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September 28, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-28

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Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



p eace,

Thi Ustyle

Saturday, September 28, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Chile: Poe and Bismarek

singer is clearly untroubled by
the horror tales of torture the mill-
tary junta in Chile is spinning out.
Apparently, Kissinger chooses to ig-
nore the brutality that has enraged
other high officials.
Kissinger's lack of concern for ba-
sic human rights was revealed in a
N. Y. Times article yesterday which
reported that Kissinger had rebuked
U.S. Ambassador to Chile David
Popper for initiating a discussion on
human rights during a conference
on military aid with Chilean offic-
ials last July.
Former professor of government
Kissinger's written response read like
a dean's remonstration to an errant
faculty member. Kissinger scribbled
a terse, "Tell Popper to cut out the
political science lectures." His anger
was translated into a promptly heed-
ed formal letter of complaint to Pop-
per. Sources report that Popper has
curtailed his complaints centering on
the military junta's use of torture.
A CCORDING TO Kissinger's hard-
nosed diplomatic code, one does
not confuse issues by linking human
rights with a discussion on military
aid. Kissinger's brusque response to
Popper's laudable action points up
the steely edges that characterize
Kissinger's brilliant - yet unprinci-
pled - skill around the negotiating
According to the N. Y. Times, Am-
nesty International, a private Lon-

don-based agency, is receiving regu-
lar reports of prisoners being sub-
jected to beatings, electric shocks,
and psychological torture and sex-
ual assault, charging that torture of
6,000 to 10,000 political prisoners
Obviously not cast in the hard,
Bismarckian diplomatic mold, Pop-
per used his position to express his
dissatisfaction with the Chile re-
gime's brutality. And how is Popper
rewarded for his sensitivity and con-
cern? He receives a command from
the master to stick to the point
(military aid) and leave the messy
question of torture and human rights
for another time.
JT IS THE UNITED States' respon-
sibility to confront the military
regime in Chile with the issue of
their ugly brutality whenever the op-
portunity for discussion arises. We
cannot wait for formal conferences
on such questions.
One begins to suspect the moral
code of a man who orders the sepa-
ration of military aid questions from
human values. Kissinger's superman
garb is beginning to reveal tears and
imperfections, but the fact remains
that his rebuke to Popper had the
desired effect. Kissinger keeps his
men in line, but who is going to pull
the reins in on the man who battles
the forces of communism with blind-
ers on to questions of basic human

WHEN Heny Kissinger s a i d
that peace was "at hand"
two weeks before the 1972 elec-
tion, Americans believed him.
Kissinger failed to mention that
we would first have to bomb
North Vietnam into submission
over the Christmas holidays in
order to secure a peace settle-
Within a few months and af-
ter thousands more lives, how-
ever, "peace with honor" ar-
rived and a treaty was signed.
The return of American troops
and POW's gave this country a
blissful moment. But there was
no peace in Vietnam. The trea-
ty called for free political com-
petition for power with the as-
surance of freedom of speech,
press, and movement; the re-
lease of all civilian prisoners;
the withdrawal of U.S. military
and police advisors, and an end
to all U.S. military involve-
ment. These provisions have
been so grossly violated that
the New York Times .w a s
prompted to report that t h e
treaty is a "dead letter".
OUR ALLY, and the president
of South Vietnam, Nguyen Van
Thieu has clearly signalled his
opposition to free political com-
petition: "Let those who con-
tinue to advocate a coalition
government stand up and be
counted. I am certain that the
people and the army will not
let them live for more than
five minutes."
The Thieu regime has round-
ed up an estimated 200,000 poli-
tical prisoners. An elaborate
surveillance system, equipped
with a central computer in Sai-
gon, has been developed by
American corporations and ad-
visors. The names of each fam-
ily and each family member un-
der Thieu's control are stored in
the computer. At night the po-
lice knock on thousands of da(,rs
to make sure that each person
is accounted for. If they are
not, an arrest generally f 3 I-
Police are backed up by
Thieu's one million man array
to insure law and order. Thieu
has decreed that "all police

