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January 21, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-21

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Page 2-Sunday, January 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily
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Metro crash investiga

By United Press International
Federal investigators studied the twisted, charred
wreckage of a Lear jet yesterday at Detroit
Metropolitan Airport to learn why a wing tip scraped
the runway and exploded on landing, killing six men
aboard in the ensuing crash.
The cause of another airport disaster in Grand
Rapids 10 minutes earlier was not so mysterious, in-
vestigators said. The pilot of an air taxi said ice was
piling up on his wings as he tried to make an
emergency landing. Four died in that crash.
AMONG THE victims in the Detroit tragedy
were four top officials of Massey-Ferguson Inc., a
major farm implements manufacturer. They were
heading home from a corporate meeting in Iowa.
The National Transportation Safety Board sent in-
vestigators to the scene yesterday to join officials
from the Federal Aviation Administration. None was
available for comment.
Witnesses said the twin-engine jet's approach from
the east on Runway No. 9 appeared routine until the
moment it touched down. Suddenly it became a
flaming, disintegrating ball that blazed 800 feet down

the runway.
GLENN STAATS of Kansas City, a passenger who
had arrived on a commercial flight moments before,
said the jet "sort of bounced off the runway."
Louis Sugo, an airport spokesman, said the right-
wing dipped, causing a fuel pod to strike the concrete
and explode "into a fiery ball of hell."
"The plane literally disintegrated into three or four
chunks," he said. "The plane was pretty badly
mangled. The fuselage, where the bodies were trap-
ped inside, ended up 200 feet away."
THE WRECKAGE settled directly in front of the
airport fire station. Although the flames were quickly
doused, four occupants died at the scene and two
others were dead on arrival at a nearby hospital.
The Massey Ferguson executives aboard were
William Murray, president of the firm's Canadian
operations; Robert King, the Detroit-based director
of product services for North America; Robert Cam-
pbell of Detroit, the firm's purchasing director, and
Helmut Mack of Toronto, director of finance for Nor-
th America.

Fiscal woes hit A9


(Continued from Page 1)
promotion and the rapid turnover of.the
mostly student clientele.
"WE WERE definitely into jazz when
we opened up," said Dennis Webster,
one of four co-owners of the Earle. "We
were hoping there would be a large jazz
market... now we're going to em-
phasize the food.
"We always wanted to stay away
from rock 'n' roll. But we want'to get
away from just jazz. Even when you
come just for the tapes, you'll hear
more than just jazz - Linda Ronstadt
kind of stuff, popular R & B," he said.
Neil Scott, Eclipse co-ordinator, said
Ann Arbor had more jazz last fall than
ever before. "Obviously, with the
Earle, we had more competition in
town," he pointed out. Scott stressed,
however, that the relationship between
the Earle and Eclipse never developed
into an intense rivalry.
THE JAZZ audience in Ann Arbor
had been growing steadily since Eclip-
se's first concert - McCoy Tyner in
November, 1975. By last spring, Eclipse
had become extremely successful: It
made enough money in just one year to
put a hefty down-payment on an $18,000
sound system.
Hoping to cash in on a share of the
ready-made jazz audience, the four co-
owners of the Earle - Webster, Ernie
"I'm sorry, but you should have
had your resume typed at the
Reasonable typing rates " Copies 3
in the Mich. Union,
next to U Cellar

Harburg, David Rock, and Rick
Burgess - bought out the basement of a
long-abandoned downtown hotel.
THEY SPENT four years renovat-
ing the old red brick interior, and by
December, 1977, the Earle became the
newest haven for local jazz enthusiasts.
The first act was Burgess' band
"Changes," and the Earle charged ad-
By April, the Earle had hired as its
music director Michael Grofsorean, the
former Eclipse co-coordinator who had
a reputation for attracting nationally-
known stars for bargain prices. Soon
the Earle was charging $5.50 admission
for big name acts such as the Per-
suasions, Dexter Gordon, and Woody
Shaw, all the while supporting a gour-
met luncheon menu till 2 a.m.
However, on most days the Earle was
serving to only a handful of customers.
And the big name acts, according to
Webster, sold well but didn't make
enough money to cover the overhead of
running a full-scale restaurant and a
concert hall under one roof. Even when
an act sold well, the small 180-seat club
could not generate large revenues.
LAST DECEMBER, the owners sat
down to review the Earle's first year.
is coming
alive again.
How about
With us?
Here's your chance to
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We need all kinds of VISTA
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People eighteen or eighty, we
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for the most important experi-
ence of your life. VISTA needs
you. VISTA is coming alive
again. Call toll free:
800-424-8580. Vi a

