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October 18, 1978 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Vol. UIX,. No. 36

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 18, 1978

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Griffin chan

Robert'Griffin, seeking a third term
n the U.S. Senate, reversed his position
n the legal drinking age issue
Proposition D) yesterday, announcing
ie will vote against the Nov. 7 ballot
roposal to outlaw the sale of alcohol in
.he state to individuals under 21.
Also during a 45-minute morning in-
erview at the Daily offices, the
epublican senator said he favors in-
reased nuclear power development, a
stand which conflicts with that of op-
ponent Democrat Carl Levin.

THE SENATOR said the state
legislature's approval of raising the
drinking age to 19 goes far enough in
protecting minors from dangers of
alcohol consumption. Griffin said the
ballot proposal "goes too far," but he is
satisfied that the hike to 19 will "get
(liquor) out of the high schools."
In an interview early in the campaign

with the Booth Newsp
bureau, Griffin said h
drinking proposal. ButI
yesterday his statemei
public announcement or
Though Griffin aid
denied that the senator
sal, she later admitted
raising the drinking ag
had an opportunity t
LEVIN - AS wall as
for governor - has voi
the proposal throughout
Concerning nuclear

papers' Lansing said the Carter administration ''hasn't
e supported the moved rapidly enough" in nuclear
the senator said energy research and, therefore, "we
nt was his first are falling behind the Soviets.",
n the issue.
e Susan Soltes Responding to a question about
r made a rever- potential dangers of nuclear waste
he had favored products of the power plants, Griffin
e to 21 before he said if the waste were "compressed in
o research the glass and steel containers and
deposited in rock or salt caverns in
both candidates areas where we have stable con-
ced opposition to ditions," there would be no problem
t the campaign. with health dangers.
power, Griffin GRIFFIN ALSO said the idea of using

rockets to shoot waste into space
"ought to be aggressively worked, on
right now to see if it's possible."
Challenger Levin, (however, said
during a Daily interview last month,
"We ought to complete construction
that has begun (on nuclear plants) and
use the ones that exist," but impose a
moratorium on further construction.
"We ought to avoid the extension of the
use of nuclear energy," said the former
Detroit City Council president.
Levin said neither burying waste or
sending it into space would be safe.
CURRENTLY, MOST nuclear waste

is kept on plant sites, pending com-
pletion of government studies in the
area of nuclear waste.
The Detroit News published Monday
the latest Market Opinion Research poll
showing Levin ahead of Griffin by
seven percentage points among
"likely" voters with seven per cent un-
During a Detroit press conference the
same day, however, Griffin charged
Levin is leading in the polls because
"he has distorted my record, while


D stance

See SEN., Page 10

Carter intervenes
as Mid-East talks
encounter problems

AP Photo
THE NEWLY ELECTED Pope John Paul II hails a welcoming crowd after travelling outside Vatican walls to a
Rome hospital for a visit with the sick Polish bishop Andres Deskur. His first 24 hours as pope had earlier been marked
by the delivery of his first papal sermon. (See story on page two).


WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter, insisting "there is no crisis," in-
tervened in the Mideast peace talks
yesterday as Israeli Foreign Minister
Moshe Dayanjsaid the negotiations had
encountered difficulty.
Carter met separately with the
Israeli and Egyptian delegations-a
tactic he used when the two sides drif-
ted apart during the Camp David sum-
mit, whose Middle East accords led to.
the current round of talkshere.
DAYAN, EMERGING from the first
of the two White House meetings, had
told reporters, "We have come against
some difficulties in our negotiations
with the Egyptian delegation," adding:
"When we came here, the president
told us that whenever we are stuck, we
should-turn to him. So we used this op-
portunity, and we have met with him.
We are waiting now for his meeting
with the Egyptian delegation, and then
we'll find out how constructive we have
been and how much he managed to
solve and to help us go ahead and ad-
vance with the process."
As reporters and photographers
came into the Cabinet Room to
photograph the start of his meeting
with the Eyptians, Carter laid:
"I MIGHT SAY to the press so there
won't be any misunderstanding . . .
there is no particular problem. There is

no crisis. There is no
emergency meeting."

real need for an

Carter said he was meeting with the
two delegations to receive reports
about the status of the negotiations:
"There are areas which have been
agreed upon and there are still areas
that need to be covered," Egyptian
Ambassador Ashraf Gorbal commen-
ted as the meeting ended.
DAYAN REFUSED to disclose the
details of the problems involving the
talks aimed at bringing Egypt and
Israel together on the details of a peace

treaty. The foreign minister said the
problems had to be handled "carefully
and quietly.
Dayan's statement was the first
public indication tht the talks were
going anything but smoothly.
However, State Department press of-
ficer George Sherman said, "There is
no particular hurdle. The president will
review the status of the talks, the
progress that has been made, and the
differences that remain."
Sherman refused to discuss the
nature of the issues that remain

Student network planned

Milliken approves law
curbing lease abuses-

Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
member Kate Rubin flew to
Washington yesterday to attend an in-
flatkon conference for students called
by the Cater administration, not so
much to find out what the President
plans to do about rising prices, but to
take the first step in what she hopes will
be a nationwide "student network."
The MSA communications coor-
dinator, who is not enrolled in the
University this semester, was given
$120 by the assembly to attend a day-
long meeting in the Executive Office
Building designed to give White House
economic advisors some sense of
University student concerns about in-,
BUT, BEFORE her trip, Rubin
stressed the importance of meeting
with the 18 other students.
"I guessI see-that as one of the most
important things about going," said
Rubin, "it's not just to lobby (Treasury
Secretary W. Michael) Blumenthal
Wedn esday
" The GSA scandal may help
settle the controversy over
ownership 'of personal notes of
public officials. See story, page 7.
" Government statistics
predict that the nation is not in
danger of a recession. See story,
page 10.
7 -
For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.

