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October 03, 1974 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-03

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The Music Mart music studios are now offer-
ing private instruction for voice.
Beth Lindberg, currently enrolled at the
U of M vocal department, and who has
worked a number of years with profes-
sional jazz groups, will be taking appoint-
ments immediately. Beth teaches both
traditional and contemporary styles of
music. For information call
Ann Arbor Music Mart
336 S. STATE ST.
Open 10-7 Daily; Sat. til 6
- - - - - - - - - --

By AL HRAPSKY grams to find out whom num-
What weighs 235 p o u 1 d sber 97 belonged. There were
stands 6-3 in height and can about six minutes left is the
move like a gazelle? No, not first quarter and Perlinger had
a Denny Franklin, or a Rob just snared a Phil Poirier screen
Lytle, or a Dave Brown, but pass at the Navy 20 yard izne
one of the many unsung haroes and returned it to the 10.
of the Michigan football team "I was pretty lucky because
- defensive tackle Jeff Per~uig- I got blocked into the play,"
er. Perlinger said. "I was probab-
Although he has turned ii sol- ly the most surprised of any-
id performances in Mic.iigan's one - a little shocked I sup-
first few contests, last Sacurday pose. You just don't see the
against Navy was the first time ball coming at you like that
that fans fumbled through their very often."



e esa

crumpled up, beer soaked pro-

IRONIC AS IT may seem, the
unusual play - a lineman's
dream - and an eight tackle
performance, were camouflag-
ed by a barrage of touchdowns
i scored by the Bells, Heaters,
and Lytles. As a matter of fact,
the interception was qu:ck ly
forgotten a few maments later
when Heater scored Michgan's
first of seven TD's from the one.
Through the first three ga'Tes,
Perlinger has accumulated 17
solo tackles and 6 assis's, rank-
ing him third among Wolverine
tacklers behind linebacker Steve
Strinko (20-14), and middle
guard Rick Koschalk (17-11).
Perlinger, a junior from Cry-
stal, Minnesota, 'hunned :he
anpropriate accolades and played
down the importance of indivId-
ual glory and accomplishm-:nts.
"It's nice to see your name
in ink but we're not a bunch of
individuals. We're out to ac-
complish things as a tea-n."
He described toe Colorado
team that the Wolverines faced
two weeks ago as "a group of
individual players," even tnough
he ranked some of them with
the best athletes in the nation.1
"When you play as individ-
uals and you're out for your
own glory, sometimes you win
and sometimes you don't," Jeff
AT BENILDE High School,
Perlinger was a two way start-
er at defensive end and full-
, '

back. Bo Schembechler's coach-
ing record and personalivy were
decisive factors in luring him
to Michigan as a .ineman, but
the University of Minnesota did
add some incentive.
"The people at Minne3:a told
me that I wouldn't be able to
play at Michigan and that k.rd
of hurt."-
As it turns out, -olorado also
played their cards wrong in
trying to recruit him.
"Colorado was interes'ed and
started to recruit me but later
they decided not to take me. It
made me feel really good to
play against them last week,"
quipped the letterman.
PERLINGER WAS to s t a r t
at defensive tackle at he end
of fall practice last year but he
was sidelined by an untimely
knee injury. He never dressed
for the first three games and
saw most of his action in the
second and third periods of oth-
Having fully recovered from
the damaged ligaments this fall,
there was no question about his
starting status.
In previous years, other mem-
bers of the Wolverine squad
have jokngly referred to the
lineman as "hogs" because of
their stereotyped image as b:ky
behemoths. However, f r s t
year defensive line coach Tom
Reed, is trying to .:hange this
inappropriate title to the 'ga-
zelles", to suit this year's smal-
ler and quicker line.
"The coaches tell us that we
have to have speed, quickness,
and strength. I guess my
strength is my quickness r>ff the
ball," the "gazelle" explained
Football isn't just a mere 'ask
or career to Perlinger but in-
stead, an enjoyable and even
fun activity. -
n"Itts anvery friendly team
and its one big unit. Its really
a lot of fun to play together andt
I think the coaches have funf
c oaching us.
"Everyone feels like a close
knit family."
THIS WEEK when the Wol-
-erines jet to the West Coast1
for an encounter with a strug-
eling Stanford team, Perlinger
hones to "doctor up" his Achilles1
"My biggest concern or weak-
ness that I have to work on is
my pass rush. I really have to
work on it this week because
Stanford is a passing team," he
As candidly as possible, t h e
tackle aired his hopes and goals
for Saturday's contest.
"I want to go out there and
demolish them. They have good
personnel and are looked up to
on the West Coast. We b e a t
Navy, which is respected in the
East, Colorado which is re-
spected in the Midwest, and
now we want to beat a West

