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December 04, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-12-04

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Page 2--Tuesday, December 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Now Accepting Applications for
Summer Internships 1980
Liberal Arts Students who will be Seniors Fall Term
1980, are encouraged to apply.
Applications and information available In 1223 Angell Hall

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LANSING (UPI) - Officials of the state's two largest
electric utilities yesterday defended on economic and safety
grounds their companies' on-going nuclear power plant con-
struction projects.
Representatives of Detroit Edison Co. and Consumers
Power Co., appearing before a legislative panel on nuclear
power, explained how their firms decided to build nuclear
plants near Monroe and at Midland.
THE SPECIAL Joint Committee on Nuclear Energy was
created to study nuclear power in Michigan in the aftermath
of the Three Mile Island incident earlier this year in Pen-
Edison Vice-President Wayne Jens said his company
decided to build its Fermi II plant near Monroe in the 1960s at
a time when the general attitude toward nuclear power was
A series of events, including inflation, new regulations
and court decisions, combined to delay the project's com-
pletion date from 1974 to 1982 and swell its projected cost
from $230 million to $1.3 billion, Jens said.

"COMPANY COMPARISONS of nuclear versus coal-
fired plants to be built in the future have consistently shown
an economic advantage for nuclear," Jens said.
Jens attributed the advantage to two factors - capital
costs of building both types of plants have escalated at the
same rate and all fuels have experienced a very rapid cost
When fuel prices rise, nuclear plants have an advantage
over conventional facilities since uranium supplies represent
only a small portion of their operating costs, he said.
"IF ESCALATION of fuel costs continues as in the past
or the escalation should be greater, the economic advantage
of existing or nearly completed nuclear plants will 'grow
larger and larger because such a large portion of the cost of
these plants is the investments which is not subject to further
escalation," he said.
"Therefore, Detroit Edison and its customers will benefit
in the operation of Fermi II since the inflationary impact on
the price of electricity delivered to the company's customers
in the future will be minimized."


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Court to hear

Figure on Ulrich's
this Christmas.
Somebody on your list wants a calculator for
Christmas. And whether they want four
functions or forty, Ulrich's has a Sharp,
Texas Instruments, or Hewlett-Packard
calculator to fill the bill.
All of Ulrich's calculators are priced below
the manufacturer's suggested price, too.
Ulrich's for Christmas? See for yourself.
549 E. University at the corner of East U. and South U. 662-3201

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme
Court, in a case that could affect the
ownership of a million acres of far-
mland in 17 western states,, agreed
yesterday to resolve a stormy Califor-
nia dispute over land anl water.
The justices will deci'de whether farm
owners in the state's Imperial Valley
must sell huge portions of their land -
everything in excess of 160 acres for
each family member - to continue
receiving free government irrigation.
A FEDERAL appeals court has ruled
that a 77-year-old law prohibits free
water, vital for crop, success, to larger
farms. Of the almost 10 million acres in
17 states covered by the law, ownership
of about one million acres might have to
be redistributed if irrigation is to con-
In other matters yesterday, the high
court took these actions:
" Rebuffed a request to shield fiction
from libel lawsuits by leaving intact a
$75,000 award against the author and
publisher of a 1971 novel. The court
refused to review a California court
ruling that a leader of nude group
therapy sessions, Paul Bindrum, was
libeled by his alleged portrayal in the
novel "Touching" by Gwen Davis Mit-
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Physics/Astronomy: R. Rapp, Federal-U., Rio de
Janeiro, Brazl, "The Controversial Phases of Neon
Monolayer (Via Specific Heat and vapor Pressure
Probes", 2038 Randall, 4 p.m.
Bioengineering Program: Michael Neuman, Case
Western Reserve-U., "Electronic Instrum in Ob-
stetrics & Gynecology," 1042 E. Eng., 4 p.m.
School of Education/Developmental Psych:
Robert C. Calfee, Stanford-U., "A Reading Diary:
The Acquisition of Reading Skills in First Graders,"
Schorling Aud., 4p.m.

" Refused to free an Albuquerque,
N.M., newspaper from giving the
names of confidential sources to a man
suing the paper for libel. The court,
without a recorded dissent, rejected an
appeal by the Albuquerque Journal,
whose secret news sources were
jeopardized by the state court orders,
and the Albuquerque Tribune. Both
newspapers were sued for libel in 1975
by a prominent New Mexico lawyer.
" Turned down the appeal of former
college professor Frank Giese convic-
ted of plotting the 1973 bombings of two
Portland, Ore., military recruitment
centers. Giese, 63, now faces five years
in prison and a $10,000 fine.
" Agreed to decide how freely a
government agency set up to protect
the buying public can hand out infor-
mation sought by consumers. The
justices will decide whether the Con-
sumer Product Safety Commission
must carry out exhaustive in-
vestigations before answering each
request for information it receives un-
der the Freedom of Information Act, a
law aimed at curtailing government
" Refused to disturb a $1 million fee
the Telex Corporation must pay a San
Francisco law firm for preparation of a
Supreme Court appeal never acted on.
IN THE WESTERN irrigation con-

