Fridey. Oacitmbt 10, 1971
Page 5even
.Survey* polls student voter trends
tion and home town ties on where! the more likely he is to vote here., to tenure in Ann Arbor.
Only half of the newly enfran- jthey intend to vote.
chised 18 to 20 year old students The general conclusions drawn
living in Ann Arbor will vote here by the group were that only about
next y'ear, according to results of one half of the eligible student vo-
a survey taken by a social psy- ters will be going' to polls in Ann
cholog y 0lass. Arbor, with that half including ov-.
} Under the supervision of psy- er half the avowed Democrats, and
chology Prof s. 'Elisabeth Douvan a good portion of the liberal and
.and Martin Gold, 200 students were radical students. In addition, there
surveyed to determine the "effect was evidence that the more time
of factors such as party affilia- a student has spent in Ann Arbor,
Angela Davis trial
date set for Jan. 31
Only 23 per cent of those in-r
tending to vote here classify them-'
selves as conservatives, while lib-
erals make up 43 per cent of those
voting here, and radicals, 34 per
The class found that the prim-
ary factors influencing student vo-
ting plans were home town ties,'
tenure in Ann Arbor, party affilia-
tion and interest in politics..
Of the approximately 150 reply-
ing to the survey. 14.per cent were
Republican, 31 per cent Democrat,
and 55 per cent independent or un-
Of those calling themselves Re-
publicans, 42 per cent plan to vote
in Ann Arbor and 58 per cent else-
SAN JOSE, Calif. 0>) The mur- Arnason on Nov. 2 ordered Davis' where, usually specifying their, boi
der. kidnap and- conspiracy trial trial moved to Santa' Clara Coun- home town. 51 per cent of the De-
of Angela Davis is to begin here ty on grounds that there was a, mocrats plan to vote in Ann A. bor,lN
Jan. 31. and the prosecution pre- "reasonable likelihood" she could and 49 per cent elsewhere. Those' duo
dict it may last six months. ' not obtain a fair" trial in Marin indicating no party affiliation were fica
Davis, a 27-year-old black for- County, scene of the Aug. 7, 1970,1 almost evenly split on where thvy ',per
men UCLA philosophy instructor, courthouse shootout in which she:1 will vote, ern
will be moved to the Santa Clara is charged. Currently she is being!Tepsiiiythtteew~ i
County jail ora women's jail 'inhedinaryPlAto be more older students votinig than cor:
nearby Milpitas sometime prior to. Prosecutor Albert Harris, Jr., Iyugrsuet a asdi hntr
tht trial, told a news conference after the yugrsuet a asdwe e
Superior Court Judge Richard' trial date was set Wednesday that I results were tabulated according! en
__________- he plans to call 110 witnesses. He 7 -- ----_
said he expects the trial to lust,
Flint SGI.Ahalts; four to six months. MC IA
IDavis is charged with furnishing M IC IGA
1four guns and helping plot an abor-
Rose Bowl trip !Lie escape attempt at the Marin BAR B ER
County courthouse in which a
Student governm~ent members at judge; two convicts and an accom- B IL L IARD S
'the University's Flint campus, plice were killed.
who had planned to send them- At the news conference, while BOW LIN G
selves to, the Rose Bowl with stu- her attorneys conferred inside
dent funds, were forced to aban- more than 150 supporters of Davis1 FOOS BAL L
dfti the scheme.. jammed the Palo Alto courthouse
They voted to cancel the trip af-! hallway shouting "Free Angola !"a TA B LE T EN N IS
ter being outmaneuvered by op- and "All power' to the people!'
ponents, who arranged a student; Bobby Seale, Black Panther par-
court injunction order that prevent;ty chairman, stood on a couch urg- --
ed the funds from being touched Ijig the demonstrators to arum up
until a bearing Wednesday. support for Davis.
The Wednesday hearing date --- -:.. .
would have been too late for the:
funtds to go to a travel agency CREATIVE
bWore its deadline.
