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September 28, 1974 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-28

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Saturday, September 28, 1974


Page Three

Saturday, September 28, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Solar energy

Convicted boxer wants
to figt another round


b eing studic
DETROIT (A) - F e d e r a 1 World Energy Conference here"
Energy Administrator John that the funds would come from
Sawhill said yesterday the gov- a total of $11 billion to be pro-
ernment is weighing a $1 bil- posed for energy development
lion solar energy research and and research under the Pro-
development program over the ject Independence blueprint.
next five years. He said his agency also is
Sawhill told delegates to the considering a $400 million pro-
gram for geothermal energy de-
monstration projects in the blue-
In Ni 1 lprint which will be on President
Ford's desk in November.
Sawhill cautioned that "there

TRENTON, (P) - Former
middleweight boxing contender
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter,
serving a life prison sentence
in a triple murder, will seek a
new trial based on evidence
that two key prosecution wit-
nesses lied.
Carter, 37, said in an inter-
view at Trenton State Prison
yesterday that he was framed
for racial reasons because he.
actively fought for black rights.
CARTER AND codefendant
John Artis, both black, were
convicted in 1966 for the slay-
ings of three white men in a
Paterson, N. J., bar. Lawyers
for Artis and Carter said yes-
terday they will file a motion
in Bassaic County Court nexta
Tuesday or Wednesday seeking
a new trial for their clients.
Bassaic County authorities in-
volved in the original trial have

not commented on the case. out a father and had this stig-
Carter said the new develop- ma hanging over her. They're
ments in his case gave him doing hard time also."
hope for freedom. It was disclosed yesterday
that two prosecution witnesses,
"FOR THE PAST eight years, Arthur Bradley and Alfred
I've had to be content with just Bello, have recanted their tes-
surviving," he said. "The way timony.
I feel today gives me a new
desire to live."

With both fists raised in a
characteristic fighter's stance
Carter said he was framed be-
cause of activities on behalf of
blacks in Paterson.
"It's not civil rights," he said.
"It's human rights. It's the
same rights I'm fighting for
right here."
ASKED IF HE felt resentful,
Carter replied: "Bitter. That's
a question better put to my
wife who has lived without a
man for eight years or to my
daughter who has been with-

Be careful with fire:
There are babes
in the woods.

Dems far'
be hind
Watergate, national committees
of the Republican party h a v e
$3.2 million in cash available
for this year's congressional
elections, double the $1.6 mil-
lion held by Democrats.
Balance sheets for the na-
tional committees of both par-:
ties giving the situation as of
Aug. 31, showed Republicans
also have raised and spent
somewhat more than Democrats:
this year.
plus interviews with party of-
ficials, show both parties a r e
striving to broaden their finan-
cial base and to raise large
numbers of small donations.
Both seem to be meeting with
some success.
For the year so far, Republi-
can committees have raised
about $9.5 million and spent
$7.9 million. Close to half the
money came in donations of
less than $100 each, raised
through the GOP's comparative-
ly economical direct-mail pro-
Democrats have grossed al-
most as much, raising $7.1 mil-
lion and spending $6.5 million.
But this includes $2.5 million
spent to cover the costs of the
Democratic telethon, a relative-
ly expensive mass appeal for
so is still saddled with $2.9 mil-
lion in debts, most of them left
over from the financially disas-
trous 1968 presidential campaign
of Hubert Humphrey. Republi-
cans are almost debt-free.

is only a limited potential for
major energy impacts f r o m,
these energy sources between'
now and 1985."
But by then "we hope to have
several solar technologies with
wide commercial application,"
he said. And he added, "it ap-
pears possible that by the year
2000, solar energy systems
might be capable of supplying
5 to 10 per cent of total U.S.
electricity requirements."
Sawhill said the United Statesl
already has had close contact
with Japan, "a leading solar
technology center," and wouldl
work with other nations in co-
operative solar research.
"We seek the technology for,
solar-thermal and photovoltaic
electrical generation, for heat-
ing and cooling buildings and
for harnessing the offspring of
solar energy - the wind, tides
and ocean thermal gradients,"
he said.


FORMER BLACK boxing star Rubin "Hurri:ane" Carter (center) and co-defendent John
Artis (left) are shown leaving Passiac County Courthouse in 1967 after being sentenced to
life in prison for the slaying of three white min in 1966. The two main prosecution witnesses
have now admitted perjury and Carter is appealing the original decision.


Cuba set talks

MIAMI, 0P - Cuban Prime by Pell and Javits to have their'
Miin Lc U i idi l Cat t i.. chj ss rto validiatedl for trvel

Much of the rest of the re-e
search and deveopt funds reuled to meet this weekend with
search and development funds two U. S. senators, the first
would go for short-term prob- members of Congress to visit
lems such as radioactive waste! the island nation since rela-
management, nuclear plant tions with the United States
nf .d m ffi , it rn were broken in 1961.-


to Cuba. The department ul-

sareiy ana more encienL CdI
mining technology, he said.-
Sawhill appeared at a round-
table discussion as the five-day'
conference, which opened with
President Ford's proposal for
a Project Interdependence on
Monday, wound to a close.
Ford's recommendations for:
reducing the world's energy
shortfall included increasing
production, diversifying fu e l
sources and reducing consimp-
tion and waste.
Summing up the conference
from an environmental point of
view yesterday, a delegate fromf
the National Wildlife Federation;
said he agreed with Ford but
would make conservation t he
highest priority.

