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November 09, 1974 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-09

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she Mt ian ma'in
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Saturday, November 9, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Food: A rare commodity

ARE YOU EATING less now? If so,
get used to it. If not, start, it's the
trend of the future.
The world's leaders have realized
that if no action is taken worldwide
famine could result. A half decade
ago, alarmists predicted a famine
in underdeveloped nations by 1975.
Considering the situation in Africa,
Bangeladesh and India, it seems to
have already started. American food
surpluses have decreased in the past
few years supposedly due to bad
Because of growing concern, due to
either humanitarian considerations
or fear of revolution, world leaders
are meeting at a World Food Con-
Whether the Conference makes a
positive effort toward international
cooperation in solving the problem
or turns starvation into a political
football remains to be seen. Different

countries have different ideas and a
clash has already developed between
Henry Kissinger and Agriculture
Secretary, Earl Butz.
citizen cooperation will be neces-
sary. On Meet the Press two weeks
ago, a Harvard Professor proposed the
idea that Americans should eat less,
and send the surplus to starving na-
tions. He stated that many Ameri-
cans, especially young people have
been very receptive to the idea. The
U.S. is a gross overconsumer of the
world's resources. While people are
starving in Africa, farmers are de-
stroying calves because raising them
has become unprofitable.
The Food Conference could be a
step in the right direction toward
worldwide cooperation in solving the
problem of hunger. One can only hope
it will be a first step and not just a
one shot political effort.

CAN THE Black Panther Par-
ty survive the apparent loss
of its two co-founders, H u e y
Newton and Bobby Seale? t
Some long-time friends of thei
Panthers feel the party - whichI
since its birth in 1966 has sur-
vived exhausting police harass-~
ment, government plots, and
internal ideological splits - hast
now come to the end of its road.-
But Elaine Brown, Acting Headt
of the party and candidate int
1975 for Oakland c i t y council,t
expresses confidence in t h e
party's future. .
Acknowledging changes since
the Panthers' former gun-toting
days, Browns says, "We aret
still a revolutionary vanguard
party. But our strategy has got-
ten better. And if it doesn't
' work, we'll change it again."
Labelled "the greatest threat
to the internal security of the
country" by late FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover in 1970, the
Panthers had long been the tar-
get of a federal and local law
enforcement campaign compar-
able to past drivestagainst the
Communist Party, the CIO and
the Wobblies (IWW).
bunch of hoodlums. We've got to
get rid of them," declared as-
sistant U.S. Attorney General
TerrisLeonardbin1969, shortly
after naming Bobby Seale as a
co-defendant in the Chicago 8
conspiracy case stemming from
the demonstrations at the 1968
Democratic Convention in Chi-
The same year, hundreds of1
r Panthers were arrested on the
street or in a series of police
raids on party offices across the
country. The vast majority of'
those arrested were later re-
leased for "lack of evidence."
Dozens died, some in shootouts-
others murdered, Panthers say,
by police agents.
Newton himself, in court over
a dozen times in the past six1
years, spent two years, and
Seale spent many months, be-i
t hind bars on murder charges of
which they were eventually ac-
quitted, Newton after t h r e e
Former Panther Minister of
Information Eldridge Cleaver,
author of "Soul on Ice," w a s
charged with attempted murder
after a 1968 "shootout" (in
which Panther Bobby Hutton
was killed, apparently a f t e r
having surrendered to police).
Cleaver fled the country to avoid
being returned to prison as a
parole violator.
9 ine



