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March 24, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-24

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Soturdoy, Morch 24; 1973


Page Seven

Saturday, March 24, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

The Wa/I


sixth in NCAA

Snowden to Indiana . .


Ain't no way
FREDDIE SNOWDEN got his name in the papers again, which
is no surprise. A black coah with a winning record is hot
property, and an enterprising Associated Press writer reported
that Snowden said he was considering job offers from Detroit,
Northwestern, and Indiana.
Detroit? A natural. Snowden has been quoted as saying he'd
rather have a coaching job in his hometown, other things
being equal.
Northwestern? Sure. This school has unusual problems of
size and expense to surmount in its athletic programs, and it is
reasonable to think that an unusual cach like Snowden might
be just the man to handle them.
Indiana? WHAT HE H-?? Don't they already have
Bobby Knight, the defensive wizard from West Point who
took them to the NCAA semis and finished third in the
national voting for College Coach of the Year? If Knight is
out at Indiana, that's news, BIG NEWS. It had better be
checked out.
After the usual fudging with Ma Bell, this reporter was able
to reach Indiana athletic director Bill Orwig, a Michigan
alumnus, who was more than happy to contradict Snowden's
(alleged) statement word by word. "There is no substance
" (underline that) to Mr. Snowden's statement," he said decisively.
"I don't know where he got that idea. Bobby Knight can have
his job here at Indiana as long as he wants it." So much for
the Scoop of the Century.
Having more than a residual curiosity as to where Snowden
got his story from, I tried to reach him through the Sports
Information Office at Arizona U. The first time I called, a
secretary told me they had no idea where he was, and when I
suggested St. Louis (site of the NCAA basketball finals) she
reacted with utter surprise. When I called back a couple of
hours later, I was told he had already left town for guess
where,and hadn't left behind any information on where he could
be reached. None of this is standard practice. One suspects, but
can't prove, that maybe Fred Snowden has more to hide than
just his body.
. . +
Battle shaping in the secondary
Bo Schembechler has some serious problems to solve in
spring drills this spring, and they shouldn't be underestimated,
but the most interesting battle looks like it's going to happen
in one of Michigan's traditional strong areas, the defensive
secondary. The difficulty is simple: there are six players who
are unquestionably good enough to start, and only four positions
Wide side halfback Tom Drake and short-side halfback
Dave Elliott were supposed to start last year until they got
hurt, when erstwhile reserves Barry Dotzauer and Roy
Burks stepped in, and played expertly. So far, all four have
played well: Dotzauer, in particular, seems to realize that
he is in the struggle of his life and has been coming up with
some spectacular practice interceptions.
They're all fun to watch, so much so tat the temptation
is to concentrate upon them and overlook the contest which
will probably have more impact upon Michigan's football results
next year: the scramble for jobs along the interior lines of
both platoons.
Watching line play, and evaluating what is going on, is
always a problem, especially with a neophyte like yours truly
doing it. Coach Schembechler is complaining, which he always
does, but finding people to fill in along the line is a job he has
done well since the day he started coaching. A strict argument
by historical analogy would state that there's nothing to worry
about, and I could have used a similar argument to prove there
was no way for the 1972 Michigan offense to be stopped three
out of four times inside the Ohio State five yard line.
In any event, it will be too early to beat the tom-toms
and dust off the petal-strewing maidens until the MSU game,
which is more than a half year in the future. And even if
the Wolverines confound us all and drop all the games they
play, it won't be the end of the world. Football arouses too
many emotions to be taken seriously.
* * * *
Super Bowl not so super
Sports is the American Fantasyland, and so it causes people
to behave in ways which contradict every model I have ever
seen which postulates the human species as rational. The
Peterson-Kekich circumstance, overplayed and tedious as it is,
should furnish enough proof of that. But the acme of sports
insanity, the "non plus ultra" of North American ridiculous-
ness, simply has to be the Super Bowl.
What reminds me of this is the recent proposal by GM
"Tricky Al" Davis of the Oakland Raiders to expand the
Super Bowl to a best two of three game series. It's not

