Saturdav. March 16, 1974
'. , , ,
the ONLY, complete, one-hour-2 -minute version author-
I ted,>narrated, and scored by Chaplin
Ufm groups
(Continued from Page 1) guidelines are not being met by spoke
student film societies who claim that organization. The guidelines runs
the University wishes to undermine offer students no recourse in such rougi
their autonomy and extort their a situation. night
funds. Responding to the proposed fi- ures,
Chikofsky, at the February 27 nancial restrictions as well as what quart
executive officers' meeting,- criti- they term "harassment" by the recie
cized the proposed guidelines as University, New World Media Proj- In
containing no provisions to protect ect has released a leaflet condemn- charg
the "democratic rights" of the ing University billing and schedul- "aver
student organizations. ing procedures. versi
HE OBJECTED strongly to a In addition to the bitterly con- per n
particular provision in the proposal tested accounting proposal, the RI
giving the auditor power to block film group decries what it calls the U
disbursement of organization funds the "exorbitantly high cost" of i the ti
when he alone decides that the renting University facilities, which pendi
bump heads
UFW backers plan
big Wrigley's protest
sman Keith Kenny claims
to about $2000 a month, or
hly $100 per auditorium per
. According to Kenny's fig-
this amounts to roughly one
ter of the group's admission
response to New World's
ges, Rinkel maintains that the
rage" rental cost for a Uni-
ty facility is $85 per auritorium
NKEL CLAIMS, however, that
University does not profit from
ransaction. He breaks the ex-
itures down as follows: $25 to
HRP to present new anti-rape
resolution to counci
SATURDAY--7:00 & 8:40 P.M.
in a unique TRIPLEX presentation
PRIME CUT 7:00& 10:20
Marvin plays a Chicago enforcer sent out with three 'soldiers' to
pull the Kansas City operation, run by "Mary Jane" Hackman,
back into the family. Director Michael Ritchie's parable of the
Syndicate in a cornfield, or how violence is as corporate as
8:40 & 10:20 SATURDAY
Some people still smile 'at their names, but not the ones who
picked up on PRETTY POISON-Tuesday Weld was named Best
Actress at the Venice International Film Festival for her role.
(Continued from Page 1)
"The proposal may pass if Re-
publicans are true to their word
regarding rape legislation," said
1HRP First Ward Councilman Jerry
DeGrieck. "However, the Republi-
cans are often not true to their
COUNCILMEN Richard Hadler
(R-Fourth Ward) and Bruce Ben-
ner (R-Fourth Ward) are both op-
posed to the police advisory board
and it appears doubtful that they
will support the resolution.
"I am opposed to singling out
rape victims-why should they be
given any more priority than vic-
for total campusc
saturation over
air call
-- 650 AM -
The Rock of Ann Arbor
tims of other crimes?" Benner
Currently, the Ann Arbor metro-
politan area is first in Michigan in
reported incidence of rape. How-
ever, the 42 reported rapes in 1972
resulted in only one conviction.
HRP CHARGES that because of
the "insensitive handling of rape
victims by the police and the dif-
ficulty of proving rape," many
more rapes go unreported.
The HRP measure is more aim-
ed at "preventing rather than
prosecuting" rape, party members
HRP estimates that the resolu-
tion would cost between $60,000 and
$100,000 to implement. Despite the
city's sizable debt of $1 million,
HRP members feel that the money
to implement their program is
readily available because it "would
combat rape more effectively than
I onday
pouring more money into the po-
lice department."
Under the resolution's specifica-
tions, the advisory board would be
composed of two police officers,
one of them a woman, two mem-
bers appointed by the Women's
Crisis Center, one member from
each of the three political parties
and the head of the rape unit.
THE ALL-FEMALE rape unit
would be composed of six women,
one of whom would be on duty at
all times to explain to the victimj
all aspects of the investigation and
trial "with the intent to encourage
her to prosecute."
The proposal also calls for round-
-the-clock free public transporta-
tion, free self - defense courses,
more and higher intensity lighting
for city sidewalks, alarm systems
in public bathrooms and a direct
free telephone line to the police.
pay the lobby supervisors and
clean-up crew; $25-30 to pay the
projectionist, who must be union
certified; and $15 to rent each
projector used from the Univer-,
New World also expresses dis-
satisfaction with what they term
"arbitrary" assignment of a higher,
priority for academic uses of audi-
toriums than non-academic uses.
This low priority status of the
film groups' screenings means
their longstanding reservations for
an auditorium can be cancelled at
any time if an academic depart-
ment decides they need the room,
the leaflet says.