THE RECENTLY published
"Cointelpro" documents, a ser-
ies of FBI memos suggesting a
wide range of disruptive and of-
ten illegal activity against rad-
ical groups, revealed special
plans for the Panthers.
For example, one memo dated
May 1970 suggested a plan to be
carried out "in close coordina-
tion on a high level with t n e
Oakland or San Francisco police
department," which involved the
mailing of fabricated documents
to party leaders.
The documents would "pin-
point Panthers as police or FBI
informants," ridicule or dis-
credit Panther leaders "through
their ineptness or personal es-
capades . . . (promote) f a c-
tionalism among BPP members
...(reveal) misuse or mis-
appropriation of Panther funds."
Such a plan, concluded t h e
Bureau, "has excellent 1o n g-
range potential to disrupt and
curtail Panther activities."
A MAJOR party split, in 1971,
left Cleaver in Algeria calling
for armed struggle a n d New-
ton in Oakland advocating a
new, quieter program of com-
munity organizing. Following
the split, and accusations of
murder and other crimes b e -
tween the two factions, a num-
ber of Panthers abandoned the
party for the underground Black
Liberation Army.
The Oakland-based party has
so far managed to survive as a
viable political force, settingsun
a variety of community service
programs - notably a school -
and piling un a sizeable vote in
the 1973 Oakland city elections.
Now for the first time, a
number of "Panther watchers,"
many of them sympathetic to
the party, seriously question
whether it can survive.
At the moment, the Panthers
face a thorough Internal Re-
venue Service (IRS) investiga-
tion of their finances. Whether
errors of judgment by the par-
ty's money handlers are solely
resnonsihle, or whether the in-
ves:tigation is nolitically-moti-
vrated - like similar IRS in-
vestigations of "White House
enemies" durine the Watergate
years - it is likely to end up
costing the Panthers money.
MEANWHILE, Huey Newton
has disappeared after failing to
show up for a court hearing on
August 28 on three separate as-
sailt charges which the Pan-
thers insist are merely the lat-
est in the series of attempted

A number of observers, not
all confined to the ranks of law
enforcement, believe that at
least one charge will stick, and
that Newton may face a second
degree murder charge if the
victim in one alleged assault -
now in a coma - dies.
The Panthers say the pressure
on Newton never let up, that he
had been shot at, that cars
have tried to run him over, and
that his apartment had been
broken into.
New FBI memos uncoyered
by Panther lawyer Charles Gar-
ry in a pending Panther-related
case on the East -Coast reveal
that the Bureau was saying on
Newton from the next door
anartment in 1971. Ex-Oakland
Police chief Charles fain con.-
firmed the existence last Sen-
tember of a $10,000 underworld
"contract" on Newton's life.
BOBBY SEALE left Oakland
before Newton disappeared.
Elaine Brown, who is now act-
ing head of the party, claims
Seale is merelv recunerating in
Los Angeles from an unspeci-
fied illness, buthother soiirces
close to the Panthers believe he
is -one for good.
They give conflicting exPlana-
tions, but all agree Seale was
inreasingly at odds with New-
The loss of their two most
prominent leaders is a serious
blow to the Panthers. Desnite
the existence of a policy-makerg
"central committee," Newton
was the chief theoretician and
strateeist in the party, and
Seale is des~ribed by more than
one sympathetic observer as the
"glue" that held the party to-
geth er.
ALREADY IN serious finan-
cial trolible, the party now has
to cover thet 42,000 bail bond
Newton jumned. Newton's re-
pented brushes with the law,
sin'e his release from prison,
had already cost the Panth'irs
r'ynv former donors, and the
IRS investigation can only
fr'*'en off new ones.
Withnont substantial donatixis
from outsiders, many of the
i-rtv's programs cannot c n-
-in"e: the free breakfast nro-
gram is no longer operating',
v-1 others have been cut back.
Elaine Brown admits that lack
of monev now Prevents the Pin-
thers from running a daute
of candidates in next year's city
council elections, although she
'iereelf will run.
The party still puts out its
weekly newspaper and runs a


Hunters violate your rights

FOR THE NEXT seven months, no
one will be safe on any state land
in Michigan. Nor will safety be found
on much of the private land. What
prompts this scary statement? From
September to March, hunting season
is on. Michigan is the second largest
hunting state, running a close second
to Pennsylvania.
According to the state Department
of Natural Resources, 21 people died
in hunting accidents in 1972 and 179
were injured. Hunting seasons range
from small game to deer hunting, but
what they really mean is that for
better than half of the year, hun-
dreds of hunters will be out with
their guns, shooting at anything that
It is bad enough that they are out
there shooting anything, but they
often shoot each other. For those of
us who do not hunt, it is still dan-
gerous to take a walk through the
woods on a fall afternoon. Hunters
have been known to shoot peonle,
cows, game, signs, dogs, and occa-
sionally, themselves.
manufacturers have almost to-
tal control of the Department of Na-
tural Resources, they have had their
own way for a long time. Hunters
represent a very small minority, but
News: Ken Fink, Cindy Hill, Mary
Kelleher, Sara Rimer, Tim Schick,
Thom Simonian, Becky Warner
Editorial Page: Pete Blaisdell, S t e v e
Stojic, Sue Wilhelm'
Arts: Ken Fink
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