The controversy first arose when SHABBA T
tht government members planned SERVICE
to use $4,040 of their budget for the
R~ose Bowl trip. Opponents then ob-
tutned ptition signatures of 000 Every Fridy-6 P.M. ftesho' 210 mmes
which were the basis of the 'ju- tH e
clciry's injunction.orLIlt
Forty-six per cent of the students
to have lived in Ann Arbor for
er' two years plan to cast votes
re, and 32 per cent of those liv-
in Ann Arbor between six
)nths and two years will also.
twever, only 21 per cent of the
zdents who have lived in Ann Ar-
r less than six months will vote
Future settlement plans and
netown ties also had a definite
:ct on the probability of stu-
nts voting in Ann Arbor. Of those
io say it is likely that they will
the in or near their hometown,
y 32 per cent plan to vote in
in Arbor, while 64 per cent of
ose now have severed hometown
s and plan to settle in Ann Ar-
,or elsewhere plan to vote here.
No conclusive results were pro-
ied for the tests of political ef-
;cy-the amount of influence a
rson feels he has on his gov-
nment. According to the class'
idings, there was no statistical
'relation between political in-
rests and intent to vote at a giv-
isite, either.
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I UNDER MARK'S .-"f.-use L.Ltl1y 1(IU311UU6 _T
nt rd
* C icountrecord
>9''* ,^ Mi 4X 9 9 rLJa JS
1+ '%3
SLT4067 RQ52 SAW95725 SO6004
Rege-Di Grsse NowMak WeMerhe Bch-t. attew Pssin Drcel-Dio ad Anea
SLT43067MOAT-lteQar ZLP108526 sSeansEio AWT9725 EEINPL- SL6004TRVNKY7gr
tet, Oboe Quartet, Horn Quar FOUR QUARTETS-(Complete) CHORAL MUSIC (c. 1600) - CANTATA (1952) - MASS (1948)
tt-FrnVetrAdMe, Read by Robert Speaght. Giovanni Gabriel - Sonata XV - Patricia Kern, mezzo. soprano;
*Hermann Baumann a 12; Canzon VI it ; 0 Domine Alexander Young, tenor (Can- ,
ZRG5362 - BYRD, William - Jen Chrste; Jubilate Deo; Mag- tata); Doree Murray, soprano;
SLT43098 - THE VIRTUOSO MASS IN THREE PARTS - nifcat 1. toni; Nuno dimittis; Jean Allister, contralto; Edgar
FLUTE - Works by Bach, Mes- MASS IN FOUR PARTS - Choir Ruggiero Giovanelil - Salve re- Fleet, tenor; Christopher Keyte,
saen, Poulenc, Martin- Aurele of King's College, Cambridge; ginas: Giovanni Bapt. Grll - bass (Mass); St. Anthony Sing :.
0 Nicolet. David Willcoks, director. Canzone 11 a 8: Cesare Gusago ers; English Chamber Orchestra;
5LT311!I2- HNDEITH-pe ZG341/2-BAH -AE RT Sonata "La Leona": G.D. Rog- Coin Davis, conductor
SLT31171 - INEMIH Pi ZFS4i/2- ACH- HE RT noni Taeggio-Sonata "La Porta" 50L266 - MOZART, Wolfgang ;.
