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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
1 IaiIQ
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Vol. LXXXX, No. 25
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 4, 1979
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Masses welcome
Pope to
'Papa' urges return
to Christian values
From AP and Reuter
II, welcomed "home" yesterday to this
historic city he had visited in the 1976
Bicentennial, admonished the largest
American crowd he has seen to follow
the strict moral standards of their past.
Thousands were at Philadelphia's
airport as the papal jet "Shepherd I"
touched down in bright sunshine from a
rainy New York at 3:07 p.m. Hundreds
of thousands lined the streets into the
city. Police said a million or more were
at the pope's open-air Mass in Logan
IN HIS HOMILY at the Mass, John
Paul stressed his belief in priestly
celibacy and later, to a group of
seminarians, he referred to celibacy as
a "gift." He also said in his homily that
sex must be limited to marriage and
that freedom is discipline: following the
rules, not escaping them. '
"Whoever refuses to accept these
norms, and to act accordingly, whoever
seeks to liberate himself from these
norms, is not truly free," he said.
Many of the crowds in Philadelphia
had waited for hours for the pontiff. He
was running about an hour late when he
arrived from New York, where he had
spent much of his day with youth and
had been given blue jeans, a T-shirt and
a guitar as gifts.
AT NEW YORK'S Madison Square
Garden, some 20,000 young Catholics
turned the pontiff into "John Paul
Superstaer" by cheering him as they
would a rock idol.
When he arrived at Philadelphia In-
ternational Airport, one group of
youngsters held placards forming the
words "Philadelphia Welcomes Pope
John Paul II with Love," and, with a
nod from Cardinal John Krol, they tur-
ned over the cards to repeat the
message in Polish.
On the ride into the city, shouts of
"Papa! Papa!" greeted John Paul in
largely Italian South Philadelphia, and
balloons of papal gold and white drifted
ALONG BROAD Street, flags of
Philadelphia's blue and yellow,
America's red, white and blue,
and white of the Vatican fluttered in the
On his arrival, the pope referred to
the city's nickname, saying
"Philadelphia means brotherly love."
Gov. Richard Thornburgh, recalling
that Pennsylvania was founded on the
basis of religious freedom, greeted the
pope as a "spiritual Pennsylvanian,"
and said: "Welcome Home."
THE POPE himself recalled his 1976
visit as archbishop of Krakow at the
Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul. And in
the homily of his Mass at Logan Circle,
he noted that Philadelphia was the
home of the Declaration of Independen-
ce and said he found in the document
'There can be no true
freedom without respect
for the truth regarding
the nature of human
-Pope John Paul H
POPE JOHN PAUL. II responds to the huge crowd with his now familiar broad rains could not deter the thousands who waited patiently for the arrival of the
smile and raised hands at New York's Shea Stadium yesterday afternoon. Heavy pontiff, whose long awaited presence brought with it the sun.
reps quits t Commerce Dept.
From AP and Reuter
Secretary Juanita Kreps has resigned
for personal and family reasons, Carter
administration officials reported last
Kreps cited "personal, family rea-
sons" for leaving the Cabinet job, ac-
cording to Commerce spokesman Er-
nest Lotito.
He said the White House planned to
announce officially today that Carter
was acceting the resignation with
In Durham, N.C., Duke University
Chancellor Kenneth Pye said Kreps
would return to the school Nov. 1. She
has been on leave from her job as a
university vice president and
economics professor.
The officials did not amplify the
specific personal and family reasons
for the decision of Kreps, 58, the first
woman to head the Commerce Depar-
tment and one of the two women in the
Carter cabinet.
Her husband, Dr. Clifton Kreps, a
professor at the University of North
Carolina, was hospitalized on June 29 at
Chapel Hill, -North Carolina, after he
shot himself in the head, in what
authorities said was an apparent
suicide attempt.
THE OFFICIALS who reported
Kreps' resignation said her husband
was now fully recovered and in
Kreps served as Carter's chief
economic diplomat, traveling to
numerous foreign countries topromote
trade agreements including a trip to
"strong connections with basic
religious and Christian values."
"There can be no true freedom
without respect for the truth regarding
the nature of human sexuality and
marriage," the pope said, adding that
the traditional rules apply to "the whole
of conjugal morality."
The pontiff said: "In today's society,
we see so many disturbing tendencies
and so much laxity regarding the
Christian view of sexuality."
THESE TENDENCIES had one thing
in common, he explained: "Recourse to
the concept of freedom to justify any
behavior that is no longer consonant
China last spring. On that trip, she put
the finishing touches on the settlement
of U.S. claims outstanding since the
Communist takeover in 1949.
On the domestic front, Kreps was one
of the first to argue for a tax cut to
stimulate the economy, a measure that
put more money in consumers' pockets.
New dean tackles three jobs;
Rabkin has ideas, expertise
Even in these days of new math,
three halves have never equaled a
whole. But in the case of Eric Rabkin,
three half-time positions make for one
enormously busy day.
Rabkin, newly-appointed LSA
associate dean for long range planning,
has the unusual responsibility of
holding positions in the English depar-
tment on a half-time basis, associate
dean on a half-time basis, and Director
of the Collegiate Institute for Values in
Science for the other half.
"THIS SEMESTER I'm killing
myself," Rabkin joked.
It seems the popular English
professor has been busy since the day
he arrived in Ann Arbor. He has filled
numerous positions on University
committees and has been "exceedingly
effective" on such groups as the faculty
Senate Assembly, and more recedntly
on the faculty search committee for the
new University president, according to
those who have worked with him.
