See Editorial Page
YI r
5k 4311W
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See today . .. for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 94 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 24, 1973 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Cam pus Corners robbed
At almost the same time President Nixon was announcing
a cease-fire agreement in Vietnam, two men robbed the Campus
Corners drug store of an undetermined amount of money. Ac-
cording to witnesses the two entered the store at about 10:15
p.m. and ordered customers into a corner. Cash registers were
emptied and the thieves escaped into the night.
More machines, shorter lines
It appears you will not have to wait in line for hours to cast
your ballot in the next election. City Council put aside $12,000
to lease 24 additional voting machines for the February primary
and the April general elections. This should reduce the voter-
voting machine ratio to 400 persons to one machine. City
officials hope that this, along with a smaller ballot, will make
voting easier than it was last November.
11 families face eviction
11 families living in public housing face eviction proceedings
this week for not making arrangements to repay back rent
the city claims they owe. The action was part of a campaign to
lower the amount of back rent owed the. city and decrease the
Housing Commission's program deficit. 33 other families have
paid or are in the process of repaying the city.
Happenings . .
..includes the Venice Film Festival (1969) international
award winner "Bhuvan Shome" presented by the India Stu-
dents Association on the occasion of India's 24th Republic Day,
Aud. E, P&A Bldg. 7:00 . . . a lecture on the Yoga of the
Bhagavad-Gita given by Kirtanananda Swami, chief disciple of
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada. Union Ballroom, 7:00, free
...a lecture of "Stochastic Programming" by University of
Southern California Economics Prof. Gerhard Tinter, 4:00, 229
W. Engin. Bldg. (refreshments at 3:45) . . . a meeting of the
Commission on Women, Homer Heath Lounge, Union, 11:00 a.m.
Hey! Wake up
NEW YORK - The manufacturer of Geritol was fined
$812,000 Monday for false advertising. The firm, was cited for
claiming that Geritol was effective against tiredness symptoms
in 11 separate television commercials shown on 100 occassions.
The fine - $456,000 against J. B. Williams Co. and $356,000
against its wholly owned advertising subsidiary, Parkson Ad-
vertising Agency Inc. - is believed to be the highest ever for
violating Federal Trade Commission regulations against false
advertising. It. appears Geritol finally woke some one up.
A doggie story
STATESVILLE, N.C. - Polly, a little furry white spitz, was
killed by other dogs before she could begin to enjoy her inherit-
ance. Polly had been willed an income of $480 a year from
stocks left by her mistress, 72-year-old Anne Robinson Cowan,
who died shortly before her pet did. Cowans's will stipulated
that income from 192 shares of Reynolds Industries stock go to
any family that would agree to give Polly a good home. Nobody
would, so she was placed in a dog pound where she died from
puncture wounds in the throat inflicted by other dogs. On the
death of the dog, the stock, worth more than $10,000, would be
returned to the family.
By The Associated Press and Reuters
Nixon announced last night
that an agreement, calling
for a cease-fire effective
Saturday, had been reached
by the parties in the Viet-
nam war.
The agreement, which Nixon
said gives "peace with honor,"
provides for American with-
drawal of troops from Vietnam
within 60 days in return for all
American prisoners of war and a
full accounting of all missing-in-
The agreement was initialed
yesterday by presidential advisor
Henry Kissinger and will be
formally signed Saturday in
Paris, with Secretary of State
William Rogers representing the
United States.
Details of the agreement will
not be available until later to-
day. Speculation already centers
on the specifics of the proposed
interim political government, the
size of the peace-keeping force,
and the number of North Viet-
namese troops that will be per-
mitted below the Demilitarized
The President said the settle-
ment meets the goals and has
the full support of President
Thieu and all the other allies.
"We shall continue to aid the
For related story, see Page 8
South Vietnamese and all the
other people of Southeast Asia,"
he added.
The cease-fire throughout Viet-
nam will take effect a 7 p.m.
