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October 25, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-25

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Vol LXXXX No..43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 25, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Human Rights sta quietly aids victims ofbias
First in a three partseries The division enforces a Human Rights or- m the basement of City Hall. at that time," Murray said. "There was nothing
Tie widespread problem of discrimination in diance that prohibits discrimination on grounds In fiscal 1978-79, Human Rights/Personnel
Ann Arbor is fought by a three-member city such as race and sex, and also requires that . operated out of its basement office in City Hall merger. u
group which, although capable of enforcing the companies doing business with the city adhere to with a budget of $136,000. That figure is less than m ere
letter of the city's a leoim fnforcingnte, affirmative action guidelines. the amount allotted to Human Rights alone in in Bt erts thathe it ataln behnd
letr ohe antidiscri ationordinance,nginhtffrgernfrm rThe ordiance does not sytfiscal 1977-78, before the merger with Personnel, its eotsto end asfimative action among
dis ri nationfn at a sucshing thealarger prolem o create a garden of Eden wi hin the city a mits, Former City Administrator Sylvester Murray dyiscr mnna ton comaints to re the bulk of
dymnt gathat we're going to create Utopia," Person- defended the merger recently, saying it made Department of Civil Rihts rd g t Tread-
Andoymen ty .. m r nel/Human Rights department director Robert sense because both departments were oriented g, a ing o
And few city officials seem interested in toadhligpol.'uryas xlie way and Raymond Chauncey, an investigator for
Treadway said recently. toward helping people. Murray also explained the Human Rights division.
changing that situation. teHmnRgt iiin
COMBATTING LOCAL discrimination is the .BUT BUDGET cuts and a March, 1978 merger that the staffs of the two departments were so "Our struggle becomes one of maintaining
with the Personnel Department have meant the ' small that further reduction could only be ac- what we have,' Treadway said.
fob of the city's Human Rights division, a three-1 complishedvthroughaawmerger.
city is restricted to handling only the complaints compisEthrough a mergerTGPersonnel reduced the
member section of the city's Personnel/Human "WE WENT THROUGH a real financial crisis THE MERGER withPesnlrdudth
of people who walk into the Human Rights office
Rights Department. See CITY, Page 7

WASHINGTON.(AP)-Bowing to the
wishes of the Carter administration, the
House reversed itself yesterday and
voted to retain price and allocation con-
trols on gasoline through mid-1981.
The 225-189 turnabout vote came
amid expressions of dismay by
congressional leaders over soaring oil-
industry profits.
"IT'S A DISGRACE to the nation. It's
just an absolute and utter disgrace,"
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill said of
the large third-quarter profits recently
announced by some major oil com-
The House action overturned a 191-
188 'vote taken Oct. 12 for immediate
and full gasoline decontrol-action
some critics said might have sent
prices at the pump soaring toward $2 a
The vote means the contiols, which
opponents claim have done little to
check spiraling prices at the pump, will
stay on until Sept. 30, 1981, when they
See HOUSE, Page 9

U.S. pledges'
X6 o oniCambodians

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON

Bored with gourds
When they're all orange and more-or-less round, comparison shopping can be a bit dull.

Union director outlines changes

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter committed the United States
government yesterday to! providing $69
million in aid to Cambodia in an effort
to avert "a tragedy of genocidal
Carter's proposal came little more
than an hour after Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy criticized the administration for
moving too slowly to aid millions of
Cambodians who face starvation.
THE PRESIDENT'S announcement
and Kennedy's criticism followed ap-
proval by the House Foreign Affairs
Committee of a bill authorizing the ex-
penditure of $30 million to aid the Cam-
bodians. Carter included that $30
million in the program he announced.
Carter, equating the famine in Cam-
bodia with the World War II Holocaust,
announced his plans in the White House
press room, telling reporters:
"We now face once again the"
prospect of avoidable death. We must
act swiftly to save the men, women and
children who are, our brothers and
sisters in God's family."
IN ADDITION to the $30 million ap-
proved by the House committee, the
president's program for aid over the
next year includes $3 million in existing
refugee aid, $20 million in commodities
under the Food for Peace program, $7
million that he promised last week and
$9 million in refugee funds to be sent to
Thailand where Cambodian refugees
are gathered.
Of the total aid package, $32 million is
new funding not previously announced,
the Food for Peace contribution, the $3
million in refugee aid and the aid to
Thailand, a White House official said.
Carter said he was certain of getting
congressional. approval for the
program. "We will do our share," he
told a group of religious leaders before
his announcement. "I can be sure
Congress will go along with our

MEANWHILE, three U.S. senators
visited Phnom Penh yesterday and said
only final Cambodian approval is
needed to begin a massive aideffort.
Sens. James Sasser (D-Tenn.), John
Danforth (R-Mo.), and Max Baucus,
(D-Mont.), briefed Cambodian foreign
minister Hun Sen and said they'found
him "appreciative, generally ap-
preciative." They said they were told it
would be up to Cambodia's Communist
Party Central Committee to give final
approval to the relief plan.
Administration officials have said
millions of Cambodians face star-
vation. After Carter's announcement,
the Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, president
of Notre Dame University and head of a
private relief group, said Cambodia
had a population of eight million a
decade ago, but that has been reduced
now to 4.7 million. He said three million
surviving Cambodians are "in dire
danger ofstarvation.
IN HIS SPEECH to a Georgetown
University audience, Kennedy urged a
massive airlift of food and medicine to
Cambodia and said the administration
had. been slow, to support such a
Before Carter's announcement, the
Massachusetts Democrat said the
money the administration had proposed
thus far "is only a first installment
compared to the need that now exists."
Kennedy added: "We must take
essential steps now if we are to stave off
mass starvation in Cambodia and avoid
gtaver dangers to the peace in
Southeast Asia."
Kennedy, who is expected to
challenge Carter for the Democratic
presidential nomination next year, said
he had called for an international con-
ference on Southeast Asia last year and
that the proposal was accepted by U.S.
allies. "But the voice of the United
States has been most notable by itst
silence," Kennedy said.

