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February 27, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-27

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*~~ t4e£i$;n ti~
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Thursday, February 27, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
Sponsor more jazz shows

PROM MARCH 10 through
March 15 the University will
host the first in a series of
nationwide events hoping to
make people aware of the poli-
tics of the food they eat and
the world food situation. The
organizers of the event h a v e
declared April 17 "Food Day."
This article discusses one of
the issues that will be raised
during food week.
"We consider the safety of
our product the only thing more
important than its nutritional
value. I think the food industry
has been very responsive to
people's desires for better nu-
trition," a spokesperson from a
large breakfast cereal company
said. But Michael Jacobson, the
originator of "National Food
Day," said the cereal industry's
product represents some of the
worst features of American
"Americans are eating them-
selves intoillness and death,"
Jacobson said, "The foods we



Daystar has promoted jazz con-
certs on campus at the rate of about
one annually, taking financial losses
on them consistently, but continuing
to present them for the benefit of
what has been a small local jazz au-
dience. Herbie Hancock's concert last
weekend, however, represented a de- .
parture from the pattern -- his was
the first jazz show Daystar has put
on in three years which didn't lose
"If jazz can support itself," says
News: Barb Cornell, Trudy Gayer,
Stephen Hersh, Lois Josimovitch,
Steve Kagan, Cheryl Pilate, Sara
Rimer, Jim Tobin
Editorial- Page: Clifford Brown, P a u I
Haskins, Debra Hurwitz, W a y n e
Johnson, Karen O'Connell, Greg
Rest, Steve Ross
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Karen Kosmauski

Daystar promoter Sue Young, "we
can do a jazz act every month. And
people do seem to be catching on to
it more here in town."
More frequent jazz concerts would
be a welcome addition to Ann Ar-
bor's cultural menu. So it would be
good news should UAC's plans come
through to follow the Hancock con-
cert with an unprecedented second
jazz show in a single semester.
A ND IT WOULD BE good news
should the group succeed in its
plans to find a permanent small con-
cert facility at which to hold con-
certs featuring less popular jazz mu-
sicians on a regular basis.
There's a lot of good jazz music
going around that many people in
town would like to have the oppor-
tunity to hear performed live, and
there are a lot of people who could
discover the jazz medium given the
opportunity to attend jazz concerts.
That music should be performed in
Ann Arbor more often.




eat contribute to a number of
diseases including heart disease,
bowel cancer, and diabetes."
Jacobson is the co-director of
the Center for Science in the
Public Interest, the organiza-
tion sponsoring "Food Day" ec-
tivities. He said Americans are
encouraged to eat food which
is bad for them.
"VENDING machines are 85
per cent junk food," Jacobson
said. "There is no vitamin A
or C in fast food restaurants.
Why can't Americans get a good
nutritious fast meal?"
Jacobson maintained that we
are trainedrfrom childhood to
be consumers of "junk food".
"Many baby foods are simply
junk," he said. "They are most-
ly starch and water. And look
at the children's shows on tele-
vision. They advertise nothing
but candy or breakfast cereals
that contain nothing but overly
refined grains and refined sug-
ar. The cereals are worse be-
cause they pretend to be nutri-
tious," Jacobson added.


Help! Could coffee
take OPEC's lead?

,p ,
_ . .