7Kammermusiken - Concerto OF FUGUE - (arranged by Leo- Capella Antiqua, Munich; En- Amerius - SYMHONY NO. 28
Amsterdam (3-record set) nard Isaacs) - Members of semble of viol; Konrad Ruh- INCMJRK.20(7e-
SLT43115 - ROMANTIC SONGS Philomusica of London; George land, conductor SYMPHONY NO. 38 IN D MA-
FOR CHORUS - Bergedorfer Malcolm, director; Two Record SAWT9493 - GREGORIAN CHANT JOR, K. 504 "PRAGUE" - En- "
Kanmerchor, Horn Quartet o Set. Hymns, Sequences and ReSpon- gish Chamber Orchestra; Coin
Hamburg Philharmonic ZRG5447 - MESSIAEN. Olivier- soies - Capella Antiqua Mu- Davis, conductor
SAT256 SETNA Ovr- LA NATIVITE-La Viergae t 'En- nic; Konrad Ruhland con
jture", "Furiant".'"Dance of the fant; Le Bergers; Desseins Eter- ductor tri - QUINTET FOR PIANO
Comedians" from The Bartered nels; Le Verbe; Les Enfants de SAWT9458 - BACH. Johann Se- AND STRINGS, Op. 57 - PRO- "
* Bride; DVORAK - "Dance in Dieu; Lea Anges; Jesus accepte bastan - CONCERTO IN D MI- KOFIEV, Serge - QUINTET IN .
Hel". "Prelude to Act 3" from fa Souffrance; Les Mages; Dieu NOR F'OR 3 HARPSICHORDS G MINOR OP. 39 FOR OBOE,
" The Devil and Kate; JANACEK Parn'i Nous; Simon Preston at CONCERTO NO. 8 IN D MINOR CLARINET, VIOLIN, V 1.0 L A.
-Lachian Dances - Leipzig the organ of Westmnster Ab- FOR HARPSICHORD; CONCER AND DOUBLE BASS - Melos ."
Gewandhaus Orchestra, Vaclav bey - TO IN C MAJOR FOR .3 HARP- Ensemble
Nemncond. ZG4O-BITN ejmn SICHORDS; Gustav Leonhardt,
NeumannBITEN enamn Anneke Uittenbosch, Alan Cur- 60O- HANDEL, Georg Frid-
- ST251 -HOR CNCRT5' A CEREMONY OF CAROLS: RE- tis, harpsichord; Leonhardt Con- eric - THE WATER MUSC - 7
HONJOICE IN THE LAB: MISSA sort. Suite No. 1 in F; Suite No. 2 In
by Hydn Dani &Rozeti REVI - arls Roleshar; G Suite No. 3 in D; Philomu-
Hayd, Dnzi RoettiBREIS -Marsa Rble, hap; AWT9438 - MONTEVERDI, Clau-
SAT2519 REER -he Lrge Roger Parker, Michael Turner, dio - MADRIGALS AND CON- sica of London; Thurston Dart
Ora Works51 - RER - Te Large John Bennett. Michael Mt- CERTO WORKS 1605-1638Leon- conductor-
1. organ Wrs-RslneIas thews treble soloists; Choir of hard Consort (using original in- -______________
ognSt. John's College, Cambridge; struments); Monteverdi Choir
' 'ZRG5436 - TALLIS, Thomas. TU- Robert Tear, tenor; Michael Hamburg; Conductor: Jurgen
DOR CHURCH MUSIC RECORD Pearce, counter-tenor; Forbes Jurgens f
I-In manus tuas; In ieinto et Robinson, bass; Brian Bennett, SAWT947 - MINNESONG AND Our
- fletu; Spem in alium (40 Pt. organ; George Guest, director PROSODY c. 1300 - Walther 'U
iMotet); Te lucis (1); Te luis ZRG604 - STRAUSS, Richard- von der Vogeweide - Mit hat
(2); Eecc tempus; Veni Rdemp- METAMORPHOSEN - WAG- her Gerhart Atze en pfert; Un-.,
tor; 0 nata lux; Salvator mundi; NER, Richard - SIEGFRIED ter drlne ndrhie Nu C i l l
Derelinquat; Choir of King's IDYLL* ADAGIO FOR CLARI- aiet-b ihmr e'e ed
College, Cambridge; David Will- NET AND STRING$* - The hart von Reuenta - Meie, din C m lt
