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November 09, 1974 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-09

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Saturday, November 9 1974


Page Three

Saturday, November 9, 1974 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Three

Economy hits
bike sales
NEW YORK () - Inflation largest bike maker.
and a weak economy soave BUT MANUFACTURERS say
caught up with the runaway bi- they plan to hire back most of
cycle market. the workers they laid off by the
After riding high for nearly first 1975. They say retailers
three years, bike sales are slow- will have sold their inventories
ing down, leaving retailers with by then and will be placing
large inventories and forcing spring and summer orders.
manufacturers to lay off work- "Retailers are going to dump
ers. Predictions of a slow Chi is-t- this Christmas. There'll be
mas season are common in the heavy promotion and price
industry. slashing," says a leading re-
"We expected sales this year inventories at present prime
to be 60 per cent above last tailer. "We can't afford to keep
year but it's only going to be rate levels and we don't want
20 per cent higher," sa gs a heavy inventories on high-priced
spokesman for a major bicycle goods with prices starting to1
retailer. come down on raw materials.
A BIKE buyer for another re- Another reason to clear out
tailer says, "What's happened 1974 bikes by the first of the
is that bicycle sales and in- new year, say retailers, is to
ventories have been on a fan- stock up on bikes made to meet
tastic upswing in the last sev- new federal safety standards.
eral years. We anticipated sales UNDER THE new regulations,.
of 16 million bikes this year, all bikes sold in the U n i t e df
but they were only about 13.5 States by May 1, 1975 must haveI
million. So this season we're on 16 reflectors - among them are
a moderate upswing caught with four on the pedals, two-sided re-
fantastic inventories. Our or- flectors on the spokes of each
ders are down as much as 40 wheel and reflectory tires to give
per cent to our manufacturers." motorists the whole outline of
Manufacturers say they have the bike at night. Bike brakes
a boom-time labor force but must make prescribed stops at
instead of putting it to work certain speeds and nothing ont
filling customary large Christ- the bike can extend five inches
mas orders, they're laying their above the seat.
workers off as much as two The slump in bike sales comes
months early. after several years of f a s t-
"In the last couple of years increasing sales after adults in
we've shipped everything we got large numbers started taking to
our hands on but this year ord- the road on two wheels.

G/uch Wtv'4ip en'ice4
CHURCH, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. (Catholic) 218 N. Division-665-0606
Ministers: Robert E. Sanders, 331 Thompson-663-0557 Events this week:
John R. Waser, Brewster H.' Weekend Masses: Sunday, Nov. 10 - Holy Eu-
Gere, Jr. Saturday: 5 p.m. and midight. charist at noon with a meal fol-
"Where Christ, Campus and Sunday: 7:4S a.m., 9 a.m., lowing (Work Day this week,
Community meet" 10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m. before and after church).
Worship Services at 9:30 and (plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus). Tuesday, Nov. 12-No Evening
11:00 a.m. * * * Hour this week.
Other programs for young ST. ANDREW'S EPSICOPAL Wednesday, Nov. 13 - Scrip- ov
adults: CHURCH, 306 N. Division ture Study Group at 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, 12:00-Brunch. 8:00 a.m.-Holy Eucharist. Friday, Nov. 15- Homemade
Wednesday, 5:15-Holy Com- 10:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer Peanut Brittle.
munion.sa and Sermon.__. -- -h
Wednesday, 6:00--Supper. * * *a
Friday, 12:00-Luncheon and ANN ARBOR CHURCH
Bible Study. OF CHRIST W ant !
* * * 530 W. Stadium Blvd. n *
UNIVERSITY CHURCH (one block west of
OF CHRIST U of M Stadium)
Presently Meeting at Bible Study - Sunday, 9:301
YM-YWCA, 530 S. Fifth a.m.-Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. i e
David Graf, Minister Worship-Sunday, 10:30 a.m. This is a religious precept that
3:00 p.m. - Sunday Worsiip and 6:00 p.m.
Sevie.Need Transportation? C a 1I Thousands of men and women challenges the mind. Love my en-
Stuents Welcome 662-9928. have brightened their lives and emy when I can barely deal calmly
Sthe lives of others by becoming with myin-laws? Yet this hard say-
For information or transpor-I* *thlieofterbyecmn
tation: 663-3233 or 662-2494. FIRST UNITED METHODIST Girl Scout Leaders. Also wanted ing has validity in a world where
CHURCH are Assistant Leaders and even a small act of violence has
* * Helpers. For information, such unforeseeable repercussions.
UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF State at Huron and Washington without obligation, on how you Scientific advances have heighten-
THE NAZARENE 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Worship can become a Girl Scout Leader, ed our mutual vulnerability. Only
S. Division Services, Church School for all just mail the coupon below. For love and non-violence can sustain
409S.Dvso' ages, Nursery Care. Sermon: quick information, telephone usWemycndevoneisn
M. Robert Fraser, Pastor "On Not Getting the Message," your local Girl Scout Council. us. So is od. Try is w
Church School-9:45 a.m. by Dr. Donald Strobe. all of us. So is God. Try His way.
Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. 10:30-11:00 a.m. -Fellowship It works. Get together with your
Evening Worship-7:00 p.m. Hs.family, friends, neighbors, or co-
* * * Worship service is broadcast workers to discuss the problems of
BETHLEHEM UNITED on WNRS (1290) AM and violence and how you can work to-
CHURCH OF CHRIST I WNRZ (103) FM from 11:00 to gether to help solve them. For a
423 S. Fourth Ave. Ph. 665-6149 noon each Sunday. Without obligation, please helpful discussion guide and fur-
Minister: Orval L. E. Willimann WESLEY FOUNDATION: send me free literature tell- ther infotmation write: Religion In
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service Sunday: Iing how I can become a Girl American Life, 475 Fifth Ave., New
and Church School. 4:30 p.m.-Discussion on Love Helper. York, N.Y. 10017. Play an active
* * and Marriage. role in yourcommunityRIAL
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 6:00 p.m.-Supper. Name and helpshow the way. AMIANIFE
Ronald Cary, Campus Minister 6:45 p.m.-Celebration.
502 E. Huron St. Thursday: Address 'The community of God.
10:00 a.m.-Worship. 6:00 p.m.-Grad Community. City } . akeityourway.
11:00 a.m.-Church School. * * *
7:00 p.m.-Contemporary Wor- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, State Zip.!........., I t1 t__