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Representatives of 42 coffee-producing
countries recent met in El Salvador to . . . well, see if you can
guess what they did.
Did you guess they discussed ways of cutting production costs
so they could reduce prices and make it possible for people in
consuming countries to get a 10-cent cup of coffee for less than
25 cents? Wrong again!
But if you guessed they discussed forming a cartel to hold
coffee off the world market and force up prices, you are definite-
ly on the right track. Surprise, surprise!
It is not that I mind so much the prospect of paying more
for coffee. At this point in the inflationary spiral I no longer
even blink at outrageous prices. What I dread is a coffee cutoff
similar to last year's oil embargo.
For if that happens, we shall again be saturated with helpful
hints form consumer experts, this time with regards to con-
serving coffee and getting more cups per can.
HERE ARE a few of the things we expect:
-Nineteen senators will introduce bills to impose a 5 per
cent excise tax on expresso machines that brew rich, strong
blends and therefore have poor cuppage records.
-When the retail price reaches $2 a pound, President Ford
will impose a $1-a-pound fee on imported coffee to discourage con-
sumption and reduce America's trade deficit.
-The government will require percolator manufacturers to in-
still filters that recycle used grounds and increase cuppage. The
filters add $170 to the retail price of coffee pots.
--The Agriculture Department will institute a program to
make America self-sufficient in coffee by 1985. The project entails
building a greenhouse over the southern half of the United
States to create a tropical climate.
-The national science foundation will award $50 million in re-
search grants to stimulate development of coffee substitutes.
This produces an experimental coffee pot that operates on soy
beans. It is not yet commercially feasible.
-THE PRESIDENT, ruling out coffee rationing for the 27th time
in five days, will urge workers to conserve supplies by voluntarily
giving up coffee breaks.
-Consumer adviser Esther Peterson will advise that individuals
can cut their coffee intake up to 25 per cent if they drink it
while standing on their heads.
-Congressional leaders will react to the coffee crisis by an-
nouncing plans to cut income taxes.
Dick West is a columnist for United Press International.

Gary Costeley, a nutritionist
for Kellogg's cereals, said his
company takes nutrition v c r y
seriously. "Just look at the side
of a cereal box; it contains
eight vitamins along with pro-
tein. When eaten with milz, as
they usually are, you've got a
nutritional package that's hard
to beat. My own children e a t
these cereals. I don't care who
I work for. I wouldn't feed any-
thing I thought was harmful to
my kids," Costeley claimed.
THE PUBLIC wants conven-
ience food according to Costel-
ey, and he doesn't think con-
venience foods are less nutri-
tious than their natural Counter-
parts. He admits that a r a w
potato is more nutritious than a
frozen french fry. But he points
out that potatoes are not eaten
raw. After processing in the
average kitchen, a potato h a s
about as many nutrients as a
frozen french fry.
He added that the cereal in-
dustry's critics will not look at
the facts about sugar. "The per
capita consumption of sugar has
not increased since World War
I"" Costeley said. "There is no
evidence that people become
conditioned to eating increas-
ingly larger amounts of sugar."
Costeley claims there is a
general lack of understanding
about food. So called "organic
food" contains inorganic v i t a-
mins and minerals. Everything
is made up of chemicals. "So
people should stop asking why
we put chemicals in their cer-
eal," he added.
PEOPLE misunders'and t h e
role of food additives," he
claimed. "They see the words
BHT and BHA on the side of a
cereal box and they want to
know why ... Those two chem-
icals are antitoxidants t h a t
keep the fats in the cereal from
turning rancid. Rancid fats are
very dangerous to eat," Coste-
ley added.
According to Costeiev, fresh
garden grown spinach has Eub-
stances in it that couldn't pass
a foodaadditive safety test that
BHT and BHA can.
Costeley would not reveal ei-
ther Kellogg's advertising or
research budget. He explained
that people might be tempted
to compare the two budgets and
get a false impressi xi. Eri-
dently, Kellogg's emoys fcir
PhD nutritionists as well as Cos-
teley himself. Their job conists
primarily of reviewing researen
literature and keeping abreast
of the new research being done
in the field.
"OUR ROLE is not to do re-
search, that's the university's
job," Costeley clarifed. "Pe,-.
pIe also should understand that
many of our products ha, bee
around for years. Corn Flakes
are almost 70 years old. All the
nutrition research has been
done on a product like that. But
we have to keep speeding mon-
ey on advertising we exect to
keep a major share of the mar-
Peggy Ravich is one of the
coordinators of the Food Ac-

"Americans are eating themselves to illness and death."

