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November 29, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-29

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 29, 1979-Page 3
New diabetes unit aids patients

Diabetic patients participating in a
model care program at University
Hospital are learning to, control their
disease instead of letting it control
As part of the University's Diabetes
Research and Training Center (DR-
TC), the model care facility - or
Diabetes Center Unit (DCU) - enables
health care professionals and resear-
chers to learn from the patients, and
help the diabetics deal with restrictions
imposed by their disease, according to
Mickey Cohn, DRTC administrative
"WE'RE FINDING out what stan-
dards of care are best for the patients
and transferring that to allied health
care professionals," Cohn said. Many
of the patients also cooperate in
diabetes research.
Dr. Sumer Pek, professor of internal
medicine and research coordinator,
said the main challenge of the DRTC is
the development of model care. "The
difficulty is to come up with model care
that all health professionals and
physicians can take home and deliver
to their patients and be reasonably suc-
cessful," he said.
DCU facilities were completed Oct. 1

and are located on the sixth floor of
University Hospital. The remodelled
area houses an adult in-patient ward,
an out-patient clinic, and a pediatric
doctors, nurses, dieticians, and other
health care workers run the DCU.
Patients from throughout Michigan are
referred to the unit.
"The trick is not controlling the
(patient's) diabetes in the hospital, it's
helping the patients when they get
home," explained Janet McIntdAsh, the
head registered nurse in the DCU.
"We're geared toward looking at the
home situation and the job. The
problem is not education, it's com-
pliance," she added.
Four to five per cent of the American
population has some form of diabetes,
while only two to three per cent are
treated, Pek said.
Diabetes is characterized by im-
pairment or destruction of the pan-
creas' ability to produce insulin
resulting in difficulties in the body's
ability to metabolize sugar.
Symptoms of diabetes include ex-
cessive thirst, frequent urination,
blurring vision, constant hunger, or the
slow healing of cuts and scratches. The

disease, however, may be present
without symptoms.
dietician, teaches patients to cook tasty
food while considering their diet
restrictions. Ordering food in
restaurants and preparing holiday
meals sometimes are part of the
Established in 1977 after receiving a
five-year, $4.3 million federal grant, the
Ann Arbor DRTC is one of eight in the
Headed by Dr. Stefan Fajans, a
University endocrinologist, the DRTC
is a network of core facilities designed
to foster interdisciplinary efforts in

diabetes research and training. The
medical, dental, public health, phar-
macy, and allied health sciences
(physical therapy, dietetics, etc.)
schools all are involved with the center.
Currently 43 externally-funded
University research projects are af-
filiated with the DRTC. Cohn said the
center received a $120,000°grant from
the National Institute for Health (NIH)
to distribute for research and related
"We are trying to get new people in-
volved, and new investigators or ones
who have been in research for many
years, but have never studied
diabetes," Cohn said.

Ed Burrows
reading from his works.
Thursday, Nov. 29,

homenade soup &
sandwich 75@
BarbarG Fuller
Interfaith Center for Peace
"The U.S. and
the Conflict in
Southeast Asia


Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
A PATIENT in the Diabetes Center Unit at University Hospital eats a
specially-prepared meal in the new ten-ben in-patient ward. Remodeled;
facilities include an examination room, dietetics training kitchen, class-
room, media center, and library.

A de
they w

Power company reps debate nuclear opponents
Research Group in Michigan presented by nuclear engineers, both SPEAKING AGAINST nu
By JOHN GOYER (PIRGIM) who is against the use of members of the American Nuclear were two members of the C
abate here last night between ad- nuclear fission to generate electricity. Society, who are employed by two of the Energy Alliance, Unive
as and opponents of nuclear power SPONSORED BY the University- state's major power generating com- Professor Arthur Schwart
ht out strong arguments for and based chapter of PIRGIM, of which panies - Raymond Berg of Detroit McCargar, director of the
st nukes - but few of the 60 mem- Rubin is a member, the purpose of the Edison and James Bryson of Con- Ecology Center,
of the audience seemed to be debate was to rech the "neutral" sumers Power Corp. The two com-
d by the debate. students whose minds are not already panies combined own the four nuclear Both the Ecology C
st people have heard most of the made up for or against nuclearpower, power plants currently operating in PIRGIM lobby against nu
vents and they just believe what according to PIRGIM organizer Marcia Michigan and two under construction. at the state level and both or
vant to believe," concluded Danny Barton. "Our function at Detroit Edison is to are members of the G
, a member of the Public Interest The pro-nuclear argument was provide electricity.. . it is not our job Energy Alliance.