Bicycle shops across the country are being hurt by lower
sales than expected this year. Poor economic conditions
have lead to over stocking and production by manufacturers
and merchants.

Ford may


social spending

By AP and Reuter the 1976 budget best serves the ers are behind 25 to 30 per
WASHINGTON - Budget Di- economy for 1976," Ash said. 1 cent. Instead of laying people off
rector Roy Ash said yesterday at the end of November as us-
th f Prde F d dcide OTHER administration offic- ual, we had to do it at the
slow the growth in federal ex- als have said in recent days end of September," says a re-
penditures, he will have to cut they feel a balanced budget is presentative of Murray-Ohio in
back on such programs as Sac- now beyond reach because of Nashvile, Tenn., the nation's
ial Security, reyenue sharing the sagging economy. The Ford
and aid to dependent children. administration needs major sup-
But Ash sought to emphasize port for its anti-inflation p r o-
at a White House budget briefing gram.
for reporters that no decisions Ash said budget deficits in re-
have been made on the 1976 cent years have resulted more
budget or on any program re- from a loss of potentialfederal r
ductions. He also noted that revenue than from an increase to C u b a
many of these programs, called in government expenditures.
income-transfer programs be- ASH REPEATED, as he has'
cause they redistribute income said before, that the big in- QUITO, Ecuador (W) - Fore-
from one, person to another, crease in federal spending since ign ministers of the W e s t e r n
would require legislation to 1968 has been in income trans- Hemisphere met yesterday un-
change. fer programs, such as Social der tight security guard to con-
ha i h d n iSecurity, while other govern- sider ending their 10-year ban
Ash said the decline in t we ment expenditures, including de- on dealings with Cuba, the
nation's economy probably will fense expenditures, have de- area's only Communist nation.
reduce federal tax receipts be- creased proportionally. Diplomats favoring an end to
low the $330 billion level, which ------_-_
had been forecast earlier.
ASH SAID President F o r d f
had three main options in draw- L/nc n
ing up the new budget: He can
ask for a tax increase, cut
spending, or permit the govern-t
ment to have a deficit. Ford has
said repeatedly that he will sub-
mit a balanced budget for fiscal _

Leisure time and health con-
cerns helped send annual bike
sales from 9 million in 1971 to
a high of 15.5 million in 1973
when the energy crisis sparked
the greatest surge of adult rid-
ers in the industry's history.
hunt end,
trade bani

. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.-Amer-
ican Baptist Student Fellowship.
All students welcome.



