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Vol. LXXXVI , No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 20, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Su
House split
Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill is breaking
up with the person who has shared a home with
him for the past quarter century - and Mrs.
O'Neill is happy that she's finally getting her
husband back. It's the end of a 23-year arrange-
ment in which O'Neill shared a Washington apart-
ment with Rep. Edward Boland (D-Mass.) while
their families remained in their home states -
a common practice among Congressmen. Boland
will lose his roomie when Mrs. O'Neill joins her
husband in Washington. The two representatives
were known on Capitol Hill as the "odd couple."
"Eddie was meticulous..." O'Neill said. "I'd go
home for weekends and he'd spring clean the
place. Eddie made orange juice in the morning.
Squeezed the oranges himself." "There won't be
another like Tip," said Boland, who doesn't pian
to take another roommate. "We never had an
argument." Despite their sadness over the "break
up" both are anticipating Mrs. O'Neill's arrival
- 23 years as roommates they never cooked
one meal.
It's his fault
On lazy afternoons in California there is some-
times nothing better to do than sit and watch
the earth rise, and University Geology Prof. Bruce
Clark is doing just that. Clark is establishing an
equipment base at the ominous Palmdale Uplift,
a piece of turf near Los Angeles which has risen
so much in the past 15 years that Clark and
other scientists thing they can smell an earth-
quake. Clark is planting precise sensing devices
to register changes in ground pressure along the
SantaSusana-Sierra Madre and San Andreas faults.
He hopes this system will help forecast big quakes
which some geologists have predicted for southern
California, but adds "I think it will be another
five to 10 years before we'll be able to make re-
liable predictions as a matter of routine." Mean-
while, California will continue to quake, rattle
and roll.
. . get off to a late start today. Canterbury
House at the corner of Catherine and Division
is sponsoring this week's Gay Discussion on "Mul-
tiple Relationships" which begins at 3 p.m. . . .
the members of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps will
present their program of alternative lifestyle and
service at the Catholic Center, 331 Thompson
Street at 7 p.m. . . . if you haven't made any
dinner plans, why not hit the University Club
on the main floor of the Union between 5 and 8
p.m.? Discounted buffet meals are in the offing
. .. after you've quelled that tummy rebellion go
to the 5th floor lounge of Bush House, S o u t h
Quad at 8 p.m. for an Introduction to Baha'i Faith.
Refreshments will be served . . . also at 8, jazz
pianist Cecil Taylor will be at the Power Center
recording live for WCBN . . . on Monday, wake
up with your fingers crossed, the Tenants Union
is holding their drawing for their Benefit Raffle
Sale - prizes include breakfast with a landlord .. .
The Support Group for Single Parents will meet
today from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at the Center for Con-
tinuing Education of Women, 328-330 Thompson
St. . . . at 4 p.m. on the 6th floor of the ISR
building Dr. Ralph Tyler from the Center for
Study of Democratic Lnstitutions will speak on
"Ability Testing in a Democratic Society" . . . at
7 p.m., The Washtenaw County Child and Family
Service will sponsor a "Separation/Divorce Ad-
justment Group" at 2301 Platt Rd. . . . also at 7,
Rackham Student Government meets in the East
Alcove of the Rackham Bldg. . . . the Future
Worlds Lecture Series presents James Grace Boggs
on "Being American: The Challenge of Self-Govern-
ment" at 7 in the Rackham Auditorium . . . at
7:30, the Washtenaw Friends of the Earth will
hold a recruitment meeting in the Kuenzel Rm.
of the Union ... and the Archery Club holds an or-
ganizational meeting in Rm. 2220 of the Central
Campus Recreation Bldg. at 7:30.
Acclaimed (acrostic
Surprise! Departing from a well-established pat-
tern, The Sunday Magazine brings you a flawless
Acrostic puzzle today. No more transposed grids,
no more misnumbered clues - we're giving those
of you who've stuck with us a break. Good luck,
On the inside...
This week's tabloid Sunday Magazine features
an interview with Arb slayer Ricky Wayne Wi'son
by Jay Levin . . . and the Editorial Page brings
to you the Week in Review as compiled by Co-
editors Ann Marie Lipinski and Jim Tobin . . . The
Daily Digest on Page two details the death of
British Foreign Secretary Anthony Crosland . . .
finally, Kathy Henneghan and Scott Lewis write
about yesterday's big Michigan-Minnesota basket-
ball game.
Ott thf> (nif stiv..