when hunting season starts, the ma-
jority has to put up with people
armed to the teeth, running around
in the woods fouling the air and
land with gun smoke, candybar wrap-
pers, used shells, and lead.
There are few sights more disgust-
ing than a young doe shot in the
lungs, gasping for breath, writhing in
pain, and bleeding to death on the
snow. And there is always the chance
that one of these clowns will mistake
you for an animal in the underbrush
and shoot you.
It is time to stop this yearly orgy
of blood. Hunters will tell you that
they contribute more money to con-
servation than any other group. It is
not conservation they support, but
wildlife "management." This entails
a brief respite for the animals from
April to August, so that they can re-
produce, and thus a new "harvest"
can be taken the next year. Because
of this type of "conservation" there
are no more wolves or other large
predators in Michigan, and we have a
serious overpopulation of deer.

sickle cell anemia screening
program. Its Community Learn-
ing Center building in Oak-
land, which cost $225,000, w a s
paid for in cash, and the Inter-
communal Youth Institute (its
school) now provides free ed-
ucation for 92 youngsters fr)m
two-and-a-half to 11.
WHILE THE major thruast cf
the Panthers' activities t hnr s e
days is community involvement,
the party's promising showing in
the 1973 Oakland election h a s
led many observers to judge
its strength chiefly in terms of
electoral politics.
In that election, Bobby Sec
defeated all the Democrats in
the Mayoral primary and wvent
on to poll 36 per cent of the vote
against incumbent Mayor John
Reading, with majorities in
most black and some white pre-
cincts - in a city whose b'ack
po;olation is 40 per cent and

spring's coincil race remain in
electoral chances, their split
with the white "revolutionary"
left is complete. In fact, party
members speak with some scorn
these days of "infantile guer-
illas" and view their "eff the
pig" days as mistaken and ar-
But Elaine Brown still con-
saders herself a revolutionary,
and still looks to the overthrow
of the present system.
"These twists and turns in
the road are not going to stay
us from our duty and our task,"
she says. "I have no intention
of giving up the ghost because
I don't feel I'm on the brinik of
death." .
Aildreu Ross is the West
Coast correspondent for the
Manchester Guardian and a San
Francisco Bay Area radio re-
porter. Copyright Pacific News

But the party did
up its 1973 showing
kind of registration
Brown's prospects

not follow
with any
drive, so
in next







IF YOU ARE NOT concerned about
the rights of animals, you should
certainly be concerned about in-
fringements of your rights. It is your
right to spend time on the public
land and state parks without having
to worry about getting shot by some
kill-crazed hunter, out looking for a;
If you have children, you run the
risk that they may witness the
slaughter of some animal, or worse,
be shot themselves. It is your right to
try to stop this sort of thing. Write
to your state representative demand-
ing that the public lands of Michigan
be made safe for animals and people.

The University's Literary college an-
nounced yesterday the formation of a
new social science program - the De-
partment of Lines.
The new program has already re-
ceived a vote of support from Student
GovernmentCouncil. Said one member,
"Hell, we spend so much time waiting
in lines around here we may as well
get credit for it." The department ex-
pects to begin functioning in winter
1975 and the following courses will be
Lines 101: Introduction to Lines
Aimed primarily at non-concentrators,
this course aims to provide the layper-
son with a basic understanding of the
complexities of waiting in lines. The
student will be in a learning-by-doing
situation with much emphasis placed on
class participation.
In order to expose students fully to the
varied facets of waiting in line, the
course has been divided into three ma-
jor sections: Just Standing Around, Non-
Pedestrian Problems, and Making the
Best of Boredom.
IT IS RECOMMENDED that the stu-
dent spend three hours a week in field

work. Several field trips have been
scheduled, including a trip to the Ann
Arbor Bank on payday, a study of the
Meijer's express aisle, and a Thursday
night outing to the V. Bell. Also, as a
supplement two excellent films have

main emphasis of the course, however,
is on imagination and variety as a
means to relieve discomfort. Among the
topics discussed as mind distracters are
whistling, people-watching, foot-shuf-
fling, crack or tile counting, and spon-

'Lines 316 is aimed primarily at those who wait on foot.
It touches briefly on possible comfortable conditions.
The main emphasis of the course, however, is on imag-
ination and variety as a means to relieve discomfort.
Among the topics discussed as mind distractors are whist-
ling, people-watching, foot-shuffling, crack or tile count-
ing, and spontaneous shouting.'
mas .r:amm ssa i:si::K:'? ist a " ".Lmasa asuliisia masasiin '.assmsaseLi~S-'ritliiss