uclear power
Great Lakes
rsity Math
z and Steve
enter and
clear power
reat Lakes

Minority Student Services/Michigan Media-free film festival,
Discovering American Indian Music, 12:10 p.m., 8 p.m., More Than Bows
and Arrows, 12:40 p.m., 6:55 p.m., Black Modern Art, 1:45 p.m.,
Chisholm-Pursuing the Dream, 2:10 p.m., 8:30 p.m., Black Power Concept,
2:55 p.m., 9:15 p.m., Save Chinatown, 3:15 p.m., Jenny, 3:50 p.m., Korean
Americans, 4:15 p.m., Cinco Vidas, 5:20 p.m., Puerto Rico: Paradise In-
vaded, 6:20 p.m., lobby, Michigan Union.
Mediatrics-Steppenwolf, 7, 8:45, 10:30 p.m., Assembly Hall, Michigan
Cinema Guild-It's a Wonderful Life, 7,9:30 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Ann Arbor Art Association-Impressionists, Cubist Epoch, 8 p.m., Ann Ar-
bor Art Association.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Je T'aime, 8 p.m., Une Femme Douce, 9:45 p.m.,
Aud A., Angell.
Public Health Student Association-State Sen. Edward Pierce,"A Fresh-
person looks at Health Care Issues in the Legislature," noon, old School of
Public Health Aud. 1.-
WUOM-Economic Club of Detroit, Andrew rimmer, "Federal Reserve
Policy: Right or Wrong?," 10:10 a.m., WUOM.
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies-Prof. Ali Mazuri, "The
Iranian Revolution and the Black World: Solidarity and Dissention," noon,
246 Old Architecture and Design Building.
Center for Western European Studies-Ronald Inglehardt, "Political
Cleavages in Western Europe," noon, Michigan League.
Center for Japanese Studies-Yoshikio Tokumaru. "Music Research in
Japan Today," noon, Commons, Lane Hall.
School of Education/Developmental Psychology-Asa Hillard, "Under-
standing Cultural Differences-The Minority Child," 4 p.m., Schorling Aud.
Center for Japanese] Studies-Yoshihiko Tokumaru, "Lecture-Demon-
strations of Shamisen Music," 4 p.m., Commons, Lane Hall.
Open Harth-Michigan Singers, School of Music, noon, Pendleton Room,
Michigan Union.
Eclipse Jazz-Karl Berger, local musicians ensemble, 10 a.m., 7:30 p.m.,
room 2020, School of Music.
Guild House-poetry reading, E.G. Burrows, 7:30 p.m., 802 Monroe.
UAC-Soph Show, "Sweet Charity," 8 p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre.
UAC Soundstage Coffeehouse-Live music and poetry, 8 p.m., University
Club, Michigan Union.
Community High School Fine Arts Repertory-A Power Play, 8 p.m., 401
N. Division, Community High School Theatre.
PTP-Richard III, 8 p.m., Power Center.
Major Events-Fleetwood Mac, 8 p.m., Crisler Arena.
CRLT-Inforial study group, 12:15 p.m., 109 E. Madison.
Medical Center Bible Study-12:30 p.m., F2230 Mott Children's Hospital.
Michigan Economic Society-5 p.m. Third floor lounge, Economics
Campus Weight Watchers-5:30 p.m., Project Room, Michigan League.
Women's Glee Club-rehearsal. 6:30 p.m., Lecture Room 1, MLB.
Michigan Christian Fellowship-7 p.m., Michigan Union.
Citizen's Party-7 p.m., Alice's, Alice Lloyd Hall.
Arbor Alliance-7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
University Sailing Club-7:45 p.m., 311W. Engineering.
Alcoholics Anonymous-8:30 p.m., N2815 University Hospital, second
Washtenaw Community College-dental assistants program, 11 a.m.,
Dental Clinic, Liberal Arts and Sciences Building, Washtenaw Community
Natural Resources-"Summer Jobs in Natural Resources Agencies,"
workshop on jobs, 11 a.m., 1520, School of Natural Resources.
1unirn*.,nnmie Rne uint-min and cheee nrtv-meet the

to promote nuclear energy, solar
energy or anything else," Berg said.
"My problem with Detroit Edison is
that we are working with real world
problems to keep the electricity'
At the end of the debate last night, he
said he hoped he had educated people
on the issues of nuclear power..

Schwartz pointed to the accidents of
Three Mile Island, Fermi I and Brown's
Ferry as examples of the dangers of
nuclear power use. Both Schwartz and
McCargar stressed the need for con-
servation and the re-channeling of
resources to develop alternative sour-
ces of energy such as solar, hydro and
wind power.

Friday, Nov. 20
GUILD HOUSE, 802 Monroe, (corner of Oakland)
Invites you to join him for
Mon.-Fri. 4 p~m.-b p.m.
Mon,-Sun. 9 p.m.-12 a.m.
1144 South University 668-8411
Mon.-Sat. t a.m.-2 a.m. SunA p m.1 a.m.


State senate passes
LANSING (UPI) - The State Senate nel. If the doctor or nurse performing
yesterday approved a bill prohibiting the search is not of the same sex as the
police from conducting strip and body person being held, another individual of
cavity searches in most misdemeanor the same gender must be present.
cases and outlining procedures when
such searches are permitted.
The measure was approved with no
debate on a 30-0 vote. It now goes to the
House for approval of a technical
A MOVE TO give the bill immediate
effect after it is signed into law failed,
however, meaning the measure will not
become law until next spring, if it is
signed by Gov. William Milliken.
The search bill was the topic of
emotional public hearings, attended by
persons who had been subjected to
humiliating strip searches after being
picked up for minor infractions.
It limits use of strip searches in
misdemeanor cases to persons suspec-
ted of concealing a weapon, drugs or
other evidence.
PERSONS NOT involved in the sear-
ch may not witness it.
A strip search must be performed by
a person of the same sex as the suspect
and cannot be done in the presence of
those not involved in the search.
Law enforcement officers who assist
in the procedure must be of the same
sex as the arrested person.
Body cavity searches must be con-
ducted by professional medical person-

Soft Furry Friends, made from plump
synthetic fur, and LOADED with
nonnat or stuffed toy, our BEAR or

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