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February 25, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-25

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See Editorial Page

Eighty-Nine Years of Ediiorial Freedom



See Today for details


Vol. LXXXIX, NO. 123

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 25, 1979

Ten Cents

Eight Pages plus Supplements

China vows to stay


Viet border land

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
BluNe swan song
A Wolverine "Blues Band" trumpet player kicks out the jams during a break in the action of yesterday's basketball game.
Michigan lost, 67-59, to the visiting Boilermakers.
Cagers drop home finale, 67-59;
seniors disappoint Orr in loss

By UPI, AP, and Reuter
China's armies hammered Vietnam
yesterday with the heaviest artillery
barrage in Indochina's war-weary
history, but they appeared to be gaining
no ground in their drive to "punish"
Hanoi for border incidents.
Reports from Peking yesterday said
China intended to pull its troops back
when its mission was finished, but only
to "the border line. . . recognized by
China, not the border claimed by the
The report by Japan's Kyodo news
service came too late for comment by
Vietnamese officials yesterday.
VIETNAMESE officials reported
fighting in the streets of two of their
provincial capitals - Lao Cai and Cao
Bang- and said neither side could
claim control of the towns.
Intelligence sources watching the
week-old China-Vietnam war from
Thailand earlier had reported both
towns were among four provincial
capitals seized by the Chinese.
Two members of the U.S. Congress
visited the front lines Friday, and Viet-
namese officials said they were glad to
see them. Sources at the Foreign
Ministry in Hanoi also told UPI they
were "very happy" that the United
States had taken up the Indochina issue
at the U.N. Security Council.
"THIS MAY be a first step away from
the erroneous American policy of sup-
porting China in the war," one official
American correspondents who
traveled with the congressional party
- Reps. Elizabeth Holtzman (D-N.Y.),
and Billy Lee Evans (D-Ga.) - yester-
day saw one of six Soviet AN-22 cargo
planes being used in an airlift of
emergency military supplies.
The Vietnamese obviously were
pleased by the Soviet shipments, but
they would not discuss them.
MEANWHILE, Treasury Secretary
W. Michael Blumenthal arrived in
Peking last night on a nine-day visit to
initiate trade talks, formally open the
American Embassy, and convey to
Chinese leaders President Carter's
concern about their invasion of Viet-
Blumenthal said on the flight to the

Chinese capital that the Carter ad-
ministration feels better relations bet-
ween the United States and China
should not be jeopardized by fighting
between China and Vietnam.
There was little in the city of 10
million people to indicate concern with
the fighting along the border 1,500 miles
to the south. Few soldiers were on the
BLUMENTHAL said on the flight
that the Soviets should not interpret the
trip, which was planned and announced
before the invasion started, as support
for what China is doing.
The Soviet news agency Tass has
called the visit "a gesture of approval

to the Chinese aggressors."
At the United Nations, Britain and
France urged the U.N. Security Council
yesterday to call for an immediate end
to the fighting in Vietnam and Cam-
bodia and said all foreign forces should
be withdrawn from the two countries at
Their demands echoed those of U.S.
Ambassador Andrew Young and other
speakers at the council's first session
Friday on the Indochina wars.
YOUNG APPEALED to the Chinese
to withdraw their invasion forces from
norther Vietnam and for the Viet-
namese to remove their troops from

Despite escalating war, life
in Hanoi largely unaffected

Johnny Orr was mad as hell. And
he's not going to take it anymore.
Orr's slumping Wolverines absorbed
their third consecutive loss yesterday,
dropping a lackluster 67-59 contest to
Purdue. In his post-game press con-
ference, the usually-somber coach
lambasted several of his
players-specifically seniors Tom
Staton, Alan Hardy and Phil Hub-
bard-charging them with in-
dividualistic play, a poor general at-
titude, and a failure to give 100 per cent.
"You just can't dribble through three
or four guys, like Tom Staton and Alan

Hardy did," Orr said. "Phil Hubbard,
did it too.
"I'M REALLY disappointed in Phil,"
Orr conitnued. "He's never done that
before. I don't know what's happened to
him. I think maybe it's playing with his
own teammates, a couple of 'em."
Orr then singled out Staton, who, ac-
cording to the coach, showed up to the
final home game of his career a half
hour late.
"There's no way you can tell me that
he (Staton) was thinking about this
game when he got here at 3:28 and
we're playing at 4:05," said Orr.
"There's no goddamn excuse for that.

