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March 14, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-14

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Thursday, March 14, 1974


Page Nine-'

Thursdoy, March 14, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page NinC

Blue, Irish
Special To The Daily
TUSCALOOSA-Big Camp, Little d a iIy
Joe, Wild Wayman, Cincinnati, Cee-
Jay and friends hit town yesterday
with the goal of winning two ball,
games. The first team this bunch
will have ,to face is the Fighting NGTEIOS
Irish from Notre Dame. NIGHT EDITORS:
The Irish are not going to lie and
down and let the improbable dream LESLIE RIESTER
steamroller them. Digger Phelp's
crew is the third-ranked team inj
the country, and, among other words of Digger Phelps.
things, snapped UCLA's 88-game A
winning streak this season. ADRIAN DANTLEY, the other
wi n forward, is considered by Irish
On paper, Notre Dame seems to supporters to be the best freshman
have. no weaknesses. The Irish in the country. This is a highly
have a superb big man in the mid- debatable point, but Dantley is a
dle, ,.n.excellent pair of guards, good playe nevertheless. He hita
one defensive forward, one offen- well from the outside, and is very
sive forward, and a deep bench. It. muscular underneath.
should make for an interesting:
game. Leading the Irish reserves are a
pair of freshmen, forward Bill Pa-
THE BIG CENTER is a man terno and guard Ray Martin. Pete
who should need no introduction: Crotty, a starter on last year's
John Shumate. Shumate, the con- Irish NIT team, has been pushed
sensus first - string All - American, to the deep reserves by the influx
can be both muscular and display of new talent.
a soft touch, as the need arises. On the Michigan side, there has
Irish partisans consider him to be been a great deal of concern about
at worst the second-best center in the state of health of "Little Joe"
the country. Johnson. Joe was submarined by
Manning the Irish backcourt are Kent Benson in the closing mo-
Gary Brokaw and Dwight Clay. ments of the Indiana game, and
B r o k a w is the second - leading received an extremely bad bruise
scorer on the Notre Dame club on his back. He was hurting badly





i k i I I


in practice yesterday, and the is to beat you 91-89." That quote
coaches are quite worried about was to cause Orr much grief as his
him. If his condition does not im- team collapsed last season.
prove by this morning, Lionel Wor- The Maize and Blue would love
rell will take his spot in the lineup. to see Phelps eat those words.
SCOUTING REPORTS on the Michigan drew the first game of
Irish did little to dim the coaches's the tournament double - header,
enthusiasm for the contest. Appa- with an 8:05 starting time (EDT).
rently, it is possible to run on the Following the Michigan contest,
Irish, and that is the type of game the Vanderbilt Commodores, South-
the Wolverines love to play.
The key match-up will be the
battle between Shumate and C.J. Tonight's Michigan - N o t r e
Kupec underneath. The only suc- Dame game begins at 8:05 PM.
cessful defense against Shumate is The action will be telecast live
to keep him from getting the ball from Tuscaloosa over Detroit's
by fronting him around the basket. Channel 50, while radio sta-
If he is given thesball in close, tions WAAM (1600 AM), WU-
the man will not miss. OM (91.7 FM), and WPAG
"Kupec can guard Shumate," de- (107 FM) will work the wire-
clared Bill Frieder, "but it will less.
depend on how close they (the of-
ficials) call them." If the offic-
ials call them too closely, C. J. east Conference champs and fifth-
will end up on the bench in foul rated team in the country, take on
trouble, something the Maize and Marquette.
Blue can ill-afford.
Steve Grote will draw Brokaw MICHIGAN is the definite tour-
if Joe Johnson is able to play. If nament underdog. But, as Orr re-
not, "Main Train" Worrell will sponded, "We were underdogs in
tackle the Notre Dame gunner 23 of our 25 games this year." If
with Grote picking up Clay. the Wolverines lose, it will not be
from lack of desire on the part of
t THE WOLVERINES have a the players.
small score to settle with Notre ' "We want to win some more ball
[!Dame coach. Phelps. Last year, he games," proclaimed Wayman
was quoted in Sports Illustrated as Britt. "Myself, I would like to get
saying that "Orr's idea of defense to North Cnrnli ( itpo f the