And students rave about his courses.
He has taught fantasy literature and
science fiction and the waiting lists for
those classes are always long.
"I REALLY do love to teach,"
with it, the administrator explained.
His responsibilities include the on-going
programming functions of deans and
handling departmental requests for
staff positions.
RABKIN SAID departments will be
forced to respond to pressures in
enrollment demand and increased
competition for limited funds. A key
area of his job, he said, would be
evaluating each unit in the college.
Rabkin said some programs inevitably
will have to be cut in the current era of
fiscal constraint.
"A program which arises for political
reasons may no longer be necessry 10
years later," he said, "because it isn't
that important for intellectual
Rabkin said he believes it is "vital for
the students we have here at the
moment that we continue to improve
the opportunity for intimate un-
dergraduate education.
"WHAT I want to do is to have a lec-
ture with 500 people just so those 500
can take classes of 15 and 20 to compen-
sate," Rabkin said.
He also said it will also be critical to
evaluate programs for potential
See NEW, Page 7
See COMMERCE, Page 2 Poland's red and white, and the gold See POPE, Page 9
..... ................... ........................................................... ....~ .:.. ..*.... .. . . . .. ... .
Computer allegedly 'bugged'
U authorities Z
release no details
As more and more people gain access to the Michigan
Terminal System (MTS), the number of abuses of the
University computer network has increased. In fact, an
alleged bugging occurred at the University computer cen-
ter, reportedly within the last three to four months.
According to Morton Brown, math professor and member
of the Senate Advisory Council on University Affairs
(SACUA), an authorized individual made a copy of a com-
puter program without the knowledge of the computer
operator. "The program was altered in advance to print out
a secret copy which was used," Brown said. AN UNIDENTIFIED woman operates a terminal con-
AFTER PRESENTING his version of the story last week nected to the University's computer network.
to SACUA, Brown asked Monday that his account be
deleted from minutes of the meeting. Brown said the in- occurred in the last three to four months.
cident is marginally related to another case which is According to Richard Volz, professor Electrical and
currently under investigation. "It must be kept confidential Computer Engineering, accessibility to most files depends
to protect an individual," he said. on the operator's own actions. "If someone is dumb enough}.
Brownoeclninddto , coment on ho btosshare their file with a lot of other people," Volz said, "the,
Brown declined to comment on how he became aware of cs ol cu
the situation, but admitted that he has very little contact case could occur. sk
with the computer center professionally. He also refused to program without the operator's knowledge, Volz said "that
say if the case is being investigated or when it occurred. depends on how stupid the other person is."
When the related problem is resolved, Brown said he VOLZ DID not have any information on the alleged
hopes to be able to discuss the bugging. "I think everything bugging, but said he was aware of a similar case which oc-
will be tied up for several months," he added. curred last March.
ONLY TWO people on campus are authorized to get at Gerald Rosberg, a Uversity Law School professor in
everybody's program, said Bernard Galler, professor of terested in computer ethics, did not know of the alleged
Computer Science, "but they don't do it." Galler, who has bugging. He said, however "I don't think this (a news
heard of the bugging case, but who calls his knowledge of it buggis He say owg r b I 'ons tin hi re wy
"hearsay," said the person who did this "was not a person story) is the way to go about 'his, even if I were privy to
>with unlimited access." Galler said he believes the bugging See NO, Page 9
.. .'killing' himself
Rabkin said.
"In a way, the classroom is the lab.
The human brain reacts to my ideas,
and of the 40-350 in the room, if 20-30
don't agree, then maybe something is
The expert in literary theory will not
have duties in the English department
next term, but will turn over his direc-
torship and resume teaching again next
fall. He does, however, lecture exten-
sively, both on and off campus.
Rabkin's new job as associate dean
depends much on what he chooses to do
was knocking back a few in a Flint bar. "I caught a two-
inch bass and a three-inch perch that I had to throw back,"
said Fisher of his catch. And, of his colleagues he noted:
"After all these years of taking me for granted, they've
finally admitted they miss me." Q
Soul tunes
At last, the Pope's smash hit autographed album has
arrived in Ann Arbor record stores. Recorded live during
the Pope's visit to his Polish homeland last June, the album
features the pontiff's lively baritone in a variety of Polish
folk and religious tunes. For $9.98 you can hear Papa sing
favorites such as "Do Not Be Afraid, Mary, You Lily," "We
Donna Summer albums, the pope's latest release had not,
as of late yesterday afternoon, enticed one customer.
"Frankly, we don't expect it to do well here, it's not our
market," said one Schoolkids employee. [
Catch a buzz
In the past, frisbee has been a spectator sport, but now
students at participating college campuses all over the
country will be able to fly along with their frisbees. The
National Buzz-Off Contest, an unconventional frisbee com-
petition, uses a specialized flying disc called the "buzzbee"
- a frisbee with a modified hash pipe in the middle which
buzzbee provides a windscreen when lighting up, and will
fly faster and further than a regular frisbee since it weighs
more, and; the "Buzz Bee Balancing" which is executed by
competitors simply walking 151 feet with a buzzbee perched
atop their heads. If it falls, the competitor must start again.
Produced by National Lampoon and Altered Perception
Inc., the contest will be sponsored by college radio stations.
President of Altered Perceptions Inc., Dorian Dale
described the Buzz-Off Contest as "an updated version of
the old picnic races like the potato sack race and the egg
race." d
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