See Editorial Page
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 11
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 17, 1974
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
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Pentagon blamed
The Public Interest Research Group in Michi-
gan (PIRGIM) has issued another controversial
report -- this one concluding that "over 14,000 peo-
ple unemployed in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Livonia
and Monroe County owe their joblessness to high
spending on the military." The group contends that
for every billion dollars the Pentagon spends in the
state, 3,250 people in Michigan go without work.
"Whether the money is spent by individuals, by
businesses, or by state and local governments,"
says PIRGIM's researcher Marion Anderson,
"over 20,000 more jobs are created per billion dol-
lars spent than when the money is spent by the
Enrollment down
There will be fewer students at the big 'U' this
fall. That's the word from Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Frank Rhodes. Rhodes said yester-
day at a meeting of the Senate Assembly, that
there would be a drop of about 500 in total student
enrollment. The former geology professor indicated
that tenative figures showed a drop of about 300
in the literary school, 150 fewer students in the edu-
cation school, and the remaining loss split among
the other schools and colleges. The drop could cost
the University almost $500,000 in tuition.
College poll
Feel like you've been neglected in the constant
onslaught of Harris polls, Gallup polls and others?
The College Young Democrats are conducting a
nationwide poll this week on a list of possible
Democratic presidential nominees for '76, and all
you have to do is show up at their table in the
Fishbowl and speak your mind. Early results on
the University campus, they report, show that
Senators Edward Kennedy, George McGovern and
Walter Mondale are neck-and-neck frontrunners.
Reuther sounds off
Congressman Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) has
been fielding a lot of early potshots in anticipation
of the November election, and the foray continued
yesterday when Democratic contender John Reu-
ther called upon Esch to reveal how much mail he
has sent out at the taxpayers' expense. Reuther
pointed to figures in a recent national study which
show a 100 per cent increase in the quantity of
mail sent out in the third quarter of 1972, an elec-
tion year, compared to 1971, a non-election year.
Election reform
The Democrats have been busy this week, and
Peter Eckstein, Ann Arbor's nominee for state
senator, was no exception. Eckstein called for the
full disclosure of campaign contributions and ex-
penditures, and also said the state needs a system
of partial public financing of political campaigns.
Eckstein called upon the legislature to regulate
lobbyists by sharply limiting the amounts they
can spend to influence legislators and to require
full reporting of their expenditures.
We mistakenly reported Sunday that the Ful-
bright-Hayes Act scholarship application deadline
was yesterday, and that the Graduate Student Dis-
sertation Grant applications were due Oct. 24. Ac-
tually, the deadline for both applications is Oct. 14.
Happenings . .
. .. are scraping bottom today, with only three
items on the agenda. The Future Worlds lecture
series will hold an organizational meeting at 8
p.m. in Rm. 2209 of the Michigan Union . . . at
7:30 p.m. in the Union's Anderson Room, students
will meet to talk about the tuition hike . . . and
Project Community Child Care Seminar will hold a
meeting, also at 8 p.m., in the council room of the
Union. And that's about it, folks.
Candy not so dandy
Remember the nickel candy bar? The memory
has become five cents fonder with the news that
candy manufacturers are now planning to kick the
price up from 15 to 20 cents. The price increase
comes on the heels of a jump from 10 cents to 15
cents - with little or no change in candy bar size.
According to Rex Dull - his real name - of the
Agriculture Department's Foreign Agriculture Ser-
vice, the cost is the result of record high cocoa
bean prices and higher costs of other ingredients
such as sugar, nuts and milk. Dull also said that
the rest of the world has developed a sweet tooth
as voracious as the Americans'.
On the inside .. .
... David Warrern and Ira Mondry look back on
comedian Richard Pryor's visit to A2 on the Arts
Page . . . Bill Heenan describes the "magnificent
madness" of America's Cup Race on the Editorial
Page . .. and the Sports Page features both Dave
Wihak's rehash of Saturday's Big Ten action and
Kathy Hennegan's analysis of the Southern Cal-
Arkansas game.
a mits
as X0
AP Photo
WITH A TRIUMPHANT SMILE, Wounded Knee trial defendant Russell Means (left) emerges
from a St. Paul, Minn. courtroom with fellow American Indian Movement leader Dennis Banks.
