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November 12, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-12

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The Michigan Daily-S


70"r -

Bus service extended
Here's good news for North Campus residents-the University
is testing extended bus service to North Campus starting tomorrow.
The extended service begins with a bus leaving the main shelter on
Central campus at 12:45 a.m. The last bus will leave Central campus
at 2:15 a.m., returning from Baits at 2:23 a.m. and from Northwood V
at 2:35 am. Sunday through Thursday. On Friday and Saturday the
last hus will leave Central campus at 2:55 a.m., returning from Baits
at 3:03 a.m. and from Northwood V at 3:15 a.m. An early bus will leave
Baits at 6:45 a.m. Monday through Friday instead of 7:17 a.m. The ex-
tended service which will end Dec. 15, will not be in effect during the
holiday weekend, Nov. 22-26.
Take ten
A great deal was going on over at MSU Nov. 12, 1968. First, three
top editors at the student paper, the State News, had to take a cut in
pay after running an allegedly off-color story on a situation at the
University of Wisconsin where the paper there had come under fire for
printingobscene words and retaliated by running excerpts from Lady
Chatterly's Lover. The State News editors reprinted some of the
Lawrence book in their coverage of the affair. Also, a vice president at
MSU was cleared that day from a conflict of interest charge by selling
business interests to his brother.
,Happenings Sna
Cinema II-The Last Detail, 7, 9;Aud. A Angell Hall.
Cinema Guild-Alice's Restaurant, 7,9:05, Old Arch. Aud.
U Club-"Brunch on the Terrace;" dance music from the British
Isles, 10:00 a.m., 1st floor Michigan Union.
Israel Dance Performing Group-12.1, Hille, 1429 Hill St.
(Followed by Israeli dancing at Hillel, 1-3).
Music School-Willis Patterson, bass singer, 4:00, Rackham Aud.
Kelsey Museum-"Guardians of the Nile: Sculpture from Karanis
in the Fayoum, 1250 B.C.-A.D. 450," Diane Reiersgord, 2:00, Kelsey
American Friends' Service Committee-"Can an Israeli State and
a Palestinian State Coexist?," Symposium, 2:30, Friends'
Meetinghouse, 1414 Hill St.
Young Socialist Alliance-"Affirmative Action in Crisis," Nan
Bailey,7:30, Conf. Rm. 3, Michigan Union.
Gay Undergraduates Group-Pot Luck Supper, 6:00, Rainbow
Way, 546 Walnut St.
People's Action Coalition-8:00, MSA Room, Third floor,
Michigan Union.
Metropolitan Community Church-Worship Services 3-4:30,
Fellowship hour afterwards, 1306 Beechwood St.
Delta Delta Delta Sorority-Art Auction, Preview 6:30, Auction
7:30, Schorling Auditorium at School of Education, Monroe St.
Donation: $2 or $1.50 in advance.
Clrgy and Laity Concerned-Television Program "The Fight for
Food' 8:00, Channel 56.
Cocert-Chicago, 8:00, Crisler Arena.
Scolarships-Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate
women for 1979-80 academic year now available from office of the
Director of Student-Alumni Association, first floor Michigan Union.
Deadline for obtaining applications: December 15, 1978, 5:00.
Women's Studies-Job Discrimination: Doing Something About
It, 7:00, MLB 3.
Aan Arbor Film Co-op-Steel Helmet, 7:00; Park Row, 8:30, Aud.
A Angell Hall.
mclear Concerns Film Series-Lovejoy's Nuclear War, 7:30,
Michgan Union.
Campus Orchestra, 8:00, Hill Auditorium.
Applied Mechanics, Engineering Science-"Wave Propogation
in Tibes Containing Streaming Fluid," Werner Goldsmith, 4:00, 214
W. Eng.
Child and Family Studies-"Sexuality as a Life Force," Dr. Sol
Gorcon, Syracuse College, 7:00, Rackham Aud.
School of Education-"The Evaluation of Free Style," three
spekers-television program on sex-role stereotyping, 7:00, 4212
Schol of Education Building.
illel-"City of David: Bibical Jerusalem in the Light of the New
Arcaeological Discoveries," Prof. Yigal Shiloh, Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, 7:30, Hillel, 1429 Hill St.
Center for Russian and East European Studies-"A Polish Pope:
TheMeaning of the Election ofJohn Paul II,"Prof. Vincent Chrypin-
ski,8:00, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Committee Concerned With World Hunger-"Hunger in Detroit,"
Eleanor Josiatis, 8:00, 3001 Vaughn Building. (Documentary
"Malnourished Motown" to be shown before the talk).
People's Action Coaliton-"The Repression of Radicals at the
University," Bertell Olman, 8:00, School of Education Building.
Pro-Professional Counseling Office-Pre-Graduate Business Day,