tion Coalition, the griua spore-
soring Food Week at the Uni-
versity. She is also a regisiered
dietician. She claimed advertis-
ing is just one of -he things
that is conditioning us to a high
sugar diet.
"Children are told they have
to eat their meat and vcge-
tables before they can get thefr
reward of dessert," Ravich
claimed. "Dessert becomes the
thing strived for. People begin
to see highly sweetened foods
as desirable. We eat far t o o
much sugar," she maintained.
RAVICH WENT on to say that
sugar is too high in calories
while it does not supply enough
nutrition. "Refined sugar has al-
most no nutritional value ether
than calories. Honey at least
'has a few vitamins, but it is as
bad as refined sugar in eeery
other respect," she said.
According to Ravich, sugar is
absorbed into the blood staeam
very quickly where it raises the
body's blood sugar level. This
increase signals the panc..as
to overproduce insulin in order
to control the blood sugar !evel
and to transport the sugar to the
proper areas of the body. Idea.
ly, the blood sugar level shoumld
be as constant as possible. The
overproduced insulin then de-
presses the blood sugar level.
If a person continues to eat
high levels of sugar, the pan-
creas may become uncontroll-
able, and hypoglyce mia (low
blood sugar) or diabetes can
result. Ravich spoke of a num-
ber of studies which link ?hese
diseases to sugar.
IN COUNTRIES where sugar
consumption is high, diabetes
is "rampant." Ravich pointed
out that this kind of diabetes
is different from hereditary dia-
betes. However, if neglected, the
effects can be equally bad.
The problem with refined
grains is different, according to
Ravich. "Refining, removes tt e

outside part of the grai. This
husk contains most of the B
vitamins and most of the pro-
tein. Cereal companies will say
they fortify the cereal: that is,
they put some of the vitamins
back," she said.
Ravich added, "Nutrition is a
young science and we don't
know all the vitamins the body
needs or what effect they have
on the body or which of them
might be in the part of the
grain that refining removes."
Further, Ravich explained that
"vitamins must be sipplied to
the body in the proper propor-
tions. "Too much of a vitamin
can be bad if not enough of the
vitamin with which it chemical-
ly reacts is supplied as well.
Too much of one thing can use
up all of another thing and
cause a shortage in the body."
The dietician claims that "un-
refimed foods are more likely
to have the correct balance of
vitamins and minerals"
of nutrition at tie University's
School of Public Healtn, stress-
ed that associations batween re-
fined sugars and grains a n d
some diseases are only indi-
cated, not proven. He went on
to say that one of the prob-
lems with refined grains is
their low fiber content. Ameri-
cans eat relatively low-fiber
diets. Fiber is need.d to keep
the intestional tract exercised.
Larkin pointed to research
which indicates that there may
be a higher incidence of bowel
cancer in societies with lcw-
fiber diets.
"I don't doubt tnat m o s t
food would be mo:e nutritious
if it were less processed,' Lar-
kin speculated. "The que.stion is
would Americans give up the
convenience of processed food
for better nutrition?'
Michael Shapiro is a gradu-
ate student in Journalism.

- -
- ---
FieldNewspaper Syndicate.,1976
Have him sign this. I'm not too high on his scout's honor!'
proposal insufficient


between Graduate Employees' Organ-
ization and University of Michigan bar-
gainers over the past several days. These
negotiations have been fruitful in many
ways. They have lead to tentative agree-
ment on the issues of unit recognition and
class size and brought both sides closer
together on the remaining issues. GEO has
always felt that serious collective bargain-
ing is the only path to the resolution of the
disputes. This belief has been reconfirmed
by the recent progress at the negotiating
table. Yesterday afternoon, GEO and U
of M officials jointly agreed to ask for a
postponement of the fact-finding hearings
that were originally scheduled to begin to-
day. Administration bargainers have ap-
parently realized that collective bargaining
serves the best interests of all, while the
charade of fact-finding can only prolong
the strike.
On Monday evening GEO presented a
compromise proposal to the Administration
that could serve as the basis for an even-
tual agreement and bring an end to the
strike. The key proposals in our package
covered economics, class size, unit recog-
nition and agency shop. On each of these
issues GEO made significant fallbacks from
our previous positions.
The University bargainers rejected GEO's
compromise Monday evening. However,
collective 'bargaining between the two
sides continued and led to the tentative
resolution of the complex unit recognition
and class size issues. Yesterday afternoon,
the administration team presented GEO
with its proposal to end the dispute.
Agency shop is one of GEO's highest
nriority issues. The administration's latest
offer calls for an agency sho only after
50 ner cent of the GSA bargaining unit sign
-niono authorization cards requesting it.
This is an unaccentable offer. GEO was
d-zignated as the bargaining agent for all
*Tnjdrsity GSAs in an election held last