and military forces are per-
mitted to shoot to kill all those
who urge the people to demon-
strate, to arrest and detain
those persons who incite the
people to create disorder, or
who leave areas controlled by
the government. If they pro-
test, they will be shot. '
THOSE WHO aren't shot are
shackled with hand'cuffs, manu-
factured by Smith & Wesson
Company of Massachuse ts, and
dragged off to one of S ) u t h
Vietnam's many prisons where
mistreatment and torture are
commonplace. Two former pri-
soners describe conditions: "ri-
soners are extinguished slowly,
gradually. They are refused
food, water; they are beaten..
In these conditions they c o n-
tract tuberculosis or some oth-
er disease that, lacking treat-
ment, sunshine, or nroper diet,
drags them slowly to the
With political dissent smoth-
ered, the fighting continues.
Since the signing of the treaty,
over 50,000 Vietnamese soldiers
have been killed. The Washing-
ton Star News reported, short-
ly after the signing of the trea-
ty, that "the Saigon govern-
ment has failed to issue the
emphatic public instructions to
its forces to honor the agree-
ment that the Communists have
issued." Instead of respeK.ting
the ceasefire and settling mat-
ters of contention through re-
gotiation, as called for in the
treaty, Thieu has ordered his
police: "If a stranger enters
your village, shoot him in the
SINCE JULY of 1972, the Uni-
ted States has pumped at least
four billion dollars in military,
police, and economic aid to
maintain Thieu's control.
Though the exact per cent of
the Saigon budget that is pro-
vided for by American aid is
disputed, there is no question
that the Thieu dictatorship could
not remain viable without the
support of the United States.
As long as we continue to prop
up the Thieu regime, a political

settlement as called for by tie
treaty remains impossible.
An intensive lobbying c a )n-
paign by the Indochina Peace
Campaign (IPC) has succeeded
in convincing Congress to make
cuts in aid to Saigon. In his
fiscal year, for example, the
White House had sought 1.45
billion dollars in military aid
and 750 million dollars in eco-
nomic aid. The' full Congress
reduced the level of military
aid to 700 million dollars, while
the Senate Foreign Relationas
Committee has recommended
that the economic aid figure
be reduced to 420 million dol-
lars. While these levels of aid
remain unconscionable, the re-
ductions have adversely affect-
ed the Saigon strategy. Thieu's
army has been forced to retreat
from certain areas that w o a I d
otherwise remain sternly de-
fended. They have to severely
curtail the random lobbing of
artillery shells into Communist
controlled areas. The Saigon
command recently announced
that air force flights would have
to be reduced to conserve fuel
and ammunition. Further, the
delivery of many of the j e t
fighters that the Pentagon had
apromised Saigon has b e e n
postponed or cancelled.
THESE AID CUTS, hopefully,
represent the beginning of the
end of our tragic interven'ion
in Vietnam. As Bruce Cameron,
an active member of the local
chapter of the IPC said, "There
is a lot of latent sentiment in
this country in favor of elim-
inating aid to South Vietnam.
The problem is to tap it and
to organize it." As part of this
effort, the IPC is organizing a
teach-in at the University of
Michigan on October 2 and 3, to
call attention to the continued
war and repression that is sup-
ported by American policy in
Vietnam. Seminars will be )(eld
during all class periods on
these days. The events will be
climaxed by a rally on Satur-
day, October 6, featuring lane
Fonda, Daniel Ellsberg, a n d
Holly Near, at Rackham Audi-
torium at 8:30 p.m. Support of

these events is crucial in terms
of educating the public and
demonstrating popular oppo;i-
tion to present American poli-
cies. With continued unrele it-

AP Photo
ing pressure on a snail-paced
Congress, further reductions of
American aid could force Thieu
into a political settlement that
could end the war.

Cars control Human space

bor knows that city has two sets
of traffic patterns. One pattern,
found around central campus, man-
dates a stop sign at every corner.
This is ideal for pedestrian crossings.
In other areas of Ann Arbor, cars
cruise unobstructed by traffic-control
This is all well and good, except
where uncontrolled highway runs
through heavy pedestrian traffic
areas. Such is the case with Huron
where it crosses between State and
Washtenaw. Hundreds of students
cross this stretch daily when going
to and from classes. And daily, thous-
ands of cars come barreling down this
stretch, threatening life and limb of
crossing pedestrians.
A similar situation once existed at
Washtenaw where the George Wheel-
er bridge, thankfully, now stands. Al-
though the Wheeler name is imagin-
ary, the legend surrounding it stands
testimony to the very real danger
involved in crossing Ann Arbor's bus-
ier streets.
News: Dan Biddle, Barb Cornell, Jeff
Day, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stephenson,
Becky Warner
Editorial Page: Peter Blaisdell, Marnie
Heyn, Barb Moore, Steve Stojic, Sue
Arts Paqe: Ken Fink
Photo Technician: Ken Fink, Karen

A NYONE WHO HAS dashed across
State during class change knows
how impatient drivers become while
waiting for pedestrians to get out of
their way. So, imagine the situation
on Huron, where drivers can let loose
and speed all the way from Huron
and State to Washtenaw and Geddes.
There is not one traffic-control de-
vice for the length of the stretch, and
this spells potential disaster for any
pedestrian in the way.
City authorities, in their slow and
methodical way, are just starting to
notice the seriousness of the Huron
Street situation. After four accidents
in one week, a solution should come
about in the next few years. But un-
til a solution does come, probably in
the form of a signal light at Huron
and Glenn, the city should take on
the responsibility of enforcing Huron
speed limits.
during hours when peak pedes-
trian and peak auto traffic coincide.
All over town, police should devote
their efforts to enforcing safety laws
(in addition to ticketing every park-
ed car) so that bike and foot travel
are safer and more feasible.
While changing the traffic pat-
terns would demand time, effort, and
care, it is nonetheless evident that
something must be done, and soon,
before some unlucky pedestrian does
get a memorial overpass named in
his/her memory. -TIM SCHICK

