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December 04, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-12-04

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol LXXXX, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 4, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Iranian visa checks raise constitutional questions
* 'U' students await interviews * Civil libertarians, gov't. argue
By JEFFREY WOLFF Concerning the preparations for the interview, Maryam, WASHINGTON (AP)-The Carter administration's Some experts outside of government say the debate
Iranian students at the University are going through the one Iranian, said "Things are okay-just so many questions push to deport Iranians has set off an intense debate over raises questions never directly presented to the cour-
final steps to prepare for their required interviews with the and some parts don't seem very reasonable. I'm pretty sure the constitutionality of enforcing immigration laws more ts-and thus, still unsettled in the law. That may change,
federal Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) of myself, not nervous, I just don't like it." She added, "I'm strictly against one nationality than against others. however.
amidst mounting apprehension and confusion. getting more nervous as the interview approaches." Civil libertarians argue that the administration move TWO SUITS ALLEGING the deportation move
violates the constitutional guarantee of equal protection of discriminates against Iranians have been filed-one by
Students iterviewed expressed worry despite their ALI, IN HIS seventh year at an American university, said the lawsThey say the Bill of Rights applies as much to three Iranian students, the other b the Confederation of
statements that they believe they have all the necessary he is not worried about his impending interview. "I never aliens as to American citizens. Iranian Students. A hearing on t two legal actions i
forms in order, and despite what appears to be a generally did anything illegal, but (INS) can give you a hard time, ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS reply with a strong scheduled today in U.S. District Court in Washington.
sympathetic hand on the part of University administrators.
THE UNIVERSITY'S estimated 250 Iranian students will and will. The nastiest people I've ever seen are in the im- string of Supreme Court decisions supporting deportation of The debate began Nov. 10 when President Carter ordered
be personally interviewed by INS agents, as required by a migration office,"he said. aliens who have violated the terms of their visas. a review of the immigration status of some 50,500 Iranian
presidential order last month, tomorrow, Thursday, and A suit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) The officials argue that they are acting only against those students in the United States. It was one of the first steps i
Friday of this week, on behalf of the Confederation of Iranian Students will be Iranians who have violated immigration laws. They con- the administration's efforts to break the siege of the U.S.
All of the Iranian students. interviewed requested heard in a U.S. District Court today. Chuck Sims, an ACLU cede, however, that millions of persons from other nations Embassy in Tehran and free the Americans being held
anonymity and are identified by a false name. face no immediate risk of deportation despite the same sort ,ostage there.
See'U', Page 7 of violations. See IRANIAN, Page 7

LONDON (AP) - The British
Cabinet issued a special order last night
authorizing appointment of a governor
to rule Zimbabwe Rhodesia with full
legislative and executive powers.
The action came hours after Foreign
Secretary Lord Carrington said Britain
would go ahead with plans to establish a
new government in that breakaway
African colony with or without an
agreement from the Patriotic Front
guerrilla alliance.
ALSO, SENATORS seeking an im-
mediate lifting of economic sanctions
against Zimbabwe Rhodesia gave their
approval yesterday to a compromise
that would retain the trade embargo
while the African nation moves to
create a black majority government.
Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), the
Senate's most vocal advocate of ending
the sanctions, joined in. the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee's 10-0
vote for the compromise.
It is based on a promise by President
Carter to lift the embargo under certain
conditions and to provide the Senate a
chance to override him and end the
sanctions even if those conditions are
not met.
See BRITISH, page 6

Khomeini a leader

for lift
From AP, UPI and Reuter
TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian people, in a
vast show of support for the Moslem
elder who has made the holding of
American hostages part of a holy
crusade, voted overwhelmingly yester-
day to make Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini their political overlord for
Vote counting began yesterday in a
national referendum that will turn Iran
into a strict Islamic state, and some
voters marked ballots with their own
blood, the Islamic clerical newspaper
Jomhouri Islami reported.
DIPLOMATIC sources said the fate
of the hostages would not be decided by
Khomeini or the militants until the
results of the referendum are announ-
ced at the end of the week.
An overwhelmingly positive result
for Khomeini, the sources said, could
help create a favorable climate for the
eventual peaceful release of the
hostages and defuse the crisis.
However, the sources said this hopeful
scenario was speculative.
Voting in the referendum began Sun-
day and ended late last night though
ballot counting at the 20,000 designated
stations was already under way yester-
day afternoon.
THE KHOMEINI regime, mean-
while, stepped up public readiness for
an eventual U.S. military attack expec-

vote shows

ted by many Iranians. It posted, more
guards at the U.S. Embassy, where 50
Americans entered their 30th day of
captivity in the hands of Moslem
militants demanding that the United
States hand over the deposed Shah of
In an unexplained development, an
ambulance was seen moving from point
to point within the embassy compound.
A student spokesman contacted by
telephone said the hostages were "all
well" but would not say why the am-
bulance went to the embassy.

Spokesmen for the students also
denied that any of the hostages have
been secretly whisked from the em-
bassy compound to new hideouts, but
diplomatic reports persisted that the
captives were scattered throughout
Tehran to thwart any rescue attempts.
"THE HOSTAGES are all still in the
embassy," a militant spokesman at the
embassy said. "It is absolutely untrue
that they have been moved. All are in
good health."
Another student captor said eight of
See KHOMEINI, Page 2

Government reviews

relations With
administration is reviewing U.S. ties said a str
with Libya and is considering options the Libya
that include severing relations because "I do no
of a mob attack on the American Em- satisfact
bassy in Tripoli, officials said yester- State I
day. ding Car
The embassy attack Sunday was the conducti
latest in a number of violent incidents relations
in Islamic countries and involved a mob the Libya
proclaiming solidarity with Iranians Sunday's
who are holding 50 American hostages Carter
in Tehran.