Everybody's supposed to be here by
Staton nonetheless started the game,
as did Hardy, who were both making
their final homecourt appearance. It
was no coincidence, however, that
Staton, Hardy and Hubbard were all on
the bench in the game's final four
minutes, while the Wolverines were
fruitlessly trying to work their way
back into the game.
Heuerman, Johnny Johnson and Mike
McGee on the floor along with surprise
starters Mark Lozier and Marty Bod-
The group played well, pulling to
within six points on one occasion, but
nobody on Michigan's roster could con-
tain Purdue's Joe Barry Carroll
The 7-1 pivotman dominated the
game, scoring 35 points and grabbing 15
rebounds to lead the way for the fourth-
place Boilermakers (10-5 in the Big Ten
and 21-7 overall). Lee Rose's team is
See CAGERS, Page 7

HANOI, Vietnam (UPI) - If there is
war fever in Vietnam, it hasn't yet
reached Hanoi.
Hundreds of soldiers still stroll the
streets. Lovers sit beside the lake, and
friends stop in the parks after work to
NO ONE IN the capital has started
redigging the one-person air raid
The gold-on-red banners strung
across the streets of the capital of Viet-
nam still call for hard labor for the
nation, none for the defense of the
Vietnam's home policy is still aimed
at efforts to feed its population rather
than at mobilizing the country once
again for war.
BUT IT IS obvious there is fighting
going on and who the enemy is.
Newspapers - which are quickly sold
out these days - and radio reports keep
up a constant flow of propaganda
saying China is even more barbaric
than the United States was at the height

of the U.S.-Vietnam war.
A large billboard facing the Lake of
the Restored Sword shows Chinese
casualties daily and draws a large
crowd. But the crowd is good-natured,
not angry.
THE FEW Chinese diplomats still in
Hanoi have taken no chances, and have
locked the gate to their embassy. But no
demonstrations have been held there.
"If the situation on the China border
becomes worse, we may have to have
large public demonstrations against the
Chinese," a Vietnamese official said.
"For now, only representatives of the
people are involved in the anti-China
At the Phuc Yen airport northwest of
Hanoi, the MiGs were once again
distributed far apart, some of them
parked on the roads up to two or three
miles from the runway.
But at Noi Bai, northeast of the
capital and doubling as a civilian air-
port, 15 MiGs were lined up neatly
beside the runway, their bomb and
missile racks empty, indicating they
were not even on standby.

'U' class preserves
Amerindian tongue

By SARA ANSPACH ject anc
The class is small and intimate, son, nur
everyone is talking. The chatter stops some v
when a tape-recorded voice begins: Butus.
"Aanii-sh naa, bngii ma miin'waa isudefi
ndaa-aadsooke . . . " (Well, I should tell clss.efT
another little story ...) class. T
The students are listening to a tle hom
,narrative in Ojibwa, a language that one stu4
was once spoken by Native Americans learning
in all of Michigan, northern Wisconsin learns t
Minnesota, and much of Canada. pNAT
Today, the University is one of two importa.
schools in the country that teaches the taught.
Native American tongue. social
NOW SPOKEN by about 90,000 people learns 1
in the United States and Canada, Ojib- Indian
wa has a vocabulary as large as "The
English, complete with words for 20th Rhodes
century inventions like typewriters, tempo,
movies, and cars. te s
Richard Rhodes, a visiting assistant The st
professor of linguistics and lecturer for a compli
the class, explained that Ojibwa is an the wor
extremely difficult language to learn. must be
Ojibwa verbs agree with both the sub-
" Iran will probably resume disgus
exporting oil to many countries, "I've
including the United States, I've n
within 15 days. See story, page 8. that t
" American civil rights activist Press,
Robert Williams, who lived in
exile in China for three years,
urged greater tolerance of the
Chinese government Friday
night. See story, page 3. I
* Johnny Orr is thoroughly'

d4 object of the sentence in per-
rmber and gender, which means
erbs have over 4,000 possible
rlike most languages, grammar
itely not the emphasis of this
he students have no text and lit-
ework. The method of learning,
zdent explained, is a little like
g a language the way a child
to speak.
VE American culture plays an
ant role in the way the class is
The class observes the Indian
convention about elders, and
by gentle teasing and making
one another as members of the
community do.
mind set is so different,"
explained. "There's a different
a different pace to life."
tructure of the language reveals
etely different way of looking at
ld. When speaking Ojibwa, one
sure to give 'you' top priority
See NATIVE, Page 8
sted - with his, seniors.
coached for 29 years, and
ever had any of them do
before." See Full Court
page 7.
Read the Today
column, Page 3

Rezoning approved for new subdivision;