Recently a minor Daily functionary shuffling through ;
the masses of paper surrounding the AP machine,
came across this series of related reports. This staff 1
member immediately grasped the significance of the i
reports and had them printed.
(A - Today in a surprise move President Ford cut
the ground out from under his liberal critics by sud-
denly legalizing possession and sale of marijuana.
Rumors have it that just prior to this, Ford was
locked in the oval office with the chairmen of the
boards of all major cigarette companies for three
hours. After the meeting, Presidential aides spoke of
a mysterious smell emanating from the hallowed room
however this was quickly forgotten in the general chaos
resulting in the legalization of pot.
price of a pack of reefers was again raised in an

i alega lizedc
across the board move of all major cigarette manu-
facturers. Spokesman for the firms justified the price
hike as being the result of an embargo imposed by
the Colombian marijuana farmers and further hinted
ominously at armed intervention by U.S. forces com-
plete with air strikes to liberate Ameridas vital supply
of Columbian weed.
At the same conference, spokesmen defended re-
cently passed laws making any marijuana grower
other than the major cigarette firms eligible for a
term of 5-20 years in the state penitentiary. They ex-
plained that the privately grown dope caused a 90 per
cent higher cancer rate than corporation marijuana
WASHINGTON D.C., JULY (P) Due to a sudden ac-
ceptance of pot by the vast silent majority, following
its legalization by President Ford, the real freaks have
been turning elsewhere for their relaxation. Milk has
been alleged by informed sources as the likely replace-_
ment and several state legislatures have anticipated
this shift by outlawing milk sale and possession. The



words 'of Indiana state legislator Dolittle explains this
firther. "If those weirdoes are into milk there must
be something in it us decent folks 'have been missing
ill these years. So we're going to make sure those
damned longhairs don't enjoy the evil pleasures milk
provides or any pleasures for that matter. We tried
to outlaw longhairs altogether but they multiply faster
than we can stamp them out . ..
youth was found strung up from an oak tree with an
empty c,:rton of milk tied around his neck. The one
witness (name witheld by police) said that a gang
of white-sheeted figures or horseback with nothing of
their faces showing except oddly shaped cigarettes
with twisted ends sticking out of the mouth slits, had
flashed the youth out of the underbrush and upon
discovery of the carton of milk immediately pro-
ceded to stomp and beat him muttering all the while,
"damned milk drinker" and, "Unamerican swine."
When last seen they appeared to be riding or floating
away (the witness was unclear on this point) into the
silvery moon.




7l __ " 7

To The Daily:
work has the chance to air a
Marcus Welby show entitad
"Outrage" on Oct. 8, I wart
to express my outrage at this
particular program. W h a t
viewers wil see is the situation
following the rape of a 14-year-
old male by his male science
teacher. After this man at-
tempts to molest another male,

teacher is not a homosexual.
How many middle Americans,
after watching 30 minutes of
the "suffering family," w i 11
truly separate child molestatien
from homosexuality? My out-
rage comes from this perpetua-
tion of one of the most falinc-
ious myths straight people
about gay men.
At the very least, ABC must
be condemned for this blatant
anti-gay program. I urge all
concerned about truth and the
humane treatment of a far too
long misunderstood group of
people to write or call WXYZ
Detroit to protest this inhumane
and false presentation.
-Jim Oakley
September 26
rodeo .macho
To The Daily:
I WOULD like to comment
on the letter from E. G. Em-
erson which appeared in today's
Daily. He wrote with regard to
an earlier article called "Rod-
eo: Scar from America's Past".
I read this article also, and was
disappointed that the treatment
of animals was mentioned only
briefly. Mr. Emerson wro:e de-
fending the rodeo and its "nu-
mane" treatment of stock. He
mentions that rodeo stock is
treated better than many peo-
ple's dogs. The argument of
"well, it's better than . '" can

this strap off which is pulled
tightly around his genitals and,
needless to say, causes pain.
To Mr. Emerson, whose fav-
orite things include bust stock

and John Wayne (and t- other
so-called "he-men" who make
a profit from inflicting pain on
animals, sometimes call'ng it a
"sport"), I'd like io say wNhat

I think of you but that would
only bring me down to your
-Kathie Malley
September 19 v


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