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November 12, 1978 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-12

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Page 4-Sunday, November 12. 1978-The Michigan Daily




Four Democrats and one
Republican were victorious
in Tuesday's election.
Moving clockwise from the
bottom left they include:
Incumbent Regent Paul
Brown of Petoskey; Dr.
Edward Pierce, the state
senator-elect, from Ann
Arbor; incumbent
Republican U.S. Rep. Carl
Pursell, who received two-
thirds of the vote in his
election win over Earl
Greene; incumbent state
Rep. Perry Bullard; and
incumbent Regent James
Waters of Muskegon.

the Senate giving Michigan one of the most
liberal teams in that body.
The voters also returned Governor William
Millikento the state House. If the Governor
serves his entire term he will have held the
office longer than anyone in the state's history.
Speculation abounds that because Milliken is
one of the most popular Republicans in the
nation he may seek higher office.
Milliken buried his opponent Democratic
state Senator William Fitzgerald 56 per cent to
44 per cent. Fitzgerald had sought to discredit
Milliken and win the election by continually
taking the Governor to task for the. PBB
scandal. But the voters returned the governor
to office with the largest plurality he has ever
Congressman Carl Pursell was returned to
Washington by the voters. He received 66 per
cent of the vote in a landslide victory over Ann
Arbor City Councilman Earl Greene.
Greene's name almost did not appear on the
ballot after he barely got enough signatures in
time to qualify for election. Pursell had
received most of therendorsements before the
election and was heavily favored by the unions,
somewhat of a rarity for a Republican in
It was a long wait for Dr. Edward Pierce but
the Ann Arbor Democrat finally won an
election Tuesday. After two unsuccessful
attempts at the U.S. Congress seat currently
held by Pursell; Pierce was elected to the state
Senate. Pierce defeated his Republican
opponent, University associate professor C.
William Colburn. Pierce had gainedsnotoriety
in the early 1970s when he left a successful
medical practice to open a medical clinic in
Ann Arbor.
Pierce and Representative Perry Bullard,
who was re-elected to the stateHouse of
Representatives were both aided by an
extremely heavy student voter turnout, which
occurred largely because of Proposition D.
Democratic incumbents James Waters and
Paul Brown were re-elected, to the University
Board of Regents. Waters had been running
behind former state Senator Republican
Gilbert Bursley in the early election returns
but he eventually pulled ahead. Both Brown
and waters have served for eight years as
Regents and if they serve the full term they
were elected to on Tuesday they will be
Regents for eight more years. Both Brown and
Waters have agreed with the Univesity position
against divestment of stock holdings in
American companies doing business with the
apartheid South African regime.
Engin School
to move north
In this time of high inflation and ballooning
cost of living when taxpayers have asked the
state to limit taxation the University has had
difficulty convincing the state legislature it
needs more revenue from Lansing than it is
getting. It has been especially difficult in
recent years for the University to get state
funding for capital expenses.
In 1974 the college of Engineering realized if
they were going to complete plans to move the
college to North campus it had better not rely
on the state for funding. In that year the school
decided to undertake a Capital campaign. An
ambitious goal of $20 million was set.
On thursday morning College of Engineering
Dean David Ragone, Capital Campaign
National Chairman James Knott, and
University President Robben Fleming
announced the goal had been exceeded by
$80,000. The campaign represents the largest

fund-raising goal ever reached by a school or
college at the University.
The drive was bolstered by several large
contributions from industry and foundations
including General Motors, the Herbert and
Grace Dow Foundation, and the Henry and
Margaret Towsley Foundation.
It is expected that by 1981 Engineering
students will be attending classes and
laboratories on North Campus in four buildings
yet to be constructed.

MSA V.P. resigns




Democrats gaia
The voters of the state of Michigan agreed
with Robert Griffin Tuesday. Michigan's senior l
senator, a man who has served 22 years in
Congress eventually moving up to the position
of Senate minority whip, told the voters in April;
of last year that the Senate was in need of new
blood and that it would be unfair for the voters1
if he continued in office. Griffin said he was ]
Although he later changed his mind he had
already convinced the voters and on election l
day Griffin was defeated by the former 1

the Farm Labor Organizaing Comnittee, al
Alpha Hernandez, a legal aid attorney from tl
border town of Del Rio, Texas.
Cuevas and Germanatta discussed' 'd
problems of migrant workers across the cou
try, while Hernandez concentrated on ti
brutality of the U.S. Immigration Service, at
its denial of basic human rights.

n in '78 election
President of the Detroit city Council Carl
Levin, considered liberal in his approach to
the nation's problems was making his first
attempt at state wide office. He won the
election with 53 per cent of the vote, winning in
traditional Griffin strongholds like the Upper
Peninsula and Detroit's northern suburbs.
Levin claimed in the campaign that his
experience with the federal bureaucracy on the
local level will give him a unique perspective.
He will join freshman Senator Donald Reigel in