..-j -.1, ..aauc - .l . . C4 Ul liGl Gll.1. G

(behind Shumate) and specializes
in hitting long bombs over frus-
trated defenders.
Clay is the playmaking guard.1
He does not score very much, but
his baskets always seem to come'
at critical times. He scored the
bucket that beat UCLA at South
Bend, and is no person to be taken
Gary Novak, an excellent defen-
sive player, holds down one for-
ward slot: His primary mission to-
night will be to stop Campy Rus-
sell "until he fouls out," in the'



(20) Campy Russell (6-7)
(32) Wayman Britt (6-2)
(41) C.J. Kupee (6-8)
(24) Joe Johnson (5-10)
(30) Steve Grote (6-3)

F (35) Gary Novak (6-7)
F (44) Adrian Dantley (6-5)
C (34) John Shumate (6-9)
G (15) Dwight Clay (6-0)
G (25) Gary Brokaw (6-3)

LU ~ ~ a II'1I-U1I (ne OI ne
NCAA finals) so that my relatives
can see me play. You're going to
see one helluva game out there
That sentiment is shared by the
rest of the Michigan squad. If the
enthusiasm and the talent can
blend together, there will be wild
celebrating in the Michigan locker
room, and a disconsolate Digger
Phelps munching a copy of Sports
Illustrated in front of the national

heads or tales I
Marc Feldman.
Johnny loosens up.. .
. for the big one tonight
WASN'T REALLY SURE I was in Alabama until I got to the
Holiday. Inn last night for the press dinner and the first
speaker was none other than Paul "Bear" Bryant. The Bear
didn't discuss off-tackle plays and he was very careful not to
mention that certain school in South Bend, Indiana that took
the national championship away from 'Bama not so long ago.
However, Bear did roll out the welcome mat. "I welcome
y'awl down to Tuscaloosa an' anythin' we heuh in Alabama can
do to make your stay more comfortable, we'll be glad to do."
Down here In the heart of Dixie, basketball - especially
of the NCAA tournament variety - is no longer something a
bunch of guys do In between the fall football season and
spring practice. Alabama's fine basketball coach, C. M. New-
ton, has put the Tide on the basketball map with two straight
20-victory seasons and a share of the SEC title with Vander-
bilt this year.
Rebel yells will resound at beautiful Memorial Coliseum to-
night, and since Notre Dame will be Michigan's opponent in this
evening's 8:05 starter, the Wolverines may have a few sup-
porters here. Actually, residents that drive down Lurleen B.
Wallace Way or mosey on down from Birmingham have no
great love for the state of Michigan, Campy Russell, or the Ann
Arbor dope laws, but Michigan did not beat them in the Sugar
Bowl and Notre Dame did.
Folks down here hold grudges - just look at the Civil War.
Although Marquette coach Al McGuire is renowned
for his sparkling wit at the lecturn, Michigan's Johnny Orr
stole the show at dinner here last night. Smiling and laugh-
ing like a kid who just got a new toy, Orr had good-natured
barbs for almost everyone in the room.
To the delight of the media and coaches present, Orr related
some stories about Michigan athletic director Don Canham, who
(incidentally) was in the room.
"I just 'got my contract renewed by Canham - from thirty
days to another year," quipped Johnny. When the laughter sub-
sided, he added, "Hell, with Canham, that's tenure!"
Orr also told about the problems he and the Michigan
entourage were having finding room accommodations here
as late as Tuesday morning. "Well, when we called up the
Holiday Inn the other day, and asked about Michigan ac-
commodations, the girl at the desk replied 'Y'all must have
some mistake -- Indiana's going to stay here!",
The Wolverines, not the Hoosiers, are indeed in town, and
although' no one here can quite believe it yet, they are playing
tonight for the right to meet either Marquette or Vanderbilt in
the national quarter-finals on Saturday.
Notre Dame is a great team and deserves every bit of its
third-place ranking in the national polls. The Irish are strong all
over, especially in the middle with All-American John Shumate.
"Big Shu," a 6-9 240-pound slab of granite, is the man Michigan
must stop in order to upset the Fighting Irish.
Michigan State nearly toppled Notre Dame last month
in East Lansing, and the only reason they came that close
was that Shumate was'held to four points in the second half
and his muscular board work was limited.
This year's Mid-East regional is, as usual, the strongest of
the four across the nation, and the team that emerges Saturday
will most likely face either UCLA or North Carolina State in