The two men were cleared yesterday of charges stemming from last year's 71-day occupation.
Hopes "
- President Ford admitted
last night that Richard
Nixon's acceptance of a
presidential pardon can be
construed as an admission
of Watergate guilt, then
added "I am absolutely
convinced" that the deci-
sion to spare Nixon is the
right one.
Ford acknowledged that
the pardon decision "has
created more antagonisms
that I anticipated," but re-
peatedly defended his ac-
tion as a step to heal the
lingering wounds of Water-
HE SAID former President
Nixon "has beenshamed and
disgraced" by the fact that
the Watergate scandals forced
him to resign the White House.
Ford said again and again
that he acted to end the divi-
sions and wounds of Water-,
gate. He said there was no sec-
ret reason for his pardon, that
he was more concerned with
the nation's well-being than
with Nixon's health, and that:
"There was no understanding,
no deal between me and the
former president, no deal be-
tween my staff and the staff of
the former president."
THE NIXON pardon was the
dominant topic at Ford's sec-
on White House news confer-
Ford said that prior to the
pardon he announced eight days
ago, he had no private informa-
tion about Nixon's health, other
than the report of an aide on the
appearance of the former presi-
On other topics at the na-
tionally televised and broadcast
session, Ford said:
" "We are not going to have
a depression," and the adminis-
tration is at work to see to it
that the economic situation im-
proves in the months ahead.
* Ford's staff is working with
aides to Watergate special pro-
secutor Leon Jaworksi "to alle-
viate any concern" about safe-
keeping of tape recordingsiand
documents from the Nixon
years as evidence in forthcom-
ing trials.
* Ford has "several people
in mind" as possible successors
to White House chief of staff
Alexander Haig, and also ex-
pects to announce his choice of
a new White House press sec-
retary "in a very short time."
0 The United States had no
involvement in the military ov-
See FORD, Page 8
against AIM
leaders dismissed
ST. PAUL, Minn. (A) - A
federal judge yesterday dismiss-
ed all five felony charges
against two American Indian
Movement leaders charged in
the Wounded Knee, S.D., take-
over last year. But he denied
a motion for acquittal that
would have left defendants Rus-
sell Means and Dennis Banks
free from further prosecution.
U.S. District Court Judge Fred
Nichol cited "government mis-
conduct" in dismissing the
charges - three counts of as-
sault, one of theft and one of
conspiracy-against Banks, 42,
and Means, 35.
Brest cancer test
center opens here
"Washtenaw County can expect a marked decrease in its
breast cancer mortality rate over the next five years," predicted
Dr. H. M. Pollard, former president of the American Cancer
Society, proudly.
His optimism was based on the promising possibilities of the
Breast Cancer Detection Center which opened here yesterday.
STAFFED BY University radiologists and specially trained
nurses and technicians, the center is part of a new national
program, and the only one of its kind in Michigan.
The center's purpose is threefold, according to its staffers:
-To provide examinations,
-To dispel common fears concerning breast cancer,
-To determine the most complete and accurate diagnostic
procedure for breast cancer detection.
Examinations, the staffers, say, will be given annually to 5,000
Michigan women ages 35-74 for five years and followed up by
telephone calls and letters for another five years.
ACCORDING TO clinic director Dr. Barbara Threatt, a Uni-
versity radiologist specializing in breast cancer diagnosis, if
successful, the program would also prove the effectiveness of mass
screening in reducing deaths from breast cancer.
The $8.4 million center is supported by grants from the Ameri-
can Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, and is
located at 396 W. Washington St.
The program is a timely one, according to Threatt, for studies
predict an estimated 3,800 cases will occur this year, with 1,400
"The over all statistics on breast cancer are grim," Threatt
said yesterday. "In fact, there has been essentially no improve-
ment in the survival of breast cancer patients over the last 40
He renewed earlier criticism
of the FBI and said Asst. U.S.