much trouble to extrapolate this into a best-of-seven-of-thir-
teen Super Summer ending just before the pro football
training camps open, and it's also beside the point.
There have been seven Super Bowls, that is to say, there
have been seven slow-paced deadly dull mindnumbing wastes
of Sunday afternoons.
But, defying all logic the American middle class-that great
bunch of guys who gave us the Silent (translated: dumb-dumb)
Majority--embraces the Super Bowl with more fervor every
This for an extravaganza which, no matter what side wins,
will do nothing to relieve the needs of poor people, or straighten
out U.S. foreign policy, or do anything else to improve the way
in which we live. Someone's priorities are terribly screwed up.
Workshop in
Transactional Analysis

Special To The Daily
KNOXVILLE - Following two
record setting performances, In-
diana increased its lead on its
way to a sixth consecutive title in
the golden anniversary version of
the NCAA swimming and diving SOT
championships last night.dSPO RTS
h But alas, all was not rosy for NIGHT EDITORS: MARC FELDMAN and ROGER ROSSITER
the Hoosiers. In fact, following the
first two events yesterday, it look-
ed like a good day for Southern
Cal fans. Everything was coming Jim McConica, also of South- ed sixth in a field that contained
up Trojan. But following an un- ern Cal, pulled a big upset in five Olympians.
believable effort by the.Hoosier winning the 200-yard freestyle. Michigan's luck in relay events
s800 yard freestyle relay squad, the McConica barely qualified for the;has been non-existent. Thursday
secndda fiisedwit Idinachampionship finals,. but turned' the Wolverines barely missed
holding a 39 point lead over sec- on smoke in the last 50 yards to qualifying in the finals of the med-
ond place Southern Cal. nip Indianas John Kinsella and ley relay, and the same thing hap-
Michigan fell behind Washing- Tyler. pened last night. The Wolverines
ton in the battle for fifth place
and has a gap of 25 points to The other record performance 800-yard freestyel relay squad nar'
make up to place ahead of the came from Indiana's Mike Stamm rowly missed the finals by a mere
Huskies. in the 100-yard backstroke. Stamm .7 of a second. They did, however,
Sparked by freshman Fred Tyler, did what no human had done be- finish seventh as Szuba outraced
whose leg of the 800 freestyle re-I fore which was go under :51 at Southern Methodist's Paul TitietzeI
lay was 1:38.05, the fastest 200 this distance.. His time, :50.91, in the last 200 yards.
yards ever swam by any human, broke the record he set early in "We just aren't getting any
the Hoosiers broke all records in the preliminaries. Southern Cali- breaks in the relays," said Mich-
that event. This emotional victory fornia's Steve Cameron finished igan coach Gus Stager. "Szuba
by Indiana may have put the lid second and husky Mike McIntryre was okay, but I wish we'd get a
on all the hopes Southern Cal had placed third. relay into the finals."
of upsetting the Hoosiers for the' However the real story in this Szuba was not disappointed at
team championship. All four mem- race was Indiana's Santiago his performance, losing to the na-
bers of the Indiana team were Estava. Estava, delinquent from tional record setter Furniss. "Steve
under 1:40 and Gary Hall followed water for a year and a half sur- (Furniss) went out like gangbust-I
Tyler's time with an equally bril- prised everybody by finishing ers, but I thought I could keep up
liant swim of 1:38.70. fifth. -The former NCAA cham- with him. But I didn't."
It was a record breaking night pion only started swimming last If Michigan is going to catch
all the way around. Southern Cal's January after a bout with ten- Washington, the Wolverines must
Steve Furniss ripped Hall's old donitis. garner points in one vital area:
record to shreds in the 400 yard diving. Preliminary rounds were
individual medlay with a clocking Gold medalist John Hencken of held yesterday in the three-meter
of 3:55.16, almost three seconds Stanford captured the 100-yard springboard diving event, and
better than the previous mark. breaststroke title i easy fashion. Michigan stands a good chance of
Washington's Dick Colella finished Southern Cal's Mike Chatfield fin- gaining ground. Joe Crawford, who
second and Michigan's Tom Szuba ished second and defending NCAA placed third in the one-meter event,
garnered his second consecutive champion Tom Bruce came in is in the same position following
third place finish of the meet. third. Michigan's Stu Isaac finish- the first five dives. He is only ten