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
C.J. KUPEC (41) waits for a rebound against Southern Illinois in
Michigan's first game of the season. The Wolverines have come a
long way since their initial victory over the Salukis, compiling a
21-4 record and earning a berth in the NCAA Mid-East Regional.
Kupec bas the formidable task of guarding John Shumate when
Michigan meets the Irish tonight.
NCAA mat ti tle
special To The Daily Ied at this weight, and Oklahoma's
AMES, Iowa - Excitement is Jeff Callard could also score heav-
running high in this normally ily-
tranquil farming community as the 177
NCAA Wrestling Championships Jerry White of Penn State is
begin here today. undefeated. Binek, the defending
Big Ten champion Iowa, which champion, could clean up if he
qualified ten people, Big Eight gets hot. Other leading challen-
champion Oklahoma State, and gers include Rob Huizenga from
Michigan are given the best shots Michigan, Wisconsin's Ed Vatch,
at capturing the title. and Hawkeye Chris Campbell,
118 the Big Ten champion.#

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The favorite here will be Ever- 190 .
ett Gomez of Oklahoma State, Favored here will be returning
but he will be seriously chal- champion Greg Strobel from Ore-
lenged by Jack Spates of Slip- gon State, Ben Ohai from Brigham
pery Rock, who beat Gomez 9-2 Young, Iowa State's superb Al Na-
in the East-West tournament. cin, and the Big Ten's Dave Curby
126 (Michigan), Scott Wickard (MSU)
1972 champion Pat Milkovich of and Evan Johnson (Minnesota).
Michigan State is an odds-on: Heavyweight
favorite. Four wrestlers stand out here:
134 Wolverine Gary Ernst, the Big Ten
The edge here goes to Clarion champ; Big Eight champion Tom
State's Don Rohn. His main chal- Hazell of Oklahoma State, Larry
lengers include Bobby Stites of Avery of Michigan State, and
Oklahoma State, Big Ten champ Charley Getty of Penn State.
Billy Davids of Michigan and Con-
rad Calender of MSU.


Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
STEVE GROTE (30) gets off another of his twisting, driving lay-
ups against Ohio State. The stellar freshman guard has maintained
a 13.2 scoring average, and every point will help tonight when
Michigan battles Notre Dame.

i ,

Navy's Dan Muthler defends his
title, and his match against Wis-,
consin's cautiously-tricky R i c k'
Lawinger should be interesting.
Michigan's Jerry Hubbard is a
heavy favorite to defend his title

Lacrosse team repels
stif Hillsdale attack
By BRIAN DEMING game after assorted verbal attacks
Special to the Daily against the referees.
HILLSDALE - With a fourth Criticism of the officiating was
period goal by Scott Boyd, the founded on the surprising negli-
Michigan lacrosse team broke a gence to call likely slashing and
7-7 tie and held on to beat Hills- back-checking penalties.1
dale 8-7, yesterday afternoon. Scoring for the Wolverines were'
The hard-checking C h a r g e r s, Boyd, Clarke Bell, Steve Bissel (3),1
playing before an aroused crowd of John Cachowski, John Corbett, and
150 scattered along the hillside Cy Wert.
overlooking the field, kept within The next action for the netmen
two goals of the Wolverines the will be next Wednesday against
entire game and managed to knot Purdue in LaFayette. The first
the score midway through the final home game for the Maize and Blue
stanza on a goal by Sam Martin. will be on the 24th against Oberlin.
But twotHillsdale penalties sev -
eral minutes later set uip Boyd's:
game winning power-play goal CO Rl E S
while Wolverine goalie Tim Cotter
.and the Michigan defense stifled: - -
Hillsdale scoring in the waning' NBA
moments.j Boston 104, Phoenix 97

Rod Kilgore of Oklahoma is the
early-line choice to capture the
crown vacated by Clarion State's
Wade Schalles.
Last year's title winner Bill
Simpson, loser only to Iowa's Jan'
Sanderson and Michigan's Rob
Huizenga, returns, as does Doug
Wyn of Western Michigan, 1973's
runner-up. Sanderson will be favor-

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In the last few minutes of the
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