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March 16, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-16

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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

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Eight Pages

Vol LXXXIV, No. 131

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 16, 1974

Ten Cents





AFSCME settles
Washtenaw County officials and union council 55 of
the American Federation of State, County and Munici-
pal Employes (AFSCME), the county employes' union,
reached a tentative agreement on a two-year contract
after a seven hour mediating session yesterday, a union
spokesman reported. The threatened work stoppage for
Monday has been called off, the spokesman, Edward
Limoges, said, and the union is asking all employes
within the bargaining unit to report for work at their
normal starting times Monday. An employes' meeting
scheduled for Monday morning has been replaced with
a ratification meeting Thursday at which contract de-
tails will be revealed and the members will vote to ac-
cept or reject the new contract.
Were you aware?
If yesterday seemed more unprosperous than the
usual Friday it may have been because it was the Ides
of March. According to tradition, the March 15 was the
date of the murder of Julius Caesar, a most fatal day.
"The Roman calendar was originally defined in terms
of the waxing and waning of the moon," says Prof.
Bruce Frier of the Classical Studies department. "It is
one of the most difficult calendar systems ever invent-
ed," Frier says, "not even the Romans liked it much."
Women' s symposium.
Today Markley hall is sponsoring a symposium for
and by women to provide them with exposure to alterna-
tives in careers and life styles. From 9 a.m. to noon
career workshops in law, government, business, public
relations, economics, media, journalism, public health,
social work, nursing, engineering, education, adminis-
tration, science and. research will be conducted. Then
after lunch, from 1-2:30 p.m. "Career and/or Marriage?"
will be discussed. From 2:30-3:30 p.m. Women and the
Law will be the topic and the last hour of the day
will be devoted to a skills workshop - resume writ-
ing, interview skills and job finding.
'U' grad makes top
Dr. John Holloman; a 1943 graduate of the University
Medical School, has been named to the post of President
of New York City's Health and Hospital Corporation,
that city's top hospital administration position. Hollo-
man, 54, was chosen from a field of 160 candidates, and
his selection marked the culmination of a drive headed
by the black community to have a black man named
to head the city's hospitals. Commenting on his appoint-
ment, Holloman was quoted by the New York Times
as saying that when he assumes his new duties, "the
most important person will be the patient."
Happenings .. .
... begin at 9:30 a.m. with a conference on Schooling
in Corporate America in MLB. The conference continues
through tomorrow with various speakers, workshops and
discussions. For more information, check with the
sponsors of the conference, Program for Educational
and Social Change . . . from 12:30 to 8 p.m. 25 crazed
Frisbee teams from California, Massachusetts, Toronto
and the Midwest will compete in the First Annual U-M
Open Indoor Frisbee Tournament in the Intramural
Bldg. All are invited to watch or participate . . . there
will be a benefit showing of the film Alice in Wonder-
land in E. Quad Aud. at 7, 9 and 11 p.m.. . and a
benefit is scheduled at 8 p.m. in the Markley snack bar
featuring 10c beer and two bands, Clear Spot Blues and
Clyster. The $1 donation will go to a Red Cross emer-
gency fund to be sent to the Gold Coast of Africa to
fight the famine there.
Beer belly
Fred Feitz of Griffith, Ind., noticed the left rear door
of his truck coming open Thursday afternoon while
traveling I-94 and stopped to investigate. The west-
bound trucker discovered that the bed of the truck
had given away under the weight of 1,000 cases of
empty beer bottles. Reitz discovered the truck's condi-
tion near the Race Road exit east of Jackson. .

Protest against proposed control of student organ-
ization finances by the Office of the Student Auditor
(OSA) has brought a concession from the administra-
tion, but campus film groups still claim the University
is treating them unfairly.
In the latest of a long series of hotly contested
actions, the University's executive officers last week
set up a committee to review and amend proposed
guidelines for auditing of film groups by the OSA.
RELATIONS BETWEEN the University and several
campus film organizations have traditionally been
volatile. New World Media leveled new charges this
month against various sectors of the administration,
claiming exorbitant costs and arbitrary scheduling
changes for campus facilities are causing the group
heavy financial losses.

g roups
The review committee was created after a recom-
mended set of stringent accounting guidelines met
with strong criticism from Student Organizations
Board chief Eliot Chikofsky at last month's executive
officers meeting. The executive officers are the
University's top administrative officials.
Under the proposed guidelines, all student organiza-
tion finances would be handled strictly within the OSA
if the organization wished to use University buildings
and facilities.
members and staff from the Office of Student Services
(OSS), plans to rework the auditing proposal and re-
vamp the OSA's procedures, according to chairman
Edward Rutz, administrative associate in OSS.
Rutz says the committee intends to amend the
proposed guidelines so as to authorize creation of a