The Michigan Union art gallery may
move into the University Club lounge
and a student lounge may assume its
spot on the Union's main floor, accor-
ding to Suzanne Young, who recently
was named interim director of the
"There will be some political
problems with some of these changes,"
she said. "The art gallery people
may not be too anxious to move down
the hall, -but I think we wilt be able to
work this out," Young added.
YOUNG SAID these 'changes are
examples of ways to meet student

demands for lounge space. Union of-
ficials learned what type of place
students, faculty, and staff members
want the Union to be from a survey of 10
per cent of the student body and a ran-
dom sample of faculty and staff persons
taken last March.
The results of the survey, taken by
Market Opinion Research, were con-
sidered in. compiling the Union Task
Force Report,. which will be released
tomorrow. The report researched
Union-related needs of campus clien-
tele, how well those needs are being
met now by the University and nearby
businesses, the Union's present ability

to meet those needs, as well as alter-
native plans if the Union is incapable of
meeting them.
The report focused on the Union's
physical layout, services, programs,
and food service, Young said. She ad-
ded the entire transformation will take
about two years.
PHYSICAL AND personnel changes
are underway already.as part of an on-
going effort to revamp the building and
.to orient the Union to the needs of
students and University personnel. A
television with a seven foot screen,
which was acquired three weeks, ago,
and the recent installation of a money
bank machine comprise the Union's

physical progress. Also the University
Club, a restaurant and cocktail lounge,
no longer has a membership
Some long-range plans for the Union
include a post office, an arts and crafts
room, a flower shop, the resurrection of
the Mug, a natural food store, as well as
a rathskeller, Young said.
These objectives require a great deal
of money and time, according to Young.
"I recently returned from a convention,
of Union directors from the Big Ten,
Big Eight, and Pac-10 and found out
that some schools used as much money
on the renovation of their food service
See UNION, Page 12

Study says 25% of
work force illiterate

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Campus group may back
student for city council

l ,

One of, every four Americans in
today's work force is functionally
illiterate, according to. Bennett Ber-
man, a researcher at the University's
Institute for the Study of Mental Retar-
dation and Related Disabilities.
Berman said current job training
manuals and programs must be
revamped because the literacy level of
the average service worker falls bet-
ween a fourth and sixth grade level,
while training-programs remain geared
to a higher educational level.
"A FUNCTIONAL illiterate is one
who can't read labels on canned goods,

figure out a bus schedule, read signs in
stores, or memos from the boss ex-
plaining a change in work," said the
program manager of the Technical
Assistance Project in Training
Developmental Disabilities Personnel
at the Institute.
On a related topic, Berman said that
in the next few years increased tran-
sience in career paths will become
more apparent. The average person
will switch jobs four to six times in his
or her life because machinery will
become more complex and workers will
nQt be qualified to use it, he said.

_.._ ,.

Second Ward Councilman Earl
Greene likely will face competition
from a student within the Democratic
Party if he runs for re-election in April.
Students for a Progressive Government
have announced plans to run a student
candidate for the Democratic
nomination, in hopes of capturing the
seat currently held by Greene, a four-

mainly to provide voters with a student
candidate for the council seat.
"THE SECOND WARD is 85 per cent
students and you have two 40-year-olds
representing you. It's a logical step for
a student to run," said Stephanopoulos,
who is an active Democratic party
worker. She added, "I have a feeling
that Earl my drop out of the running
before the primary in February.
However, the incumbent said as far
as age goes, "The question is good
representation. Perhaps they (the
group's members) have some problems
with age discrimination. I feel I'm
See STUDENT, Page 9

year veteran on council.
According to Stacy Stephanopoulos,
Ste h itp tosone of the four members and founder of
the group, Students for a Progressive
... the challenger Government was formed last August
::. :."F. .:::::.:v::..:: n::: t ii:" ^: i:"";i: {:.w :::n::.?: : : : . . : .. . .


... the incumbent

See STUDY, Page 9

......... ........



animals to lose their fur. Speir was concerned that it would
be a long cold winter for these fur-less squirrels and she has
made arrangements for them to be trapped and kept in a
nature center for the winter. C"?
Power of the press
It appears that some newspapers in Alabama may have
ESP. That would be one way to explain how the papers
knew that Alabama governor Bob James was thinking of
running for president before he did. The governor returned
home from a duck hunting trip and read in the papers that

got three metal logs and lights up when you plug it in. Now
we're trying to find a rotating light to make it look even
more realistic," he added.
On the inside
A review of the Ricky Nelson concert on the art
page . . . an analysis of Ralph Nader and the current state

I -ar

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