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February 27, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-27

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Tuesday, February 27, 1973


Page Seven


Ballplayers, owners
agreeon spring start




Sinking still furthe
the abyss of what has
a dismal season, the M
Wolverines went down
sixth time in twelve B
games last night with
beating administered
Illinois Fighting Ill
Crisler Arena.
All - American forward
Silver 'Spoon

AN Weatherspoon led the Illini with 30
-r into points, 27 of those in the first half,
become but it was his less heralded team-
icigan mates who took over for the big
[ichigan star when he fouled out with 10:401
for the left in the contest.
Big Ten' Despite Weatherspoon's heroics,
a 96-89 Michigan kept pace with the Illini
by the with a running game and some
good scoring punch inside from
.ini at Ernie Johnson and Ken Brady, who
shared scoring honors for the Wol-
N i c k verines with 21 points apiece.
Upon the exit of the "Spoon" on;
n. fouls, Illinois held a slim 68-66 lead
as Wayman Britt canned both ends
R T of the ensuing one and one.
10 5 17
9 4 21 THE TIDY CROWD of 8,235 in-
16 5 21 cluding all-time Michigan great
s 4 9'Cazzie Russell expected the Wol-
1 4 7 verines to off the Illini when Wea-
1 3 s therspoon left the scene. However,
0 0 0 in the joy of watching "Spoon"
57 29 89 leave, Michigan forgot the foul,
trouble its most effective player,.
R P TP Ken Brady, was burdened with.
9 4 6
10 5 30 Using his four-inch height ad-
11 2 19 vantage over his tallest Illinois ad-
4 3 19 versary, Brady had things pretty
s 2 10 much to himself underneath with
0 0 0 12 rebounds in the first half and I
0 1 6 10 of 16 shunting tog o with his 21


Michigan had possession and a six
point deficit with 2:46 to so.
Joe Johnson, who played well in
the stretch, hit Ernie with a pass
inside and E. J.'s layup brought
Michigan to 87-83 with two and a
half left.
C. J. Schroeder cashed two free
throws to increase the lead to six
points and Britt was off the mark
for Michigan and still another op-
portunity went by the boards after
an Illinois turnover when C. J. Ku-
pec, Britt, and Henry Wilmore

and tell

I can tell 'em and tell 'em
'em but we didn't get it in

Russell 8-13 1-2
E. Johnson 10-19 1-2
Brady 10-16 1-1
Brtt 2-6 2-4
Wilmore 2-19 5-8
Kupee 2.9 3-3
w J. Johnson 1-3 6-6
Schinnerer 0-0 0-0
Totals 35-85 19-26
Schmidt 3-6 0-1
Weatherspoon 12-23 6-9
Conner 7.12 4-6
Tucker 3-8 1-2
Dawson 5-16 9-10
Foster 2-5 6-8
Roberson 0-1 0-0
Schroeder 1-1 44
Totals 33-72 30-40
Attendance: 8,235

tere.missed three straight attempts, be-
Soon-after Weatherspoon depart- fore Joe Johnson tightened the
ed, Brady also fouled out, and with count to 89-85 with a pair of free
8:54 to go, Illinois led 76-70 and throws with 1:26 remaining.
Michigan' trump card, the Big But time was on the side of the
Fella, was gone. Illini as it was in the first game at
Michigan seemed to feel the loss Champaign which Illinois won 76-
of Brady to a greater degree than 75, and baskets by Ernie Johnson
the Illini, the loss of the "Spoon". and Wilmore only served to offset
The other Illini who had watched successful braces of free throws by
Weatherspoon score 27 of their 46 Schroeder and Foster, which main-
points in the first half, finally be- tained the Illinois advantage at
gan to play in the game's final ten four.
minutes. Michigan had a final chance to
Led by some 'less than phenom- at least cut the deficit to two points
enal players, Rick Schmidt, Jed when Nick Conner missed the first
Foster, and C. J. Schroeder, Illi- of a one and one, but Schmidt got
nois took the initiative and pulled the rebound to lock the door.
out to a ten-point lead, 87-77, with
4:25 to go. ORR WAS in no mood to discuss
the details of this game and most
Joe Johnson was charged with an of his comments were geared to
offensive foul five seconds later the team's performance in gener-
and things looked hopeless when al. "We got down when we lost a
the Illini proceeded to eat up an- few games and it's sometimes dif-
other minute with a stall. Michi- ficult to get over it but we have to
gan still trailed by ten when Nick play - every game is important-
Conner missed with 3:20 left but We've got to have pride and de-
Ernie Johnson, who played an ag- sire."
gressive game, scored underneath
eight seconds later. Thesemy
rli Pq il fn tisMihianteam

