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October 18, 1978 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-18

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Page 2-Wednesday, October 18, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Dean aecepts NSB policy post

Though David Ragone, dean of the
University's College of Engineering,
has served on several government
committees, he said his nomination by
President Carter last week to the
National Science Board (NSB) is his
most prestigious assignment.
"Without a doubt, I'm going to accept
the position," said Ragone. "It's a
great honor and I'll be joining a lot of
bright guys."
RAGONE, ALONG with six other
NSB nominees, is awaiting Senate con-
firmation before he can officially sit on
the policy-making board of the National
Science Foundation. The 24-member
board - which includes two former
University faculty members - deals
with budget allocations and research
Although Ragone is pleased with the
nomination, he said he realizes it will
burden his workload. "The last thing I
need is another job," the 48-year-old
dean joked. "This position could be.
very time-consuming and will require
an enormous amount of reading."
Even if confirmed, Ragone will retain
his deanship at the Engineering

College, a position he has held since
1972. Ragone holds three degre s from
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and first came to the
University in 1953 as an assistant
professor in the department of
chemical and metallurgical
AN EXPERT ON the relation bet-
ween automotive fuels and air
pollution, Dean Ragone is not a
newcomer to government. He served on
the Panel on Automotive Air Pollution
and the Panel on Automotive Fuels of
the Department of Commerce
Technical Advisory Board, the Ad-
visory Committee on Advanced
Automotive Power Systems of the
Council of Environmental Quality
(CEQ) and is currently chairman of the
CEQ's Advisory Committee on Alter-
native Automotive Power Systems.
Ragone said his NSB responsibilities
will resemble the duties he now
executes as a dean. "I expect that most
of the time will be spent examining the
enormous budget of the foundation and'
how the money is to be used," he
stated. "I think it will take a while to
get used to the issues involved, so I'll
probably just be doing a lot of listening

New pope
Paul II promised yesterday that a
"ministry of love" would mark his
reign as the 264th pontiff of the Roman
Catholic Church.
The former Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of
Krakow, Poland, also took a trip out-
side Vatican walls on his first full day
as leader of the world's 700 million
IN A TELEVISED sermon delivered
under Michelangelo's fresco "The Last
Judgment" in the Sistine Chapel, the
pope pledged to carry on the church
reforms launched by the 1962-65 Second
Vatican Council and to follow the
guidelines laid down by Paul VI and
John Paul I.
Vatican officials, meanwhile, an-
nounced that John Paul would preside
at a Mass at his installation on Sunday.
The announcement made no mention of
a coronation, implying that he would
continue the pattern of John Paul I, who
refused to be crowned the temporal
ruler of the church.
From Warsaw, Polish communist
leader Edward Gierek sent a message

to the pope, saying his election "fills
Poland with great satisfaction" and
that he was "convinced that further
development of relations between
Poland and the Apostolic See" would
come about.
A POLISH government spokesman,
Kazimierz Kakol, said passport restric-
tions would be eased to allow a "large
number" of Poles to travel to Rome for
the installation. He did not say how
many visas would be granted. Poles
normally have to wait three to four
weeks to obtain a travel visa.
In his first papal sermon, the 58-year-
old pontiff warned that the "general
criteria of loyalty to the Vatican Coun-
cil" must not affect loyalty to the basic
doctrinal truths of the church. This was
perhaps an indication that he would
pursue a conservative stance on such
matters as the church's ban on ar-
tificial contraception, the ordination of,
women and the marriage of priests.
The pope supported the contraception
ban put forth in Pope Paul VI's 1968 en-
cyclical Humanae Vitae when he was
archbishop of Krakow.

to continue reforms

CLAD IN THE traditional pai
robes of brilliant white satin and a r
skullcap, the pope celebrated M
jointly with the cardinals who elec
him Monday. He delivered a half-i
sermon in Latin and then released
110 men from the secret conclave whA
they had been sequestered since Sat
day afternoon.
Less than 24 hours after his electi
John Paul left the Vatican to v
Polish Bishop Andre-Marie Deskur,
head of the Pontifical Commission
Social Communication. Deskur
taken to a hospital 'about two nrii
from the Vatican Friday after suffer
a heart attack. Thousands, alerted
radio announcement that he wo
make the trip, lined the streets to ch
the pope.
The election of Wojtyla as succe$
to Pope John Paul I broke the 455-y
hold Italians had on the papacy.
Cardinal Franz Koenig of Vienna s"
the Polish prelate had been favore
the voting by the Italian cardinals w.
the "foreigners" leaned toward ma
taming the Italian line.