Doily Photo by KEN FINK
NAVY QUARTERBACK Phil Poirier runs for his life as he is pursued by Michigan defensive
tackle Jeff Perlinger in the Michigan rout of the Middies last Saturday. Perlinger got to know
Poirier well that day as he intercepted a Poirier pass and chased the Navy signal caller all over
the field.

Coast team."
Although only a junior, with
two Ohio State games and two
possible Rose Bowls to look
forward to, it won't be long be-
fore he'll be eligible for the:
pro draft. Many collegians con-
sider this an important goal, but
Perlinger has different ideas.
"That's too far ahead -- I
still have a year and a nalf to
play here. It's not my dream
right now."

Eventually he sees coaching'
as a possible career, "I guess
that's what I'm working for
right now."
Before arriving on tie Ann
Arbor scene, Perlinger had on;ly
one ambition: to start for the
Wolverines. Having attained
this, his only thoughts h a v e
been directed exclusi'ely to the
group of Maize and Blue clad
"THE WAY things are going,

the Rose Bowl looks like a goo
nossibility. "It looks like Ohi
State can be scored n a Io
easier than last year."
Well, football fans, next tim
a fumble is recovered, th
qu-arterback gets sacked, or th
onnosition is rnwarted on
big third and one situation
open up what's left of your rout
ilated program and look a.
those players with thl la' g
n imbers.

Do you need
professional guidance
in your attempts to
We are offering a program
which may a n s w e r your
CALL 764-0434
(from 9-3, Mon.-Fri.)
or 668-7563

Boo ters split two


The Michigan Soccer Club
opened its fall season by split-
ting two contests last week. The
booters lost to Notre Dame 3-1
and took a 2-1 decision from
the Detroit Institute of Tech-
The Maize and Blue opened

1975 OCT. "5"OCT. 201974
1. All applications taken between October 5 and October 20, 1974 will receive equal
consideration for Winter 1975 Rush Hiring. These applications will be placed into
random hiring order by the employee Personnel Committee on October 23, 1974.
Any applications taken after October 20, will receive priority by date of applica-
tion AFTER those taken the 5th thru the 20th.
2. Former Rush employes in good standing need not re-apply for Winter Rush hiring.
You will be notified by mail concerning jobs for Winter Rush.
3. The Cellar pays $2.20 hr. to start. We cannot make any promises about jobs after
Rush, however, any permanent jobs available after Winter Rush will be hired de-
partmentally on the basis of availability and ability from those employees who
worked Winter Rush. Rush jobs are, unfortunately, only temporary.
3. If you are a student please note: during our busiest times we ask people to be will-
ing to skip a class or two if we need you to work a 9-5 day. We do not make it a
practice to ask people to continuously skip classes and this is usually only neces-
sary during the first few days of class, when Rush sales are the heaviest. If you don't
think that you would be able to skip a few classes or if you have a heavy class load
during the day, please don't apply for this job. It is important that we can count on
people to be here if we need them.
4. Please take into consideration final exams, holidays, and vacation when indicating
your availability to work Winter Rush. With the exception of Christmas Day and
New Year's Day, the Cellar will be open. If you are hired to work prior to Decem-
ber 30, you will be expected to work thru this period of time if needed.
5. If you do not work Winter Rush, it will be necessary for you to re-apply for any
future Rushes that you want to work. Absolutely no applications will be kept on
file or updated for any future Rushes. Applications for Fall Rush 1975 will be taken j
April 1-10 and June 1-10.
6. If you are hired to work Winter Book Rush, you will be.notified by mail in Novem-

GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe

the scoring in the Notre Dame
loss, but tired in the second
half, according to captain
Mike Ross. Ross said that
play was steadier at Detroit,
however, with the only let-
down coming early in the sec-
ond half when DIT scored.
Jim Hipps scored against
Notre Dame and Steve Kelly
and Javier Ramirez tallied
against DIT.
Ross said that the defense,
comprised of fullbacks Bob
Zack, Steve Weisberg, and Craig
Kaufman, has played exception-
ally well.
The team is coached by Jim
Schnare, a Michigan law stu-
dent who played four years of
soccer at Twin Park College in
"I haven't seen many teams
with talent better than ours,
but I wish we had better fund-
ing and facilities," s a i d
Schnare. "The team needs a
chance to practice more of-

"Ethics and Values
in Higher Education"

Director-Residential College
Professor of Physics

I '1

Geography and Planning:

The booters travel south to.
morrow to take on Indiana Uni
versity. "Soccer is a regula
varsity sport there," said Ross
"and we expect a tough game.'
Deal dumped
By The Associated Press
The Detroit Tigers announce
Wednesday that pitching coac
Cot Deal will not be back wit
the team next season but th
the other three coaches-Dic
Tracewski, JoeeSchultz and Ji
Hegan-will return.
Lyle signs
New York Yankees' relie
pitcher Sparky Lyle, virtually
season-long holdout, signed
two-year contract today cover
ing the 1974-75 seasons.
Lyle, who earned an esti
mated $75,000 in 1973,areport
edly received a raise to $87,50
for this season and to abou
$95,000 for 1975. He had a 9-
record with 15 saves and a 1.6
earned run average.
Robby manager.
The Cleveland Indians have
called a Thursday morning
j news conference at which
sources say they will name
Frank Robinson as major
league baseball's first black
The Indians refused to offi
cially confirm that Robinson
the aging superstarnwho ha.
carved a niche as one of th
game's greatest players ove
the past two decades, would b
named to replace the fired Ke
Anyone interested in being
an intramural football official
please contact Ken Nemerov-
ski at the IM building. Phone
763-1317 today, tomorrow, or
Monday. No experience nec-
Women spiked
Michiaan's intercollegiate vo
levball team fell to Wester
Michiean Tuesday night at t
IM Building. The junior varsit
-,uad lost 15-8 and 15-3 whi
the varsity players put up
tougher fight winning the firsi
game 10-15 but falling the nex
two 15-9 and 15-4. The women'
next home game will be Satu
day against defending sta
"hamnionsMGrand Valley State
12 noon. IM Building.

MINI COURSE 414, Div. 495, 1 Cr Hr (See also symposium announcement)
ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING at noon, Friday, October 4, Rm. 4050 LSA BIdg.
SIX LECTURES to be held in Room 200 Lane Hall
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, October 7, 8, and 10:
4-6 P.M.-TORSTEN HAGERSTRAND: "The Conception of Man in
Postindustrial Society"
8-10 P.M.-AKIN MABOGUNJE: "Rural Development Processes: A Theoretical
For further information please contact Prof. Gunnar Olsson, Department of Geography, Tel.
764-0339. or 761-3195.


Georgraphy and Social Action:
The public is invited to attend the following lectures to be held ot he
Rackham Amphitheatre.
10-12-DAVID HARVEY, Prof, of Geoaraphy and Environmental Enaineerina,
Johns Hopkins Universitv: "Urbanization and Caoital"
Commentator: Bernard Marchand, University of Toronto

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