By The Associated Press
Baseball's ceasefire ended yes-
terday at spring training camps
while major league club owTierg
and players overwhelmingly ap-
plauded their three-season laborI
Clearly, peace was at hand.
Player representatives from the
24 teams were scheduled to huddle
tomorrow in Miami for an in-depth
look at the agreement with Marvin
Miller, their lawyer and chief ne-
American and National league
offices were canvassing the owners
and hardly heard a discouraging
word. One source said it was a.
"sure thing" that the contract
would be approved.
Meanwhile, activity whirred at
training sites in Florida, Arizona
and California. Some teams had
been delayed as much as 13 days
in starting operations.
"It's a fine agreement," Miller
said. "I think there is a strong
chance for approval. The player
reps will make a recommendation
and then take copies for their team-
Salary arbitration was a power-
ful s e c t i o n, allowing major
leaguers with two or more years'
experience to take their money
disputes to a third party for settle-
Neither Miller nor his counter-

Kansas St. 91, Oklahoma St., 67
LSU 78, Tennessee 74
Northern Mich. 87, Mich. Tech. 86
Oklahoma 78, Colorado 68
Marshall 71, Florida St. 59
Northern Illinois 86,
Central Mich, 81
Mid. Tenn., 87, Austin Peay 86
Houston 94, Samford 75

part from the owners' side, John
Gaherin, would reveal any portion
of the agreement which they reach-
ed Sunday.
However, it was learned that a
minimum salary of $15,000 for big
league players was approved.
That's up .more, than 100 per cent
over the $7,000 bottom limit of
Player salaries may not be
sliced by more than 20 per cent
after poor performances, compared
to 25 in the past. They may only
be cut 30 per cent over a two-year
period, instead of 44.
If a player is released during
spring training he will receive a
month's pay. Previously, he got
nothing. If he's out between the
season opener April 6 and May 15,
he gets two months' cash rather
than one.


marke. g F

22 96

Coach Johnny Orr praised the'
50-96 6-10 senior. "Brady did a good job
but we didn't get it in there

full court
The silver 'Spoon...
outshines all others
YOU CAN TAKE all your Jim Brewers, Ron Behagens, and
Henry Wilmores. The Big Ten's Most Valuable Player is
Nick Weatherspoon, and if he doesn't grab the Chicago Tribune's
trophy that goes with it, something is very wrong somewhere.
Consider this. Illinois was picked by all the experts to finish
eighth or ninth in the Big Ten. After last night's astonishing
victory over a "who gives a damn" Michigan team, the Illini
rest solidly in fourth place with a 7-4 record.
And when you consider the players Coach Harv Schmidt
has to work with, you realize just how phenomenal a job
this much-maligned man and his star have turned in this
The tallest starter is a mere 6-6, and even though Nick
Conner is probably the best 6-6 center in the nation, his ability
to contain 6-10 Ken Brady last night was almost negligible. And
those two hatchet men who occupy the forward spot next to
Weatherspoon, Rick Schmidt and Jed Foster, could be the two
worst players among the first ten of any conference team except
No, the Illini success this campaign has been directly at-
tributable to the sleek 6-6, 195 pound frame of their senior
captain from Canton, Ohio.
'Spoon Is the Big Ten's leading scorer (26.6) and the
loop's second top rebounder (12.2). As Schmidt puts it, "When
you take Weatherspoon away from us, it's like taking Jabbar
(Kareem Abdul) from Milwaukee."
But all of this glory and glitter hasn't always been heaped
on this frail, thoughtful man's shoulders. Sure, he's been a
starter for two seasons for Illinois, averaging highly respectable
marks of 16.5 and 20.8 points per game. But something was
always missing from his play. Some called his tendency to fire
up bad shots a basic trait, and others wrote him off as a
gunner, a man who couldn't play unless he had the ball.
That's what the sportswriters said. Assistant coach Dick
Campbellknows better. "It' was just a matter of Nick growing
up and finding out how to control his emotions," he said after-
ward in the delirious locker room. "For example, he used to
protest every call. Now, he's completely relaxed."
Schmidt said much the same thing. "He is using his
intensity to his advantage this year," the gawky, white-shoed
coach commented. "And he had developed the awareness
that he must give up the ball sometimes, too."
Although 'Spoon did turn in a couple flashy passes to
teammates for easy buckets, it was his play with the ball that
drew the almost unheard of partial standing ovation from the
staid Michigan fans last night.
He drilled nine jumpers in his incredible first half, many
with 6-7 Campy Russell, who showed he could play far better
defense than anyone gives him credit for, draped all over him.
He had 27 points at intermission, and Rudy Tomjanovich's
Crisler Arena scoring record of 48 seemed in peril.
Wetherspoon's bid for that record ended at the 10:40
mark, however, when he drew his fifth personal, and you
had to think even Jewel Jenkins, Michigan's most rabid fan,
felt cheated that he couldn't play any more.
"I've never seen a shooting display like that in my life,"
gushed Schmidt. "He's one of the five best players in the
country. And in September I figured he'd be lucky to go as
high as the third round in the pro draft."
Detroit Piston coach Ray Scott was in attendance last
night, and when he was asked to evaluate 'Spoon's play at half-
time, he was careful with his words. "Yes, I expected him to
be this good. He's one of the first five cornermen in the coun-
try, with Behagen (Ron); Brown (John, of Missouri), Bantom
(Mike, of St. Joseph's), and Green (Mike, of Louisiana Tech).
Weatherspoon is a definite first round pick."
In the Illini dressing room .Weatherspoon was the last man
out of the shower. He wasn't taking part in the horseplay with
his teammates. And he seemed to be a little hurt when he was
asked to comment on his first two seasons, which this reporter
described as "disappointing."
4I was young and emotional," he answered. "I knew I
wasn't playing up to my ability, but I was still pleased over-
all with my plhy. I have just gotten older, just like every-


Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
C.J.- Kupec while attempting a layup in last night's action. Per-
sonal fouls (51 in all) played a major role in the contest, as two
starters from each squad fouled out of the action.

-they apply.

bounds pass from Illinoisa
Johnson again and quickly
gan was within six, 87-81, w
three minutes to play.
Russell committed his fi
sonal when he fouled Otho
and.the 6-6 guard was off fr
charity stripe and he quick
ed out also in a fight fo

the in-
and fed
ith over


bound with Wayman Britt.
Britt had a chance to brin
igan to within four fromt
but he missed both and
hacked Schmidt in the bat
the rebound. Schmidt contin
missed free throw Barra
NBA Standin
Eastern Conference
At nI r ld. JivicOin

fth per-
ithper- partans nip Buckeyes -
'rom the
ly foul- By The Associated Press tatconsin, behind 19 points apiece by Frank Kendrick paced the losers
r a re EAST LANSING-Michigan State; Leon Howard and Kim Hughes, with 17 points.
r a re- saw its 47-33 halftime lead dwindle dealt Purdue's fading title hopes * * *
to only one point but managed to a near fatal blow last night with Gophersgobble
g Mich- make a last flurry of foul shots to a 71-63 Big Ten basketball victory
the line defeat Ohio State, 87-83 in a Big over the Boilermakers. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.-Ron Be-
uicklyTen basketball game last night. The defeat dropped the Boiler- hagen poured in 25 pointsand Jim
quiky Ier Brewer and Clyde Turner added
tle for The Spartans outscored Ohio makers to an 8-4 conference record 23 each as the third-ranked Min-
ued the State 19-4 in the last five minutes and virtually eliminateddtheinr nesota Gophers pounded North-
of the first half to build up their chances of overhauling defending we ter oper ps ngh oune aort
ge and commanding lead. champion Minnesota and Indiana. western 90-74 las bgtto increase
chamion their Big Ten basketball lead.
However, senior guard Alan The Badgers raced to a 28-12
Hornyak, who had 32 points for the The Gophers, who never trailed,
night, paced the Buckeyes to with- advantage but had to hang on as ran their season record to 19-2
in one point, 78-77, with 3:48 left the visitors rallied repeatedly be- and Big Ten mark to 9-2 before a
in the game. fore fading in the final minutes. crowd of 17,725. The victory im-
Junior guard Mike Robinson, proved the Gophers' home record
Pct. GB who also had 32, then kept the rZ" : ':t? to 12-0 this year.
.735 4 Spartans ahead with a quick bas- Big Ten Standings The closest Northwestern came
.292 33% ket. Hornyak made a basket with S dafter the Gophers took the lead
.118 46 2:15 left to lower the MSU lead to W L Pet. early in the game was at 22-21.
82-81. Minnesota 9 2 .812 _ - _-_- --------
.641 - Senior center Bill Kilgore then Indiana 9 3 750
.545 6 made the first of five MSU foul 8 4 667
.3941E Purdue 8 4 .6
.369 17y shots which made up the victory Illinois 7 4 .600 MINI-COURSE
margin. Kilgore had 20 points, tthe MICHIGAN 6 6 .500
highest in his MSU career. Ohio State 6 6 .500
Guard Gary Ganakas made two Io 4 7 363
.676 - free throws with 51 seconds left to owianSae ' .33A FT I
.646 2, put the Spartans ahead, 85-81. Michigan State 4 8 .333
.443 16 ThenBenny Allison hit a field goal Wiscosn 4 8 .39
brngteoukee Northwestern 1 10 .091
tobring the Buckeyes ot within Yesterday's results
.742 - two again. * *Illinois 96, MICHIGAN 89
..615 8 o rgMichigan State 87, Ohio State 83
.309 1 Boilersbadgered Wisconsin 71, Purdue 63
.242 33 MADISON, Wis.-Underdog Wis- Minnesota 90, Northwestern 74 FACT AND FIC