irrigation case
troversy, the court agreed to hear three plied in the Imperial Valley because of
separate appeals filed by California, a a letter written by President Hoover's
group of Imperial Valley farm owners, secretary of interior, Ray Wilbur, just
and the Imperial Irrigation District, before he left office in 1933. In it, Wilbur
which distributes the federal water. told the irrigation district that the 1902
The Reclamation. Act of 1902 act's 160-acre limit applied only to
authorized vast amounts of government government water "sold" to farmers,
spending for construction of dams and not given to them free.
canals to irrigate the dry western Despite questions about the legal
states. The act imposed the 160-acre weight and accuracy of Wilbur's letter,
limit for receiving free water and said it was not until 1967 that the federal
landowners had to live on or near the government sued the irrigation district
irrigated land. to enforce the 1902 law. The legal case
As farming began to grow into big was dragged through the federal courts
business, with family farms being for the past13 years.
replaced by huge spreads run by absen- In 1977, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court
tee corporations, the law was largely of Appeals ruled that the 1902 act did
ignored. apply to the Imperial Valley. It is that
THE ACREAGE limit was never ap- ruling the justices will review.
Khomeini has early
lead in Islamic Vote

(UISPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No.73
Tuesday, December 4, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 4 0
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Se tem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second claw postage
p aid at Ann Arbor,. Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

(Continued from Page 1)
the hostages being held have been
singled out for intensive interrogation
in preparation for possible trials on
spying charges.
The eight include Malcolm Kalp and
William Daugherty, who militants
claim worked in Iran as agents of the
Central Intelligence Agency under the
covers of second and third secretaries,
the student said.
HE SAID the hostages were being
questioned separately by "non-student
experts" but were being confronted
with each other when their answers
The deposed Iranian leader, mean-
while, was reported secluded in com-
fortable, heavily guarded VIP
headquarters at Lackland Air Force
Base in San Antonio, Texas, yesterday
after being moved from a New York
AN AIR BASE official said the shah,
his wife and entourage were staying at

apartments reserved for visiting of-
ficers and dignitaries. The surprise
move came after news leaked out that
the shah was staying on a private fourth
floor ward of the Willford Hall Air For-
ce Hospital on the base.
At the United Nations, four more
countries urged yesterday that the
hostages held in Iran be released, but
production of a resolution was delayed
at the Security Council's fourth meeting
on the crisis.
Swaziland, Austria, Belgium and
Mauritius lined up with 28 previous
speakers in protesting that the embassy
takeover violated universally
recognized principles of diplomatic
A preliminary resolution text
privately circulated by Nigeria was un-
derstood to call on.Iran to release the
hostages, oni'Iran ancf the United'Sta'tes
to exercise restraint and try to recon-
cile their differences, and on both sides
to respect each other's independence.

Wrong? Oh, nothing much. They were just
born. It seems odd that they have to pay with a
lifetime of hunger. The statistics are so crushing m
many parts of the world that even the cynics are
moved. And we're getting people to help these
children. Peace Corps Volunteers. Yes, the Peace
Corps. Remember us? We've been quiet for a
while, but in case you've forgotten, we're alive and
well. And waiting for you. If you've got the commit-
ment, we'll give you the skills you need. You've
always said you wanted a meaningful career. Well,
our job specs won't lie to you. The hours are
tough. The pay is lousy. But you'll become a part
of a community and learn a new language, dis-
60 million child
bed wilhout any
I wonder what'
r . + j >

cove-new culture. You'll learn more than you
teach. The impossible may take a little longer,
but it can happen, in small pieces. 2,000 wells
here. 50 schoolrooms there. A couple of hospi-
tals. Go ahead and tell these children that it's not
much. They won't believe you. Not the first time
a well comes in nor the last time. A field of beans
can be more rewarding than you can imagine.
The Peace Corps wants you. We need
thousands of you. Call toll free: 800-424-8580.
Or write the Peace Corps, Box A,
Washington, D.C. 20525.
The Peace CorpsigoD..02
is alive and well. CO
ren were sent to
supper last night
they did wrong?

A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council
ie down and be counted.

President Jimmy Carter signed up 51 times.

in America, 3% of the people give 100% of all the
blood that's freely donated.
Which means that if only 1 % more people-
maybe you-became donors, it would add
over thirty percent more blood to America's
voluntary bloodstream. Think of it!
But forget arithmetic. Just concentrate
on one word.
The word is Easy.
Giving blood is easy. You hardly feel it (in fact,
some people say they feel better physically after
a blood donation).
And, of course, everybody feels better emotionally.
Because it's a great feeling knowing your one easy blood

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