Mic igan rom s
Rolls by stune
THEY WEREN'T STEPPING as lively as they were the day before, but couple num-
ber two - Tammy Bezrutch and Joe Rohatz ynski of Livonia Franklin High School - still
manage a simple two-step during a 40-hour be nefit dance marathon in the Union Ballroom
yesterday. Local Jimmy the Greeks are projecting Tammy and Joe as the winners.
They could dace all ight
They could have danced all night-and they
By yesterday afternoon, only seven of the
original 32 couples who entered the 40-hour
benefit dance marathon sponsored by Sigma
Nu fraternity still shuffled across the floor of
the Union Ballroom.
"MY FEET ache," admitted contestant Mar-
guerite Palmieri. "But I've got a second
"We'll make it without i doubt," predicted
her partner Jim Hallemann.
The 64 pairs of bumping, jiving, and aching
feet are part of a benefit for St. Jude's Chil-
dren's Hospital, a research center for catas-
trophic childhood diseases in Memphis, Ten-
nessee, founded by comedian Danny Thomas
in 1962. The dancing couples collected pledges
for donations from area businesses and resi-
TAMMY BEZRUTCH and Joe Rohatzynski,
stidents at Livonia Franklin High School, are
dancing with the most pledges behind them-
between $1100 and $1200 if they complete the
marathon. The couple will also receive the
See THEY, Page 3
The 4th-ranked Michigan
cagers handled the Minne-
sota Gophers and handled
them with surprising ease,
winning 89-70 before a sell-
out crowd of 13,609 at Cris-
ler Arena yesterday.
Nobody, but nobody ex-
pected Michigan to win so
big. In the teams' previous
encounter at Minneapolis,
Michigan edged the Goph-
ers 86-80 in a contest that
went down to the wire.
But this time Michigan took
an early lead and held on for
the rest of the game.
"YOU SAW our team play
about as well as -you are going
to see a team play in college
basketball," said Michigan
coach Johnny Orr. "They're not
going to play much better."
vA .Tom Staton layup broke an
8-8 tie early in the game. Michi-
gan then outscored the Gophers
in a short burst to make it 24-14
and maintained a 10-point lead,
48-38, at the half.
Staton led the way before in-
termission. The 6-3 swingman
had his best game of the sea-
son, scoring 12 in the first half
and 16 points overall on a sev-
en for nine effort from the floor.
"Staton gave them solid play
out of that forward spot which
is the key to Michigan being a
good team." said Minnesota
coach Jim Dutcher.
KNOWN FOR his defense,
Station limited Gopher forward
I ax Williams to just four points
in the first half. "I play up to
the ca;abillties of the man I'm
giardine." said Staton.
And Phil Hubbard had anoth-
er fine game against Minneso-
tWNs Michael Thompson. one of
the most highl --regarded cen-
te- in the countrv.
Huhhard had 28 points and
'atched the 6-10 Thomnson with
14 rebounds. Hubbard hit fire
oitside impers and co-tintally
worked his way free inside in
an 11 for 18 performance.
"Phil's a great player," said
Thompson. "He's very under-
rated. He shoild be a first team
All-American. He's as good as
a-nvne I've nlaved."
quite a show himself before
fouling out with 4:32 remaining.
The junior from the Bahamas
scored a game-high 32 points
on a combination of soft, turn-
around jumpers and layups.
"Michael's a great player,"
said Orr, "but we knew he'd
have to score a lot to beat us."
Thompson got little help from
his teammates as four starters
and substitute forward Dave
Winey, virtually the extent of
Minnesota's depth, played be-
low par. Dutcher attributed the
performance in part to fatigue.
The Gophers just completed
their seventh game in 5 days,
w'ich can be had on anybody
(rec:ling Michigan's 99-87
drubbing by Northwestern un-
der similar circumstances).
"We were awfully tired," said
Ditcher. "In the first five min-
utes of the game I saw how we
were reacting and knew we
were tired. Michigan played
See BLUE, Page 7
for Carte~
changes that President Carter
will propose Tuesday for the
new federal budget have a good
chance of getting through Con-
gress without major surgery,
budget analysts say.
Carter is expected to propose
an increase in spending of $16
billion to $17 billion for fiscal
year 1978, which begins next
Oct. 1, above what former Pres-
ident Gerald Ford proposed in
the $440 billion budget he sent
to Congress before leavingsof-
THE CARTER additions would
increase total spending to about
$457 billion, and the budget defi-
cit to between $55 billion to $60
billion. Ford had proposed a $47
billion. deficit.