NEW WORLD claims that "ar-
bitrary cancellations" caused the
loss of 23 of their "original request-
ed show-dates" last fall, resulting
in a financial setback of "about
Corrine Bowden, spokeswoman
for the University's Scheduling
Office, sharply questions New
World's claim to have lost money
due to refused or cancelled show-
dates. Bowden explains that due
to the limited number of audi-
toriums available, film groups are
often required to settle for fewer
than the number of reservations
they originally request.
However, late date cancellations
of auditorium reservations caused
by requests from academic depart-
ments are quite rare, she says.
"The real competition (for the
auditoriums) is between the film
groups," Bowden claims.
KENNY CITES University finan-
cial holdings in Butterfield The-
atres, a city theatre chain that
must compete with the student
film societies, as a possible motive
for harassment of film groups.
An inspection of the University's
most recently published "Schedule
of Investments" discloses that the
University has had sizeable hold-
ings in this theatre chain within
the last year.
HOWEVER, Easthope dismisses
charges of financial conspiracy by
the University against the film
groups as "just bull."
City United Farm Workers
(UFW) supporters are planning
their largest picketing demon-
stration since last fall for today.
The demonstration, to be held
this afternoon in front of the
Wrigley's supermarket in Ypsilanti,
will protest the store's stocking of
non-UFW grapes and lettuce. The
action comes on the heels of the,
University Housing Council's re-
cent decision to boycott non-UFW
grapes in the dorms.!
THE ANN ARBOR group, in co- and lettuce.Y .Y.,
operation with Ypsilanti UFW sup- Wrigley's stores have already
porters, has been holding small begun to react to recent picketing
demonstrations at five local Wrig- by placing signs in their windows
ley's stores regularly during recent attacking the UFW and by having
weeks. Today about 50 volunteers their employes pass out leaflets re-
from Alice Lloyd Hall will join futing UFW arguments.
picketers who normally divide Those interested in picketing the
themselves into five groups to pro- Ypsilanti Wrigley's store from 1 to
test at the local stores. 3 p.m. this afternoon should come
The UFW supporters' efforts are to the Michigan Union at 12:30 p.m.
part of a larger UFW drive to pick- for a ride or contact Barry Ben-
et 75 of the 90 Wrigley's stores in E nett at 764-5948.
City Hall scorched In
fire dept. dilemm-a
The picketers will ask customers
approaching Wrigley's not to buy
any products at the store, with the
aim of cutting the store's profits
enough to force its management to
stop selling non-UFW grapes and
are using tactics that have resulted
in recent successes in Michigan.
Picketing of Farmer Jack's and
Great Scott supermarkets has led
to both food store chains agreeing
to stop sales of non-UFW grapes
Modern Languages Aud. 3 & 4
friends of newsreel
Avoid Another Shortage!
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It may be too late!
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If you have paid to have the book mailed, please specify
(Continued from Page 1)
ald Helveston, saw the decision dif-
ferently, however, claiming, "the
jeopardy to life and property
around here is rescinded."
Helveston also asserted that the
union had "talked the city into"
keeping the fire station open, add-
ing, "We're concerned about the
safety of the people who live in
this area. If the station closes,
they're in deep trouble."
THE DECISION to close the sta-
tion was one part of a large num-
ber of layoffs which Murray had
made in an attempt to comply with
an order from the Michigan Mu-
nicipal Finance Commission .
In January the commission
ruled that the city must end the,
fiscal year with a balanced budget
and must repay $300,000 of the city
debt of $1.2 million.
To comply with the order Mur-
ray laid off some 169 city union
workers as well as over 200 city
non-union personnel:
THE LAWSUIT was only one of
the ways in which the fire fight-
ers had been protesting the deci-
sion to close the station.
At the City Council meeting last
Monday, when the decision was
announced, two speakers from the
International Association of Fire
Fighters warned that their organ-
ization would not "view the clos-
ing lightly," and claimed that the
act could endanger the lives of
area residents.
In addition, the firemen had tak-
en their cause to the streets, dis-
tributing handbills which warned
of impending disaster if the sta-
tion was closed.
The firemen from Station Num-
ber Five had also painted a 60 foot
banner which proclaimed, "This
station will be closed April 5.
Should this happen?" The firemen
had planned to hang the banner
from the station until Murray an-
nounced that he would negotiate
with the union.
St. Patrick's Day
Owen McBride
gene Wilder and Donald Sutherland
"Start the Revolution
Without Me"
shown at 12:00 midnight
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