1;1Z and 1:30-4, 2nd floor, Michigan League.
World Hunger Conference-A Day Without Sunshine, 3:00, 3001
Vaughn Bldg.
People's Action Coaliton-'So You Think There is Academic
Freedom; Tenure and You," 3:30, Greene Lounge, East Quad.
Continuing Education for Women-"Report on U-M Women 1978,"
4:0(, Fourth floor, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Ann Arbor Dharma Study Group-Open House, 7:30, 734 Mountain
Xanadu Co-op-Scottish Country Dancing, 7:30, 1811 Washtenaw
Wesley Foundation-"The Fight for Food," television show (Ch.
56) and discussion leader, 8:00, Wesley Foundation, Huron and State
Sing a song of Subaru
The ol' show-biz bug has bitten Susan Ford, former President
Gerald Ford's youngest off-spring. Susan is singing the praises of the
Japanese made car Subaru in a commercial she filmed recently in
front of the U.S. Capitol. "Ford . . in Subaru. I designate Subaru my
running mate,"she crooned. A few of the lines did give Susan trouble.
"This car fills my energy bill" more than once came out "This car
kills my energy bill." Nonetheless, director Rick Levine appeared en-
chanted with Ms. Ford's talents. "Belt it out baby," he yelled. "You
t~o:n -a of a rntor T " A u.niAna Pov e T ? Well hev

WASHINGTON (AP)-Eight months report las
after HEW Secretary Joseph Califano existed for
Jr. touched off concern over paraquat- months sn
contaminated marijuana, a federal daily conta
drug agency has toned down its paraquat.
estimate of the hazard posed to heavy It also it
marijuana smokers. report that
The heavy users still could run a risk those who;
of permanent lung damage from contaminat
smoking Mexican marijuana tainted by IN ITS F
the tasteless, odorless, colorless -but also warnE
poisonous herbicide, according to a more to wo
final report released, yesterday by the contamina
National Institute on Drug Abuse. regular m
BUT THE INSTITUTE fixed the more can
danger level at five marijuana cigaret- tobacco sm
tes daily for a year, with each con- The NID
taining 500 parts per million of that comp
paraquat. It makes no mention of a risk marijuana
for occasional smokers. percentage
The institute, an agency within the produce tur
Department of Health, Education and It also cit
Welfare,'had said in its preliminary chronic ma

t March that the danger
r anyone who for several
roked three to five joints
ining 450 parts per million of
indicated in its preliminary
1 there could be a risk for
smoked less often or fewer
Ied joints.
FINAL report, the institute
ed that pot smokers have
rry about than just paraquat
ation. The institute said
narijuana smoke contains
cer-causing agents than
A report cited a 1975 study
pared to tobacco smoke,
smoke contains a higher
of carcinogens known to
tmors in certain animals.
ed a recent study that found
rijuana smokers-those who

dangers 'tone

smoke five or more joints a day-had
less ability to exhale air than those
who smoked 16 or more cigarettes a
day. The recent study said tars from
marijuana smoke were shown to
produce tumors in laboratory-tested
paraquat last March 12 created a stir
within the nation's marijuana-smoking
community. Users reacted with fear
about the safety of their marijuana and
resentment of the U.S. role in supplying
$35 million to Mexico to support
spraying the herbicide on poppy and
marijuana fields.
There was a brief but frenzied flurry
of private labs offering paraquat
analysis and sales to a do-it-yourself
test kit that later was found not to work.
The PharmChem Research Foun-
dation of Menlo Park, Calif., became a
clearinghouse for marijuana tests, and
reported finding paraquat on 30 to 50
per cent of the pot that smokers sent in
anonymously. But the federal Center
for Disease Control double-checked its
results in August and found only 2 per

unday, November 12, 1978-Page 3
d down'
cent of the samples were contaminated.
The report released yesterday was
based on examination of Mexican
marijuana confiscated by the Drug En-
forcement Administration in Califor-
.nia, Texas and Arizona in 1976 and 1977.
THIRTEEN OF 100 lots were con-
taminated. Institute scientists said all
13 were in 61 lots seized after Oct. 22,
1976, however, so they pegged the con-
tamination rate at 21 per cent.
But they admitted they had no way of
telling if 21 per cent of the marijuana
actually sold on the street was con-
taminated. The institute says it knows
of no confirmed cases of paraquat
The institute's 13 contaminated lots
contained traces of paraquat ranging
from 3 to 2,264 parts per million, with an
average of 455 parts per million.
However, only five of the lots contained
more than 92 parts per million, the in-
stitute added.
The institute report said about 97 per
cent of any paraquat in marijuana is
destroyed harmlessly when the cigaret-
te is lighted.