"review and advisory board" composed of students
and staff.
The board would be empowered to arbitrate dis-
agreements over funding controls, and to eliminate, as
much as possible, the red tape in the delegation of
facility rights to student organizations and in the
handling of organization accounts, according to Rutz.
However, the rule that student organization finances
be handled only through the OSA is not subject to
review, Rutz says.
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS give several explanations
for the proposed restrictions. Maurice Rinkel, auditor
for student'organizations, explains that the regulation
was designed to establish greater safeguards against
the possibility of private individuals profiting from the
use of University facilities.
Tom Easthope, assistant vice president for student


services, cites a need for safeguards against groups
profiting from the University's tax-exempt status. The
University does not pay taxes on the auditoriums and
equipment that film groups use.
"If you want to have preferential treatment, you've
got to have accountability," Easthope says.
IN ADDITION, several sources say the University
must insure that student organizations do not run up
financial obligations they can't meet. The University
has covered "several hundred dollars" worth of stu-
dent organization debts so far this school year, ac-
cording to Easthope, and is now trying to collect
.these debts from the organizations
The proposal has met with bitter opposition, how-
ever, from various student organizations, most notably
See 'U', Page 2






N 0
Nion to
C hicao
special To The Daily
CHICAGO - "Beware the Ides
of March!" cried a would-be Cas-
sandra in the crowd of roughly
3,000 that cane out to greet Presi-
dent Nixon yesterday.
The Ides of March have come
and gone. So did Nixon. And if
there was any particular reason
for him to "beware," during his
first, brief visit outside the South
since his 1972 "mandate," he didn't
seem conscious of it.
It was another of those occa-
sions which has become a Nixon
trademark:ra non-appearance. The
man who ran a non-campaign in
1972 carefully avoided his consti-
tuents and was whisked in and out
of Chicago without anyone - ex-
cept maybe the entourage of 850
Secret Service agents and police
officers - noticing it. He never
saw the crowd that waited hours
on a cold, drizzly March day to
see him.
See CROWD, Page 8

Claims not guilty of
impeachable crimes
By AP and UPI
CHICAGO-Repeating his declarations of innocence in
the Watergate scandal, President Nixon yesterday vowed he
will finish his term in the White House because "resignation
is an easy cop-out" and "I will, not be a party to the de-
struction of the presidency of the United States."
While hundreds of demonstrators, most of them anti-
Nixon, shouted noisily in the streets outside, Nixon offered
his most emotional no-resignation pledges to date before
nationwide TV cameras and a friendly audience of business-
The Executives' Club of the plush Conrad Hilton hotel provided a
forum for an hour-long question-and answer session in which Nixon
took aim on European leaders' actions as well as critics of his own

ANTI-NIXON DEMONSTRATORS and a Chicago policeman wear similar stern expressions during yester-
day's protest outside the Conrad Hilton hotel, where the President spoke to a gathering of businessmen.
The sign at left shows the word "apprehended" plastered across the face of each key Watergate figure-
except Nixon's.

Regents vote in dorm rate hike

actions in the Watergate affair,
warning "the day of the one-way
street is gone" in the Atlantic al-
IN RESPONDING to 14 questions
during the meeting the President
" Cautioned Arabs not to at-
tach conditions to lifting of the oil
embargo. He said this would slow
down U. S. peace efforts in the
Middle East.
* Declared he would not grant
House impeachment investigators
a "fishing license" to paw through
confidential White House files;
called for the House Judiciary
Committee to follow the Constitu-
tion in defining an impeachable
offense, and again urged prompt
resolution of impeachment moves.
* Ruled out his personal testi-
mony in the Watergate coverup
trials of former White House
aides, and indicated "there may
be evidence" he owes more fed-
eral income taxes because paper-
work on donation of his vice presi-
dential files was not completed in
0 Shed little new light on con-
flicts in his past statements on
when and what he was told about
hush money payments to Water-
gate defendants, but said he did
not mean to imply that his aides
were giulty of any kind crime.
Nixon volunteered that he want-
ed to correct "what may have
been a misapprehension" result-
ing from his news conference
statement March 6 that former
White House counsel John Dean
told him of hush money payments
made to Watergate defendants.
Nixon said yesterday he considered
it Dean's statement an allegation
rather than a fact.
NIXON'S third - person conces-
sion that "there may be evidence
he (Nixon) owes more tax" came
soon after Washington sources
said the White House has failed to
provide - and reportedly lost -
a key document for a congression-
al probe of the President's income
tax status.

