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April 17, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-17

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Tuesday, April 17, 1973


Page Three


Couples Are Special
Today & Every Tuesday
at Reduced Rates
Michigan Union,

Diesel Smoke' sticks
to hard-core country

Diesel Smoke and Dangerous
Curves is a successful country
and western band in a city where
country groups "tend to be looked
down on as music that people's
parents listened to years ago,"
says band member Lorna Rich-
ards. "We seem to be too coun-
try for the hippies and too hippie
for the hillbillies."
"The band has a poicy of
sticking to- hard-core country with
no folk or country-rock," says
member Steve Newhouse. Diesel
Smoke does just that-their re-
pertoire generally consists of
country standards (like "Truck
Drivin' Man," "Sweet Thing" and
"Six Days on the Road"), gen-
erously mixed with some of their
. own material (like "Truck Driv-
in' President" and "Marriage on
the Rocks").
Despite its country 'and west-
ern flavor, the hand has plotted
a record of local successes, At

Vilgot Sjbmen's complete and uncut Am
Curious (Yellow) is a "remarkable film
(which) has been playing for a long time
to droves of Swedes, and to several mil-
(ion people almost everywhere. It is the
story of a young girl who is. or was,
curious about politics, nonviolence, Zen,
commitment, so iasism, othe rSwedes
and, to be sure, sex, It is a serious film
ith a noble theme, and, in dramatic
terms, it is original," says Look maga-
zine. The Evergreen Film presented by
Grove Press stars Lsna Nyman. A San-
drews Production.
Tuesday i Wednesday
7:30 & 9:45 P.M.

present Diesel Smoke is playing
Mr. Flood's Party every Sunday
afternoon from 4-6. This per-
formance is broadcast live over
WNRS-AM. Radio. This Flood's
gig has continued for the past
month; the radio show for the
past two months; and both should
continue for at least the re-
mainder of April.
Diesel Smoke and Dangerous
Curves is composed of five mem-
bers: Lorna Richards (lead vo-
cals, r h y t h m guitar), Steve
Newhouse (lead v o c a l s, lead
guitar), Gil Thomas (lead vo-
cals, pedal steel guitar), Dennis
O'Brien (lead vocals, bass) and
Sam Wiener (drums). Richards,
Newhouse and Thomas do the
original songwriting for the group
-although Richards has been the
most active.
The groups name was taken
when the band formed seven
months ago from one of the coun-
try standards they perform,
"Diesel Smoke and Dangerous
Curv es" by Red Simpson. "We
wanted the name of the group to
be related to truck driving songs,
and we just came upon this one
which everyone agreed to. The
name also works because Lorna
can be considered the "dangerous
curves," says Newhouse.
Several of the bandmembers
expressed a desire to do more
-than just play bars. "I think
we're more a concert band than
just a bar band," explains Rich-
"I would hope that we could
get the band on record," com-
ments Thomas. The band has an
excellent chance of doing just
that because Richards and Thom-
as recently went to Nashville to
Hickory Records with tapes of 12
original songs and three country
standards performed by the band.

Thomas says that the recording
people were "really impressed"
with the tapes and that the com-
pany has invited the band to
come to Nashville in the near
future to cut a demo recording,
even though no contract has yet
been signed. Richards is hope-
ful about the con'tract: "I think
the group is as ready as it will
ever be for recording."
Even though Diesel S m k e
plays straight country, the mem-
bers come from a wide range of
musical backgrounds, most hav-
ing been involved with folk or
rock music earlier. Gil Thomas
is the only member who has been
into country music, for most of
his life. He's been a close fol-
lower of country since he was
seven and has been performing
country the past five years.
All the members of Diesel
Smoke have been performing on

the Ann Arbor music scene for
the past three and a hal~f years.
All were members of Buddies in
the Saddle at one time or ano-
ther,' and most were with Buddies
when they performed with Com-
mander Cody and when Buddies
apeared alone in Hill Auditor-
Diesel Smoke has performed
with Phil Ochs in the Power Cen-
ter, and some members of the
group have worked briefly with
Doug Kershaw. Also, the band
has put on three benefit con-
certs for the Milan Federal Peni-
The future of the group is un-
certain as Steve Newhouse will
he leaving Ann Arbor for t h e
summer, and it isn't certain that
they will re-form next year. How-
ever, the possibility of a record-
ing contract should improve the
chances for the group to stay
For the present, though, Die-
sel Smoke and Dangerous Curv-
es is performing straight coun-
try in this community where
"People think they're too sophis-
ticated, for country .and western

Winter returns in style

SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.