Cereal antitrust case
standsill continues

Daily Oficial Bulle tin

WASHINGTON (AP)-One of the
government's major antitrust cases, a
61/2-year-old assault on the cereal in-
dustry, is at a standstill and may soon
suffer another setback.
The Federal 'Trade Commission
(FTC) has ordered a halt to the mam-
moth case it instituted in 1972-a case
that hinges on a theory that the leading
cereal companies constitute a "shared-
The FTC has held up further action on
the cereal case because of a problem in-
volving Administrative Law Judge
Harry Hinkes, the man who has
presided over the case since its incep-
The problem stems from Hinkes'
retirement in September. He signed a
''professional services'' contract. with
the FTC calling for $46,800 through next
August while he finished work on the
case and submits his opinion to the
HOWEVER, ONE of the companies
accused in the case, General Mills, Inc.,
challenged the arrangement, saying it
violates Civil Service rules. The com-
mission suspended activity in the case
while it considers the General Mills
Hinkes had been expected to finish
the trial next year. But if he is
disqualified, substantial parts of the
case might have to be retried at heavy
cost and with major new delays. The
FTC already has spent some $5 million
on the case.
Whenever the cereal industry case is
decided, it is expected to have a major

impact in antitrust enforcement.
IF THE FTC eventually wins, the
government is expected to use it as a
precedent to seek divestitures in other,
highly concentrated industries. But if
the FTC loses, the government will be
discouraged from bringing similar
cases involving alleged "shared
The original 1972 complaint said that
the four largest manufacturers of
ready-to-eat cereal controlled about 90
per cent of the market. It said they
realized that if they were aggressive in
competing with outsiders and rot with
each other, they all would be highly
A commission staff study estimated
that cereal prices would be 20 per cent
to 25 per cent lower in a truly com-
petitive market.
In addition to General Mills, defen
dants in the case are Kellogg Co. and
General Foods Corp. Charges against a
fourth cereal company, Quaker Oats
Co., were dropped earlier this year.
The government alleges, among
other things, that industry leaders pur-
sue "follow-the-leader" pricing prac-
tices, participate in policies that limit
access by competitors to grocery store
shelves and introduced about 150 new
cereal brands between 1950 and 1970 to
stifle competition.
The trial phase of the government's
antitrust proceedings began in May
1976 after extensive resistance by the
companies to the FTC's subpoenas for
documents to support its charges.

Daily Calendar:
Kelsey: Gallery Talk, Diane Reiersgord,
"Guardians of the Nile: Sculpture from Karanis in
the Fayoun," 1250 BC - A.D.450, Kelset, 2p.m.
Music School: Faculty voice recital, W. Patterson,
bass, Rackham,4p.m.
lDailv Calendar:
Physics/Astronomy: I. Hinebliff, Lawrence
Berkeley Lab., 2038 Randall: S. Tremaine, Institute
for Advanced Study, "The Rings of Saturn and
Uranus." 845 Dennison, 4 p.m.
CEW: "Report on U-M Women 1978," 4th Floor,
Rackham, 4 p.m.
Applied' Mechanics/Eng. Sci.: Werner Goldsmith,

"Wave.Propagation in Tubes Containing Steaming
Fluid," 214 W. Eng., 4p.m.
Ctr. Russian/E. European Studies: Vincent
Chrypinski, U-Windsor, "A Polish Pope: The
Meaning of the Election of John Paul II." Rackham,
Volume LXXXIX, No.58
Sunday, November 12,1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan .48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, /Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday
morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.



From the pen at celebrated screenplay writer, Robert Towne, comes the
story of "Bad Ass" Bodinsky, a low-ranking Navy man who is assigned to
escort a compulsive thief (Randy Quard) to a naval prison in Maine. Their
no-holds barred, last-fling adventures along way provide the substance of
the movie and one of the richest= and most.humorous character studies in
years. JACK NICHOLSON, once again, nominated for an Academy Award,
turns in yet another rendition of his inimitable film persona. Quard was
also nominated for Best Supporting Actor. With CAROL KANE (from Hester
Street and Annie Hatt).






Based on the record of the same title, Arlo Guthrie, songster, prankster,.
and menace to society, takes us along his adventures with Alice and friends.
Through it all, Arlo provides both the theme and continuity for a comedy that
takes us way back to those idyllic 60's when life was offering everything,
except in Alice, of course. JONI MITCHELL and WOODY GUTHRIE.
TUES: Corman at the movies:

QCInema Guild

7:00 & :os


Ronald V. Dellums
Congressmanifrom Berkeley, California
'iThe Rakke Case : The Effects
on Affirmative Action",
8 pm Rackham Aud. Nov. 15

ITALIAN BUFFET ...... $3.95
SPAGHETTI ......o..... $2.50


Huge Salad Bar with over 30 items
2 Home Made Soups
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Now Showing Central Campus Buffer

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