After six months of revision and
debate, the rezoning of the proposed
77.5 acre Cranbrook Village, a multi-
million dollar subdivision that would fill
vacant farmland on the city's south
side, was approved by City Council
Thursday night. The 6-4 vote was split
between the mayor and other
Republicans on one hand, and the
Democrats and a Republican coun-
cilman in whose district the develop-
ment would be constructed on the other.
The unusual cross-party Council split
could well be a political statement in
the months before the April city elec-
tion. Reelection candidate Mayor Louis
Belcher led the Republicans in overtur-
ning motions to table the issue.
HE SUCCEEDED in bringing the
proposal to a vote - a good month
before the' election. Belcher explained
he was trying to keep a pledge he made
upon election to office - that the
citizens should know "whether a
project is up or down.. . so everybody
knows where the ball game is."
Councilman E. Edward Hood (R-
Fourth Ward), appointed last month by
Belcher and up for reelection this April,
stated at 'the outset of the discussion he

would oppose rezoning Cranbr
because of crowding in a prop(
senior citizen project. After receivi
promise from the project's develop
later on in the meeting that the orig
construction plan would be altere
please Hood's senior citizen constit
ts, the councilman gave the projec
affirmative vote.
After over an hour of argument,
mayor adjourned the meeting f
five-minute break, during which H
salvaged the project to avoid dead
or defeat.

vote splits cii
ook, HOOD AND Councilman David
)sed Fisher (R-Fourth Ward), both
ng a representing the district in which the
pers project is to be built, had declared they
inal would vote against the proposal,
d to because they and many of their con-
uen- stituents, felt the developers' proposed
t an 750-unit senior citizen high rise had too
great a density. During a quick hallway
the conference during the break, Hood con-
or a vinced the developers to alter their
[ood building plan, reducing the number of
lock units in the senior citizen project to 600.
Fisher, however, said he would still

ty council
oppose the project until he received
more citizen feedback, and futilely
requested the motion be tabled until
Monday to give the Fourth Ward Coun-
cilmembers time to discuss the project.
"If my constituents in the Fourth
Ward feel they want to live in this kind
of density, I'll support it," Fisher said,
adding, "I don't know whether they are
going to feel like rats in a cage."
HOOD SAID he was satisfied with the
revised development plan.
Councilman Earl Greene (D-Second
See COUNCIL, Page 2

With wire reports
A new government surv
more than one million
111,000 of them "major" -
high school and colleg
programs during the 19
Many of these injuries
been prevented if schools
equipment, gave coaches
better training and taught y
rules as well as the rulesc
HEW Secretary Joseph C

injury in scho(
WSON yesterday.
"This report suggests that the
ey estimates casualties may have reached unaccep-
injuries - tably high levels," Califano declared in
- occurred in a statement.
ge athletic University Football Coach Bo
75-76 school Schembechler questioned the validity
of the study. He termed the criteria for
could have an injury used by HEW - any which
used safer kept an athlete out of either classes or
and trainers practice - "ridiculous." "The key
youths safety issue here is what really constitutes an
of the game, injury," Schembechler said.
,alifano said THE HEW survey defined major and

4o sports

minor -injuries somewhat loosely. Any
injury that kept a student from either
athletic practice or from classes for one
to 20 days was considered minor; an
absence of three weeks or more was
CONGRESS ordered the survey in
response to a bill sponsored by Rep.
Ron Dellums, (D-Calif. ), to require
trainers to be present at all high school
and college athletic events. An aide to
Dellums, Marilyn Elrod, said he plans
to press again for that legislation.
See HIGH, Page 2

At around noon tomorrow, v
permitting, the sun over Ann Ar
be obscured between 75 and 80
by the moon in the century's la
solar eclipse visible from the cc
tal United States.
The eclipse should begin arou
a.m. Eastern Standard time a
until around 1:15 p.m. Ann Ar]
see about 75-80 per cent obsc
with manimum darkening gw

eclipse to
People who live within a 170-mile
wide strip of land from Washington
weather state to northeastern North Dakota will
bor will see the sun totally blackened by the
per cent moon. The strip, which is caused by
ist total that shadow, will gradually move
ontinen- across North America to Greenland as
the moon moves out of direct alignment
nd 10:45 with the earth and the sun.
nd last The closer a location is to the path of
bor will totality, the greater the percentage of
uration the sun will be darkened. The closest
!cnrrina nnint nf titality n Ann Arhnr will h

darken tomorrow's sky

A solar eclipse occurs when the sun,'
moon, and earth line up in the same
spatial plane. The moon moves between
the sun and the earth, and its shadow
falls across the earth.
GRADUALLY, THE sun is blocked
by the moon until it appears as
crescent. For a few seconds the moon
completely covers the sun. At this
point, the gases billowing around the
sun produce a halo of brilliant spots,
known as Bailey's beads. The entire
nroress takes about two-and-a-half

Studying solar eclipses could also
give scientists clues as to the origin of
the Solar System. Sears said there was
a solar eclipse when one of Einstein's
relativity theories came true in 1919.
"It made general relativity very
popular," Sears explained. "It has been
used for the large scale structure of the
universe," he continued.
A HAZARD of solar eclipse obser-
vation is the possibility of temporary or
even permanent eye damage.


WMO ,1184 M 111 I

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