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September 11, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-11

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Page 4-Sunday, September 11, 1977-The Michigan Doily



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10 aug


Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109



News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and npanaged by students at the University-of Michigan
Life with a giant:The sad fate
getting along at modern 'U'

THERE WERE tents outside the
Student Activities Building last
week. Pitched under the windows of the
housing office, they housed several in-
dignant students who, upon arriving in
Ann Arbor, found they had no where to
live. Some had expected dorm space.
Other freshperson$ who expected
places in Bursley or West Quad or Alice
Lloyd found themselves parked in dorm
lounges, trying to smile through the first
daya of college they had hoped would be
so xciting. Instead of staying up late at
night, talking to newfound friends, they
worried over the coming days and won-
derd why they ever came.
We won't place blame on an ad-
ministrator or on office. But we might
take note of the tents and the crowdwd
lounges, and remember that we are part
of an institution that has grown so large
that it is impossible to prevent such
It would be futile to weep for a simpler
time that has gone the way of Rhett
Butler and Scarlett O'Hara. It is 1977,
after al, however regretful that may be.

great call for education, and, we are
reaping the results here at Michigan.
The unpleasant truth is that it takes a
while to fall in love with our university,
and the romance is usually based, at
best, on practicality.
ANY CLASSES are big beyond any
hope of establishing intellectual
rapport with professors. There are so
many students that one is surprised to
see more than two or three familiar
faces while crossing the Diag between
classes. At football games, we root with
a sea of strangers, not a cozy crowd of
friends and classmates.
HBow does the hugeness of the
University touch us? In these little, day-
to-day ways, yes. But it also shapes the
lives we lead for four college years. It
shapes the memories we will hold for
four college years. Our parents remem-
ber closeness and warmth in their
college years, but we must look much
harder for those things. For the students
sleeping on cots in dorm lounges, we of-
fer our sympathy. But their plight is
only an exaggeration of what we all
must go through.

Buddy, can you
spare a room?

Coalition leaders counter
the crisis is the sole responsi
of the University.

'he twentiety century has

made a

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THE UNIVERSITY'S peren- As one freshman victim
nial student housing shortage housing shortage put it,"
appears to be more acute this bad way to start four years c
year than in previous years. Just lege."
ask any of the dozens who've Deserting a sinking
been placed temporarily in dorm g
lounges, thrown in with RA's or shtp
tripled into double rooms until ITH STUDENTS car
housing is available. out in front of the St
One group of refugees foundd Activities Building to prote
momentary relief - and a ve- housing shortage, andi
hicle for protest - when they pit- freshpersons forced to doul
ched tents for two days just out- in dorms with RA's, John
side the doors of the University's kamp would seem to have p
Housing Office. The students, an opportune time to resi
who were upset about off-campus University housing director
as well as on-campus housing Feldkamp, who has hel
conditions here, formed the new post since 1966, will leave
Coalition for Better Housing. week to become general ma
Housing officials contend they of services at Princeton U
can do nothing more than what sity, but he will miss Ann Ar
they are currently doing in the "I'm excited about the ne
face of the shortage. They said but there are very mixed
the University can not afford to tions. I'm sad to leave An
construct additional dorms right bor," he said.
now. John Feldkamp, the depart- Until a successor can b
ing housing director, suggested pointed, University Vice-
that the Coalition might find dent for Student Affairs
more success if it directed its ry Johnson has Associate
protest toward Ann Arbor City ing Director Robert Hughe
Council. He said the city should ing director of the office. Jo
take more responsibility for said he will appoint a new,
housing students. tor within a year.
NY mayo,
just a two

r that
of the
It's a
of col-
est the
ble up
gn as
d the
w job,
nn Ar-
be ap-
es act-

Flim-flam man
THE SAGA of Bert Lance's
Tshady bank dealings began to
unfold into a nightmare this week
when the comptroller of the cur-
rency challenged Lance's claim
of a clean bill of health from an
August report written by the
John Heimann, who regulates
the nation's banks, reported that
the director of the Office of Man-
agement and Budget (OMB and
his family had abused their influ-
ence in Georgian banks by over
drawing from their accounts.
The August report, sent to the
Senate Governmental Affairs
Committee, did not clear the Car-
ter appointee of charges of bad
business, even though it revealed
no illegality, according to Hei-
had cleared his record after near-
ly a month of informal inquiries
and stories in the press about in-
terest-free deposits, and mul-
tiple bank deals.
"Lance was a very succesful
banker. His attention to detail
leaves somrething to be desired,"
said Heimann, who took office in
The comptroller said that the
most serious problem he turned
up "has to do with a pattern of
borrowing and then establishing
correspondent banking relation-
ships with lending institutions."
Meanwhile a Harris poll taken
in late August revealed this week
showed that Carter's positive
rating by the American public
has fallen steadily over the last
few months. Several major news-
papers, including the Washington
Post and the New York Times,
have called for Lance's resigna-
ZERO MOSTEL was a rich
His boisterous, zany, overpow-
ering comic characterizations
have brought a smile to even the
most sour faces, and he has
warmed the hearts of millions of
his fans 'round the world. He was
scheduled to star in a new Broad-
way show, The Merchant, this
fall, but those plans were held up
by his recent illness,'which for-
ced him to spend several days in
the hospital. Then, on Thursday,
he took a turn for the worst, and
died from what doctors called a

