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February 25, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-25

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Page 2-Sunday, February 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily


Schlesinger pus]
WASHINGTON (AP) - Energy the sun.
bcretary James Schlesinger, never DESPITE ALL the clamor about
own for his staunch advocacy of solar dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, the
wer, is trumpeting the political and nation currently satisfies only 5.4 per
onomic advantages of spending $2.5 cent of its energy demand with solar
Ilion on technology that would enable technologies.
e nation to rely more heavily on the Sources said that within several
n as an energy source. weeks, the President will decide
In a confidential memorandum to precisely how far the government
resident Carter, Schlesinger, a one- should go in stimulating solar
me chairman of the Atomic Energy technologies. The sources declined to
ommission, endorsed a five-year be identified.
vernment effort to stimulate solar In a meeting with solar lobbyists here
iergy advances. He also urged Carter Friday, Carter declared he is "as en-
"give serious consideration to thusiastic as anyone in this room" and
tablishing a goal" for the amount of vowed he'd make good on commitmen-
ergy the United States can tap from ts to a strong solar policy, according to
" participants in the session.
PR EPARE F OR:WITH OIL shortages on the horizon
L;I I I and fuel prices rising steadily,
S A ISchlesinger reminded Carter, "There is

a growing interest in the possibilities
that solar energy holds for reducing our
vulnerabilities from an over-
dependence on imported petroleum-
based products."
The sources said Schlesinger's memo
is likely to have a considerable impact
on the President. The memo was
described by one source ps the result of
an enormous struggle at the highest
levels of the Energy Department,
where several top officials pushed a go-
slow approach.
Solar lobbyists who have heard about
the memo said they were plebsantly
AMONG THE solar policy options
prepared for Carter is one that calls for
few solar incentives and no dramatic
increase in the amount of energy
available from solar technologies.

A second option - the one advocated
by Schlesinger - calls for spending $2.5
billion by 1985 to provide tax incentives
and credit assistance to solar producers
and consumers in areas including solar
hot water, passive solar design and use
of solar power in industrial processes.
If implemented, the policy review
predicts, U.S. reliance on solar power
would nearly double.
A third opinion, favored by solar ad-
vocates, would provide for "significant
additional financial incentives,"
estimated by Schlesinger at $6 billion in
1980 alone, rising to a total $44 billion by
1985. If implemented, this would result
in solar power contributing 23 per cent
of the nation's energy needs. If spen-
ding were boosted to $113 billion by the
year 2000, solar power could supply up
to 25 per cent of the energy demand.

hes solar power

Council approves rezoning in split

AP Photo

Eilberg pleads guilty

NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS (Continued from Page 1)
B NURSING B A DWard) sided with Fisher, saying he felt
Flexible Programs &Council was not yet ready to vote on the
There IS a difference!!! project. "This is a major, major
development - this is the last bit of
farmland in the city," Greene said.
"We should not do it (approve the,
EDUCA TIONAL development) haphazardly."
The issue of whether to increase
Test Preparation Specialsts commercial developments in outlying
ForInformationPesC:subdivisions, or in the central section of
(313) 662-3149 town, has, in the past, been a partisan
For Locations In Other Cities, Call: While most of the Council
CentEE:8in a2o3(I17Ci2i.Republicans favor shopping centers
dispersed throughout the city, to ac-
including salad and cheesecake ($3.25 with coupon)I
After 5 pm WED-SAT 10-8I
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commodate various resid'ential areas,
the majority of the Democrats on Coun-
cil say the area slated for commercial
construction in Cranbrook is too big.
COUNCILMAN Louis Senunas (R-
Third Ward) said he doesn't envision
the individual shopping centers as
competing with shops downtown. The
subdivision.centers, Senunas said,
"provide for short trips to the market,
rather than running around for fifteen
minutes trying to.find a place to park
Greenesaid, however, "I am per-
sonally opposed to ringing the city with
commercial shopping centers - it has a
negative effect on downtown in Ann
Councilwoman Leslie Morris (D-
Second Ward) said Cranbrook's
proposed commercial section "is too
big. It violates the South Area
Plan ... it violates what I think the
citizens want."
this statement, pointing out that it was
she who asked that the proposal be
tabled earlier this month, because she
said she wanted a new guide for plan-
ning in the south side area. Belcher told
Morris he thought the lack of a new
area plan was "the only block to your
voting affirmatively.
Morris responded shouting, "False!"
She added, "Based on the area plans
presented, I am very much for voting
Greene brought up the question
whether the Republicans favor the
Cranbrook development, with its new
single-family housing zoning, for

