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October 04, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-04

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'Pige 2-4hursday, October 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily


Americans fund Soweto school

A Counseling Services Group/Workshop
An eight week group workshop will be conducted for 6-10
students who are interested in exploring the relationship
between their personal aspirations, talents, opportunities and
values. Open to juniors, seniors, graduate students and re-
cent graduates. No fee.
Will meet Tuesdays from 4 to 6bp.m.
October 9-November 27
Come in and fill out a short application at Counseling Services,
3100 Michigan Union, 764-8312. Apply soon but no later than
October 8.
The University of Michigan
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Second Distinguished Senior Faculty
Lecture Series
Professor Angus Campbell
in a three-part series, will discuss

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - The
American Chamber of Commerce said yesterday it
will build Soweto's first private commercial high
school and community center to begin training blacks
for management jobs.
Chamber of Commerce members told a news con-
ference here that it presently was "impossible" to
find a black qualified to be an office manager, and
that unless action was taken immediately, U.S. com-
panies would be faced with a chronic shortage of
skilled labor to run their branches in South Africa.
THE DECISION to build the $4 million complex in
the satellite black township coincides with the white
minority government's plan to spend $115 million on
black teacher-training institutions and community
schools. Private companies have also made moves
recently to sponsor their own training programs.

Construction on the school, in which 600 students
will be enrolled, is scheduled to begin in January, and
will be financed by money raised by some of the 300
U.S. companies here, 100 of which are chamber
U.S. companies here are under fire at home from
critics who say their presence indirectly supports the
government's racist policies. U.S. businesses, most
of whom subscribe to a code prescribing equal em-
ployment conditions for all races, say their presence
has improved conditions for black workers.
THE BRITISH Barclays National Bank also an-
nounced that it will build a $4 million dollar "fully in-
tegrated" school in Johannesburg. The school is
scheduled to be completed in 1981, when the
American school is due to open.
To critics of South Africa's racial segregation
policies, which have institutionalized separate

education systems for blacks and whites, the current
efforts to improve the situation for blacks are too lit'
tie, too late.
Their main objection is the discrepancy in funds
allocated to the different racial groups. Last year, the
government spent more than $1 billion on educating
the children of South Africa's 4.4 million white
population, and only $540 million on the youngsters
among the non-white population of more than 20
million people.
In addition, more than 5,000 of the 29,000 black
teachers employed by the government in black
schools last year were unqualified.
In Soweto, the nation's largest city with 1.2 million
blacks, the secondary school enrollment is expected
to triple from 15,000 last eyear to 46,000 next year,
leaving the school system about 350 teachers short.

Commerce secretary resigns

(Continued from Page '1)
WHEN CARTER'S relations with the
business community ebbed, she
organized discussion groups between
the president and top business
executives. Experts say these meetings
contributed to changes in the ad-
ministration's economic priorities - a
shift to greater emphasis in the fight
against inflation and to encouraging
more investment.
Her departure would make her the
sixth person to leave the 12-member
Carter cabinet since the mid-July
shake-up undertaken by the president
to revitalize his administration.
In the reshuffle that followed Carter's

Camp David "Domestic Summit," the
president dismissed or accepted the
resignations of Treasury Secretary
Michael Blumenthal, Energy Secretary
James Schlesinger, Transportation
Secretary Brock Adams, Attorney
General Griffin Bell and Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW)
Secretary Joseph Califano.
IN THE SAME shake-up, Patricia
Harris remained within the cabinet but
shifted from the Housing and Urban
Development Department to succeed
Califano at HEW.
In addition, U.N. Ambassador An-
drew Young, who had cabinet rank,
resigned under fire last month for an
unauthorized meeting with a Palestine

Liberation Organization (PLO) official.
Kreps, who commuted to North
Carolina several weekends a month to
see her family, made no secret of her
dislike for the long hours and solitary
life she led in Washington.
"I FEEL that living alone has got to
be uncivilized - not having anyone to
say good morning or good night to," she
said earlier this year. "I hate it. I solve
it by working all the time."
Kreps planned to take a vacation with
her husband and three children when
her resignation became effective at the
end of this month, officials said.
There was no immediate word on who
might replace her as head of the Com-
merce Department.