208 W. H URON

FILM-Ann Arbor Film Co-op presents Rafelson's Five Easy
Pieces in Aud. A Angell at 7, 9 tonight. Cinema Guild
presents Flaherty's Louisiana Story in Arch. Aud. tonight
at 7, 9:05. New World Film Co-op presents I Am Curious
(Yellow) in Mendelssohn Theater at 7:30, 9:30 tonight.
Astronomy Club Films presents Exploring the Milky
Way and Interplanetary Space in Lecture Room 1, MLB,
at 8 tonight.
POETRY-Reading by Robert Bly in Aud. 4, MLB, at 4:10.
RIVE GAUCHE-West Africa Night: 1024 Hill Street at 9:30
MUSIC-Trumpet student recital: SM Recital Hall at 12:30
this afternoon. String chamber music recital: SM Recital
Hall at 8 tonight. U Jazz Band, Edward Smith, conduct-
or: Rackham Aud. at 8 tonight. U Choir, Maynard Klein,
conductor: Hill at 8 tonight.
featured in
this month's
See it while6
you can. ;:
cine a n ma482-3340
F f LIGN !

After a conscicuous absence of
about two years, Johnny Winter
is back, sounding very much like
the Winter who dropped out of
the music world and retired to
Texas, trying to beat his heroin
He managed to kick heroin
.and, later, infrequent rumors
had it that he was playing blues
in the Houston area, at one time
backing up Jimmy Reed. Rumors
lated placed him playing w i t h
Greg Allman on the latter's solo
album. Finally, Winter was quot-
ed as saying that he was looking
for a rock 'n' roll trio so that
he could make his long-expected
comeback. He recruited his old
bassist, Randy Jo Hobbs, and
drummer Richard Hughes and
joined once again with his old
guitar companion from the John-
ny Winter And days, Rick Der-
ringer. This time, Derringer acts
in the capacity of producer, al-
though he does appear on the al-
bum and writes several of the
songs. With the reunion of these
musicians, Winter went into the
studios and cut Still Alive and
W~ell (Columbia KG 32188).
Perhaps the most remarkable
thing about this album is t h a t
Winter has not changed notice-
ablv. He still has all -the tech-
nique and flash of two years
ago - there's no deficiency, but
there has been no improvement
If Winter's technique has
changed little in two years, his
anproach to music has changed
even less. It is still the energetic,
driving, raucous music that Win-
ter developed on his own and
defined more thoroughly with the
Johnny Winter And band. Even
though the music is alive and of-
ten devastating, the album does
suffer from certain deficiencies.
There is the slightest deficien-
cy in Winter's vocals which sound
slightly more forced at times
and lack a bit of the throaty re-
silience of past days; he does em-
ploy a very nice new technique
when he double-tracks his voice
on "Ain't Nothing to Me."
Secondly, for this more rock-
oriented music that Winter plays
now, the concept of a trio is a
bit shallow; the bass cannot fill
the gap left when Winter goes
into a solo. The songs that work
best in the raunchy vein are the

Winter's new album
Winter is satisfied to give it a
half-hearted rendition as he bur-
ies it underneath a layer of
lightning guitar which is perhaps
too mechanical at the expense of
emotional fervor.
But Winter can still play the
blues with the best of them and
he proves it on "Too Much Scan-
dal." Here Winter plays some
really excellent and subtle man-
dolin, .an instrument where his
normal fast speed can be put to
good use. He backs himself on.
National Steel Standard Guitar,
playing some fine slide which -is
one of Winter's fortes: His voice
is gentle and laid back, and he
never oncethas to strain himself
to reach the, notes. All this is
complemented by Jeremy Steig
who plays, some good breathy
Other good things on the album
are. Derringer's "Still Alive And"
Well," Winter's "Rock & Roll,"
a yet unreleased Jagger-Ricnard
tune called "Silver Train," and
the .Stones' "Let It Bleed." The
title cut drives with real strength,