political reasons./
Ignited by the radio comments of
retired Fourth Ward Republican Coun-
cilman Ronald Trowbridge, rumors
have circulated throughout the city that
the GOP is voting specifically to in-
crease single-family unit zoning in Ann
Arbor. The reasoning behind the votes,
many Democrats speculate, is that
traditionally, single-family dwelling
residents tend to vote Repubslican,
while apartment dwellers tend to vote
THE FOURTH Ward, the city's
"swing ward," often holds the key at
election time to Ann Arbor's political
climate for the following year.
Whichever party wins the Council
seats in that ward will usually have a
majority on Council, as the First and
Second Wards are almost exclusively
Democratic, and the Third and Fifth
almost totally Republican.
"A lot of folks are concerned about
changing the character of the south
area politically," said Greene.
Belcher has said, however, that his
decisions are based on population den-_
sity, and not partisan leanings.
Also passed Thursday night were the
Meadowbrook and Pittsfield Valley
developments. Meadowbrook, a 53.5.
companion project to Cranbrook, did
not incur the same complications as its
sister plan and was passed with only
Greene dissenting.
Pittsfield, a 61.5 acre landaparcel
slated to become another
housing/commercial complex,
received three negative votes.

Former U.S. Rep. Joshua Eil-
berg, seen here leaving the Phila-
delphia Courthouse, changed his
plea to guilty yesterday in a plea-
bargaining arrangement that en-
ded his day-old trial on conflict of
interest charges. Eilberg, who
represented Pennsylvania's 4th
District, was sentenced by
Federal Judge Raymond

Broderick to five years probation
and a $10,000 fine. Broderick also
stipulated that Eilberg may not
seek any state or local office for
the period of his probation. The
terms of the statute under which
Eilberg was convicted prohibit
him for life from holding any
federal public office.

Solar eclipsi
(Continued from Page )'
AAO President Dr. Whitney Sampson
says that when a person looks at the
sun, thge eye focuses light on the retina,
the sensitive layer of cells in the back of
the eyeball. These intense rays, he
says, "cook" part of the retina causing
permanent, incurable damage. Since
the retina is insensitive to pain, a per-
son can't tell if the damage is oc-
SCIENTISTS CLAIM the best way to
view the eclipse is indirectly, using a
pinhole projector, made from a shoebox

B tom orrow
or two sheets of stiff white paper. A
projector can be made by poking a pin
or pencil hole in one end of the box or
paper. Standing with your back to the
sun, focus the light through the hole on-
to the other end of the box or paper. The
size of the image can be changed by
altering the distance between the two
sheets of paper.
The tentative weather forecast for
Monday is calling for cloudy skies, but
if tomorrow's eclipse is observed, the
next one will be visible from here in
August, 2017.

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HEW says over a million
(Continued from Page 1) researchers at Pennsylvania State
University Associate Athletic Direc- University recorded 13 high school an
tor Donald Lund said last night that the college football deaths that year.
University takes all possible Football remains far and away
precautions to prevent athletic injuries. America's most dangerous ma jo
"We do everything we can to prevent sport.
injuries. . . We have the best trainers; With 1.1 million men playing tacklE
we have the best doctors." football, the sport accounted for 326,00(
Daniel Campbell, and assistant of the estimated 1.06 million injuries,
athletic trainer for the University said The injury ratedwas 280 per 1,000 par
yesterday he favors passage of ticipants. At four-year colleges, the
Dellums' bill, but he added rate was 929 per 1,000.
"pragmatically, it is not possible" The injury rates in other contac
because smaller high schools would sports were 74 per 1,000 for men and 54
have great difficulty hiring trainers. per 1,000 for women, and in non-contac
The estimates in the long-delayed sports 38 for men and 32 for women.
$240,000 report which was ordered by BUT ROBERT Calvert, a Nationa
Congress in 1974, were based on a sur- Center for Education Statistics resear
vey of 2,500 high schools and 1,300 cher who wrote the HEW report, say
colleges. better equipment and rules change
THERE WERE 14 athletics-related
deaths in those schools in 1975-76. Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY
were from tackle football, four from Volume LXXXIX, No.123
other contact sports, three from non- Sunday, February 25, 1979
contact sports and three from physical is edited and managed by students a
education programs. The only female the University of Michigan. Publishe
victim was a girl killed in her high daily Tuesday through Sunday morn
ings during th e University year at 42
school physical education class. Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michiga]
The survey did not estimate the total 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem
number of athletics deaths in 1975-76, ber through April (2 semesters) ; $13b3
which was higher. A survey run by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses
s o npublished Tuedav thrn,,a1g, r
d -..,-n . r bor . A~jACI

injuries in school sports


have made football safer. In 1968 there neurosurgery, conducted a five-year
were 31 deaths on high school and study of serious and fatal athletic in-
college gridirons; in 1977 there were juries in the 1960's, and, after the studs,
nine, developed a football helmet which is
Dr. Richard Schneider, a University now in use throughout the country.
Medical School professor and head of
EME Emmm mmmmengmenssa r'%%i mmm