Prop Dpasses
The reaction of local bar owners and 18 to 20
year olds to the approval of Propisiton D by 55
per cent of the state's voters was predictable.
"The Archie Bunkers who prompted Proposal
D are going to be surprised when they find out
it's going to be as effective as a screen door in a
submarine, it won't hold water," said Bill Mar-
zonie, the manager of Don Cisco's.
In the wake of the passage of Proposal D,
Mayor Louis Belcher asked the city attorney to
draft a lenient city liquor law, students at
Western Michigan University had already star-
ted a petition drive to get the amendment
reversed on the 1980 ballot, and state Represen-
tataive Perry. Bullard said he was going to
draft legislation which will aim for civil, rather
than criminal, penalties for possession and
consumption of alcohol by 18 to 20 year olds.
When the proposal goes into effect East Lan-
sing and Ann Arbor will have more stringent
penalties for the possession of alcohol than for
possession of marijuana.
Several opponents of the ballot referendum
announced intentions of challenging D in
federal court. It is unclear whether drinking is
a right or a privilege and any court challenger
may turn on that definition.
Teach-in on
A teach-in on Mexico, sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin
America, ran for three snights last week in
Schorling Auditorium. Speakers focused on a
multitude of problems affecting Mexicans and
Mexican-Americans, in particular the sup-
pression of their political power.
The featured speaker was Hector Marroquin,
formerly a radical student leader in Mexico,
who fled to the United States in 1974 after being
labeled a subversive and a terrorist by his
government. Marroquin is currently seeking
political asylum in the United States, and Wed-
nesday night he detailed the problems he is
having in obtaining asylum when he is con-
sidered a Communist opponent of a friendly
Also speaking Wednesday night was Juan
Jose Penna, one of the founders of Raza Unida
(a Chicano political party based in the South-
west), and Julia Preston, a freelance journalist
who discussed the womens' movement in
On Tuesday two American professors, James
Cockcroft from Rutgers and Sheldon Liss from
the University of Akron, spoke on past and
current political repression in Mexico as well
as the involvement of U.S. intelligence agen-
ciesin that country's affairs.
Of particular interest were the revelations
Liss made concerning the active role the FBI
has taken in infiltrating organizations which
threaten U.S. economic interests south of the
border, including labor and student groups.
Capping off the teach-in Thursday night were
Fernando Cuevas and Paul Germanatta from

When an elected representative finds thg
her views on issues are in the minority then
are two things she can do: stay and fighto
quit. This week Michigan Student Assemble
Vice-President Nancy Smith resigned:
"Instead of trying to change the world b
working on state, national, and world wid
issues, I think MSA should try to work on afe
problems on campus and get sometiing done;
said Smith. "Not that those issues oreh
important, it's just that we can't do mucht
change them. Many assembly member
disagree with me on this.
Smith also attacked the Assembly for tryin
to increase student involvement with tli
University selection process.
"It's the Regents' job to choose the . ne~
president, and if they ask for MSA input the
should give it if they want, or forget it," sai
Smith. "Trying to take away the power.of t
Regents to make this choice ofgoing on an og
trip "
She also criticized the Assembly's inability
obtain crucial publicity for running studei
buses to North Campus at late hours.
According to several MSA member
possible nominees for Smith's replacemei
include Sean Foley, Dave ILaverty, Ji,
Allmand and. Kate Rubin. The new vic
president will be elected from 1\SA ranks an
will serve until the next campus-wide election,

beirMtcbzlan rA ,
420Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Eigh ty-Nine Years of Editorial Free om
LXXXIX, No. 58 News Phone: 764-055:
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



*The U So z
assumed office he vowed to
doggedly attack violations of human
rights wherever they may occur. But
throughout his alleged campaign
against human rights violations, the
President has been very selective
about who he criticizes; he has denied
the existence of political prisoners in
the U.S.; although he has verbally
denounced certain offenders of the
United Nations code of human rights,
many of his policies toward those
countries have remained virtually

mnd the shah
It was generally said - and believed
- that the arms were needed for Iran's
external defense. But events over the
past few months have shown that the
arms were actually needed for internal
defense - to keep the shah in power.
The shah, who enjoys his current
position as a result of an American CIA
aided ovethrow of the constitutionally
elected government in 1953, put Iran
under military rule this week in order
to restore some semblance of peace.
The shah's opponents, who have been
venting their frustration in the streets
and have effectively shut down
... ,. .. _. . ., L ., .. ... 3. ,. .,xA - A . .