ones where Winter tracks his gui-
tar on lead and rhythm. T h e
final fault is the eventual down-
fall of the album, the material
is decidedly a bit weaker than
Winter has done in the past.
Both Derringer's "Cheap Te-
quila" and "All Tore Down," are
fairly innocuous songs, although
the former features the talents of
Derringer and Todd Rundgren.
Winter starts the album off with
the only easily recognizable blues
number, "Rock Me Baby." In-
stead of giving it the intense de-
liberate tone that straight blues
demands, or ;he devastating
power that Hendrix gave it,

Chicano theater:
Drama of torment

a celebration of its own musical
energy as Winter cuts across the
bass with harsh chords and quick
leads. "Rock & Roll" is gentler
than the title implies, but it
rocks well with Winter staying
right up front with the slide gui-
tar. "Silver Train" is probably
cut here only because it is a
Stones song; it has the character-
istics of the Stones, it's driving
and powerful, but it suffers from
a general absence of a memor-
able melody as do many Stones
songs. Mark Klingnan does turn
in some fine pounding piano in
the background.
The real highlight of the album
is Winter's version of "Let It
Bleed" which could easily make
a fine single. Winter jumps into
the song and it is he that really
gives it its raucous flavor with
his weaving tough rhythm work
and his edgy voice which serves
the lyrics almost as well as Jag-
ger's did. The real build comes
in Winter's stabbing, piercing,
slashing slide guitar which tears
across the song giving it another
dimension. Winter has had good
success with Stones' songs, as he
proved on "Jumping Jack Flash,"
and "Let It Bleed" is his latest
There is a lot of good music
on this album. Perhaps it is
not quite as good as some of his
previous albums, but the thought
of having Johnny Winter back
again is a gratifyinghone and
with this album he shows that
he's in pretty good shape.
6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Courtship of Eddie's Father
50 Flntst ones
56 Operation second Chance
6:30 2NNews
4 News
7 News
9 I Dream of Jeannie
50 Gililgan's island
56 How Do Your Children Grow?
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy
56 French Chef
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked for It
7 Price is Right
9 Bobby Goldsboro
50 Hogan's Heroes
56 Earthkeeping
8:00 2 Maude
4 Movie
"The Hired Hand" (1971)
7 Temperatures Rising
50 Dragnet
56 Meadowlands
830 2 Hawaii Five-O
7 Movie
"The Screaming Woman"
56 Bill Moyers' Journal
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 9 News
56 Common Ground
9:30 2 Movie
"The Strangers in 7A" (1972)
9 To Be Announced
56 Black Journal
10:00 4 Upon This Rock
7 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 To Be Announced
50 Perry Mason
56 Detroit Black Journal
10:30 56 360 Degrees
11:00 2 4 7 News
9 CBC News
50 One Step Beyond
11:30 2 Movie
"THX 1138" (1971)
4 Johnny Carson
7 Dick Cavett ,
9 News
50 Movie
"Stanley and Livingstone
12:00 9 Movie
"Tank Force!" (English 1958)
1:00 4 7 News
1:15 2 Movie
"Queen of the Pirates"
(Italian 1960)
2:45 2 TV High School
3:15 2 News
cable tv
channel 3

3:30 Pixanne
4:00 Today's Woman
4:30 something Else
5:00 Stratasphere Playhouse
5:30 Local news and events
6:00 Love and the Law
6:30 NCAA Sports
7:00 Community Dialogue
89.5 fm
9:00 The Morning After
12:00 Progressive Rock
4:00 Folk
7:00 This Week in Sports
8:00 Rhythm and Blues
11:00 Progressive Rock
3:00 Sign-off
Hove a flair for
artistic writing?
If youare interest-
ed in reviewing
poetry, and music,
or writing feature
stories a b o u t the
drama, dance, film,
arts: Contact Ara
t~ditor, c/o The
Michian Daily

Modern Languages Bldg., Aud. 3
8 & 10 P.M.-$l.50
Angell Hall, Aud. B
7 & 9 P.M.-$1.50

The words were Spanish, but
the language of Chicano suffer-
ing was universal.
It seems almost superfluous to
talk about the excellent acting
of the multi-talented El Teatro
Cam'pesino (The Farmworkers'
Theater) which performed in Hill
Auditorium Saturday night. The
drama extended beyond the lim-
its of the play itself. The actors
were acting out the drama of
their own lives.

