
sons who are making -plans to be-
gin or continue an education are
welcome. Further information con-
tact CEW at 763-1353 or 764-6555.
Have a flai for
artistic writinq?
If you are interest-
ed in reviewing
poetry, and music
or writing feature
stories about the
drama, dance, film
arts: Contact Arts
Editor, c/o The
Michigan Daily,
in cooperation with
the Department of
Education and Culture
of the Jewish Agency


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