Key ,Arab
says oil
to end
VIENNA (UPI) -Saudi Arabian
Oil Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamani
said last night the Arab oil em-
bargo against the United States
"will be lifted" and indicated the
announcement would be made to-
At the same time, officials of
the Organization of Petroleum Ex-
porting Countries (OPEC) said the
oil producers would recommend
new crude oil price increases at a
Vienna meeting today.
YAMANI WAS in Vienna to at-
tend the OPEC meeting and a
parley of Arab oil officials on to-
"The embargo will be lifted,"
Yamani said as he left Vienna's
Imperial Hotel last night.
Asked under what conditions,
Yamani replied: "These will be
discussed Sunday.
OPEC OFFICIALS said the or-
ganization's economic commission
would recommend to OPEC's 12
members that the price of crude
oil, which has tripled in the past,
five months, be increased again
.April 1.
The current posted price of Mid-
dle East crude is $11.65 per barrel.
OPEC officials also said they be-
lieved an announcement easing the
Arab oil embargo against the
United States would be made in
Vienna over the weekend.


University housing rates will
jump an average of $100 next fall
-an eight per cent increase - the
Regents decided yesterday in a 6-2
"We find the increase necessary
if we are to continue our present
level of housing services," said
Vice President for Student Serv-
ices Henry Johnson. "Food and
utility costs have experienced the
greatest increases, yet virtually

every expense category is af-
Study Committee outlined a 7.3
per cent increase in housing costs
within the past year in a report
released last semester. The com-
mittee unanimously supports the
rate hike.
Under the new rates, dormitory
rent will jump fron $1448 to $1566
for singles, and from $1298 to $1402

for doubles.
The average increase in Oxford
housing will be $46, and $48 for
Baits housing.
"I'M CONVINCED that there is
no other way," said Regent Ger-
trude Huebner (D-Bloomfield
Hills.) "Just like the average
American home, you've got to
plunk that money down for food."
One of the dissenting voters, Re-
gent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing),

City delays fire fighter layoffs

saidkduring the meetin gh"Idon'
think we were given enough time
to consider alternatives."
He suggested that the Regents
postpone their decision, but Hous-
ing Director John Feldkamp re-
plied that the rate must be set by
March 25 so dorm contracts can
be signed.
"THAT'S THE same answer we
receive every year," Dunn said
emphatically. "$100 is a lot of
money for a student, and I'm go-
ing to vote no."
The Housing Unit Committee
(HUC) was also strongly opposed
to the move.
"They did not set up the Rate
Study Committee enough in ad-
vance to study alternatives to the
hike," said HUC member David
Faye. "Why should students pay
for the administrators faults?"
Faye and fellow HUC member
Ron Beck offered some alternative
solutions to the higher cost of Uni-
versity housing.
BECK CLAIMED that "a large
part of the eight per cent will go
into reserve funding accounts,"
used for maintenance, repairs and
improvements on the housing

Rationing considered
Gov. William Milliken assailed the Nixon administra-
tion's fuel policies yesterday and said he would not
hesitate to order gasoline rationing if necessary. "I
think Michigan has suffered greater hardships than any
other state in the country," Milliken said in an inter-
view with-the Detroit News. He said the state was hit
hard by the policies of the-Federal Energy Office in al-
locating fuel supplies. On the rationing question, Milli-
ken said he would spend the weekend considering all
aspects of such action before making up his mind. He
promised a decision by next Wednesday.
On the inside..
. John Kahler previews Michigan's run for the Mid-
east regional title against Marquette on the Sports
Page . . . the Arts Page continues its film festival re-
views, featuring a review by Bruce Shlain . . . and on
tho C'A ..ri -.1 tn T'rMrv T na telQ Mnllaout Fnrida'

The controversial closing of Fire
Station Number Five on North
Campus and the layoff of eight
city fire fighters has been delayed
-at least temporarily-by City Ad-
ministrator Sylvester Murray.
Murray made the decision to
"rescind the layoffs" after the
firemen filed suit with the Michi-
gan Employment Relations Com-
mission charging the city with un-
fair labor practices in relation to
the layoffs.
tions with the union yesterday in
an attempt to iron out grievances;
but he characterized the session as
fruitless in bringing the parties
closer together. The bargaining is
scheduled to resume on Wednes-
Murray said that the postpone-
ment of the layoffs had come be-
cause the union had filed suit and

HRP to propose
anti-rape resolution

Beck suggested that
raising the rate, the
could take capital out
serve funds.

instead of
of the re-

"The total amount of money
going into building accounts is
about the same as the increase.
We could get by," he said.

The Human Rights Party (HRP)
announced an anti-rape resolution
yesterday that would establish an
all-female rape unit to handle in-
vestigation of city rape cases.
The resolution, which will be pre-
sented to City Council Monday
night, also provides for free medi-
cal treatment of all rape victims
--Aa~toli'h a n -irph

'The c i t y currently
has no adequate way
of dealing with rape.'
Diana Autin, HRP
adequate way of dealing with


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