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October 23, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-23

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Page 2-Tuesday, October 23, 1979-The Michigan Daily .......C
INxm PERSO Cuncil may control
eE~i~a ann~s~a, 4southside building
PO K TBFATII AE Referring ""to present zonin g,
PO KTBILLIARDS CHAMPION, City Council took a long-awaited first designations as "archaic," Hood sai'
m2 < i4' !step last night to. pass an ordinance to the changes would give council greater
THURSDAY at 4pm and 8pm control high density development in control over development and heigt.
FREE exhibition atthe Union Anrb'sSuhre.solve traffic problems in southern At
atThe South Area is the Briarwood Mall Arbor.'
APendleton Room N ara sothofSadumBulvad "At least we'd like to get the bait
a $L west of Stone School Road, and north of rolling on the South Area," Hood said.
______________________________________________________________I-94, and development there has been Acag nteznn riac t
..,- an object of concern in council for some fects the entire city.
Awlr MA iIM Obew u1lad 25 they favored the amendment but in-
dwellin'g uisper acre wol edicated they wanted more time t
allowed according to the ordinance reconsider it. Late last night no action~
..passed at first reading at the evening had yet been taken on another'
i meeting. Currently, the zoning or- resolution directing the Planning
dinance allows a maximum of 124 Commission to review the'zoningo
zoning units in the highest multi-family vacant land in the South Area. Thi~
. "zoning classification, resolution was also submitted by lCourQ,
The limit on the number of units cilman Fisher and Hood. It included l
would effectively restrict the height of directive to the planning commission tib
future construction projects in those stop all action on petitions for zoning
zoning classifications, changes or site plans in areas zoned foT
Fourth Ward Councilmen Edward nmultiple-family dwellings in the Southi
EN G IN EER SHood and David. Fisher, both Area until the zoning ordinance amenm
E N G N E R SRepublicaans, submitted the ordinan- dment is approved by Council, or at~
O V E R S E A S. h rdnnewa ase prid sxt as unanimously. Next, the City Planning HOOD SAID THE new density limits
Commission must submit a report con- were numbers suggested as reasonablk
cerning the density changes to Council by city planners.
before final vote can be taken to change
*Don 't wear suits and ties the zoning ordinance. A public hearing
" Don't sit at desks will also be scheduled. " ./
0 DO work outdoors FISHER SAID the density changes'1 "
" Do take charge were proposed because of a citizen andC
council desire "to, reduce the density0
" DOfac may callnge Daiy Potoby YREA CANG and prevent the development of another
" Do bear heavy responsibilities ily eSofficldB llti
"DO operate sophisticated electronic equipmentEds nse ig en e tctlieSuhed" .ISnays toy nteER
Do record information on oil and gas wells Dual light bulbs, invented 100 years ago by Thomas Edisorn, illuminate his .Movathon, it was reported that
D inepethsifrainbusiness office in Greenfield Village. A banquet was held in Dearborn D iyO fcaBultnMissouri had not ratified the 19th
AOir pre thei ow nfoses io yesterday to honor the centennial observance of Edison's invention. 'Tedy coe2.17 mnmnwe nfc ti
"Are searching for tomorrow's energy lnaiy Calendar Mississippi that has never ratified tlile
_ "Computing Center: PL/C and PLIA Debugging for amendment which gave women thy:
J . ~~~~beginners, 1011 NUBS, noon. rgtt oe
THS OBISNO F R VRY NE BT T OUD EPhysical Education: John Faulkner, Ph.D,"o-rgtt oe
BUTIT OUD B .2J~tractile Propetieros ofI Human Sketetal Muscle, " 1250
IDA ORYU clc .U 2 Public Policy Studies: Theodore Moran, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y
"Multinational Corporations and Bargaining Power (USPS 344-900)'
'in the Third World," W. Conf. Rm., Rackham, 12:30 Volume LXXXX, No. 41"
An information meeting on the career opportunities with Nsp'm. Tuesday, October 23, 1979
Shlb r Overseas for students studying EE, ME or S NL S N I H Music School: Faculty harpsichord recital, St. An-
u ege c rews Church, 3 p.m. is edited and mans ged by student s as
Physics. Bioengineering: Robert Marshall, "Multispectral the University of . ichgn. Published
GI ,V D A & W HISKMicroscopy" 1042 E. Eng., 4 p m. daily Tuesday through Sunday rnig
GIN V D A \IHI KE Traditions of Provicetown Painting," Art & Arch., 4 May~nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigah
O CT. 24 -p CO KT IL &nl Mieaolgy Misui usription rates: $12 Se~ tern-
229VT IES EN IN ER N 40CCGooy&stn AidRobert Smith, , berl thoughid (2n semesters) 13mmbr
WE TE G N E I Go l01 CCLB.4 4p.m. tn:.session published Tuesday through]
EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Physics/Astronomy: M. Jonson, Indiana-U, Saturday mornings. Subscription ratesc
Inte vie ingOct 2'Electron-Phonon Dynamics and Transport $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail oub-
Antomaiewen Oct.25mta loy. 03 adal side Ann Arbor. 'Second class postaq e
Open 9 a m.-2 a.m. Monday-Saturday AoaisiRadmMtlloy,208anl, paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
66-56pm. MASTER: Send address changes to
2045 PACKARD 68958CRLT: Karl L. Zinn, "An introduction to UsingT MIHGND LY42Manr
c,________________________________ Personal Computers in Teaching," for reservations, TEMCIA AL,40Mya~
call 763-2396. Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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