Page 4-Thursday, November 29, 1979-The Michigan Daily
,, ,
Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXX, No. 69
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
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Shut up
- State Cyrus Vance told former
Secretary Henry Kissinger to shut up
bemoaning America's supposed "im-
potence" in Iran. Its about time.
Dr. Kissinger has had time enough to
debase American foreign policy during
his tenure in the White House and on
the seventh floor of the State Depar-
tment. His mark of immorality has
been forever etched in the anals of
history, from Cambodia to Chile to the
jungles of Angola. His policies of cold
war confrontation destroyed a viable
country (Cambodia), subverted and
overthrew a democratically-elected
;government (Chile), and financed a
secret civil war (Angola). His bed-
fellows include the most vile despots of
the world, from the Shah of Iran to
Anastasio Somoza, the U.S. "allies"
Dr. Kissinger would have us go to war
to protect.
And even after his exile from public
life, the former secretary has used his
stature to continue to influence U.S.
policy in the worst ways possible.
Yrom his position on the sidelines, he
accused the Carter administration of
not dealing firmly enough with the
Soviets in the horn of Africa; not being
harsh enough with the Cubans for their
role in the invasion of Zaire's Shaba
province; not moving quickly enough
:to prop up the Shah's regime in Iran;
and not showing sufficient resolve to
help Nicaragua's dictatorial regime
survive internal discontent.
.Kissinger represents the age of
Jerome C
ACED WITH an escalating crime
rate and a poverty crisis, he
ought the city's bureaucracy to be the
first to appoint blacks to important city
ositions. As mayor, he kept the scene
of the nation's worst black riots from
exploding into an even more tense
racial confrontation. He exercised
restraint while others urges
And now, at the young age of 52,
Jerome Cavanagh is dead. He died of
:xan apparent heart attack Tuesday
.,while. visiting a friend in Lexington,
, The former mayor ruled the city
:from 1960 to 1968. During that time,
t Cavanagh worked vigorously to
eliminate Detroit's image as a
:miserable, poverty-ridden
0metropolitan area plagued by in-
:cessant crime. He launched the urban
:renewal projects under Lyndon John-
son's Great Society to pick up the
pieces of a shattered city. Using
federal funds, the former mayor spent
,numerous dollars on rebuilding the
,slums, and the morale of city residen-
As one of the youngest mayors in the
country, his career in the national
;political arena seems to be justa few
,years away in the horizon. Some were
: already grooming him for other, more
,glamorous roles.
American interventionism that passed
with Vietnam, a time when this coun-
try used military might and the C.I.A.
to impose its will on the world. Foreigni
policy under the Carter ad-
ministration, while surely faulty in
many respects, has at least shown a
recognition, however grudging, that
the U.S. can no longer control events
across the oceans.
No one is questioning Dr. Kissinger's
right as a private citizen to voice his
opinions on Iran. But Dr. Kissinger has
not only voiced opinions, but has used
his still weighty influence in
Washington power circles to continue
to influence and shape American
policies. It was Kissinger, lest some
forget, who caused the current mess in
Iran, by pressuring the Carter
administration into allowing the
deposed Shah into this country. Now
Kissinger is decrying President Car-
ter's weak response to the current
crisis, inciting the already volatile and
misplaced anti-Iranian passions in this
country and providing fuel for those
who are shouting for direct and
dangerous action against the Iranians.
Dr. Kissinger, you have done enough
damage to this country while in office,
so please, take the advice of current
administration officials and shut up.
You, Mr. former-secretary, have got-
ten us into another fine mess, so why
don't you now rest on your laurels and
stop meddling in, and sabotaging, U.S.
policies. You are doing more harm
than good.
By Bruce Brumberg'
I was glad to go home for Thanksgiving. It
is good getting away from college, to see how
the real world is doing.
But this Thanksgiving was different. In the
past my parents questioned me about
school. How are your grades? How is your
fraternity? Who is your new girl friend?
This year I didn't hear these questions.
When I arrived home the atmosphere had
changed; so did the interrogation.
My parents didn't want to know about mun-
dane matters. They wanted my opinion on
Iran. What do you think of The Ayatollah?
What do you feel the U.S. should do?
I WAS AMAZED. My parents discussing
current events-this was a first. In the past
they talked about movies, not militay inter-
I gave them my opinion. Using political
science theory and jargon, I explained our op-
tions. I outlined what the U.S. should have
done and should do.
Then my parents gave me their thoughts. I
was shocked and surprised.
My mother, an apolitical woman and a good
cook, felt we shoud assassinate The
Ayatollah. Tough words from someone who
thinks football is too violent.
My dad, the model middle-class father, was
more <detailed. He believed the U.S. should
declare war on Iran.
"THIS WILL SCARE the grab out of the
Iranians," he said. "Then when the hostages
are freed, we should reck havoc."
Hearing the discussion, my younger
brother traveled down the steps. Considering
he never ventures past the sport section of the
newspapers, he seemed very opinionated on
world events.
"It is simple. NukeaIran," he explained.
Finally my sister, a potential Michigan
freshperson, entered the foray. Usually her
most serious thopght is her weight.
"THOSE IRANIAN students are bums,"
she said. "I hope they are not at Michigan."