1976. WASHINGTON (,') - A form- ' Edward Morgan, 36, of L o s
However, he indicated the er White House lawyer pleaded Angeles, pleaded to conspiringf
Ford administration's commit- g'iil'ty yesterday to a charge to "impair, impede defeat and
ment to a balanced budget for stemmin- from preparation of obstruct" the lawful functions
1976 is weakening. Richard Nixon's 1969 tax return of the Internal Revenue Service.-
"A balanced budget is certain- Land Watergate prosecutors in- The charge stemmed f r o m
ly the direction we should be dicated others are under in- Morgan's role in backdating thet
going in; we want to be sure vestigation. deed on Nixon's gift of Lire-presi-
dential papers to the govern-f
... . . . **:*.*.**-.-.-a*. . .*...*.* *..-**ch aritable contribution on hs
. ........,..........'ta rtun and claimed a$56-reunt
Day Calendar Green & Assocs.; Wed., Nov. 20: 000 deduction.
Saturday, November 9 Electronic Data Systems, Inst. Para- Late in 1969, the tax laws were
Ext. Service: Non-Academic Job legal Training, Burroughs Corp., Soil
Hunting for Graduate Students, Conservation Serv., Yale Law Sch. * revised 'and the allowable de-
register, MLB, 8 am. & DePaul U./Law; Thurs., Nov. 21: ? duction for gifts of personal
WUOM: From the Midway, "Pre- Holly Stores, Inc. Harper Hosp., papers was sharply reduced.
ferential Treatment & the Law," MIT/Dept. Urban Studies & Plan-
with profs. J. H. Ely, Harvard u., ning, Inst. Paralegal Training, The prosecutors charged that1
Thos. Lewis. Boston U., & Nathan- !Northwestern U/Sch. of Educ. (MAT Morgan and "other co-conspira-
iel Nathanson, Northwestern U., 10 Dept.), & Aetna Life & Casualty Co. tors unnamed herein" prepared,
am. Cuty ov. 13, Tobe-Coburn/School for
Cross Country: Big Ten Cham- Fashion Careers; Nov. 19, The In- in March and April 1970 docu-I
pionships, U-M Golf Course, i1 am. stitute for Paper Chemistry/Grad. ments which "falsely and<
Football: Broadcast, U-M vs. Illi- School of Engrg. & at. Sciences fraudulently" represented that4
nois, WUOM, 91.7 MHz, 1:45 pm. (Internships); and Nov. 21, Aetna the papers had been given to the1
Dance: U. Dancers in concert. Life & Casualty.
Power, 2:30, 8 pm. ATTENTION WOMEN: Grants of ,government as a gift in Marcht
Music School: Bandorama, Hill $3000 (Zonta International-Earhart 11969.
Aud., 8 pm. Fellowship) to best qualified wo- THE information charged that
City Ctr. Acting Co.: Saroyan's men with bachelor's degree in a
The Time of Your Life, Mendels- set, acceptable as reparatory for Morgan and others concealed
sohn, 8 pm. advanced aerospace studies in an "the true facts and circumstanc-
Career Planning & Placement anproved college of your choice. es regarding the custody, c o n-
3200 SAB, 764-7456 Phone 764-7460 for complete infor- trot and dominion of the pre--
Recruiting on Campus: Mon., mation. rladdmno ftepe
Nov. 11: Notre Dame & Oak Ridge GUIDES FOR EXPO 1975: Ms. presidential papers of Richard I
at'l Lab.; Tues., Nov. 12, Amer. Carol Buiche, Exhibit Guide Re- Nixon during 1969."
Grad. Sch., Bus., Stanford U./Bus., cruit er. U.S.I.A. will be at Career The pardon granted the form-
Chemical Abstracts Serv., & Nat'l# Planning & Placement on Thurs. Teparo rne h om
Security Agency; Wed., Nov. 13: Nov. 14. Seeking Japanese speaking er president. by President Ford
Hayes Albion, HEW/Mgt. Intern guides to accompany an official would bar possible prosecution
Prog.; Thurs., Nov. 14: Libby- . U.S. Government Exhibition at the of Nixon for violation of the Tax
Owens-Ford Co., NCR, Wallace Bus. International Ocean Exhibition
Forms, Inc., Ctr Naval Analyses & held in Okinawa. (6/mos. beginning l
U. of Kentucky/Hose.; Fri., Nov.$ July 1975) Phone: 764-7456 to make
15: Yale U.; Mon., Nov. 18: U of an appt.
Penn/Grad Sch. of Arts & Sci.;' Summer PlacementThs Wee heDy
Tues., Nov. 19: Metropolitan Life, 3200 SAB,763-4117
U-M-Dearborn/MM Program, Bat- Amer. Dental Assoc., Chicago, IL
telle Northwest, IRS, & Howard L. ' announces summer dental research WITH A TOUCH OF
: program for biol., chem., physics & MODERN CLASS I
health science students; CIA, Ar- I
THE MICHIGAN DAILY lington, sV, openings for students
Saturday, November 9, 1974 in foreign studies research; B.A. 0 S.
Volume LXXXV, No. 57 required, one year grad. study pre- (2ND FLOOR)
is edited and managed by students ferred; details available.
at the University of Michigan. News National Park Concessions, Main- J A S
phone 764-0562. Second class postage moth Cave, KY, applications now JE I4
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 accepted on specific parks; dead- : DENIM SWIMSUITS
Published d aiI Iy Tuesday through line Feb. 28. FLANNEL SHIRTS
Sunday morning during the Univer- Attention: Summer Federal An- FURSH
city year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann nouncement 414 has arrived; appl.
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription deadline for Jan. exam, Dec. 13. SWEATERS
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); Further details available.

