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October 25, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-25

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 25, 1979-Page 3


A nine-year-old learns to get along
with peers by playing in a band; an
adult finds it easier to understand his
emotions by discussing a song's lyrics;
a teenager begins to quell aggression
toward his parents while learning to
play the guitar - all are learning -to
cope through music therapy.
Music therapy is a treatment that in-
volves "use of music in a therapeutic
environment, which can be used as an
ice-breaker for a release of emotions or
feelings," according to Michael
Migliore, University Hospital music'
CURRENTLY, at the Children's
Psychiatric Hospital (CPH) in the
University Medical Center, music
therapy programs are offered to three,
different age groups - children, ages
five to 13, adolescents, 12-18, and adults,
17 and over.
CPH contains a school for
emotionally-impaired children, who
live in the hospital and also take classes
there. Almost all of the 34 students par-
ticipate in some form of music therapy.
The therapy ranges from singing,
listening to records, to participating in
CPH's own jazz band. But its purpose,
according to music ther apy coordinator
Jo Pickett, is not to teach children
"The goal isn't to teach them to play
music, but to teach them to get along in
a group and to get them to understand
where they're coming from," she said.
PICKETT explained that most of the
children at CPH have had trouble
dealing with others at home or in
school. By participating in music, she
said, many children can learn to work

used as
in a group situation. While a group
situation mightmean playing in a band,
she said it can also mean just clapping
along with a record. "Even if you clap
one beat out of four you're still par-
ticipating," she said.
"What's pretty unique about music
therapy," Pickett added, "is that kids
who haven't done well in school often
are good in music because they ap-
proach it with less fear."
Pickett recalled one incident with a
student who was a slow reader and was
taught to play the coronet. "For some
reason, he learned how to decipher the
symbol set for music faster than the
English language." The child even-
tually became a good coronet player
which she said elevated his self-esteem
and later he began to read in school.
IN HER JOB, Pickett stresses these
"success experiences." She said it is
necessary that the child feel important.
Along with CPH's three other music
therapists, Pickett incorporates many
activities to help the children reach a
high level of self-importance.
"Whatever you need to do to get them
to understand, you do," she said. "If
you have to sing to them and play the
guitar you do it."
Adolescent treatment is handled
through the hospital's Neurop-
sychiatric Institute (NPI). According
to Roberta Wigle, many of the methods
used with the adolescents are similar to
those used with the children. She said
the students decide what instruments
they will work with, with drums and
guitar being most popular.
"WHAT WE pick depends on the
kids," she said. "We pick a com-
bination of music we know and like that

aid in

they like. It also depends on
play it," she added with a laug
Most of the teenagers invo
trouble coping at home ori
"We try to get the kids to reco
understand their own feelings
on playing together and
At NPI there currently ar
who are in-patients and three
patients. They take classes
ticipate in activities of whi
therapy is a big part. Wigle
students sign up for whateve
they want.
WIGLE stressed the impo
patience in her job. "Not eve
function at their peak from tir
- if I don't realize this, I'm n
Wigle pointed out that there,
when her job has made her fe
"Last spring we had a conce
end the students pushed us out
us public thanks. I was a,
THE ADULT music therapy
is slightly different from th

if we can children and adolescents, according to
gh- Migliore, in that the adult sessions
lved have usually are more structured. The adults
in school, that are treated usually are manic
)gnize and depressives, Migliore said.
. We work "Music therapy can provide a milieu
'dealing where a patient can be successful and
have self-esteem," he said. Migliore
e 16 teens added that there are many ways this
day-care can be done. Singing, rhythmic im-
and par- provisation, a .bell choir, and "inter-,
ch music nalizing a song's lyrics" are a few of the
said the methods University Hospital incor
er classes porates.
"One of the goals is for them to take
irtance of what they learn here and apply it to the
ryone can outside," he said.
me to time
not a good ALL THREE therapists stressed that
it is not the music that makes a change'
are times in the patients, but the therapy.
el "really - 'Music soothes the savage beast' does
not apply in music therapy," Migliore'
ert. At the pointed out.
and gave

almost in
at of the

"Music is not magical," Wigle added,
"Sure, some music can calm you down,
but it's the way it's used that makes the'

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
LINDA SIRMAN, a music therapy intern at Children's Psychiatric Hospital
helps a patient play handbells.
U V.P.: Chinese
research on the rise