They decided the club h
more of a Hill Auditoriu
restaurant. They also de
without a change, the Ear
Grofsorean, it was decid
longer needed.
"He was doing the nations
was doing all the bo
promoting," Webster said
won't be advertising t
anymore. We're going to bei
the Earle as aplace to eat."
Grofsorean, who has not
his future, plans, has res
THE EARLE'S new sellin
be its French and Italiann
changes daily, Webster sai
will also be closed on Sunday
The music, up to now1
main attraction, will be de-e
The last scheduled "big nan
is blues guitarist Mighty Jo
the end of this month, and f
only local cocktail ban
featured - mostly on weeke
Eclipse, the other outletf
in the city, has financial pr
own. Eclipse's grandest ent
fall's Jazz Festival, was als
financial flop.
spread over four days was a
pleaser, but .the balance
showed red. Despite the pre
time favorites such as Art B
ter Gordon, Freddie Hubb
Shepp, and the Duke El
chestra, Eclipse was left in
Now, after that mishap
trying to recoup and figur
went wrong. Eclipse decid
up the losses through future
by trying to bring in an as
commercial stars and ad
advertising techniques as
higher ticket prices.
Eclipse reportedly will ha
up as much as $18,000 by th
Scott says that Eclipse ha
by the climbing fees for jazz
by saturation of the local
other promoters such as U
Earle, and by the di
sustaining a high level of in
ever-changing community.,
An unprofitable year w
disastrous for Eclipse, hov
will subsidize any losing

tion opens
Also killed were pilot Alan Hogue of Norwalk, Iowa
and co-pilot Craig Barrows of Des Moines. It was the
first fatal crash at Metro in more than six years and:
the fourth in the airport's 49 years of operation..
AT KENT COUNTY Airport near Grand Rapids, a:
Simmons Co. Cessna Aerostar on its regular air taxi
flight from Lansing to Marquette tried to make an
emergency landing but cart-wheeled into knee-deep
Killed were pilot James Shelton, 44, of Skandia and
passengers Dean Barkell, 21, of Lansing, William
Bouscher, 43, of Negaunee and Edwin Hall, 41, of
Airport crews cut open the wreckage to rescue two
other passengers from Marquette. William Hart, 52,
was in serious condition at Butterworth Hospital in
Grand Rapids with a skull fracture, and Richard
Rogers, 42, was in fair condition with a separated
FAA officer Dwayne Nickerson said the pilot "was
not lined up with the runway at touchdown" and his
task was complicated by freezing rain and ice pelting
the area at the time.
zz scene
ad become there will be no talk of replacing the
um than a series as long as Ann Arbor remains a
ecided that thriving city for jazz.
le would go "WE'VE CHANGED. We used t
think we could make a concert go justi
led, was no by pasting up posters. We've more tha(
doubled our promotion budget," Scott
al stuff--he said.
oking and The advertising for University Music
. "But we School graduate Bob James' concert is
he groups an example. Scott says Eclipse is using
advertising new marketing techniques for this con-l
cert, including a radio blitz in East
yet decided Lansing, where James is particularly
erved .com popular.
Eclipse is still planning another fall
ng point will festival, though not on the scale of last
menu which year. The festival, tentatively
. The Earle scheduled for the last three days in'Sept
ys. tember, will feature only two enters
the Earle's tainers each night as well as
emphasized. educational films and movies. Last fall,
me" concert when three jazz artists performed
oe Young at back-to-back each night, the concertg
rom then on lasted until far past midnight an<
ds will be drained even the most enthusiastic
nds. listeners.
for live jazz THAT UPCOMING fall series is still
oblems of its tentative, its fate hinging mainly oi
erprise, last whether Eclipse can make up its losses
o its biggest But so far, Eclipse is having problems;
It was unable to even find a performe
f jazz music for a major January concert, and while
real crowd- the Bob James show at Hill is expected
sheet still to turn a profit,'it will cover only a frac:
sence of all- tion of the losses incurred in Septemi
lakey, Dex- ber.
ard, Archie Also, Eclipse's efforts to attract the
[lington Or- big names have been largely a losin
aa financial battle - Chick Corea, Her1 ie Hancock,
Weather Report, Stanley Clark, Ella
Eclipse is Fitzgerald and the Crusaders have aJ
re out what turned down initial offers toappear.
led to make Another Eclipse activity - Monda
concerts - night jam sessions at the University
sortment of Club - was recently cancelled due t#
lopting new the new 21-year-old drinking age,
well as the among other things, Scott said.
But Eclipse's Bright Moment series
ave to make though not a major breadwinner, stil
e end of this presents avante garde jazz artists ai
low prices to smaller crowds. Also,
as been hurt Eclipse continues to hold freque
z musicians, workshops with the nationally-know
market by jazz artists.
JAC and the Eclipse would like to have four mor
fficulty of concerts before the end of winter ter
nterest in an - two in March and two in April. But s
far only one concert - the Detroit Ja
ould not be Artists on Tour, 1979 - has been line
wever. UAC up.
year, and


Available Starting January 16, 1979
In Ms. Charlene Coady's Office, 1500 SAB
POSITIONS INCLUDE: Head Resident, Resident Director, Assistant
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QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Must be a registered U. of M. student on the Ann Arbor Cam-
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by the end of the 1979 Winter term. (3) Preference will be given to applicants who have lived in
residence halls at University level for at least one year. (4) Undergraduate applicants must
have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average and graduate applicants must be in good academic
standing at the end of the 1978 Fall term in the school or college in which they are enrolled.
(5) Preference is given to applicants who do not intend to carry heavy academic schedules and
who do not-have rigorous outside commitments. (6) Applicants with children will not be con-
sidered. (7) Proof of these qualifications may be required.
Present staff and other individuals who have an application on file must come to the Housing

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Volume LXXXIX. No,.93
Sunday, January 23, 1979 .
is edited and managed by students at the Universi
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second eta
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morni
during the University year at 420 Maynard Stree,
Ann. Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday throu
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in A
Arbor; '$700,by mail outside Ann Arbor.
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