The visit by Sens. Jacob Ja-
ivits (R-N.Y.), and Claiborne
Bell (D-R.I.), is seen as a pre-
lude to a possible normalization
of ties between the two coun-
The two members of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee have kept their travel plans
secret, fearing that their trip
might trigger a violent reaction
from Cuban exiles who remain
militantly opposed to any U.S.-
Cuban detente.
THE PASSION generated by
the Cuba question were re-'
flected early yesterday in the!
"Little Havana" section.-of Mi-
ami when a pharmacy which
sends medical parcels to Cuba
was bombed.
The State Department. in
what was viewed as an effort
to maintain an anti-Cuban fa-
cade, at first resisted overtures

timately acceded to their re-
The visit comes in the after-
math of a July trip to Cuba by
Pat Holt, the chief of staff of
the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee. Holt met with Castro
and later issued a report re-
commending a less hostile Am-
erican attitude toward Cuba.
dent Richard Nixon a month
after Holt's return seems to
have been a decisive factor in'
the recent upturn in U.S.-Cu-
ban relations. Nixon never be-
lieved that detente with Cuba
was necessarily a logical fol-
lowup to detente with ChinaI
and the Soviet Union.
But President Ford appears
to think differently. Shortly aft-
er taking office, the State De-
partment began a review of the
principles underlying the Nix-
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on policy toward Cuba.
Although Ford has said his
administration still abides by
the 10-year old Organization of
American States embargo
against Cuba, the United States
last week supported a proposal
in the OAS to review the sanc-
HEMISPHERIC f o r e i g n
ministers will meet in Ecuador
in November to discuss the em-
bargo, and diplomats say it is
a foregone conclusion that the
sanctions will be abrogated.
Once the sanctions are lifted,
the United States will be leg-
ally free to establish the kind
of relations it desires with Cu-
ba. It is widely anticipated that
when the sanctions are ended,
the Congress with administra-
tion support, will move toward
lifting legislative restrictions on
trade and travel to Cuba, as
part of a process toward ulti-
mate restoration of diplomatic

Day Calendar
Saturday, September 28
women Law Students Assoc.: Re-
cruitment Conf., 100 Hutchins, 9:30-
Football: U-M vs Navy (band
day), Home game, 1:30 pm.
Music School: Ralph Herbert,
baritone, Paul Boylan, piano, Rack-
ham Aud., 8 pmn.
Career Planning & Placement
3200 SAB, 764-7456
7-U.S. Air Force; Oct. 8-washing-
ton & Lee Univ/Law Ech.; Oct. 9-
Social Security Admin. & Univ. of
Chicago/Grad Sch.; Oct. 10-Manu-
facturers Natl. Bank, Geo. Washing-
ton Univ/Law & Mich. Dept. of
Educ. for Soc. Work-; Oct. 11-Los
Alamos Scientific Lab.-Phd Physics
& ES, MS or Phd, Comp. Sci.
Summer Placement Service
3200 SAB, 763-4117
land State Park Com., Student Asst.
03, Civil Service job; appls., Oct. 15-
Jan. 15. Forestry Students: Apply
EARLY. Los Alamos Scientific Labs,
New Mexico: interview Oct. 11, will
1 day to 2 weeks
Ozone House

talk about summer openings be-
tween regular interviews; be grad.
or Phd in Physics & BS, MS, or
Phd, Comp. Sci.

s delvery of THE DAILY acceptable?
If not, please call us at 764-0558, MON-
-FR I., 10-3 and tell us what's wrong. It's
the only way we can try to correct the
* * AND IF you want to order THE DAILY
for home delivery use the same number: 764-


people who can:

form air link

TOKYO (P) - China and Ja- the breaking point. Taipei halt-
pan make a breakthrough to- ed its flights to Japan and can-!
ward less chilly relations to- celled those of Japan Air Linesj
morrow when airliners take off to Taipei. Despite Japanese ov-I
from Peking and Tokyo to in- ertures, they have yet to be
augurate air service between resumed.
the two Asian nations. Starting next week Chinese
The flights launching sched- Boeing 707s - bought from the
uled airline operations come on United States in 1972 - will fly
the second anniversary of the from Peking to Shanghai, then
two countries' recognition of on to Osaka and Tokyo, on
each other and clear the way Tuesdays and Fridays. Japan
for a speedup in negotiations in- Air Lines DC1s cover the re-
volving fisheries, navigation verse route on Mondays and
and a peace treaty. Wednesdays.
THESE HAD been frozen for THERE ALSO will be direct
months while the aviation treaty flights between the two capitals.
was being worked out. The fare between Tokyo and!
Taiwan opposition to the air Peking will be about $290, first
link, coupled with anger over class and $208 economy.
Japanese refusal to recognize Until now, Japanese traveling
its carrier - China Airlines - to China had to go to Hong
as a national one, brought Ja- Kong board a train for Canton
pan-Taiwan relations close to and fly to Shanghai or Peking,I
a process which took at least a
THE MICHIGAN DAILY day and a half. Now passengers
Volume LXXXV, No. 21
Saturday, Sepember 28, 1974
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postageant to quit
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. W
Published d a ii1 y Tuesday througbh
Sunday morning during the Uiniver
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann3MO IG
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); U of Michigan stu. w/
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); professional assistance,
$12 non-local mail (other states and
foreign). will help you beat
Summer session published Tues- your habit.
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail phone
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non- Mon.-Fri. 9-3
local mail (other states and foreign).

may fly direct from Tokyo to
Peking in 4 hours 25 minutes.
The Peking - Shanghai - Osaka-
Tokyo service will take 7 hours
with one hour 50 minutes in
THOUGH THE China-Japan
link is not expected to be as
profitable at least at the start,
as the broken Taiwan-Japan
service, it will serve to draw
the two former enemies closer
together. And observers predict
that Toyko will gain in import-
ance as a center for China
scholars journalists and busi-
persons with Chinese interests.

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