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October 04, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-04

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 4, 1979-Page3

One girl dies, another critical
in bout with Reye's Syndrome

Perm Special
by Eunice
Including Hair Cut until Oct. 13
411 Hamilton-662-0023

From staff and wire reports
A five-year-old Sanilac County girl
hospitalized about two weeks ago -with
,Reye's Syndrome has died of the
mysterious children's disease, Univer-
sity Hospital officials said yesterday.
Suzie Girard of Peck, Michigan had,
been in critical condition since her Sept.
20 admission to Mott Children's
Hospital, part of the University
Hospital complex. She died Tuesday,
hospital spokesman Joseph Owsley
TWO OTHER GIRLS suffering from
Reye's Syndrome, which usually has a
fatality rate of about 30 to 40 per cent,
remain hospitalized at Mott.

One of the youngsters, a nine-year-old
Ann Arbor girl, was in critical condition
in the hospital's intensive care unit,
Owsley said. She had been admitted
Sept. 3 and initially had been ill with
The other victim, 16-year-old Julie
Jakab of Petodkey, was in fair con-
dition and had been removed from in-
tensive care. Admitted Sept. 22 after a
bout with a respiratory infection, she
had been in critical condition earlier.
drome patients brought the total num-
ber of cases reported in Michigan to 63
so far this year. There have been 10
deaths, including Girard.

Joseph Baublis, a University Medical
School pediatrics and communicable
disease professor, said last week that
the disease is not contagious and occurs
in children-and young adults recovering
from viral infections such as influenza
or measles.
Baublis explained that the
"initiating" disease breaks down the
body's defense mechanisms, causing
harmful "toxins" to store up in the
body, ultimately damaging the brain.
BAUBLIS, WHO IS the coordinator of
Mott's "Reye's Syndrome team," has
been battling the disease since 1974. He
said symptoms of the disease range
from vomiting to mental disorders. As

the body's defense mechanisms fail, he
said, hallucinations or periods of
delerium occur.
The "Reye's Syndrome team" at
Mott Children's Hospital, while not fin-
ding a cure for the disease, has
managed to reduce the death rate of af-
flicted children. Baublis said when the
team was establishe din 1974, nearly 50
per cent of the victims died. Baublis
said that figure is now down to 20 to 30
per cent.
Baublis said the team still does not
know what causes the disease, altough
environmental factors are suspected.
He said there are no clues as to what
children are more vulnerable to the
disease than others.

David Kozubei, Deborah
Soltar, Paul Bail, John
Jackson, Nancy Bock
readings from their works
Thurs., Oct. 4
7:30 PM

homemade soup &
sandwich 75t
"MIRAGE' "-A Teaching and
Performing Creative
a panel presentation
Friday, Oct. 5

11 noon
Monroe, (corner of Oakland)


1 /

Ke hey sues Flint for pollution;

Cty officials we
LANSING (UPI) - Attorney General Frank Kelley sued
the city of Flint yesterday in a bid to clean up what officials
call one of the state's most serious municipal pollution
problems, but city officials said they welcome the action.
FLint Mayor James Rutherford said the city has filed its
own suit over equipment at its waste water treatment plant
and hopes the two actions can be considered together.
THE SUIT WAS Kelley's second charging a Michigan city
with water pollution. A similar action is pending against the
city of Detroit.
Kelley asked the Genessee County Circuit Court to order
Flint to take corrective action to halt the pollution of the Flint
Kelley charged the plant's discharges contain excessive
levels of phosphorus and ammonia in violation of state and
federal water quality standards. Fish and aquatic life are
threatened and residents of the area have complained of foul
odors originating at the plant, he said.
PLANT OFFICIALS, Kelley charged, have repeatedly
ignored or failed to comply with pollution warnings from the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
-The suit asks that Flint be ordered to undertake a program