EST on Saturday, after the of-
ieia°-signing c*eremony the
President announced.
According to the agreement,
within 60 days of the signing,
all the American prisoners of
war throughout Indochina would
be released and there would be
the fullest possible accounting
for those missing in action. Also
within 60 days all American
forces still in Vietnam would be
withdrawn, and the South Viet-
namese would be assured the
right to decide their own political
He explained that to have
earlier discussed publicly moves
leading towards peace would
have jeopardized the negotia-
Nixon praised the wives, chil-
dren and families of the prison-
ers and those missing in action.
"While others had called for a
settlement on any terms, they
had had the courage to stand
for the right kind of peace."
In Saigon, President Nguyen
Van Thieu said yesterday the
political struggle following the
cease-fire "will be as difficult
and dangerous as the military
Thieu claimed in a nationwide
radio address that most of his
major demands had been met by
Hanoi, including recognition of
South Vietnam as a separate
Meanwhile, Hanoi Radio stated,
"The Democratic Republic of
Vietnam andrthe United States
express the hope that this agree-
ment will ensure stable peace in
Vietnam and contribute to the
preservation of lasting peace in
Indochina and Southeast Asia."
AP Photo
Leaders voice
relief, cautio0n
By AP and Reuters
President Nixon's announcement of a ceasefire in Vietnam brought
statements of relief from members of Congress last night-but doubts
that the war is over for the Vietnamese.
Meanwhile, countries around the world sprung forth with offers
of immediate aid for war-ravaged North and South Vietnam.
Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho), a long-standing war critic, said
last night, "We have fought the war with so many illusions. Let us
have no illusions about the peace.
"It is no more than a truce," he added, "and it may last no
longer than the earlier truce in 1954 when the French withdrew."
"The key question: is can .this peace last," said Sen. Edmund
Muskie (D-Maine). "Can it lead to healing in South Vietnam?"
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) expressed "profound relief that
these years of the nation's sacrifice and tragedy and bitterness are
"Our prayer now," he said, "is that the peace we have attained
is a true peace, not only for America but for all the people of Viet-
nam, North and South."
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) was optimistic.
"The final departure of American forces from Indochina," Hum-
phrey said, "will mean more than the end of the war. It will mean that
we in America can once again turn our attention to our urgent
domestic needs ;and it will also mean that the people of Vietnam,
North and South, can begin to rebuild their war-torn countries."
Said Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.): "Thank God, I pray it sticks."
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) said never in U.S. history has a
President "acted so courageously" not only in the face of opposition
from the enemy but unprecedented criticism at home.
"The American people owe President Nixon a deep debt of
gratitude," Goldwater said. "His critics owe him an apology."
Democratic Sen. Philip Hart of Michigan, a critic of the war,
said his first reaction was "a tentative whoopee.
Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.), a senior member of the Foreign
Relations Committee, said, "I think the agreement is the best that
could be obtained under the circumstances."
He added he expected the Nixon Administration would seek
funds to help the reconstruction of North Vietnam.
"I do not know what that price is but the price would be cheap
compared to carrying on the war," he commented.
Gerald Ford, Republican leader in the House of Representatives,
said Nixon's announcement "is news all the world had been agoniz-
ingly awaiting."
Clark Clifford, defense secretary in the Johnson Administration,
said: "I fear that the continued participation President Nixon has
arranged in Vietnam means a further commitment in Vietnam."
He was referring to American involvement in the political
Japan hailed the ceasefire agreement and promised active par-
ticipation in the reconstruction of postwar Indochina.
For businessmen there was the immediate prospect of increased
PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR Henry Kissinger and North Vietnam negotiator Le Duc Tho shake hands
after their meeting yesterday in Paris.
Nixon statement greeted
locally with joy, doubt
On the inside . .