I stared at my family is amazement.gI then
"Dad, I thought you would question me
about Michigan's kicking game, and not
Iran," I said.
"Look, I'm sick of America's retreat, it's
time we are respected," he explained.
Before he could finish his explanation my
mom interrupted.
"And I'm sick of the price increases in the
supermarket," she shouted.
"And I hate those taxes I pay," my father
I COULD NOT believe it. Not only were my
parents discussing current events, but also
their thoughts sounded canned,
Every Thanksgiving we have a family
reunion at my aunt's house: It's usually
boring. But this year was different.
Before the meal we prayed for the
Americans in Iran. My aunt said it wasn't fair
that the Americans were spending
Thanksgiving without their families.
During dinner, world affairs dominated the
discussion, My relatives wanted to know what
the college boy thought.
I gave my opinions on a gamut of national
and international problems. My relatives
hook their heads in amazement.
AP Photo
Perhaps that is what finally-ended-
his political days. He may have tried to
get too far too quickly. For it was after
his defeat in the race for a Senate seat
in 1966, that his career went on a
decline. The real blow to his eventual
aspirations, though, was the infamous
He was criticized for doing too little
too late; it took a division of
paratroopers to restore order, and in
the end more than 40 people died. But
there is no question he kept the
situation from growing worse. While
the city seemed on the brink of com-
plete anarchy, Cavanagh exerted con-
trol and pleaded for unity.
Once his life in politics was finished,
Cavanagh returned to his private law
practice in 1968,.living here in Ann Ar-
Within a few hours after his death,
numerous tributes from most impor-
tant names in Michigan politics came
forth. It was Sen. Carl Levin's praise
which summed up Jerry Cavanagh the
"He helped people understand the
need for social programs and he
brought to government a brand of
compelling commitment which lifted
both public service and Jerry
Cavanagh out of the ordinary," said
He will surely be missed.
"FIRST JEWISH President of the United
States," my uncle proclaimed.
"Thanks,"I replied, "is that a curse or a
Then I heard the same complaints as I
heard from my parents.
"I hate Iranians," said my portly 'uncle.
"We should blow Iran off the map."
"With inflation, taxes, and two sons in
college," explained my uncle, "I'm having
trouble making ends meet."
WHILE THE MEAL was its usual perfec-
tion, I could not believe the table talk. My
family is not known for this type of chatter.
We are not the Kennedy's.
I watch the eeing news. I read the
newspaper. I know society's problems.
But I never thdught they would touch my
family. The Iranian crisis has lit a spark un-
der the American people.
Americans are united in their indignation
towards Iran. But there is more.
Americans are mad as hell and aren't going
to take it any more. What the IT is, I do not
Bruce Brumberg, a junior in the LSA
Honors College, is a frequent contributor
to the Daily editorial page.
By Dean Reynolds
Kennedy backing Carter on Iran
ward M. Kennedy's presidential
bid enters its fourth week, the
Massachusetts Democrat has yet
to shake two problems that con-
tinue to dog his campaign.
The first is Iran. Three days
before Kennedy officially entered
the race against President Car-
ter, Iranian students seized the
U.S. embassy in Tehran and took
49 Americans hostage. The
emotional issue has over-
shadowed Kennedy's campaign
and forced him to issue daily
declarations of support for the
man whose job he covets.
AS POLITICS, Iran is a fat zero
for Kennedy. Straying from sup-
port for Carter would open Ken-
nedy up to charges of reckless
demogoguery and willful
threatening of the lives of in-
nocent people. By standing
squarely behind Carter, however,
Kennedy does little to show
America why he thinks Carter is
not proving leadership.
The second problem is the
senator's continuing inability to
articulate his reasons for
challenging Carter. His latest
appearances on television inter-
view programs have shown a
mared improvement in his per-
formance, but before campaign
audiences, he still fumbles for an
these problems if we're going to
correct them.
"And I believe that it.will only
be when we have a president who
is totally involved that we really
begin to come to grips with these
issues over the period of the
".. . I do run because I feel
that we're not getting established
for this country the sense of
vision. We're not getting the
goals established for this coun-
try. We have not seen in this
nation the marshalling of teams
that can implement those goals
and the galvanizing of the
resources of this country -
young people, old people;
business people, workers-into
the kind of national effort which
this country has seen a number of
times in its proud history.
"And I want to make some con-
tribution in that area to galvanize
that team, to have the American
people face up to its respon-
sibilities as we have in the history
of this nation and I believe that
we can make a difference on
these problems and that's why I
run for president of the United
Kennedy can probably finesse
students and workers with such
rhetoric, but when the campaign
Kennedy Khomeini
... stands behind Carter
public life and elected public
responsibility is a noble
profession and I think individuals
who hold responsibilities in
public life make a difference in
the quality of life for the people
that we represent whether it is at
the local level, the state level or
in the Congress or the Senate of
the United States.
"Secondly, I think that in-
dividuals can make a difference
and that each individual should
... evershadowing Teddy
some understanding of both the
opportunities as well as the
responsibilities of that office and
what it can mean to changing the
condition of people in the United
States and around the world.
distressed that we as a people
and as a society are not coming to
grips with the central problems
that are of constant concern to