"Most everybody will be aw-
fully surprised if there is an ex-
penditure number significantly
above that figure ($457 billion),"
said one budget analyst. Carter
and his budget director, Bert
Lance, are known to be concern-
ed over the size of the prospec-
tive deficit in 1978 because infla-
tion is increased by government
financing of large deficits.
The fiscal budget deficit for
the current year is expected to
be about $69 billii'i, compared
to the record high deficit of
S66 billion in fiscal 1976. Carter
has pledged a balanced budget
by fiscal 1981, and is concerned
that the huge deficits this year
and next would give the impres-
s-in that he has abandoned that
b'idget will be essentially "a
Ford budget" because, he main-
tained, the new Carter admin-
istration did not have enough
time to re-examine the entire
Most cif Carter's proposed
changes for 1978 are expected
in two areas.
First, he will recommend re-
storing most of the $10 billion
in cuts that Fordurgedin so-
cial service programs, such as
Medicare and Medicaid, food
stamps, child nutrition and jobs
The second big change will re-
sult from Cal-ter's $31-billion
two-year economic stimulus pro-
gram, which would increase
spending by about $8 billion in
Other changes considered like-
ly are a $2.5 billion reduction in
defense spending, from the $123
billion Ford proposed, and a
shift of about $160 million in
the energy field from nuclear
development to solar and coal
research and energy conserva-
"IT'S NOT THAT he's going
to shut down the nuclear pro-
gram; he's just going to try to
See CARTER'S, Page 3
"IT'S MINE!" "NO, I WANT IT." Wolverine Phil Hubbard
(3S) and Michael Thompson (43) of Minnesota engage in a
struggle that always draws a crowd, in yesterday's game at
Crisler Arena. The battle between the star centers was a draw,
but Michigan won the war, trouncing the Gophers 89-70 to
maintain sole possession of first place in the Big Ten.
GOP, Dems face primary battles
With Staff Reports
Tomorrow, Democrats in Ann Arbor's First and Fifth Wards,
and Republicans in the Second Ward, will have their chance to
choose their party candidates for the April 4 general city elections.
Residents of the First Ward, which includes most of Ann Ar-
bor's northwest side and West and South Quads, will decide whe-
ther Zane Olukans or Ken Latta will be the Democratic nominee
to face Republican Val Jaskiewicz and Socialist Human Rights
Party (SHRP) William Wilcox for the First Ward City Council seat.
OLUKALNS, who says she is "running as myself, and I happen
to be a Democrat," favors improvement of downtown and of the
city bus system, and stronger action against landlords who com-
mit housing code violations. She is a newcomer to First Ward
politics, and actively challenged incumbent Council member Liz
Keogh for the seat before Keogh decided not to run for re-election.
Latta, an employe of the University's Office of Academic Plan-
ning, has called for restructuring of city government and for ,tax
incentives to encourage new housing downtown. Ile feels his ex-
perience in the First Ward would make him a strong candidate.
Republicans in theSecond Ward - which runs out to the city's
northeast corner and includes all of the North Campus student
housing areas - will choose between Allen Reiner and Richard
Robinson (also known as "Dr. Diag ). The winner of tomorrow's
primary will face Democrat Leslie Morris and Libertarian James
Greenshields on April 4.
REINER, A financial consultant, sees housing as the city's
most pressing problem, and favors relaxing housing codes to al-
low landlords to put more students into housing. He says he favors
mass transit more than most Republicans ordinarily do, and feels
He doesn't yell 'COO ie',
but he's the next best thing
EDITOR'S NOTE: Six-year-olds Mikey Caryl and
Shawn Parks would ratherhave interviewed the Cookie
Monster or Big Bird but they agreed to settle for an
afternoon with the producer of those two Sesame Street
characters - Dave Connel. The first two paragraphs
of the following story are what Ann Arbor first graders
Mikey and Shawn wrote about their encounter with
the visiting producer. The rest is what our own 19-
year-old Jay Levin came up with.
"I like Sesame Street. Why do you like Sesame
Stree:? Because I like being a grouch. I wish I
were the Cookie Monster. I want to eat cookies.
Do you know why I like Sesame Street? Because
Sesame Street is happy. Big Bird is stupid be-
from the bearded man who sat next to them, sip-
ping coffee from a paper cup. It's not that they
were frightened of Dave Connel, producer of Ses-
ame Street - the show which brings Cookie
Monster, Big Bird, Bert and Ernie before mil-
lions of young eyes. But when you're six-years-
old and restless, you have to think extra hard
of questions to ask.
"Who's the man in the Big Bird suit," Shawn
asked shyly of Connel, who had just finished his
Saturday afternoon address to a film and video
class in the Residential College.
M 12