Scientific research in China has in-
creased markedly, but the Chinese still
must catch up in order to compete with
other nations, according to University
Vice-President for Research Charles
Overberger recently returned from a
16-day trip to the People's Republic of
"During the cultural revolution (1963-
1976), they (the Chinese) were -;not
allowed to work on anything in basic
science," Overberger said. "They had
to justify their studies on the basis of
applications (to real situations)."
THE GOVERNM ENT still exercises
control over scientists, Overberger
said, but research is not as limited as it
was before China reopened relations
with the West.
As part of the first bilateral scientific
symposium on Polymer Chemistry and
Physics in China, Overberger and 11
other American scientists met.for six
days with 20 Chinese researchers in
Beijing (Peking) to exchange scientific
The researcher and his American
colleagues also met with Fang Yi,
China's highest ranking science ad-
ministrator. Fang is a vice premier of
the State Council, the Minister in
Charge of the State Scientific and
Technological Commission and a
m4mber of the Politburo of the Chinese

Communist Party.
HE SAID THE Chinese are behind in
some areas of polymer chemistry and
physics, and up-to-date in other aspects
of the field.
"They're behind in sophisticated in-
strumentation because they didn't have
access to the West until recently,"
Overberger said. He added that unless
another dramatic political change oc-
curs, the Chinese are going to com-
municate with the outside world on
scientific matters increasingly.
"During the cultural revolution in
China, everything ground to a halt.
Students didn't go to universities and
didn't supply the (science) institutes
with people," Overberger pointed out.
THE SYMPOSIUM was convened
under the auspices of the U.S_ Commit-
tee on Scholarly Communication with
the People's Republic of China.
Overberger said, interpreters and
English-speaking Chinese scientists
eased the communication problems.
The delegation traveled to the In-
stitute of Organic Chemistry in
Shanghai and the Institute of Applied
Chemistry in Changchun.
Overberger also met with two of his
former students in Changchun. Both,
now high-ranking members of the In-
stitute, studied under the chemistry
professor when they were at the
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn some
25 years ago.

ThrsdayOct. 25
8:*30pm HilloAud
Tickets at Burton Tower, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109
Weekdays 9-4:30, Sat. 9-12. Phone (313) 665-3717
NOTE: Rush tickets $3.00, available at Hill Auditorium Box Office Wednes
day afternoon from 4.00 to 4:30 no choice of seat location, limit, 2 per

OCTOBER 27, 1979
Un#versly of Michigan LS & A /Rackham Ph.D. Programs
College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Horac'e H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies. The Office of Career Planning and Placement the HERS
conference will emphasize the development of professional skills such as:
HERS Director Lilli Hornig and Associate Director Martha Tolpin will ioin with
University of Michigan senior academic and administrative women to address
Sciences, Humanities, and Languages,HSciences) " ALTERNATIVES TO ACA-
All conference sessions will provide the opportunity to work in small groups
with others who have similar academic backgrounds.
The cost of the conference, including all materials is $6.00.
Call Dr. Janelle Shubert, Rackham'Coordinator for Women's
Affairs, 764-9477.


in its 101Ist -, asoni'mo



Cinema Guild-Bonnie and Clyde, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Cinema I-The Women Film Festival, 7 p.m., Rackham Auditorium.
Mediatrics-Lolita, 7,9:30 p.m., Michigan Union Assembly Hall.
Spartacus Youth League-Murder of Fred Hampton, 7:30, 9:30 p.m.,
East Quad room 124.
WUOM-"The Kennedys" with James MacGregor, George Hill, and
moderator Jules Witcover, 10:30 a.m.
Washtenaw Community College-Dr. Raymond McNally, "The Search
for Dracula," 11:30 a.m., Washtenaw Community College Lecture Hall 1.
Center for West Eurpean Studies-Edward Mitchell, "Servitude in
Early England," noon, Michigan League.
College of Engineering-D.J. Newman, "Rational Approximations to
a% e. Smooth Functions," 4 p.m., Engineering School.
Univesity of Michigan Chapter of the American Association of Univer-
sity Professors-Cecil Nesbitt, "Possible Changes in the Present
Arrangements: Advantages and Disadvantages," 4:10 p.m., Rackham East
Conference Room.
Computing Center-Kalle Nemvalts and Gail Lift, "Magnetic Tape Use
in MTS," 3:30 to 5 p.m., 7:30 to 9 p.m., 417 Mason Hall.
Chemistry Department-Phillip Magnus, "Snythesis of Helical
Molecules," 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building.
Huron Valley Quilting Society-Fall meeting, 7 p.m., St. Andrews
Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division.
Mortar Board-7 p.m., Michigan Union Conference Room 6.
Pendleton Arts Center-"Open Hearth," Beth Fits, dancer, noon,
Michigan Union second floor.
Studio Theatre Series-Aria de Capa and Birdbath, 4:10, Frieze Building
Arena Theatre.
Guild House-Poeltry series Jacqueline Moore, Abu Baker and Lo


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