points out of first with today's ac-
tion coming up.
Diving coach Dick Kimball
feels Crawford has a good chance
of winning the event. "In high-
board ten points can be gained
or lost on dives. Joe has five or
six dives to make up the dif-
Steve Schenthal is fifteenth after
the first cut, but Kimball feels
that he can move up to qualify
for the finals tonight.
Tonight will be another big night
in Michigan's attempted conquest
of the fifth spot. Szuba will be
attempting to place in the 200-yard
butterfly, Isaac and Pat Bauer
will be swimming in the 200-yard
breaststroke. Jose Aranha stands
an outside chance of placing in the
top 12 in the 100-yard freestyle.
However, the key will be the
400-yard freestyle relay as a
place in the chamiponship heat
is all important. "We've gotta
get in there ahead of Washing-
ton if we want to move up,"
Stager emphasized.
But it looks like Indiana has
broken the ego and spirit of South-
ern California, especially with the
'dramatic relay win. In this, the.
50th annual meet, everything is
turning to gold for the Hoosiers.f

AP Photo
Mighty s wimU
Jack Nicklaus, noted for his mighty swing, slices a shot with vigor
during the Greater New Orleans Open yesterday. Nicklaus trailed
Lee Elder by three strokes after he carted an excellent 68.


Tumblers hold

Tarknian leaves ongeac
fIor post at Nevada-Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (RP') - Jerry at a four-year college. His record ally 100 per cent behind us and'I
Tarkanian signed a contract to at Long Beach was 122-20 with feel we have been offered the op-
become head basketball coach at championships in the PacifictCoast portunity to build a great pro-
the University of Nevada-Las Ve- Athletic Association the past four gram."
gas yesterday ending what he call- seasons. Tarkanian succeeds John Bayer,
ed an agonizing week of indecision "The decision to take the Las who resigned at -the end of a 13-5
over whether or not to leave Long Vegas job was the toughest of my season in the West Coast Athletic
Beach State. life because we have been happy Conference.
The 41-year-old Tarkanian signed in Long Beach," Tarkanian said, Meanwhile, Dr. Stephen Horn,
a one-year, $22,800 contract after "but we feel the protential of the president of Long Beach State,
a final meeting with university program in Las Vegas is unlimit- said: "We intend to secure the best
President Roman Zorn and a su- ed. The community there is virtu- coach available."
dent-faculty athletic council. - -
Tarkanian, a fiery, fingernail-
biting, towel-chewing coach well
r e g a rd e d for his recruiting NOW OPEN
prowess, said he was extremely
tired from the past season, when
he led third-ranked Long Beach
to a 26-3 season. But, he said,
"I can't take a vacation now. 1166 BROADWAY ANN ARBOR
I've got to get out and get some
players. (near Plymouth Rd.)
"I'm very grateful to Long BeachJUTRLAE
for five years of happiness," Tark- JWT RELEASED .
anian said of his first coaching job NEW and USED


Special To The Daily
Michigan gymnastics team ex-
plained the meaning of courage
last night as they gamely battled
their way back into title conten-
tion after a disappointing com-
pulsory round.
T he Wolverines currently stand
third behind Minnesota and Iowa
in the Big Ten Gymnastics
Championship Meet. Minnesota
garnered 236.75 midway through
the optionals while Iowa scored
236.35 to stay close behind. Mich-
igan has 235.85.
Michigan coach Newt Loken
had high praise for his tumblers
after a poor showing in the hori-
zontal bar compulsories, scoring
only 23.45. Loken said, "These
guys are giving all they have.
They're really p s y c h e d up.
They've shown me a lot of guts."
THE GUTTIEST performance
was by senior Terry Boys, who
. H.*S...ndin::g:s:.
N HL Standings

