Can Cowboy shotgun crack Steel curtain?
Dallas-Pittsburgh matchups even. See p.8
Dallas' Staubach
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r ir i an
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See Today for Details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 93
Anti Arbor. Mich igan-Sundnv Jnnunrv 71 1979
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Jobs still
tight for
sa s stu
NEW YORK (AP)--Women in the job
market are no better off than they were
at the turn of the century, according to
anew survey by an anti-discrimination
Furthermore, the report says, the
federal government and businesses are
"rapidly retreating" from an earlier
commitment to redress racial in-
, THE RESULTS of three-year studies
6f institutional sexism and racism were
released this weekend by the non-profit
Council on Interracial Books for
Children. The work was sponsored by
the Carnegie Corp.
The council is a non-profit group
based in New 'York that has studied
racial and sexual stereotypes in
children's textbooks and other aspects
of discrimination. The Carnegie Corp.
is a non-profit educational foundation
that makes grants for demonstration
projects, research and experimental
The studies conclude that while 60 per
cent of Americans are female or mem-
bers of a racial minority, white males
still dominate business, government,
the media, education and health in-
IR. ROBERT MOORE, director of
the council's resource center; said the
data showed "females and minorities
remain relatively powerless and-or
"Total documentation highlights the
grossly disproportionate white male
control of our society's institutions," he
Moore contended the reports provide
"strong evidence of the need for
See JOB, Page 7
Khomeini to
en eil
Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
The Earle, Ann Arbor's jazz restaurant and music club, will soon be changing its format to become "more of a
restaurant and less of a club." Since its opening in December 1977, the Earle has been losing money, according to
co-owner Dennis Webster (insert).
P jazz losing mgoney
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Ayatullah
Khomeini reportedly told his followers
in Iran yesterday he will end his 14-year
exile Friday and return to Iran to build
an Islamic republic and directly
challenge the government installed by
the shah.
Prime Minister Shashpour Bakhtiar
"has only the military now, and that's
not 100 per cent," said a Bakhtiar
TEHRAN RADIO reported new poli-
tical violence yesterday in the southwest
oil center of Ahwaz, where 30 died or were
injured last week. In the capital, more
than 1,000 persons shouting "Hail to
Khomeini!" peacefully marched near
Tehran University, one day after pro-
IKhomeini marches by millions
throughout the nation.
There were new signs of a split in the
military between pro- and anti-shah
factions, and of growing divisions in the
ranks of the political and religious op-
position to the "vacationing" shah.
Officials at Khomeini's headquarters
in suburban Paris said the 78-year-old
leader would return to Iran Friday and
had so informed his followers there. A
formal announcement was expected
later today.
Ibrahim Yazdi, an aide to the Moslem
leader, said Khomeini may soon an-
nounce a five-man Revolutionary
Council for the transition to an Islamic
republic. Yazdi said he foresaw
pariticpation of members of the
National Front, the political opposition
to the shah, in a future government.
Yazdi said Khomeini may soon an-
nounce a five-man Revolutionary
Council for the transition to an Islamic
republic. Yazdi said he foresaw par-
ticipation of members of the National
Front, the political opposition to the
shah, in a future government.
The Tehran newspaper Kayhan
quoted a "reliable source" as saying
Karim Sanjaby agreed to step down
temporarily as chief of the Front so he
can join the Revolutionary Council. The
report said Khomeini insisted members
of the Council belong to no political
BUT A NATIONAL Front spokesman
said he had "no information at all on-
this report" and said he thought it was
not true.
In his statement, Khomeini repeated
his call for resignation of the Regency
Council appointed by the shah to rule in
his absence and of the Iranian
Parliament to pave the way for the
"legitimate" government.
The Bakhtiar associate, who asked
not to be identified, conceded that
Khomeini "does not have a high opinion
of the Bakhtiar government." He said
the Moslem leader's return "will be a
serious problem."
BAKHTIAR SAID in an interview on
French television he did not doubt the
loyalty of the military as long as a legal
government-meaning his-was in
But he suggested the army might feel
differently if Khomeini takes over.
See KHOMEINI, Page 7
One year ago today, promoters
were saying that Ann Arbor had an
insatiable appetite for jazz. They're
not saying that anymore.
The Earle, billed as "Ann Arbor's
Music Club," recently announced it
will be changing its format to
become more of a restaurant and
less of a club. The reason: The Earle
is going broke.
MEANWHILE, Eclipse Jazz, the
student-run promotional group, has
not turned a profit on a concert since
last September. This season, Eclipse
is opting for proven big-name draws
and a slick media advertising cam-
paign to attract a wider audience.
Tickets for the only Hill Auditorium
concert scheduled so far - pianist
Bob James - are selling for $5.50,
$6.50, and $7.50, two dollars more
than tickets for most previous con-
Does this indicate the collapse of
the jazz scene in Ann Arbor, a place
which, just a few years ago, was a
favorite tour stop for artists such as
Chick Corea?