at first."
Ragone's wife, Katherine, a lecturer
in the Chemistry Department, is ex-
cited about her husband's nomination,
but Ragone says his teenage children
are less than enthusiastic about this
additional "time-consumer."
"It's going to -be a challenge," said
Ragone. "Taking a quote from Frank
Rhodes (former University Vice-
President for Academic Affairs), I'd
say it's 'a case of a scholar working in
the service of other scholars'."
is preserved on
The Michigan Daily
Student Publications Bldq.
420 Maynard Street
Graduate Library

Mimcbie strike runs into 16th day.

University library frequenters will
have to continue surviving without a-
caffeine fix between reserve readin-
ings, as the ARA Food Services Com-
pany strike enters its sixteenth day.
Negotiations are continuing between
ARA employees, who fill most of the
candy and beverage machines in Ann
Arbor, and the company, with no
resolution in sight. ARA divisions in
Wyandotte and Dearborn have also
been on strike since October 2, when
contract negotiations broke down bet-
ween the Teamsters Union-represented
ARA workers and their employer. -
SO FAR, the University hasn't
received complaints from students or
faculty annoyed by the empty vending
machines throughout campus.
"I think people recognize that there is
a strike and that service is discontinued
until it has been settled," said Eugene
Ingram, University director of pur-
chasing and stores.
ARA president Don West said his
company has continued to offer new

proposals and the workers have made
some compromises on their demands.
"We want to get the thing settled as
soon as possible and stop all this incon-
venience to our customers," West said.
MEANWHILE, workers are
picketing at various ARA locations in
Detroit. "We're at a deadlock now so
we're picketing and hoping," said one

ARA employee who asked not to
identified. He agreed that the worke
demands have altered.
"The company has come close toI
money we want but they still have
come up with anything on the benefit*
the employee added. Unidn offidi
and their state mediator v
unavailable for comment.

U.N. peace, plan nea~
for Southwest Afric
(Continued fo ae1

(C tmniU 1. IfII gtJ)
would remain in Pretoria through
The delegation leaders of the five
Western countries - Vance, British
Foreign Secretary David Owen,
Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Gen-
scher of West German, Canadian Ex-
ternal Affairs Minister Donald
Jamieson, and Deputy Foreign



One dolar won't even buy
you a cheap bottle of wine,
a single rose, or a small
box of candy.
But now $1 will buy a message
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printed in the MICHIGAN DAILY
Saturday, October 21.
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420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
Or come in personally to the Daily, located next to the Student
Activities Building and behind Betsy Barbour Hall (we're on the sec-
ond floor) by 3 p.m. Thursday, October 19. Make checks payable to
the Michigan Daily. The cost is $1 for 2 lines (14 words). Each addi-
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Minister Olivier Stirn of France -
for an hour with South African Pren
Pieter Botha and Foreign Mini
Roelof Botha.
THE MOST crucial issue is how to
around South Africa's announcem
last month that it would hold its
elections in the territory Dec. 4-8.
West has tried to dissuade South Af
from its plan, claiming there would
no international recognition of the
member constituent assembly.
Several factions in Namibia also h
announced they would boycott a Sb
African-sponsored election. The xn
important of these groups is the Sou
West Africa People's Organizati
which has been waging a 12-y
guerrilla war against South Afri
troops garrisoned in the territo
South Africa has administered't
territory since 1920 under a mand
from the League of Nations, which, s
ce has been revoked by the Unit
The sources said South African
ficials have indicated they would
willing to redefine the election to ma
it clear that the assembly will not be
sovereign body, that South Africa w
continue to administer the territory f
the time being and that unilateral i
dependence will not automatical
Several alternatives to enable t
election to go on while not really bei
considered an election as such we
being discussed, the sources said.


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