s pr a in e d his ankle 'midway
through his floor exercise rou-
tine but managed to finish and
gain a brilliant 9.1 for the Wol-
verine effort. Added to his 9.0
in the compulsories, Boys was a
cinch to make tonight's individ-
ual finals but it looks doubtful
whether he will be able to per-
Boys commented, "It hurts
now, but the doctor says if I
taped it and was able to stand
up, I would be able to go."
If Boys is unable to perform,
his loss in the vaulting exercise
will be a crucial one for the'
Wolverines who are striving to
catch Lhe Gophers and Hawk-
Loken's leavers, down by 1.15
at the end of the compulsories,
whittled Minnesota's lead to 0.9
with some solid performances on
the rings and the floor exercise.
turned in another brilliant rou-
tine with a 9.3 and Joe Neuen-
swander recorded a 9.15 to start
the Michigan comeback.
Besides Boys' 9.1 mark, Ward
Black gave a phenomenal per-
formance in the floor exercise
iwith a 9.4. Black, who received
only a 8.6 in the morning com-
pulsories felt he was deserving
of a little higher score. "I didn't
do that well, but I should have
gotten around an 8.8 instead of
what I got.
On the side horse, the Wolver-
ines couldn't p i c k up any
ground. Jerry Poynton scored a
9.05 but usually reliable Rupert
Hanson fell off the horse and
as a result, received a mediocre
In case you have been wonder-
mg what ever happened to Ray
Gura, he is leading the all-
around individual competition by
a comfortable margin. Referred
to as "steady Ray" by Loken,
Gura was indeed his usually
steady,- self, scoring no lower

than 8.0 in the compulsory and
optional rounds.
THE SENIOR captain stands
an excellent chance of winning
the Big Ten all-around champion-
ship. Gura, however, was more
concerned with the team's cham-
pionship and the condition of
Boys. He stated, "For us to
c a t c h Minnesota, they (the
Gophers) will have to blow some
event." Expressing his concern
for Boys, Gura added, "It's a
shame it had to happen in his
senior year.".
The competition concludes to-
day with the parallel bars, vault-
ing exercise and the horizontal
bars routine where the Wolver-
ines did so poorly in the com-
pulsories. Loken is looking for
a good day saying that, "We'll
need a good day from everybody
but we can do it."

L c

---- --- -- a



' // tJ/ ''
1 , -=

.. ABA
Kentucky 115, NewAYork 91
Denver 101, Indiana 92
Houston 132, Philadelphia 112
Baltimore 106, Cleveland 104
Boston 124, Atlantas108
Phoenix 125, Golden State 124


OPEN 9-6

Navy Oxford
Shoes ..11.98
Buck Knives
Gas Mask
School Bags . 1.49
Army Wood Cots 7.98

Eastern Division
W L T Pts
Montreal 48 9 14 110
Boston 47 20 5 99
NY Rangers 46 19 7 99
Detroit 35 26 11 81
Buffalo 34 26 13 81
Toronto 25 38 9 59
Vancouver 21 44 8 50
NY Islanders 11 58 5 27
western Division
Chicago 40 25 8 88
Minnesota 35 29 9 79
Philadelphia 33 27 11 7
St. Louis31 31 11 7
Los Angeles 29 34 11 69
Pittsburgh 29 36 8 66
Atlanta 25 33 14 64
California 12 46 16 40
Last Night's Results
Toronto at California, inc.
Today's Games
St. Louis at Montreal
New York Rangers at Boston
Philadelphia at NY Islanders
Detroit at Los Angeles
Buffalo at Pittsburgh.
Atlwanta at Chicago

299 167
304 216
285 188
238 218
240 203
221 246
217 313
159 328

Dr. Frances E. Svensson
Assoc. Professor, Department of Political Science
Various Schools of Thought, Their Origins, Development
4th LECTURE OF A SERIES entitled
7:30-9:00 P.M.
International Center Recreation Room
603 E. Madison
Informal discussion follows lecture

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CARNAL KNOWLEDGE is one of the
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--Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan

from the Crowd


Make good.


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of your spare time,
working on and
learning about
newspaper production.

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