Most observers say no. Their ex-
planations, which are as numerous
as the observers themselves,
frequently focus on the idea that the
local audience was already
saturated with jazz even before the
Earle's December,1977 opening.
Some blame the financial dif-
ficulties caused by over-ambitious
projects like the September Ann Ar-
bor Jazz Festival. Others cite poor.
See FISCA L, Page 2
See FISCAL, Page 2
Project aids community,
shows students real life
Regardless of the degree of truth. in oft-heard comments
about student apathy and University administration cut-
backs in innovative programs, at least one service-oriented
project just keeps on going.
Project Community not only surives, but more and more
students are finding their way to its offices on the second
floor of the Michigan Union to sign up for the increasing
number of opportunities the project offers.
INITIATED IN THE early sixties, Project Community is
an experiential learning and community service program
coordinated by the Unviersity. Each year, it places about 700
student volunteers in public schools, correctional facilities,
child care centers, and community agencies throughout
southeastern Michigan.
Through their work in the program, students can explore
areer possibilities and gain professional contacts while ser-
ing the community. Project Community also offers a "real
life" learning experience often missing from class lectures
nd textbook abstractions.
Project Community students involved in the program's
mate Project, for example, do things like serve as
eachers' assistants at Maxey Boys Training School north of
nn Arbor, and run arts and crafts workshops for the in-
mates at the Huron Valley women's prison. Over the years,
the Inmate Project has grown so large that it has become a
program within a program, with its own coordinator and
STUDENTS IN OTHER programs may work helping local
residents fill out their income tax forms or tutor academically
needy students in area public schools. For their efforts,
Project Community students get two or three hours of.
University course credit.
In fact, the course credit may account for much of the
program's continued popularity. To Project Community
coordinator Jeffrey Howard, those two or three credits offer
a "major or strong incentive" for students to sign up for the
"Most students are wanting practical experience," he
said. "But, since most are busy, they need the reward of
HOWARD NOTICES MORE and more members of what
journalist Tom Wolfe dubbed the "Me Generation" coming
into the program. When Project Community began in 1961, its
participants "had a very other-orientation," he said.
Not now, however. Howard sees more and more studen-
ts "getting personal kickbacks" from their work in the
See STUDENTS, Page 7
* A majority of this year's
frosh class favors legalization of
marijuana and the right to an
abortion. The new students also
claim to be political moderates,
rather than liberals or conser-
vatives. See story, Page 7.
. Federal aviation officials
have begun a probe of the Lear
jet crash Friday night at
Detroit's Metropolitan Airport in
which six people were killed. See
story, Page 2.
" Fourth Ward Republican
City Councilman Ron Trowbridge
is calling it quits Jan. 30. After his
defeat in the GOP primary for
State Senate, Trowbridge an-
nounced plans to leave the coun-
cil post for a position with
Hillsdale College. See story, Page
* Hong Kong has granted
asylum to 372 Vietnamese "boat
people." See story, Page 10.
4 46
r Read the today
column, Page 3
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Hanoi
accused Chinese troops yesterday of
killing 20 Vietnamese and wounding
dozens of others in more than 50 in-
trusions into Vietnam's territory over
the past 10 days.
The Vietnam News Agency,
monitored in Bangkok, said Chinese
troops entered at more than 30 points
along the border areas. It said Chinese
troops kidnapped many Vietnamese
and directed loudspeakers at Vietnam
around the clock "to incite the Viet-
namese people to oppose their gover-
TENSION BETWEEN the countries
has heightened the past year because of
alleged persecution of Chinese in Viet-
nam and because of China's support for
Meanwhile, on the Cambodian front,
troops of the fallen government of
Premier Pol Pot were massing for an
attack yesterday on Vietnamese-held
Battambang, Cambodia's second-
largest city, sources here reported.
They said the Pol Pot forces con-
Hanoi accuses China
of raids on Vietnam
tinued to battle the Vietnamese and
their Cambodian rebel allies on several
Western and Thai military analysts
in Bangkok said the Vietnamese and
the rebels were running into stiffer
SINCE ITS multi-pronged invasion in
late December, the estimated 100,000-
man Vietnamese-Cambodian force has
become thinly spread, is getting little
local support and is experiencing sup-
ply shortages, the sources said.
Battles were reported on Kong Island
off the coast of southwestern Cam-
bodia, at Takeo in the southeast, Svay
Rieng on the border with Vietnam and
in the remote northeastern provinces.
The sources said a force of Pol Pot
troops was threatening Batambang, a
western provincial capital. The Viet-
namese were bringing up reinfor-
cements, including artillery pieces, to
Battambang, they said.
THE CITY, about 155 miles northwest
of Phnom Penh, was taken by the Viet-
See VIFNM FC: acra7
* c =-v £ 11V H VAZ21K7R2 , I
ast chance
lips away;
SU wins
With their backs to the wall and their Big
Ten title hopes reduced to a glimmer, the
Wolverines gave it all they had yesterday. It
just wasn't enough, however, as the cagers
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