about particular things students are
concerned about, but to be part of a
She didn't get a chance to see
Blumenthal during her day's trip to the
nation's capitol, Rubin said last night,
because the hour-and-a-half inflation
discussion was conducted by Peter
Gould, special assistant to Council of
Economic Adivsors' Chairman Charles
Schultz, and Arnold Park from the
Labor Department. Later in the day,
Rubin went with the Stanford represen-

tative to see Dan Meltzer, special
assistant to HEW Secretary Joseph
THOUGH SHE found the other
representatives - from universities
such as Georgetown, Wisconsin, Notre
Dame, and Berkeley - more conser-
vative than she anticipated, she
gathered some addresses and was en-
couraged at the similar attitudes she
found among her peers on such issues
as tuition, South African divestment,
See RUBIN, Page 10

Conflict of interest charges may
affect City Council bond decision

LANSING (UPI) - Governor
William Milliken signed into law
yesterday a measure which prohibits
landlords from misleading tenants by
using legally unenforcable clauses in
their leases.
The state law is similar to an Ann Ar-
bor city charter amendment which
voters approved last April. The con-
stitutionality of the city law is currently
being challenged by a citizen's group
made up primarily of landlords.
THE LOCAL measure is not being en-
forced pending the outcome of the
The state bill, inspired by a consumer
group's finding that such clauses are
common, lists 13 specific lease
provisions which are prohibited and
requires a clause advising tenants of
their rights.

Mark Clodfelter (D-Flint), sponsor of
the bill.
"By including illegal clauses and
misstating tenants' rights, leases
mislead the parties and deceive tenants
into surrendering valuble legal
powers," Clodfelter said.
He cited as example, clauses which
claim to waive the tenant's right to a
jury trial, limit the landlord's liability
for negligence, require a tenant to pay
rent for uninhabitable premises, and
waive the tenant's rights under the
state security deposit law.
"IN THEORY, the landlord and
tenant bargain over the terms of a
lease," Clodfelter said.
"In practice, however, leases are
usually one-sided documents. These
abusive clauses have found their way,
into standard lease forms in the course
of years of use," he said.
The measure-which takes effect
July 1, 1979-gives landlords 20 days in
which to take corrective action after
being notified of a violation. Tenants
may sue for up to $500 if the landlord
fails to act.

A conflict of interest may have been
involved in City Council's Monday night
approval of a $2.1 million bond to finan-
ce a new parking structure. If such a
conflict is confirmed by City Attorney
Bruce Laidlaw, approval of the project
may be endangered by a delay in Coun-
cil's endorsement.
Second Ward Councilman Earl
Greene asked Laidlaw to seek Attorney
General Frank Kelley's opinion on
possible conflict of interest involved in
the votes- of Councilmen Clifford
Sheldon (R-Third Ward) and David
Fisher (R-Fourth Ward).
THE-CITY MUST purchase land
from the Ann Arbor Bank and Trust
Company to cunplete plans to build a
parking structure behind the bank's
Liberty st. branch. Both Sheldon and
Fisher are employed by the
bank-Sheldon as a commercial loan

officer and Fisher as a certified public
accountant. They both voted in favor of
the bonding.
Greene's request to Laidlaw came on
the heel's of a 7 to 4 vote to approve the
bonding. Four Council Democrats op-
posed the measure. According to
Laidlaw, six votes were needed to ap-
prove the bond, but 8 votes would be
necessary if a conflict of interest is con-
Yesterday afternoon Laidlaw said he
was "leaning" toward an opinion that

would say no conflict of interest was in-
volved in Monday's vote, but that
Sheldon and Fisher should not vote
when the contract to purchase the land
from the bank comes before Council.-
He said he would probably submit his
op nion this morning.
Laidlaw explained that conflict of in-
terest applies when there is a contract
between a corporation and the city, and
a member affiliated with the cor-
poration votes on it. Laidlaw pointed
See CONFLICT, Page 7

The measure is a
developed during
negotiations involving
tenant groups.

months of
landlord and

"BOTH PARTIES to a lease should
have a clear understanding of their
rights and responsibilities," said Rep.

Elections keep new clerk busy

U.N. peace plan near
for Southwest Africa

Eldor Vollbrecht won't have much
opportunity to learn the ropes of his
new job as Ann Arbor's City Clerk in the
next three weeks since his position
overseeing local voter registration
should keep him poring over election
statistics until Nov. 7.
And Vollbrecht, who began work
Monday, already knows that voter
registration rouses more than a routine
response from city officials. The last
permanent city clerk, Jerome Weiss,
was reassigned following criticism of
his department's handling of the 1977
mayoral election, when Democrat
Albert Wheeler managed to hold onto
his seat by a single vote.
IN THAT ELECTION, faulty street;

Though election-related work will oc-
cupy the fair-haired Minnesota native
during his first weeks in Ann Arbor,
Vollbrecht is also charged with
managing city records, issuing dog and
business licenses, and supervising the
city's conversion to punch card voting
- a computerized method he has never
dealt with.
day's City Council meeting - the first
he has attended - "entertaining," but
he added that Council members have
"partisan fights over things that
shouldn't be considered partisan."
The transient nature of the local elec-
torate is a major source of work for the
clerk's office. Last week, for instance,
127 address changes were recorded and
1 as, ..n a rs..._ -,-aa,...ria th

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) -
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and of-
ficials of four other Western powers ap-
peared to be edging closer to
agreement with South Africa on a U.N.
n.aa nian fnr indrAnon eenpo in nm.th

major stumbling block in' the
negotiations. The sources said the force
would be scaled'down several thousand
from the 7,500 recommended by the
United Nations. Many of the units
would be supplied by Canada. and


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