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Milwaukee 46 22
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SYLVIA WYNTER, Prof. of Literature, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Visiting Lecturer, in Residence at the University of Michigan, March 12-April 5
LECTURE SCHEDULE-8 p.m. Wednesdays Room 2235 Angell Hull
MARCH 14-Cultural 'Dualism': Theory as Ideology or Critical Consciousness in
the Commodity Form Society.
The concept and role of the theory of cultural 'dualism'-and its related definitions of First/
Third World social/cultural pluralism-in commodity. form society which presents itself as
other than it really is, in which 'reality deceives the subject.'
MARCH 21-Nigger Minstrel/Nigger Monster, Noble Savage/Indio Bruto: Western
Humanism, Plantation America, and the Role of the Stereotype.
New World stereotypes of Blacks and Indians as intrinsic and necessary projections of Western
humanism; Plantation America as an area of EXPERIENCE which laid bare the relation of
exploitation underlying the fetishism of humanist freedom; and its insistence on the indivi-
dual person. Use of stereotypes to conceal, evade, make invisible.
MARCH 28-Elite Mass, Settler/Native: The Colonization of Consciousness in
Commodity Form Society.
The elite class in neocolonial 'third world' countries exist, more than most, elite, in a tension
caused by the difference between what is and what ought-to-be. Its "ideological" pretensions
are therefore in even sharper conflict with the economic reality of its base; its degree of mys-
tification is necessarily greater; and when the illusion breaks down the resort to force, to mil-
tory rule, is inherent in the situation. As an elite class that is really the 'manager' class for
an imposed economic and cultural system it enters a 'settler' relationship with the 'native'
mass and its consciousness becomes 'colon'-ized a it attemptsto colonize the consciousness
of the masses.
APRIL 4-Babylon Zion i Culture and Counter-culture in the Catacombs
of Marginality.
The reality of the lived experience of the marginal minorities of the First World and the ma-.
iority of the excluded masses of the Third World exists in direct antimony with and as a
negation of the norms, values and assumptions both of the dominant affluent of the First
World, and of the Third World elite who are the agents of these norms. These marginal
masses live-in their ghettoes, yards, barriadas, favelas, shanty towns-the contradiction be-
tween the infrastructure of the economic base and the superstructure of illusions which bol-
sters the unjust and irrational mechanism of a system of which they are the victims.
Born in Holguin, Ariente, Cuba of Jamanican parents. Attended elementary and secondary
schools in Jamaica, West Indies. Studies at London University and University of Madrid. Pre-
sented papers "C.L.R. James and the Castaway Culture of the Caribbean" and "C.L.R.
James and the Cultural Revolution" (the latter at the University of Michigan). Has written
a novel The Hills of Hebron. Currently working on a critical study of fiction The Novel in
the Third World and a ziography of Bustamonte, a populist leader and National Hero of

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