tion size during the current semester. We
cannot agree to this stipulation. The size of
fraction is supposed to reflect the amount
of work for a particular job. If the frac-
tion does not correspond to the actual work
performed, a grievance can be filed. The
administration's current offer asks GSAs
to make one of the key proposals in our
contract meaningless for the current se-
mester. Our contract cannot be imple-
mented in a piecemeal fashion. We must
be able to use the grievance procedure ef-
fectively to correct inequities as soon as
the contract is signed.
The administration's current economic
offer calls for a 10 per cent rebate on tui-
tion this term ($55 for most GSAs), tuition
frozen at $440 for full time enrollment and
a 5.6 per cent calary increase for the
1975-6 academic year. While the adminis-
tration has moved on economics, it has
simply not moved enough. CEO has con-
tinuously shown good faith by making sub-
stantial concessions on economics. Today,
CEO again revised its economic proposal.
We are asking for a 15 per cent tuition re-
bate for the current semester, tuition frozen
at $420 and a 7 per cent salary increase
for the 1975-6 academic year. This proposal
would reduce tuition for GSAs next year
to the 1972-3 rate. A good economics pack-
age is the cornerstone of the labor con-
tract. The administration's proposal, while
it shows progress, is not sufficient.
While CEO cannot accept an agreement
based on the administration's latest pro-
nosal, we feel that significant progress is
being made at the negotiating table and
that agreement can be reached speedily if
both sides continue good faith efforts to
end the current dispute. In an attempt to
reach agreement we have again revised
onr economic package. GEO calls on the
University administration to remain flexible
nn the issues and to contine bareninini.
WNan acr-ement is reached we call on the
administration to issue with us a letter

To The Daily:
I FIND YOUR editorial
"Sportswomen Shortchanged,"
(February 12, 1975) hypocriti-
cal on your part. In view of the
sexism promoted in the, sports
section of The Daily, you too
are shortchanging sportswomen.
Two weeks ago (January 31),
in reporting scheduled sports
events you listed "swimming,"
followed by "women's sw:m-
ming." What are you implying
by this distinction? It seems
to be saying that there is real
swimming and then there is
that other kind of swimming
that women do. You had better
take a close look at the sexism
you promote and affe~t some
changes before you accuse "the
big U" of the same.
You could take a step toward
decreasing sexism in your news-
paper by adding 4 letters to the
sports page - MEN's -- as an
adjective to swimming where
appropriate. Certainly that is
not too difficult a ta,.
-Bernadette Walter
February 12
To The Daily:
GOSH, MARK Pontoni, I'm
just an innocent dupe of the
opressive University like you,
ya know? I sure wish our
ideologies could be the s q in e
so we could smash the system
together. But since they aren't,
why expose your und -rdevlop-
ed sense of your own interests