cocks, director Academy of St. Martin-in-the- liehter schn; Blozen wir den :
!Fields (°} Jack Brymer, solo anger ligen sahen; Furste Frid-
': RG325 - HAYDN, Franz Josef, clarinet erich; -Melzit: Anonymous - Invento
MASNO. 9 'THE NELSON' - - Chanconetta Tedescha 1; Chan- ll
Sylvia Stahman soprano; Wil- ZRG65 - MENDELSSOHN-BAR- conetta Tedescha 11: Reinmar yII l
" fred Brown tenor; Helen Watts THOLDY Felix - CONCERTO von Brennenberg - Wol mich
contralto; Toms Krause baritone; I E FOR TWO PIANOS AND des ages do mi0ars: Der Un- on L d n
!Choir of King's College, Cam- ORCHESTRA - John Ogdon & verzagt (c. 1200)- - Der kuninic
' bridge; London Symphony Or- Brenda Lucas: pianos; CON- Rodolp minet got: Frauenlob - UlL n o
chestra; Simon Preston organ; CERTO IN A MINOR FOR P- E waent en narrenwise: Witz-
David Wilcocks, director. ANO AND STRINGS - John law (e. 1300) - Ih warne dic, :-
Ogden: piano. Academy of St. vil junger man, gezarte; Loibere
' ZRG5369 - HANDEL, George Fri- Martin-in-the-Fields; Director, risen; The Early Music Quartetpo t
deric - THE ANTHEMS FOR Neville Marriner SAWT9496 - BACH, Johann Se-
GOEINE ANDQUEECAR GAR, Edward - PARTSONGS - "Lass, Fustin, lass nocll enen
1LIN - Zadok the priest MyY Strali", - Cantata BWV 198
heart is inditing; Let thy hand Louis Halsey Singers (127) Funeral ode on the death .
be strengthened;- The King shall ZLRG620 - VICTORIA, Tomas Luis of Christiansa Eberhardine, 9
rejoice; Choir of Kig's College, de - 0 QUAM GLORIOSUM Queen of Poland and Electrice
" Cambridge;- English_ Chamber EST REGNUM - Choir of St. of Saxony, wife of Frederick Au- $ 19,
Gsicr;DTviuWistockDar, harec- reor,'sCoGer. mrdge;i oberuth, 1727;oaud Hazins-pG
sichrd;Davd Wllcoksdirc- ecto, Gorg Gust tber17t, 127; otrudpens
MEIEAorGLS ZRG657 -- BARTOK, Bela - mann, soprano; Helen Watts, :
*. RG5443 - MDEA NLS MUSIC FOR STRINGS PERCUS- contralto; Kurt Equiluz, tenor;W disc'
LYRICS - Frank Li. Harrison, SION AND CELESTE; DIVERTI- Max van Egmond, bass; Frans Ug
'V Music Editor and Director; Eric MENTO FOR STRINGS - Aca- Vester, Joost Tromp, flute; Lib
J. Dobson, Poetry editor and Di- decoy of St. Martin-in-the- Lnangaay.A Mater, oboethog
FiedsNevlleMarine, drecor amore; Euge n M .-Dombois, Gus-
retr ildNeileMrrnr.dretr ta Goldschmidt, lute; Veronica- Tuesday
ZRG5450 -- A FESTIVAL OF LES- ZRG654 -- VIVALDI, Antonio - Haimpe, Wieland Kuijken, gain- /
""; SONS AND CAROLS (2964} THE FOUR SEASONS - Alan ba; Gustav Leonhardt, organ December
FROM KING'S COLLEGE, CAM-. Leveday. violin; Simon Preston, and harpsichord; Concerto Am- 14th
BRIDGE - Choir of King's Col- harpsichord continuo; The. Aca- sterdam; leader: Jaap Schroder; :
a lege, Cambridge; Andrew Davis. demy of St. Martin-in-the- Monteverdi Choir, Hamburg;
organ; David Willcocks, director Fields; Neville Marriner, director conductor, Jurgen Jurgens 9
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