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October 25, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-25

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Page 2-Thursday, October 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily
LSA-SG elections


Shah undergoes4

set for Nov
In its first executive session of the
school year, the LSA College Student
Government (LSA-SG) Executive
Countil last night scheduled its next<
elections for Nov.19-20.
The Executive Council also selected'
Hildegard Cummings as elections
director and LSA junior Ross Romeo as
assistant elections director, after inter-1
viewing several others for the positions.'
According to Executive Council1
Piresident Bob Stechuk, Cummings has
been involved in student activities for
16 years and is an assistant campus
minister at Guild House.f
STECHUK SAID after the meetingI
that he was "extremely happy" about1
the appointments and that he felt both1
Cummings and Romeo are "very com-



Stechuk added that both Cummings
and Romeo "seemed excited about it
and willing to do a lot of work."
The council last night also set Nov. 8
as the filing deadline for the election.
Stechuk said applications for candidacy
will be available at an unspecified time
after next Wednesday's LSA-SG
meeting. Cummings is scheduled to
present proposals for nominating and
voting procedures, polling sites, and
publicity at that meeting.
The council also agreed to pay the
elections director $325 and to allocate
$900 for the election expenses. Should
expenses exceed $900, according to a
motion passed by the council, "the dif-
ference shall be deducted from the
Election Director's salary."
The assistant election directorship is
not a paid position,

From All and Reuter
NEW YORK-Surgeons removed the
shah of Iran's gallbladder yesterday
and checked to see if his long-standing
cancer of the lymph glands had wor-
sened. A spokesman for the deposed
ruler said of the surgery, "recovery
without complications is anticipated."
Meanwhile in Teheran, Ayatollah,
Sader Khalkahli, Iran's revolutionary
court judge who ordered a death squad
to kill the former shah, called on
Moslems in the United States to haul
the ailing ex-monarch from his huspital
and dismember him.
WHILE SHAH Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi went under the knife, about 150
demonstrators outside the hospital
chanted "Death to the shah!" and
waved banners that read, "A peaceful
death is too good for the shah!"
The spokesman for Pahlavi, Robert
Arman, said following the two and one-
half hour surgery that the shah would
be hospitalized for two to three weeks.

Armao added that Pahlavi had suf
fered from lymphoma, or lymph gland
cancer, for about six years, but that
recently an intermittment jaundice had
signaled that something was wrong
with the gallbladder as the bile duct
leading from the liver.
"HE DID NOT wish it to be known,"
Aramo added of the lymphoma.
The demonstrators, mostly men,
were kept behind police lines and their
chanting and shouting was out of ear-
shot of Pahlavi and members of his
family and retinue.
By contrast, inside New York
Hospital-Cornell Medical center, four
Iranian women in American dress kept
a prayer vigil for the shah, said one of
them, "The royal family is alone and I
just wanted to lend my support."
Ayatollah Khalkahli said yesteray
that he did not know whether the shah
had cancer, adding: "But I'm sure the
blood doesn't reach his brain. Anyway,
he must die. ,

"I'VE SAID MANY times that tle
Iranian nation will capture all his
money and I ask the people around himi
to kill him. If they do, they'll be
forgiven and they'll get a reward," He(
"I order all students and Moslemsi
the United States, including Africank
Filipinos and Palestinians, to drag hi$
out of the hospital and dismember:
him," Ayatollah Khalkhali told Reuters
'in a telephone interview from Qom. :d
'Phe ayatollah said the" reason tik
shah had come to New York was "to
escape my death squad."
The ayatollah, who says he has set12
tenced more than 300 people to death
since. the Febraury revolutiob which.
ousted the shah, said in June a three
member assassination squad had beeh:
dispatched to Mexico where the shale
had taken up residence.
The shah was toppled from his
Peacock Throne last January 16 by an'
Islamic revolution led by the Ayatollah,
Ruhollah Khomeini:
r waste,

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Governors halt nuclea

dumping at sites in three states


nell Medical Center after visiting her
husband, exiled Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi of Iran.