... cites family responsibilities

Psychological Well-Being

We can't
afford to
waste it.

Tornado ravages Connecticut;
National Guard aids victims

October 4, 1979
October 11, 1979

Psychological Well-Being
Well-Being Through
the Life Cycle

October 18, 1979 Well-Being and Ill-Being
A reception in Rackham Assembly Hall will follow the final lecture
Rackham Amphitheatre - 8:00 p.m
All lectures are open to the public

Welcome Students

person was killed and at least 118 were
injured when a tornado struck without
warning yesterday, leaving a path of
smashed buildings and wrecked air-
planes and trucks.
Gov. Ella Grasso declared an 8 p.m. to
5 a.m. curfew and ordered in 200

Liberty off State-668-9329
East U. at South U.-662-0354
Maple Village-761-2733



(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 25
Thursday, October 4, 1979
is edited and managed by students at,
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann-Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ;$13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
ASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

National Guard troops because of what
she said was "grave concern" about
security in damaged areas after night-
fall. She said she had heard some repor-
ts of looting.f
out the injured, with most of them going
to Hartford hospitals.
Damage to planes at Bradley Inter-
national Airport could be as much as
$100 million, said Robert Carrier, chief
of aeronautics for the state Department
of Transportation.
Douglas Lloyd, state health com-
missioner, had originally said there
were two deaths, but later changed that
to one, adding that a report ofa second
death was being investigated. No
details were available. He said 10 of
those injured were in critical condition.
The tornado hit shortly before 3 p.m.
and left a five-mile path of destruction
frokm the Poquonopk section of Win-
dsor to the Bradley Air Museum at
Bradley International Airport. Inter-
state 91, the major north-south route
from New Haven to Canada, was closed
at Windsor Locks, midway between







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Student Newspaper at The University of Michigan
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Hartford and Springfield, Mass.
fast," said Margie Fisher, 26. "I was
scared stiff. We looked out the door and
saw everything going. Wood was flying
from the gas station across the street."
Daily Official Bulletin
Thursday, October 4, 1979
Daily Calendar
Computing Center: Hands-on demonstration LA36
Model 2 DECwriter, 405 UGLI, 8a.m.
Western European Studies: Jean Carduner, 5208
Angell, noon.
Anthropology: William Merrill, "A Year in the
Life of the Tarahumara Chihuahua Mexico," 2089
Mus. Bldg., noon.
Hopwood Room: Tea, Jan Kenyon, Hopwood
Room, 1012 Angell, 3:30 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: E. Yao, "Heavy Particle Ef-
fects via Factorization and Renornalization Group,"
2038 Randall, 4 p.m.
Guild House: Poetry readings, David Kozubei,
Deborah Soltar, Paul Bail, John Jackson, Nancy
Bock, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p,m.
LSA: -Angus Campbell, "Psychological Well-
Being," Rackham Amph, 8p.m.
General Notice
CEW will have a Library Open House on Monday,
October 15, 5 p.m. at 330 Thompson. The Library is
for students, faculty, scholars and others interested
in women's issues. The collection includes books,
government documents, journals, school and college
bulletins, and research reports of vocational resour-
ces, women and multiple roles, financial aid and
curriculum information, and reserach about women
and work, women and employment, and the status of
All interested persons in the community and the
Unoversity are welcome at the Open House and are
also welcome to use the library throughout the year.
For additional information, visit or call CEW, (313)
We think
it speaks
for itself.
Desert Boot
Ys,, . .
30 years ago; the practical
elegance and superb comfort
of Clarks" Desert Boot began
a casual revolution. And de-
spite its imitators, it remains
more than a step ahead of the
rest. In soft sand suede with
plantation crepe soles. For

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