Project Community & Rainbow Multi-Media present
ALLISON -'The JOHNNY OTIS Show t "s". .
- - I "-III .a. U U H \ . H N I ', *So\.
ann arbor BLUES & JAZZ festival 1973
Otis Spana Niemorial Field
Septemnber 7"A 4 e
Get your tickets now!
Series tickets are available during April for students who will be
out of town for the summer.
SERIES TICKETS ONLY ($16.00) available at the Michigan Union ticket
desk, World Headquarters Records (330 Maynard) in Ann Arbor, and Ned's
Bookstore in Ypsilanti. MAIL ORDER - certified check-or money order
.only to ANN ARBOR BLUES & JAZZ FESTIVAL 1973, Box 381; Ann
Arbor, MI. 48107. Please include stamped, self-addressed envelope with
your order for speedy processing.

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There was a contagious family
spirit between the largely Chicano
audience and the troupe. While
preparing the stage, the actors
delighted in slapstick humor and
quickfire wisecracks. The audi-
ence warmly encouraged their
every antic. This sense of kin-
ship was well illustrated when
one actor shouted, "Hey man,
that's my cousin!"-and then
rushed into the audience to em-
brace his relative.
The play begins with the cru-
cifixion and resurrection of
Christ as a foreshadowing of
events to follow. Using masks and
a few props, relying instead on
evoking pure emotion, the actors
tell the story of a Mexican's ex-
ploitation by those 'in power in
the U.S.
The command "All right, boy,
you pick that lettuce," continu-
ally assaults his ears. He quickly
learns that he is "Mexican, poor,

lazy and dirty." Evil sets a trap
in the form of alcohol, dishonest
car dealers, and cheating grow-
ers. Even the Church, aptly la-
beled "Saint Boss the Church,"
is revealed as an exploiter.
Crushed by his tormented exist-
ence the man dies, leaving his
destitute wife and children. His
last word, in answer to the ques-
tion, "Did you like the U.S.?" is
a resonant "Noooooo!"
The second act is introduced
by, "This is the story of two
brothers and how both got screw-
ed." In their search to escape
the fields, they encounter the
world of pimps, pushers and cor-
rupt politicians. For a time they
deny their own cultural identity,
compromising each other to suc-
ceed in a materialistic way.
They, only pause with fear
when the Virgin Mary appears to
sternly inquire, "Don't you see
what you are doing to your own
people?" Madly immersed in the
pursuit of money, they can only
complain, "Shit, what a time for
her to show up!"
The brothers finally come to
understand, however, that they
must learn to fight with
"strength, love for each other
and love for God." The play ends
with Christ's triumphant return.
The Chicanos then declare, "If
I love and respect you, I love
and respect myself. "Their peace-
ful struggle must be with the
help of God. As the last actor dis-
appeared behind the patched bur-
lap curtain, the audience spon-
taneously rose; thunderous ap-
plause was one way of expressing
shared emotions and a profound
caring for Chicano conditions.
But appreciation can be more
active than mere applause. David
Martinez, a law student at the
University, provided a fitting
epilogue describing the deplor-
able conditions of the lettuce
pickers, the, indifference of major
growers and of President Nixon,
and the importance of the na-
tional lettuce boycott.
There can not be a single per-
son who sat in Hill Auditorium
Saturday night who didn't leave
without a raised political and.
social conciousness. Non-union
lettuce will always provoke in my
mind the shrill order, "All right,
boy, you pick that lettuce!"

Alan Bates and Genevieve Bujold in Phillipe de Broca's
Wild, raffish satire. A spoof of the military and "sanity."

So you plan to spendthe
Summer in Europe this year. Great.
Two things are mAndatory. A ticket
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The first gets you over there, the
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TONIGHT!-April 17th-ONLY!

7 & 9 P.M.

r - &--- ot& v..I1t' a °" - i^ m r 'hia -


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