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March 23, 1978 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1978-03-23

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4Page 6-Thursday, March 23, 1978-The Michigan Daily

AR ARCADE ... a weekly


Have paintbrush,
will travel

HONG KONG - She travels by jeep,
boat, helicopter and on foot - her
mission: to capture on canvas
tribespeople in some of the most remote
spots on earth before civilization cat-
ches up with them.
Her legal name now is Texana, and
since 1963 she has been in 110 countries
and completed two works on Hong Kong
street life - not the modern,
skyscraper-dotted business district, but
colorful sidestreets where life has
changed little over the decades.
Texana, whom critics have said has a
style reminiscent of Van Gogh, has
painted Tibetans in a border village,
nomadic tribesmen in the Persian
desert, Lapps in the Arctic circle,
Palestinian, refugees, faces of the
Scasbahin Albiers and the Mandingos of
West Africa.
Most of her creations are destined for
Jackie's back AP Photo "People of the World" museum, to be
located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Jackie Gleason is doing live theater for the first time since his 1959 Tony "After our environment and dreams
Award-winning performance in "Take Me Along." Gleason, now 62, is making have vanished," she said, "the pain-
his return in the San Diego production of "Sly Fox." tings of the people of the world to the
spirit of man and art for people's sake."

though no one had seen Barry Lyndon
at the time, Malcolm Green paid $15,000
for the right to show it in his theater.
Months later, when he finally was
able to see the movie, Green's heart
"I knew it was a bomb, but I was
stuck with it," he said. The film earned
only $4,000 during the month-long run at
his theater in Glens Falls, N.Y.
Green and other theater owners want

anger the commercial networks when
permission is sought to let commercial
TV stations, for a fee, share the use of
PBS-bought satellite ground units at
nearby public TV stations.
The predictions come from Henry
Loomis, president of the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting, which over-
sees federal funding of non-commercial
broadcasting in America. But by Dec.
31, he says, all 155 public TV licensees

... comes the time we
have to say so long'
"This is like graduation. It's a sad time
and a happy time," said Carol Burnett
at the taping of her final show. The last
episode, a two-hour special, will be
broadcast on Wednesday, March 29.

Were they expecting
Percy Faith?
PITTSBURGH - "Booing is very
good. That means they're listening,"
said Andre Previn, conductor of the Pit-
tsburgh Symphony, recalling how some
ticket buyers responded to a work they
deemed too avante garde - or maybe
just too long.
Boos may be nothing special in Paris
or Rome, but this is Pittsburgh, where
gripes are usually raised in union halls
- not concert halls. So it was most
unusual in mid-February when some
symphony goers took offense during a
non-traditional work by Oliver
Messiaen, a 69-year-old French com-
The work, written in 1948, has a
tongue-twister title, Turangalila. It is 90
minutes long with hard; driving, com-
plex rhythms and no intermission.
Simulated bird calls are included in the
work, but it was the boo birds that war-
Some of the 3,000 concert goers
walked out. More booed. But most
stayed, and many cheered in support.
At later performances of Turangalila,
Previn broke tradition and appealed
from the stage for patience.
Recent deaths
" Kathryn Givney - A veteran stage
and screen actress, Givney, who died

to abolish the practice they say is
responsible for many of their losses:
blind bidding. Some theater owners
testified Tuesday before a
Massachusetts legislative committee
considering a bill to outlaw the prac-
In blind bidding, theater owners are
required to bid for the right to show a
first-run film before they have an op-
portunity to see it - often months
before the movie is finished. Theater
owners whose bids are accepted must
pay guarantees - which often run into
hundreds of thousands of dollars - as a
down payment on the film.
"It's like telling a housewife yhou
can't look at the meat in the super-
market, but you buy it and we'll send it
to you," said Sumner Redstone,
president of the Boston-based Redstone
Theater chain, which has '150 screens
Blind bidding is a relatively recent
development in the film industry, ac-
cording to the Theater Owners of New
England. A few years ago film com-
panies distributed only a small percen-
tage of their films through blind bid-
ding, while last year bids were solicited
on nearly all major films before they
were available, the organization said.
Telstar wars
LOS ANGELES - It began on a
limited basis this month, but in time the
Public Broadcasting Service's new
$39.5 million shows-by-satellite system
will radically alter the face of broad-
casting in America. And it'll probably

operating 270 PBS stations will have
units that receive programs beamed
down from Western Union's Westar 1
satellite 22,300 miles overhead.

. ........AP Photo
Still dancing after all these years
Ginger Rogers, best remembered as Fred Astaire's dance partner in 10 movies,
is still at it. Rogers, now 65, is currently topping the bill of a "super-nostalgia"
show at the London Palladium.


Mendelssohn Theatre/Sunday March 26, 2 & 8 p.m.

But program diversity, Loomis said,
not transmission cost, is the main
reason for the new system: The old
system sent one at a time. Non-PBS
channels also are available on the
satellite, he said, and PBS stations, if
they've bought rights to outside shows,
"can pick up other people's programs if
they wish, "so it makes syndication
very easy."

last Thursday at the age of 81, appeared
in such films as Guys and Dolls and
Three Coins in a Fountain, and in the
stage productins of This Too Shall Pass
and Lost Horizon.
The A rts Arcade was compiled by
Arts staffers Owen Gleiberman,
Mark Johansson, Peter Manis and
Alan Rubenfeld from the AP and
UPI wires.


' 'All
Weve been reading
si nce189Os 21

(W elC CthattrailiId
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readings from their works
Thursday, March 23-7:30 p.m.
Refreshments 802 MONROE (corner of Oakland)



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being accepted for


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