Primarily intended for concentrators,
460 provides a look at linear communi-
cation, especially the perpetuation of
rumors. Some time will also be spent
on the psychological problems of lines
but students interested in this field
should elect Lines 562: Linear Stress and
Resultant Deviancy.
Lines 520: Seminar
May be elected for as many as three
consecutive trimesters. Work is done in-
dividually, with the aid of a faculty
sponsor. Students may elect their topic
from at least one area listed below:
Social Lines - Gas Stations, Banks,
Churches, Theaters, Customs, Grocery
University Lines - Registration Drop-
Add, Dorm Cafeterias, LSA, Counseling,
I ibrary Reserve Desks, Health Service,
Tuition Payment.
Anti-social Lines - Pickets, Marches
Credit will be granted according to
the intensity and acceptability of written
Christine Yalda is a junior in the
School of Education working on her
secondary teaching certificate in social


been ordered - "Registration Day" and
"Football Tickets Are Worth the Wait."
(This class is not to be confused with
Lines 213, Elementary Line Waiting.
Lines 213 is open to concentrators only.)
Lines 316: Creative Queueing
This class is aimed primarily at those
who wait on foot. It touches briefly on
possible comfortable conditions. The

taneous shouting ("head 'em up and
move 'em out").
Lines 320: Lining in Leisure
As implied by the course title, this
class deals with more leisurely waits.
Special emphasis is placed on vehicle
waiting - in cars, buses, and planes.
Lines 460: Problems of Linear






SIndia India in your news papers. What
all they report is poverty in
To The Daily: India. They always paint a very
I WOULD appreciate it very sordid and grim picture about
much if you could let me ex- India. You Americans associate
press my righteous indignation only two things with India -
over the most outrageous and poverty and Yoga. Now you
humiliating Editorial you had know one more thing about In-
on India's nuclear explosion - dia - a poor country having
"India feeds egos, not people" nuclear power is a dangerous
in the Michigan Daily dated threat to the world's peace.
22nd Oct. '74. What a lopsided and unfair
2 an Indin.Ik74opinion you have about India!
As an Indian, I know mre I =feel sorry for the American
about the sentiments of my peo- who wants to see only the ugly
ple, the economic and the finan- side of life and who wants to
cial conditions under which they talk only about the poverty in
live and the principles for which India. Within a short span of
the country is striving for at time after her independence,
home and abroad. I would hke the country has made tremend-
to ask Mr. Steve Stojic a few ons progress. What do you know
questions. What does he 'now about her welfare programs?
at all about India? What right I wonder how many students
does he have to criticise India here read the Indian news r;an-

pects underdeveloped countries
to remain under developed all
the time. Your reluctance to
compliment a small nation for
its scientific achievement is
simply deplorable.
EACH NATION, big or small
has the right to decide what is
good or bad for her. She does
not dance to martial music as
Mr. Stojic assumes. Never was
the country a war monger and
never will she be. No time in the
history of India an Tn.iian w a s
forced to fight for a war whi..h
he did not believe in. Mr. Stojic
is thoroughly mistaken in as-
suming that my country is jeal-
ons of the U.S. nuclear power.
She always applauded on Amsr-
ica's scientific achievemeivs.
I would like to tell Mr. Sto-

technologically developed coun-
try could do. It is unfair to
chastise her for her sci-ntific
achievement. If she misuses it,
spends all her resources in pro-
ducing nuclear weapons only
and uses them against her neigh-
boring countries you can -then
criticise her to your heart's
We don't have to be influnced
by the whims and fancies of
Pakistan. It is for her to decide
what is best for her. If Fhe
wants to eat weeds let her do
so. India will not succumb t- the
harsh and unjust criticisms of
the big nations.
-T. M. Lakshmi
October 23

To The Daily:
THE LSA Student Govern-
ment's desire to have the Mar-
shall Fredericks plaques r e-
moved from the LSA building is
not legitimate if the reasons
they wish to do so are those
stated in Thursday's Daily. No
art work or work that is valued
for ,aesthetic reasons should be
removed from view or destroyed
for anything but aesthetic tea-
There is no reason to make
an ugly building even uglier.
-Samuel Ferraro
November 7

Co~ntaict your rerns--


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