Local art group gets money
State Representative Perry Bullard tor for a four-mon
(D-Ann Arbor) has announced two plete organization
Community Assistance grants from the
Michigan Council for the Arts to the The Universit
Ann Arbor Art Association and the receive $1750 also
University Regents. use the funds to s
The Ann Arbor Art Association, ference for high;
which will receive $2000, will use the the Detroit metro
funds, which will be matched locally, to exhibited an in
hire a part-time administrative direc- creative writing.

nth period to do a con -
nal analysis.
y Regents, 'who will
locally matched, wil
ponsor a half day corl-
school students from
politan area who ha
Merest and ability ipi

Daily Official Bulletin


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r ' .

,_ { eEary I ~_,


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U.S. Dept. Commerce, Alaska. Openings for
students who have completed their junior year in
meterology and some synooic lab work - relative
courses oceanography, physics and math. Further
details available.
Defense Mapping Agency, Wash. D.C. Openings
for students majoring in ocean engineering,
hydrography, and oceanography. Must be a
graduate. Further details available.
State of Ohio Environ. Protect. Agency, Columbus.
Openings for students with basic qualifications in
engr./environ. science, knowledge of steam
hydrology, basic fortran programming, calculus.
Full, part-time and internship positions available.
Institute for Sensory Research, Syracuse Univer-
sity, N.Y. Summer research assistantships for
juniors who are science or engineering majors in-
terested in sensory and brain research. Further
details available.
Rochester Museum & Science Center, N.Y.
Museum Internship Program with disciplines such
as history, natural science, anthropology, or
technology. Further details available.
Midland Macromolecular Institute, Mi. Summer
Fellowship position for research in physico-chemical

*We service VWs, Datsuns, Toyota, Hondas, Mazdas and Subarus

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day mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

lab. Background must be in math, computtr
programming. Further details available.
Jackson-Hillsdale Community Mental Health
Services, Jackson, Mi. Beth Moser Clinic. Opening
for a student in a master's level program or; a
mater'stdegree in social'work or psychology. Fr-
ther details available.
California Tomorrow Environmental Intern
Program. Openings throughout California. Dozens
of fields covered - urban/transportation planning,
policy admin., photo., energy., econ., journalism,
languages, many others. Further details available.
Camp Sequoia, N.Y. Coed. Will interview Mdn.,
Feb. 26 from 9 to 5. Openings include arts/crafts,
drama (head instr. 21), riing (Eng.), athletics,
others. Register in person or by phone.
Camp Tamarack, Mi. Coed. Will interview Tues.,
Feb. 27 from 9 to 5. All positions open. Check them
out. Register by phone or in person.
Camp Crystalaire, Mi. Coed. Will interview Weds,
Feb. 28 from 1 to 5. Openings include art specialist,
cook and general counselors. Register by phone o in
Camp Akiba; Pa. Girls. Will interview Mar. 1 frgm
9 to 5. Several openings in the various programs -
athletics, sports, tennis, waterfront (WSI), riflery,
crafts and dramatics and others. Register in person
or by phone.
Detroit Area Camp Fire Firls, Camp Wathana.
Will interview Thurs., Mar. 1, from 9 to 5. Counselbrs
to supervise programs, unit leaders, cook assistint,
waterfront, (WSI), riding.
WUOM: Eric Voegelin, political scientist 4nd
philosopher, "The Function of Classical Philosophy
inOur Time," 10 a.m.
Physics/Astronomy: F. Reines, U-Californiai at
Irvine, "Baryon Stability: Present Experimental
Results and Future Prospects," 2038 Randall Lab.,
Ctr. Near Eastern/N. African Studies: Ihsan
Bagby, "Personal Reflections on the Islamic
Movement in Egypt," Commons Rm.,L'ane, noon:
Philosophy: Willard Van Orman Quine, Harvard-
U., "How and Why to Reify," Rackham Amph , 4
Macromolecular Research Ctr.: George B. Butler,
U-Florida, "Polymers and Modified Polymers from
Traizolinediones,' 3005 Chem, 4p.m.
Natural Resources/Landscape Arch.: Carl
Steinipz, Harvard-U., "Stimulating the Implemen-
tation of the Massachusetts Scenic and Recreational
Rivers Act: The North, River Demonstration,'~
Rackham Amph., 7:30 p.m.
Music School: U-Iowa Piano Trio, SM Music Hall, I

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