M ,
"cardiac failure," ending the ca-
reer of one of the most loved
comedians of our time.
'Mostel's many stage and film
credits include A Funny Thing
Happened oter Wa to t
was a Lady, The Producers,
Ulysses, and probably his best
known and certainly most loved
performance as Tevye in Fiddler
on the Roof, which was to win him
one of his three Tony Awards for
best actor in a play.
Always the joker, Mostel was
once asked what his thoughts
were during the curtaincalls. "I
just hope the beer is cold," he re-
plied playfully. We shall all miss
Editorial positions represent
a consensus of
The Daily Editorial Staff
Editorials and cartoons that appear
on the right side of the Editorial
Page are the opinion of the author
or artist, and not necessarily the
op nion of the paper.
Letters should be typed and limited
to 400 word ,The Daily reserves the
right to edit netpers for lengt and
grammar. , a
N ou
may open financial avenues be-

tween Albany and City Hall, and,
Carter willing, the two could
work on tapping Washington for
assistance as well.
Ex-Representative Bella Ab-
zug, once a front-runner, looked
to be the most attractive candi-
date of those who had a prayer'
Her feisty style, while offensive
to some, may have been the abra-
sive element the city could use to
jolt potential economic rescue out
of complacency.
But while, Bella Abzug's ad-
ministration would have been
livelier, Cuomo might well turn
out to be a competent, level-head-
ed money manager, if only New
York's Democrats have the sense
to ignore Koch.
Joshua Peck is an ex-New Yorker
and staff writer for The Daily.
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'If we lose the Panama Canal, which of our foreign possessions
will be next? Taiwan? South Korea? West Germany?'
Oil companies gr1 ftihtens

T HE SENATE'S rejection Thursday
of a rider to President Carter's
energy package which would 'have
prohibited major oil companies from
moving into the expanding trade in
nuclear and .coal fuels has serious im-
plications for the future use of energy in
this country.
The amendment, introduced by
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.),
would not have divested major cor-
porations such as Gulf, Standard and
Occidental of their present holdings,
which Kennedy said account for 38 per
cent of the uranium industry's milling
capacity. Rather, it attempted to allay
what Kennedy called "a wholly
reasonable fear that the gas and oil in-
dustry will bring to bear the same tac-
tics" used in conventional fuel
development, which Kennedy politely
termed "not competitive." -
Much of the Senate debate centered on
whether the amendment was a
"horizontal divestiture"-a breakup of
a potential monopoly by the oil com-
panies on all "competing" forms of
energy, namely oil, gas, coal and
nuclear power-but this debate misses
the point. Given the depleted petroleum
reserves of this planet, the real question
is not who controls forms of energy

resources since the turn of the century.
The disadvantage is that, assuming
the oil companies are barred, no one
else-including the federal govern-
ment-is being pushed forward as
promoter of alternative energy.
HE OIL COMPANIES, sensing the
future buck, want to get into the
lucrative energy pie every bit as much
as the Carter administration wants to
decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.
The federal government's efforts on
behalf of coal and nuclear power,
however, have been sluggish and the oil
companies are understandably miffed
by what they see as restraint by the
government over resources which
government cannot or will not develop
on its own.
Thus we are faced with the difficult
choice of turning over coal and nuclear
power to the oil companies in return for
speedy developmeny, or waiting for
sonleone more appealing-perhaps the
government itself-to take up the slack.
The energy crisis precludes waiting
too long, which is why Exxon, Gulf, Get-
ty, et. al. should be permitted to move
into the field.-But over the long run, the
companies need close supervision, with
not only "horizontal" but "vertical"
divestiture-the breakun of the com-

Act I of New York's quadren-
nial circus is over. The good
news: incumbent Abe Beame did
not place in the two-person run-
off. His fate was sealed by his
most recent blunder; telling lies
to investors about the city's
financial status, as disclosed in a
recent Securities Exchange Com-
mission report.
Beame's media campaign, it
should be noted, was certainly
the most inventive of the Demo-
cratic candidates. He summar-
ized four utterly mediocre years
in office with the slogan: "He
made the tough decisions."
One example of a "tough deci-
sion" was cited by an obviously
Jewish (bring out the ethnic vote)
woman who sighed admiringly on
a Beame commercial: "He had

the chutzpah to come out in favor
of capital punishment." Where is
the courage in voicing an opinion
which 70 per cent of the public
holds? And screaming bloody
murder outside police headquar-
ters after David Berkowitz's cap-
ture? Really now.
THE BAD NEWS is that Ed
Koch, formerly a consistently lib-
eral congressman, played on pop-
ular support of the death penalty
more successfully than the
mayor, and thus managed to eke
out a place in the runoff.
In "the boroughs" (all of the
city except Manhattan), Koch
used such gems of street cam-
paigning as approaching
strangers with the proclamation,
"Hi. I'm for capital punishment.
Are you?" In liberal Manhattan,
Koch was his old self. He ad-
mitted support for state-spon-
k-V I
C,1 lC

sored murder if pressed, but in
general, the black hood stayed in
the closet.
Koch's distressing exhibition
leaves liberals with only one op-
tion: Mario Cuomo, the candidate
picked and backed by. New
York's good Governor Carey.
Cuomo captured the Liberal Par-
ty nomination some weeks ago by
way of an order from the gov-
ernor, so throwing the Democrat-
ic nomination his way will assure
his victory over Republican
Goodman, an ex-Lindsayite, and
Conservative extremist Barry
Farber, who's camp of followers
includes Bill Buckley.
CUOMO IS NOT known for out-
spokenness, but he still contrasts.
nicely with his waffling opposi-
tion, in his consistent support of
liberal-moderate goals. His close
association with the governor



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