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WASHINGTON (AP) - By deciding
to stop or cut nuclear waste shipments
into their states, three governors are
signaling Washington they are un-
willing to take the political heat for a
national problem.
Nevada this week closed the second
of the nation's only three low-level
waste dumps.
A BURIAL site in Washington state
has been shut down for three weeks.
Shipments to the only other site - in
South Carolina - are expected to be
curtailed next week,
Spokespersons for the nuclear power
industry say the problem is not im-
mediate for them since power plants
have on-site storage capacity. But some
officials say hospitals and research
facilities will run into storage problems
within a few weeks.
Leonard Freeman, president of the
Society for Nuclear Medicine, called it
'"an immediate crisis for nuclear
medicine," which is used thousands of
times a day to diagnose and treat
diseases, including cancer and heart
SOME HOSPITALS already have
asked doctors to curtail the use of
radioactive materials because of ex-
pected storage problems.
The sudden militancy by the gover-
nors of Washington, Nevada and South
Carolina is an attempt to force the Car-
ter administration to play a stronger
role in the disposal of low-level wastes,
an issue which could become crucial in

an election year.
Almost daily, trucks have brought
wastes from commercial reactors,
hospitals and research laboratories
around the country to the only com-
mercial burial sites available.
"I'M JUST TIRED of having to
assume the responsibility for having
our people take the risks in a system
that is not properly regulated," com-
plained Nevada Gov. Robert List as he
resisted attempts Tuesday to reopen
the burial site near Reno.
What also gnaws at the governors is
that no dumps are located in areas
where most of the wastes are produced
- including most of the Northeast.
The governors' specific complaints
vary, but their anger is aimed at the
federal government. They argue that
while plans for a national program
languish, the three states are becoming
the dumping ground for the rest of the
ABOUT 60 per cent of the low-level
wastes are by-products of commercial,
power reactors, including sludge,
resins and contamin ated clothing. Most
of the rest comes fromresearch
laboratories and radiological treatment
and diagnosis at hospitals.
For more than a year the Carter ad-
ministration has had before it a
unanimous inter-agency recommen-
dation that the Energy Department set
up regional low-level nuclear waste
dumps to spread the burden.
The recommendation - part of an

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overall report on nuclea'r wastes - has
awaited President Carter's decision for
several months. One problem, an ad-
ministration so'urce concedes, is that
the regional burial grounds are sure to
spark opposition in the states for which
they will be planned.
BUT, SAID Goetz Oertel, the Energy:
Department's director of waste produc-
ts, "The same is true with the alter-
native - to have the wastes pile up as
they are (at the three existing dumps .
It's a choice each state is going to have.
to make."
Today 80 per cent of the wastes,'
almost all generated in the East, ends
up at the dump near Barnwell, S.C.,"
with another 15 per cent allocated to th
site near Richland, Wash. The
remaining five per cent had been going.
to the Beatty site in Nevada.
Robert Browning, deputy director for',
waste management at the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission said the
inability to dispose of wastes poses a
serious problem, but he could not say
how soon it might turn into a crisis.
Daily Official Bulletin,
Thursday, October 25, 1979
D~aily ('alendar
WUOM: James MacGregor Burns, historian at
Williams College, George F. Will, syndicated coum-
nist, "The Kennedys," 10:30a'm.
Center for W. Eurpean Studies: Edward Mitche;
"Servitude in Early England," League. noon. t
Diabetes Center: JuliodSantiagelWashington-U..'
Medical School. "Improved Metabloic Control in=i
Diabetes: New Tools and Old Techniques," S6450
Hosp.. noon. "HLA in American Black Diabetics,'
2073 Furstenberg Ctr., 4:30 p.m.
CRLT: "Programming The' Commodre Pet Fot",
Simulations." for reservations call 763-2396.
Computing Center: Kalle, Nemvalts, and Gail Lif,-
"Magnetic Tape Use in MTS." Mason Hall, 3:30 p.m.
MHRI: Ian R. Brown. U-Toronto. "Sensitivity of'
Protein Synthesis in the Mammalian Brain to Hyper'
ther'nia.' MHRI.3:34 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: "Topical Workshop on the
Produciton of New Particles in Super High Energy
Collisions," 2038 Randall, 4 p.m.
Guild House: Poetry reading, Bill Kincaid. John
Lucas, Ron Taylor, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m.
Chemistry: Phillip D. Magnus, Ohio State.
"Sythesis of Helical Molecules," 13(0 Chem., 8p.m..
general Notice
Competitive CEW Scholarships for Women will be
received by approximately 30 women for their
studies at the University of Michigan during the 198-
81 academic year. Scholarships are designed to en-
courage and assist women who have been out of
school at least two consecutive years and who will be
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They may be at any stage 9f an undergraduate.
graduate or professional program as full or part time
students. Women in business, chemistry.
engineering, mathematics, and other fields less
traditional for women are especially welcome to ap-
ply. Applications are available from the Center and
should be submitted to the Center by January'16
1980. The grants are between $500 and $2000.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No.43
Thursday, October 25, 1979
is edited and managed by students a
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings'
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer'
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:.
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage.
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

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