the ban on trade or political j
contacts with Cuba, invoked by
the Organization of American
States (OAS), in 1964, claimed
they had 13 firm votes, just one
short of the two-thirds needed
to lift the sanctions.
Attending the ceremonial
openings of the five-day OAS
conference were representatives
of 23 nations. But only 21 can
vote since two countries p r e-
sent, Jamaica and Barbados,
have not signed the 1947 Treaty
of Rio de Janeiro for collective
defense in the hemisphere.
ONLY CHILE, Uruguay and
Paraguay, all with right-wing
governments, were considered
firmly against any relaxation of
The United States, Brazil, Bo-
livia, Nicaragua -and Guatemala
were considered still uncommit-
ted. The others, spearheaded by
Costa Rica, Venezuela and Co-
lombia, want to lift the restric-
tions since they are convinced
that Cuban leader Fidel Castro
no longer threatens to export
terrorism to the region.
The Costa Ricans presented
a resolution asking that not only
Cuba but "all countries" ab-
stain in the future from inter-
vening in the affairs of other
THIS WAS an indirect refer-
ence to recent reports that the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
spent between .$8 million and
%11 million in operations against
the leftist civilian government of
the late Marxist President Sal-
vador Allende in Chile. Allende
was toppled Sept. 11, 1973.

1420 Hill St.-668-9341
(if no answer, 769-3354,
971-4875, 665-2683)
Silent Meeting for Worship-
Sunday, 10-11 a.m.
First Day School, nursery/
high, 10-11 a.m.
Adult Forum, 11-12.
Potluck every first Sundry,
Business meeting every turd
Sunday after worship.'
D a iily Morning Meditation
(546 Walnut St.), 8:30-9 a.m.
Wednesday Sack Lunch (073
East Engineering), 12-1 p in.
Worship-sharing Groups (in
homes), Tues. / Wed. / Thurs.
Friday Evening Family Night
(1420 Hill St.), 7:30-11 p.m -
s t o r i e s, discussions, games,
crafts, singing and dancing for
all ages.
American F r i e n d s Service'
Committee (AFSC), 1414 Hill
St., 761-8283.
Bail & Prison Reform, 761-
8283, 761-8331.
FriendstInternational Co-op,
1416 Hill St., 761-7435.
Friends L a k e Community,
19,720 Waterloo Rd., Chelsea,
Movement for a New Soziety
(MNS), 665-6083.
World Peace Tax Fund, Box
1447, Ann Arbor.

1833 Washtenaw
Sunday Service and Sunday
School-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Testimony Meet-
ing-8:00 p.m.
Child Care-Sunday, under 2
years; Wednesday, through 61
Reading Room -306 E. Lib-
erty, 10-9 Mon., 10-5 Tues.-Sat.
"The Truth That Heals" -
1511 Wpshtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday Services at 9:15 and
at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study at 9:15.
Midweek Worship Wednesday
Evening at 10:00.
Pastor: Don Postema
10:00 a.m.-Morning Service.
(Formerly Lutheran Student
801 S. Forest Ave. at Hill St.
Donald G. Zill, Pastor
Sunday Service at 10:30 a.in.

Benefit Spaghetti Dinner
1405 Hill
5-8 p.m.
$1.75 donation




CHURCH, 1001 E. Huron
Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice,
9:30 a.m.-Church School.
10:30 a.m.-Morning Worsiip. and Mas
5:30 p.m.-Student Supper.




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