. . . is a review of Hone
Detroit, by Arts Editor Glor
Page . . . the Editorial Page
on the late Lyndon Johnson
feature by Theresa Swedo on
The weather pic
There is a somewhat cl
according to the National W
the high will be about 35 wit'
The sky should clear up late
Local politicians and f o r e i g n
policy e x p e r t s responded with1
guarded optimism to President
.. Nixon's special announcement last
y, a new comedy playing in night. In general, they cheered
ia Jane Smith on the Arts the cease-fire while expressing
features a number of views doubts about the peace.
the Sports Page has a Allen Whiting, University politi-
. .ichiga . Gthtice s.cal science professor and special-
Michigan Gymnastics. ist on Far Eastern policy, seemed
shocked. "I'm just numb with re-
lure lief," he said.
oudy weather picture today, Whiting said, however, that while
leather Service. They claim he was certain a peace would be
effected, "There will be a lot of
h the lows in the upper 20's. people killed between now and
r in the day. Wrap up tight. then."
The viability of any Vietnam
peace agreement was questioned
by several other foreign policy
Political Science Prof. J. David
Singer commented, "This looks
very much like a paper peace, and
certainly not very durable."
Visiting Political Science Prof.
Catherine Kelleher-a former as-
sociate of Presidential e n v o y
Henry Kissinger - said she had
little doubt that the accord will,
in fact, be violated. ,"The question
is," she said, "after they break
the cease-fire, what happens?"
Kelleher further speculated that a
U.S. miiltary return-at least in
the air-could not be ruled out.
Mayor Robert Harris led a
chorus of city officials expressing
relief that an end to the fighting
had at last been reached.
"It looks like the war is over
and I'm delighted," he said.
Jerry De Grieck, Human Rights
Party Second Ward councilman,
said, "I'm glad the bombs are not
falling," but added he was "leery
of any agreement that still guar-
antees aid to South Vietnam's pres-
ent government . . . there has to
be a commitment on the part of
this country to rebuild all of Viet-
Reaction among local anti-war
activists was by and large re-
strained and pessimistic.
Barbara Fuller of the Inter-faith
Council for Peace pointed out than
nam to solve their own problems
or keep supporting Thieu. The war
isn't really over until we stop
supporting him."
Richard Weinberg of the Coun-
ter-Inaugural Committee, which
spearheaded local participation in
anti-war activities at President
Nixon's inaugural last Saturday,
predicted a long bloody future for
Vietnam after the U.S. pullout.
"Everyone should be happy that
the bombs won't be dropping over
Vietnam, but I don't think there
will be much peace in Vietnam
over the next few years. I don't
think the U.S. will be back in the
war, but there will be continued
fighting between North and South,"
he said.
Film group
When the University community had five film
groups the competition was tight. And now there
are six.
According to Mark Lopatin, Mediatrics, a new
group affiliated with University Activities Center
(UAC) exists to drive out another film group.
"One of the reasons we're in business is to
get Friends of Newsreel out of business," he said.
Friends of Newsreel has sponsored some films
fnr one nf five film 2ron alreadv nresent on
os face off
profit and use University facilities to do so are
"not representative" of the University com-
Lopatin said that some film groups generally
put their profits "back into the community." He
cited the joint purchase by Cinema II and Ann
Arbor Film Co-op of- new Zenon bulbs for the
Angell Hall projection booth as an example.
Friends of Newsreel spokeswoman Lisa Katz
said she had "no comment" on Lopatin's state-
2.rlierin +he meelr a member of the onronniz-
Tribute to
LBJ set
By AP and UPI
AUSTIN, Tex. -- The body
of former President Lyndon
Baines Johnson will be flown
to Washington today to lie in
state in the Capitol rotunda
and receive a final tribute
from the nation.
Johnson, the nation's 36th Presi-
dent, died Monday of a heart at-
tack, at age 64.
Yesterday, the body of the for-
mer President, lay in state in the
library he created as his own me-
morial and as a school for better