Li bya
ETARY OF State Cyrus Vance
ong protest has been filed with
an government, and he added;
ot feel we have received a
;iy response."
Department spokesman Hod-
ter said the administration is
ng a "general review" of
with Libya, and he criticized
an government's resgqnse to
mob attack as "inadequate."
said the administration stance

AP Photo
THIS PRINT of a photo taken during a student demonstration at San
Francisco State University in 1968 is being sold by vendors in Tehran who
claim it portrays current Iranian demonstrations in the United States.

See U.S., Page 3

Council votes to add

Because of a recent increase
and other serious crimes in do
Ann Arbor and on the Universi
pus, City Council voted unan
last night to provide police foot
in those areas.
The Council proposal directe
chief Walter Krasny to contii
present level of police protecti
area of Main, State, South Un;
and Liberty Streets and to add
foot patrols as he deems necessa
RECENT POLICE statisticsi
that 10 of the 26 rapes reporte
city during 1979 occurred in the+
area. Twenty-five per cent of
crimes against persons weree
ted in the central city and
areas which cover only 2.2 per
the city.-
Currently, there is a patrol p
the Diag area from 9 a.m. to 9
with a patrol car on call nearby
ding to Chief Krasny.
Another patrolperson walk:
area between State, Wash
William, and Thompson Streets
UNTIL A more extensive
system can be worked into th
fiscal year budget, increas

foot patrol'
patrols will be financed from funds
in rape budgeted for police department over-
wntown time, Krasny said.
ty cam- An extensive program to provide foot
imously patrols in five or six areas of the city
patrols could cost as much as $350-400,000,
Krasny estimated.
d police Currently, Krasny told Council, the
dnue the University finances 10 patrol officers,
on inh including one foot patrol on campus.
iversity, COUNCILMAN EARL Greene (D-
ifurther Second Ward) who submitted the
ary. eproposal said the foot patrols are an
indicate "old-fashioned approach" to police
d in the protection.
campus Krasny said foot patrols instituted
serious this summer were effective in con-
commit- trolling the increase in rowdyism in
camus these areas.
r cnt f Greene said, "The increased police
presence will be helpful in deterring
erson in rape in the central campus area. In ad-
:p.m. vocating an extensive foot patrol
y, accor- program, Greene asked, "can we af-
ford not to have it?"

A 'silent
Members of the Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma sorority had to scramble for alter-
native sleeping quarters late Sunday
night after receiving an anonymous
claim that a bomb had been planted in
their chapter house.
Ann Arbor police were summoned to
the sorority, located at 1204 Hill St., just
before 1:00 a.m. yesterday. After sear-
ching the lower two floors for ex-
plosives and finding none, the four of-
ficers reportedly "suggested" that the
64 residents leave the house, although a
formal evacuation was not ordered.
AFTER DISCUSSING their plight,
according to house members, all
decided to spend the night elsewhere.
By 1:30 a.m., the Kappa Kappa Gamma
house was empty, as residents found
accommodations in nearby sororities,
fraternities and apartments.
See BOMB, Page 6

s in the
e patrol
e 1980-81
5ed foot

Eleven persons were killed attem-
pting to rush the gates at a 'Who' con-
cert in Cincinnati, Ohio last night. See
Page 12 for details.

Doily Photo by CYRENA CHANG
THE KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA sorority, at the corner of Church and Hill Sts., stood empty Sunday night-its members
having evacuated the chapter house after receiving a bomb threat.


Bat out of Hill
T SUNDAY afternoon's pe

audience, which caused many people to laugh. At first,
Bryant said he didn't know what was causing the distur-
bance, became livid, turned around and gave what he ter-
med a "hairy eyeball" to quiet the offenders. Later, when
the bat swooped a bit too close for comfort, the audience
members began to shriek in fright. Finally, one brave soul
managed to throw his coat over the screeching rodent and
another captured it with-a pillow sheet she just happened to
have in her purse, and let it go outside. "Unfortunately, the
whole incident spoiled the bass' first aria but we went on
anyway," Bryant explained and then amiably continued
the rest of the performance. Q
Commencement speaker
Thomas Bonner, president of Wayne State University,
will he the a iduationneaer t the c~TTn,.cidt,'c wite

your grades have been going down, it may be due to
psychological causes. A new program sponsored by the
University School of Education can help you find out exac-
tly what the problem is. From now until the end of winter
term in April, the "Learning Evaluation Clinic" will per-
form psychological tests for people who have questions
about their ability in school-related functions. "If people
feel like they are not learning as fast as their peers, they
can come to us," said Amy Swan, a clinic employee. Swan-
said the clinic offers a personal conference, an attempt to
identify the student's problems, and recommendations for
improvement from the examiners. Students who have yet
to be subjected to collegiate rigors also will be involved.
Swan stressed that the program is also for children.
"People who suspect they have a gifted child or a child with

Christmas with presents like decorated trees and good
cheer with family and friends, personalized Christmas car-
ds and visits to the sick and elderly. Charles Langham,
SCROOGE's founder, said, "The only thing I'm against is
all these asinine gifts that have gotten out of hand."
Langham was inspired to form SCROOGE after he and his
wife ran up a Christmas gift bill of almost $600 three years
ago. Langham said one of SCROOGE's principles is to
recognize that "a 'Merry Christmas' can't be bought." O
On the inside
Congressional/Presidential relations during the Iranian
crisis on the editorial page ... Central Michigan basketball
coverage in the sports section.. . and Handel's Messiah ona

erformance of Handel's




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