Still, I hope you got a lot of
practice with GEO which you
can use someday for some'hing
that really concerns you.
-Wayne Johnson
February 26
To The Daily:
I WOULD LIKE to answer
Nicholas Orlyk's (Letters: Feb.
4) inane attack on the Daily and
the media in general for calling
Detroit Murder City.
I don't know what sissy su-
burb Orlyk comes from, pro-1
bably Grosse Point, but he
couldn't be a truehDetroiter. 1
As someone who lived and
worked in the city for 21 years,
including some of its worst1
neighborhoods, I assure every-l
one that Detroiters are proud of
the city's image. Detroiters love
'the fear that comes into a1
stranger's eyes when he or she
says "You live where? Isn't it1
dangerous?" Even in foreign 1
countries people know about1
Also please note that every 9
movie ever made about Detroit
has been about crime, drugs or
murder. Usually all three. The 4
only well known popular s o n g
about Detroit has en outsider
singing the refrain "I wanna go
IT'S WELL known in Detroit1
that people wanted the Po!'ce 1
"Stress" unit ended bcause they1
didn't think the police should 1
have all the fun killing people.'



troit scene as the wave of the
future I intend to suggest a
new city symbol :o Mayor
Young the next time he visits
from Jamaica. A crossed coke
spoon and .357 Magnum on a
field of red.
Detroit, love it or else.
-Michael Shapiro
February 4
To The Daily:
WHEN THE University found
itslf in the midst of the national
economic crisis, the Administra-
tion began to do some penny-
pinching of its own - by cutting
back on the needs of its stu-
dents and teachers. But stu-
dents refused to take the cut-
backs lying down and fought
back with a school-wide strike.
Third world students respond-
ed to continued attacks by the
University by occupying t h e
Administration Building to force
the University to begin to meet
their demands for an end to
the U's racist policies toward
them. When the Defense De-
partment and the U tried to
strengthen their position by re-
instituting credit for ROTC, stu-
dents, seeing what was happen-
ing, fought back with a rally
and demonstration to defeat the
In Vietnam and Cambodia,
where the U.S. contioues to pour
billions to protect its interests
by trying to suppress the na-
tional liberation struggles there,
the people continue to fight
'back against impes:-ialist ag-

comes out of all these struggles
is the ned for unity among the
people. We are finding in our
strikes and demonstrations that
our main strength lbes in our
unity. The people ofk he Middle
East know that the key ',o their
eventual victory over U.S. im-
perialism is their united .e-
sistance. Without unity, t h e
people and the people's revolu-
tionary movements ara weak,
but the people united will never
be defeated!
In order to build the unity be-
tween the American and Arab
peoples, the Organization of
Arab Students and the Revolu-
tionary Student Brigade are pre-
senting a program on the Mid-
dle East on Thursday,February
27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom. To be able to link up
our struggles it is necessary
to understand what are the root
causes of the oppression and
exploittation of the Arab peo-
ple, how they are fighting back,
and how their struggle is related
to other struggles in the Third
World and especially to our
struggles here in the U.S.
LIKE THE Indochinese, the
Arab people are playing a lead-
ing role in the world-wide fight
against U.S. imperialism. We've
got to link our struggle with
theirs and build the united front
against our common enemy -
U.S. imperialism.
Come to the program Fen. 27.
-Revolutionary Student

To The Daily:
IT SEEMS that strikes are
commonplace inmtoday's world.
At the University in the hal-
lowed halls of higher learning,
students are given an education
and made ready to meet t h e
challenges of society. It is im-
possible to argue that a college
graduate at the University of
Michigan is ill-prepared to meet
the outside world and reality.
Today the average student is no
longer confined to such a nar-
row area in choosing to sup-
port or reject thesdemands of
GEO - the graduate s t u d e n t
teaching union.
The student now may broaden
his educational experience by
giving the Third World Coalition
recognition in its takeover of
the school's administration
building. It is good that all the
state aid, i.e., loans, grants,
scholarships, and my 900 plus
dolars a year in tuition c a n
help both these groups achieve
a sense of purpose and generate
financial support for them.
IT IS GREAT that quota sys-
tems and minority aid programs
are supported by increased tax-
ation of people who don't bene-
fit. My only wish is that by be-
ing an A, nerican, white male of
German ancestry and being a
minority in the world's popula-
tion, I could qualify for minor-
ity financial aid and h a v e
things handed to me on a gold
-John Lee Hammer

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