lcome action
of corrective measures established by the state Department
of Natural Resources to bring the treatment plant into com-
pliance with federal and state standards.
It seeks a penalty of $10,000 for each day the city fails to
comply with a court-established corrective program and
asks that the city be required to reimburse the state for the
cost of enforcing pollution standards.
"I REALIZE that the city of Flint faces serious problems
and difficulties in its effort to correct this situation," Kelley
"But this problem cannot be allowed to continue. I'm not
happy about taking the city of Flint to court, but after con-
ferring with Natural Resources Director Howard Tanner, I
feel there is no choice."
Rutherford called Kelley's action "very understandable."
"HE HAS A JOB to protect the environment and a job to
protect the water. We understand that," he said.
Rutherford said there is "absolutely no contest" that the
river is being polluted, but said the city believes the problem
stems from equipment installed at the plant in 1974.
He claimed the city was forced to accept the equipment
because it was part of a low bid offer and currently is in court
against the contractor.



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his second suit


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
yesterday soundly defeated two attem-
pts by environmentalists to weaken
President Carter's proposal for a
powerful new agency to speed new
energy projects.
By votes of 59-38 and 60-34, the Senate
agreed to give an Energy Mobilization
Board broad powers to push for con-
struction of new facilities, including
synthetic fuel plants and oil refineries.
SENATORS concerned about the en-
vironmental dangers of such new
facilities did win one major concession
that would give the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) veto power
over some projects.
By a voice vote, the Senate agreed
that if plants are found to be a hazard to
health after construction begins, the
EPA would have authority to stop
building. But that could occur only if
state or local governments sought to
-block construction.
The Interior Departmentwould also
have to certify that the energy project
would not be a danger to wildlife if it
were built.
" LATER, environmentalists also suc-

power to override federal laws which
inhibit the construction of new energy
The amendment was urged by Sen.
Walter Huddleston (D-Ky.), who
criticized "untouchable" environmen-
tal protection laws which he said should
not be permitted to limit energy
But overall, the president's proposed
board designed to open bureaucratic
bottlenecks survived intact, despite an
intensive assault from Senate environ-
mentalists and states' rights advocates.
IN THE FIRST key vote, the Senate
voted to table, or kill, a version of the
board with much weaker powers than
those urged by Carter.
Later, there was an attempt by Sen.
Edmund Muskie (D-Maine), to
eliminate a section of Carter's proposal
allowing the mobilization board to step
in if state and local agencies failed to
meet decision deadlines. That effort
also failed.
In opposing Carter's version of the
board, Sen. Gary Hart, (D-Colo.), said:
"Our energy needs are great. But they
are not so great we have to abandon all

Energy Board

HART SUPPORTED a version of the
board proposed by Sens. Muskie and
Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.), and
backed by environmental organizations
and associations of city, county and
state governments.
Under the Carter version approved
by the Senate Energy Committee, the
mobilization board would be em-
powered to force local and stte agencies
to meet deadlines for approval or
disapproval of a wide range of energy
If work on a project had already
begun, local agencies and state gover-
nments would be prohibited from
retroactively blocking it.
RIBICOFF'S proposal would have
required court approval for most ac-
tions by the board. It would also have
been limited to selecting 24 priority
projects, compared to the president's
proposal, which set no ceiling.
At stake are billions of dollars prop-

posed for the construction of oil
refineries, synthetic fuel plants and gas
and oil pipelines, which are often
delayed by regulations at all levels of
Environmentalists say they are
afraid that in the rush to ease U.S.
dependence on foreign oil, the country
will reverse the drive to reduce and
control industrial pollution in the air
and water.
The president's proposed
mobilization board, Muskie said, "is a
clear attack on environmental laws,
especially the Clean Air Act."
Moreover, he said, state and local
governments should retain the right to
decide the wisdom of controversial
energy projects.
SEN. HENRY Jackson (D-Wash.),
chairman of the Senate Energy Com-
mittee, questioned "punctilious con-
cern for the environment and states'

