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March 22, 1972 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-22

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Wednesday, March 22, 1972TL


Page Seven

T U asks landlords
for base price lists

Women have problems
keeping their own names



(Continued from Page 1) der their first, second and family
By CHARLES STEIN are entitled to substantial refunds. husbands' n a m e s. Legislators names only.
The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Tenants who have complained and "don't want to monkey with wo- Credit card companies are also
Tenants Unions (TU) tried un- taken the landlords to court have men's issues at present," she ex- sticky about giving out accounts
successfully yesterday to obtain received refunds according to Lov- plains, remarking that such a bill under maiden names.
the base price records of apart- elle, but no attempt has been would meet with tremendous op- Most companies require all a
ment costs from two local real made to extend this refund to position in Michigan. married woman's documents to be
estate companies other tenants. Despite the state's lack of di- in her maiden name, or that her
At the first comn y Hall Man- Landlords have claimed that rect legal prohibition, many state husband's name be included in
aement, the owner was not in the most students are not entitled to legal and business practices func- records also, before they will is-
office, and at the second, Ambas- rent freeze benefits, since they tion to prevent married women sue cards in maiden names.
sador Company, the owner would signed their leases before Aug. 15, from keeping their maiden names. ! well as having to take their
not speak to the representatives when the wage and price controls Driver's license regulations, cred- husbands names for themselves.
of the union ~wthout an appoint- went into effect. But according to it agencies, charge card compan- married women in Michigan must
Ian IRS ruling made in February, ies, birth registration rulings, and also give their children the same
controls began when the leases divorce laws all make it an up- last names as their husbands
TU spokesperson Rusty Lavelle went into effect, which for most hill struggle for a married woman "The Attorney General's opin-
said the two companies, who be- students was September 1. to go by her maiden name. ion has constantly held that any
tween them own ae nuAbor Lavelle concedes that many of For example, Michigan law re- isitd poduring a legal marriage
of buldins inthe nnAbor-Icildth bodurin af leal. marriage,
Ypsilin ae are in aoo the Phase Two rulings are unclear, quires that a married woman reg- s
Ypsilanti area, are in violation s but said he would like to see ister for a driver's license under regardless of the natural father or
the rent freeze regulations. as set landlords put the money in ques- her given, middle, and married whether the wife goes by her
down in the Phase One and Phase tion into escrow funds under the names. Maiden names are preclud- maiden name" says a representa-
Two rulings, name of some neutral party. In ed, officials claim; because a wo- tive of the State Bureau of Vital
In Phase One which began last this way, landlords could not col- man whose license was taken away Records.
August and lasted for 90 days, lect interest on money which may for traffic violations might re- In effect, regardless of the sit-
landlords were not allowed to raise very well belong to the tenants. register under her given, maiden, uation of a married mother "that
rents at all, and in Phase 2 which "We have to take action on this and married name, and this dif- child is still her husband's child.
is still in effect, rent increases of matter almost immediately." Lav- ference would be hard to catch.
2.5 per cent are allowed. ' elle says, "because most, students King says this law is prob- T
TU charges that most Ann Ar- will be leaving town in a month ably a violation of equal protec- Trt W ar(
bor landlords have not complied or two, and it will be that much tion for women, since it is doubt-
with these rules, and he says that harder to collect the money next ful that men with two middle

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tenants living in such buildings year."

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names are required to register un-
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will
be reserved for them and for members
of tileir families, and will be held un-
til 10:15. Doors of the Auditorium will
open at 10:00. The public is invted.
212 S.A.B. - Phone 763-4117

A Third Ward City Council
"Candidates' Night" will be held
tonight at 8 p.m. in the Colonial
Square Community Bldg, at 3012
Human Righ s Party candidate
Genie Plamondon. Democrat Ul-
rich Stoll, and Republican C. Wil-
liam Colburn will be present. The
meeting is open to the public.

kSa , .. . i

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W*DNESDAY, MARCH 22 Speech Dept. Performance: Moliere's
"The Forced Marriage," and "Tartuffe," INTERVIEW: Davey Tree, Kent, Oho.
17a" (Cal ndaI~r Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m. Will interview Fri., Mar. 24, 10 to 5;
ay C Al ArInternational Tea: 603 E. Madison, interested students in the fields of for-
4:30 p.m. estry, horticulture, and landscaping;
Physics Discussion: R. Carroll, "Spon- ' ' register in person or call.
taneously Broken Gauge Symmetries ; #eneralNotices ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grand Rapids
ahd Renormalization," 2038 Randall Yacht Club, Mich,, Instructor needed
Lab, 11 a.m. Museum of Anthropology Lecture: Dr. to teach beginning & advanced sailing;
Nttrition Seminar: L. E. Rosenberg, J. D. van der Waals, Prof. of Archaeol- further info available.
Yale Univ., "Inborn Errors of Vitamin ogy, Univ. of Groningen's Biologisch-
B-12 Metabolism in Man," Sch. of Pub. Archaeologisch Inst., The Netherlands, Waverly Schools, Lansing, Mich., info.
Hlth. Aud., 2 pn. "Angelslo - A Bronze Age Settlement and appls. available on rec. type open-
?Social Work Lecture: E. Thomas, and Its Implications," Rackham Amph., ings; playground instructors.
"New Findings in Assessment and Mod- Wed., Mar. 29, 4 p.m. Brown Drilling Co.. Howell, Mich., Jr.
ifichtionl in Marital Communication," Undergraduate Honors Convocation. geology student; work Sat. & Sun. now
2005 rieze Bldg.; 2 p.m. The annual Convocation recognizing and full time during summer; further
Conpuiting Ctr. Short Course: R. undergraduate honor students will be details avail.
Phillips, "Storage Tube Terminals- held at 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 24, at Capitol Consultants, Lansing, Mich..
Characteristics, Programming, & Avail- Hill Auditorium. Dr. Roger Heyns, Pres- opening for Jr. level civil engr. student
able Software," Seminar Rm., Comp. ident of the American Council on Edu- in snitary or environ. study; further
Ctr. 3 p.m. cation, former. Chancellor of the Uni- info, avail.
Zoology and Botany Depts. with versity of California at Berkeley, will LSA Student Government open meet-
Conmm. on Tropical Studies Lecture: address the Convocation. ing, March 22, 1972, 7:00 p.m., 3 M
C; S. Heiser, Jr., Indiana Univ., "The All undergraduate classes, with the Michigan Union.
Origins of Some Solanaceous Cultivat- exception of clinics and graduate sem- Ann Arbor Tenants Union, March 23.
Ld Plants," 1400 Chem. Bldg., 4 p.m. inars, will be dismissed from 9:45 to 1528 SAB, 7:30 p.m. All tenants wel-
Commission for Women: Homer 12:00 noon for the Convocation. How- comed.
Heath Lounge,, Mich. Union, 4-6 p.m. ever, seniors may be excused from clin; Housing Policy Committee, March 23.
Physics Colloquium: F. Haddock, "So. ics and seminars. 3-5 p.m. Multi-Purpose room on the
lar Burst Observations at Kilometer The honor students will not wear second floor of West Quad.
Wave-Lengths from Spacecraft," P&A - -
Coljoq. Rm., 4 p.m.
Statistics Seminar: L. Kish, "Optima
and Proxima in Linear Sample De-

NO 7, F-1

signs," 2443 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.


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