Canham's big

Letters to the Daily


Perhaps most disconcerting, operations in tne 011 industry, to a
however, has been the President's large extent are portrayed by the shah
whole-hearted support of the Shah as religious reactionaries who want to
Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of Iran - a return the country to a 14th century
man who has overseen some of the most mode of living by the Koran.
repugnant and methodical violations of W hile the shah's opposition has a
human rights anywhere in the world. strong religious fiber, many forget the
In the West, the shah has generally social egalitarianism which is so much
been considered a democratic a part of the Islamic religion.
modernizer. For years he has been Moreover, the National Front,
portrayed in the American press and comprised of many western-educated
byU.S. Leaders asareformer, popular intellectuals, engineers,
among his people for distributing land businesspersons and workers ask only
to the poor, and capitalizing on Iran's for a return to a constitutional
huge oil reserves to create one of the democracy. The all have one common
most stable economies in the Mideast. goal, however, the end of dictatorship
The most pertinent facts about Iran, by the shah.
however, were never broadcast very How often have we heard that the
loudly: the 60 per cent illiteracy rate; goal of U.S. foreign policy has been to
the fact that three out of five rural make the 'world safe for democracy."
families are either landless or nearly Clearly, no one can believe that the
landless; there is only one doctor for people of Iran now live in a democracy
about every 3,000 persons. Yet, Iran is where the government works for the
one of the world's leading arms betterment of all. If we still believe in
importers, second only to East the basic principles of our foreign

To the Daily:
The Daily's Saturday editorial,
"Canham's Big Business," was
most welcome! How often do we
hear about the financial solvency
of the athletic department? It
turns out that we pay for that
success: Mr. Canham governs
our access to athletic events and
facilities according to
profitability and not necessarily
with regard to the needs of the
university community.
The Track and Tennis building,
used alternately by varsity teams
and by University Tennis Club
members, offers a specific case
in point. Poorly designed to begin
with (no need was originally
forseen for women's lockers!)
this facility is being mismanaged
and misused now. The track and
the tennis courts cramp each
other for space, creating safety
hazards which are further
aggravated by piles of
miscellaneous equipment
stashed in odd corners: high
hurdles, rolls of matting, a
weightlifting machine, etc. On a
given morning, one pays one's
four dollars or more per hour for
a court, only to discover that the
noise of heavy maintenance
machinery being driven around
the periphery makes it
impossible to concentrate on the
game. Meanwhile,' with
interesting illogic, a serious
tennis teacher of my

tennis players and runners are
barred altogether from the
building, in order that it may be
rented out for such activities as a
cheerleaders camp, or a pre-
football-game alumni brunch, or
even (in one instance) a
mortician's convention! Of
course: the athletic department
makes more money from these
invasions than it does from the
regular users. Perhaps we should
also evict students from classes
in Angell Hall, in order to host a
Rotary club meeting there? Why
don't we invite a convention of
taxidermists to occupy our
laboratories, on the same
President Fleming described
the general problem very well the
other day: the athletic
department does not work
through the same channels as the
rest of the university. Thus Mr.
Canham proceeds to spend last
year some $600,000 over the usual
amount for stadium renovation,
and expects to be ablt to do so
without clearing it with the
administration beforehand. The
technicalities of his "procedure"
or of his "understanding" with
Vice-President Brinkerhoff are
entirely without interest. In this
time of widespreak cutbacks in
academic funding, sloppy
accounting on such a scale is
simply inadmissable. Are people

university control: the, tail
wagging the dog, and we are
paying for it every day.
-Duncan Robertson
Department of
Romance Languages
Poor journalism
To the Daily:
As a student, concerned about
the situation in the Middle East
and, in particular, the future of
relations between the Palestinian
and the Jewish people, I was
angered by the poor journalistic
style exhibited by the Michigan
Daily staff in the report of the
speech given by Dr. Jim Zogby,
national director of the Palestine
Human Rights Campaign. The
article of 10/21/78 clearly
represented how, in the face of a
controversial situation, the
speaker could be misrepresented
while the essence,'of his speech
was left totally untouched.
In a situation as crucial as the
one existing in the Middle East,
which has grave implications, not
only for the Arab states, Israel,
and the Palestinians, but for the
entire world, we cannot afford to
lose faith in the credibility of the
press to report the news as
accurately and as clearly as

are accentuating the divisive
forces that already exist within
the Arab world. Made clear by
the Camp David talks, the
leadership of the three countries
most actively involved in the
negotiations - the U3., Egypt,
and Israel - have failed to
realize that there will never be a
true peace without the
Palestinian people's irput. As of
today, their official leadership,
the PLO, has not been
recognized. In doing so, they are
failing to deal with the issue that
is going to be a determining
factor to peace in the Middle East
- the recognition of the Palestire
people's right to the lard
to which they have
historical and 'religious
ties. (Doesn't ths sound
familiar? Could it be that they
are another Semitic people who
also want to feel that they have-a
place which they can call
"home?" Ironic, isn't it? Have
the Jews forgotten so soon whit
their national movement was
fighting for?) They want to be:a
first-class citizens which
includes, among other things,
freedom of expression, the right
to build homes, vote, 'and move
freely inside and beyond their
city. Until this goal is reached,
the Americans, Egyptians, and
Israelis can sit down and
"shmooze" together; all they

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