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RSG head proposes

ceeded in defeating, 56 to 37, an attempt other national goals in a single-minded
to give the board and the president the pursuit of new energy plants." elee ti 0i ru le s e h a i g e
Citing concern over a lack of student "really a collection of departments . .
jqG and the departments have a fairly
participation in Rackham Student strong organization." Milbrath ex
Government ( RSG) , Bob Milbrath,
Govenmen (RG), ob ilbrthplained that the proposed amendment
RSG president proposed an amendment p d the prosedtamendmeni
to the Rackham constitution would
Tuesday night to the RSG constitution utilize the program organization of t
which would change the RSG Executive graduate school at the de
ri%,nn~ ntntin nrnnc grauat scool t te dpartment


His Holiness
will speak in
sunda y, October 7-4:00 pm.
"The Ruddhist Way to WodAd P eace"

Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Bicycle Thief, 7 p.m.; A Brief Vacation,
8:45, Nat. Sci. Auditorium.
Cinema II- Women's Film Festival, 7 p.m. Angell Hall Aud. A.
Cinema Guild - Repulsion, 7,9:05 p.m. Old Arch. Aud."
Mediatrics Films - Utamaro and Five Women, 7, 8:40, 10:20,
Michigan Union Assembly Hall.
Black Student Union - mass meeting, 7 p.m. Trotter House.
Students for ERA - 7 p.m., Stockwell Conference Room.
Musical Society - Bohemian State Folk Ballet of Prague, 8 p.m.,
Power Center.
Musical Society - Soprano Joan Sutherland and pianist-conductor
Richard Bonynge in recital, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
College of Engineering - John Dealy, "Some Difficulties in the
Application of Engineering Principles to Plastics Processing," 11
a.m., East Engineering, Room 2084.
Anthropology - William Merrill, "A Year in the Life of the.
Tarahunar Chihuahua Mexico," noon, 2009 Music Building.
Hopwood Room - Hopwood Tea, Jane Kenyon, 3:30 p.m., Hop-
wood Room.
Young Workers Liberation League - Judith Mercadel and Walter
Corley "SALT II FOrum," 7p.m., Trotter House.
LSA - Angus Campbell, "Psychological Well-Being," 8 p.m.,
: Rackham Auditorium.

Councul election process.
After presenting his proposal at the
RSG Executive Council meeting,
Milbrath explained the proposed
amendment must first be approved by
council and then by the Rackham
student body in an election. He added
that an RSG subcommittee will have
completed the entire text of the amen-
dment by the RSG Executive Council's
next meeting Tuesday.
THE PROPOSED amendment seeks
to end its current practice of electing
RSG Executive Council members in
Rackham school-wide elections. In-
stead, Milbrath said, the amendment
would create an assembly of ap-
proximately 120 representatives who
would be selected from departments
within the Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. This assembly would meet
twice a year to select Executive Council
If the amendment passes, the tecent
role of the Executive Council would
remain similar, according to Milbrath.
The amendment only would change the
number of council members to 11.
Currently, there are 12 people serving
on council.

Several Executive Council members
questioned Milbrath's proposal. Coun-
cil member Ashok Katdare expressed
concern that the system proposed by
the amendment would cost RSG more
money than the current system, and
thought a 120-member assembly might
be less efficient.
But council member Ted Pena said
"the question isn't whether it (the
proposed system) will be perfect, but
whether it will be better."




Friday, Oct. 5
4:00 pm
Aud A and
SUN., OCT. 7
8:00 P.M.
SUN., OCT. 14
8:00 P.M.

Nicaragua: Patria Libre 0 Morr
Fim be ngs wth scenes of Fol 1978 upr s ng by FSLN-explores history of
ntervention in Nicaragua and role os Sandino-Eden Pastora (Commandonte
Cero) discusses organization and armed struggle- interviews women and men
of FSLN--Ernesto Cardenal celebrates Mass in camp and speaks of the oppressed
and liberation.
Six Days In Soweto
"Six Days In Soweto- is a cinematically stunning and emotionally powerful
film-not merely a record of rebellion against the violence of apartheid. but
an insight into the daily lives and consciousness of the people of Soweto. -

- -I

It WT r

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