Atty. R. D. Hurd had deceived
him about one government wit-
NICIOL'S ruling-which the
prosecution can appeal within 30
days-ended an often-tumultuous
eight-month trial stemming
from the 71-day armed occupa-
tion of the Pine Ridge Indian
reservation village beginning
Feb. 21, 1973.
The Wounded Knee uprising
was aimed at drawing nation-
wide attention to thepoor living
conditions of American Indians.
Last April, Nichol issued a
finding that the government il-
legally tapped a phone at
Wounded Knee and said at the
time that he was almost at the
brink of dismissal.
"I HAVE been shoved over
the brink," Nichol said yester-
day. Nichol's ruling came on a
defense motion filed Saturday
and claiming fresh government
misconduct. It was issued short-
ly after Hurd, acting on instruc-
tions from the Justice Depart-
ment in Washington, refused to
go along with an 11-member
jury when a doctor reported that
a juror who became ill on Fri-
day would not be able to resume
deliberations. Hurd had called
the juror, Therese Cherrier, 53,
the most prone to convict.
In opening his one hour and
10-minute address to the jury
and a packed courtroom, Nichol
explained that Cherrier had suf-
fered a stroke and partial
paralysis of her left arm and
leg. Nichol said her doctor con-
cluded she "will not be able to
return to deliberations in the
immediate future."
Hurd told newsmen after the
ruling, "We think the court is
wrong." He added that any
See JUDGE, Page 8
AP Photo
PRESIDENT FORD defends his positions on the Nixon pardon
and amnesty for draft evaders as "binding up the wounds" of .
Watergate and the Vietnam conflict. He spoke at a White
House press conference last night.
Ford, reoveals
WASHINGTON UP) - President Ford officially offered judicial
forgiveness yesterday to thousands of Vietnam-era draft evaders
and deserters, if they reaffirm their allegiance to the United
States and work for up to 24 months in public service jobs.
Ilours later, at a nationally broadcast news conference, Ford
said the move was an effort to bind up wounds left by the un-
popular war, and was unrelated to the pardon of former President
Richard Nixon except that the pardon, too, was intended to bind
up the nation's wounds.
THE AMNESTY program was effective immediately when
Ford signed a presidential proclamation and two executive orders
during a brief, nationally broadcast appearance yesterday after-
noon in the White House Cabinet Room.
Under the program, draft evaders and military deserters who
have not been convicted or punished can turn themselves in be-
fore next Jan. 31, reaffirm their allegiance and agree to spend up
to 24 months in approved public service jobs such as hospital
The President set no minimum period of alternate service, but
See FORD, Page 2
Reuther calls in Dem stars
Democratic U.S. Congres-
sional candidate John Reuther
has made overtures to high-
level, big name party members
to campaign on his behalf
against incumbent Marvin Esch
(R-Ann Arbor).
Reuther has reportedly re-
quested Senators Edward Ken-
nedy (D-Mass.), Hubert Hum-
phrey (D-Minn.), and George
McGovern (D-S.D.) to make
speaking appearances in the
NONE OF the three senators
has made a firm commitment
to come here before the No-
vember election, according to
spokespersons in their Washing-
ton offices.
Michigan's Second Congres-
sional district is considered a
"swing" area which the Demo-
crats believe they should be
able to win with a strong cam-
paign effort.
In addition, Esch has been
touted as a possible senatorial
candidate two years from now,
but a loss in November would
seriously damage his chances
for nomination--not to mention
THEREFORE, the Democrats
sensethatttheir party has more
to gain than merely another
seat in the House of Representa-
tives by knocking off the in-
cumbent. And from all indica-
tions, the upcoming contest will
be close and hard fought.
Reuther has already received
nrnmises of f snnort from Sen-
Unions vie
for clerical vote
Months of strong language
and heavy campaigning be-
tween the United Automobile
Wmnrk r TAW) nti te Am-
key is solidarity. They contend
that AFSCME is a public em-
ployes' union, and as it already
represents 2400 other employes
on campus, including the serv-
power UAW has achieved at
the "big three" auto firms can-
not be transferred to the Uni-
The nko fea tTTW is
ized clericals at either Ford or
General Motors.
UAW has been trying hard to
combat the image of male
dominance, claiming that more