Prof tells of rigors
of pro fessional careers
The Michigan Daily-Thursday, march 23, 1978-Page 7
UATS OK's bridge and road
v -AL
The key to being a successful
professional is understanding oneself,
University Prof. of law and medicine
Andrew Watson told a group at
Rackham Amphitheater last night.
Speaking on the stress of becoming a
professional, Watson offered words of
advice. "Know thyself and to thine own
self be true. That is the fundamental
maxim for success in any profession."
HE DEFINED two characteristics of
professionals in his speech sponsored
by Inteflex. One, he said, is that
professionals are an elite group
because they undergo extensive
training. Watson said the second
characteristic results from the first.
"As a consequence of this knowledge
they have gained, they are greatly
removed from their fellows. People
don't know what they're talking about.
So there's an inevitable distance bet-
ween the professional and the person he
Watson said psychological factors
Somber Carter says
Mideast pact distant
are involved in choosing a professional
career. "There is the self image depar-
tment which is the conscious images
and there are the unconscious ones
resulting from past experiences-those
are the tricky ones." Watson said there
is no accident involved in who practices
He said the reactive thoughts cause
potential risk. "'When you're young and
you don't fulfill a role, you expect to be
punished. The crucial distinction bet-
ween a mature and immature in-
dividual is that the mature one
separates thought and action."
PROFESSIONALS also have their
roles laid out clearly for them, said
Watson, but often there is a role con-
"In the old days the people that en-
tered medicine liked people. Now they
are people who are fabulous in
molecular biology, chemistry and
physics: Science is the big thing-but
that's a sad fact because a lot of the
people practicing medicine are fun-
damentally afraid of people."
Watson said the qualties that draw
one into a profession also provide
stress. "The people have deman-
ds-they go to see a doctor with a cer-
tain mind set. There's the people that
depend blindly on their doctor's, and if
they cure them they make them into
A new bridge over the railroad tracks
just west of the Huron River and a long
stretch of four-lane road approved by a
local planning group yesterday will
make it easier to drive into campus
from the northeast in 1990.
The 13-member policy committee of
the Urban Area Transportation Study
(UATS) approved relocation of the
Fuller Road bridge about one-quarter-
mile east onto Fuller field and widening
sections of Glen and Fuller to four
UATS WILL now send the plans to the
Southeast Michigan Council of Gover-
nment (SEMCOG) as a "perfunctory"
gesture, according to UATS Executive
Dirctor Robert Polens.
Last week the Regents accepted the
plan with the condition that a
"memorandum of understanding" be
written obligating UATS to maintain
traffic flow through the Huron Valley
for the quarter century following 1990.
Implementation of the plan is impor-
tant for the Regents since they will be
deciding in May whether or not to build
the new University Hospital on the
present site next to Glen Street.
THE PLAN approved yesterday also
includes an alternative transportation
program designed to increase car
pooling, transit systems, and various
other possibilities to cut down the num-
ber of vehicles approaching the campus
near the hospital. There will also be
traffic lights on Huron at Glen and
Fletcher Streets if the UATS plan is
carried out.
Polens said there would be a public
meeting at the end of April to discuss
implementation designs from a private
(Continued from Page 1)
future but is not committing Israel to a
Almost plaintively, Begin reminded
Carter that Israel's offer to grant civil
self-rule to "our Palestinian Arab
neighbors" on the West Bank and. in
Gaza was lauded by the United States
only a few months ago as constructive,
far-reaching and a notable contribution
to negotiations with Egypt.
Looking wan, the 64-year-old Israeli
leader said it was his duty "to remind
public opinion in the United States"
that his country is alone in the world in
being marked for destruction. Ob-
viously referring to the Palestine
Liberation Organization, and its
"abominable acts," Begin said the lives
of Israelis are threatened daily and that
the country is faced with an alignment
of Arab states armed by the Soviet
Union and the West.
THE LAST remark seemed to
represent an appeal to Congress and
the public to oppose Carter's proposed
sale of 50 F-5E jet fighters to Egypt and
60 F-15 fighter bombers to Saudi
Carter, lobbying for his arms
"package," which includes 90 planes
for Israel, summoned key House and
Senate members to the White House to
explain his position.
City gets
post of ice
and its
leaky roof
(Continued from Page 1)
Actually, the city will not pay all of
the money. The Washtenaw County
Board of Commissioners passed a
motion to buy half of the building,
making it the first jointly owned city-
county budding.
No exact plans for the building have
been decided yet, but a committee con-
sisting of four councilmen, four county
commissioners, and two judges are
looking into the problem.
THE COMMITTEE recently recom-
mended that two consultants be hired -
an architect to ascertain the building's
short-term potential for "storage and
people-related activities," and another
consultant to help develop long-term
plans for the structure, according to
' Washtenaw County planning depar-
tment Director Thomas Fegan.
One suggestion would entail con-
struction of an addition to the building
so that it may be used for a city-county
courthouse, which could help alleviate
,overcrowding problems.
Other suggestions have included
using the building for storage space,
general office space, or as a community
w center.
Begin had breakfast with a group of
senators at Blair House, the presiden-
tial guest quarters, and was quoted by
Republican Clifford Case of New Jersey
as being prepared to end Israel's
military occupation of southern
"He wants eagerly to be able to with-
draw Israeli troops and said he hopes
suitable arrangements could be made
promptly to make this possible," Case
iced Ham with Cherry Sauce
Baked Potato
'U' to select housing
Plans are underway for a nationwide
search to select a permanent Univer-
sity housing director by June 30, the end
of the fiscal year.
A selection committee is being
chosen by Henry Johnson, University
vice-president for student services.
Composed of fa'culty, staff and studen-
ts, the committee is expected to begin
functioning by the end of the month.
Ads posting the job opening have been
posted in education journals.
ROBERT HUGHES has been filling
the position in an acting capacity since
last September, when John Feldkamp
resigned as director. Hughes'
promotion from associate housing
director came at an especially critical
time for the Housing Office, which is
facing an acute space shortage.
y June 30
University officials said Hughes is a
definite candidate for the permanent
position, but declined to predict his
chances of being selected.
"Mr. Hughes will be very much con-
sidered," said Thomas Easthope,
assistant vice-president for student
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