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October 18, 1978 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-18

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 18, 1978-Page 3
Nobel Prize shared
by two Americans

Uenrollment up
Figures released by the University yesterday show enrollment to be
46,455, 438 more than last year. On the Ann Arbor campus alone,
however, is 35,824, -a decrease of 130. University Vice-president for
Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro said the decrease here is "Within
the normal range of year-to-year fluctuations that all large institutions
experience. The increase in Business Administration (up from 109 last
year) and Engineering (up 105 from last year) and the decreases in
some graduate programs (notably education-down 215 from. last
year) reflect student response to the- employment opportunities in
those fields." If this is really the case, perhaps someone should
propose a course entitled "On Being a Univprsity President" (100
level, of course).
Take ten
On October 18, 1968 University President Robben Fleming
announced that Regents meetings would be open to the press and
public. The move was the final step in a steady trend towards more
openness between students and the administration since Fleming took
office in January of that year. Later in the day, Ralph nader, speaking
at Rackham Auditorium, attacked professional schools for not taking
strong action against industry for auto safety programs.


STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -Two
Americans whose work with
microwave radiation supported the
"big bang" theory of the creation of the
universe shared the Nobel Prize in
physics yesterday with a Russian
scientist. The prize for chemistry went
to a Briton.
Dr. Arno Penzias, 45, and Dr. Robert
Wilson, 42, both of the Bell Telephone
Laboratories of New Jersey, shared the
$165,000 physics prize with professor
Pyotr Leontevitch Kapitsa of Moscow.
Kapitsa, 84, was honored for his work in
low-temperature physics.
THE CHEMISTRY prize, also
$165,000, went to professor Peter
Mitchell, 58, of Bodmin, Cornwall, in
southwestern England, for his work in
bioenergetics, which concerns the
chemical process responsible for the
energy supply in living cells-
Six of the nine men named to receive
or share in Nobel prizes this year are
Americans. Americans shared with
other nationalities in physics and
medicine, and won outright in literatire
and economics. The Nobel Peace Prize
has not yet been announced.
Penzias and Wilson discovered
cosmic rmicrowave background
radiation, which added support to the
theory that Earth was created by a
tremendous explosion some 15 billion
years ago.
PENZIAS, REACHEDat his home in
Highland Park, N.J., said he and
Wilson were researching the Milky Way
when "we found more radiation than
we could account for in the Milky Way,
and it turned out upon investigation
that this radiation was coming from
outside even our own galaxy. There's
nothing out there to cause it. That
radiation was eft over from the imitial
explosion from which the entire
universe erupted."
Penzias, who went to the United
States from Germany as a child some
40 years ago, said, "I guess it'skind of
corny to say, but I've realized the
American dream." He was born in
Munich in 1933 and received his
doctorate at Columbia University in
New York in 1962. He has worked for
Bell sinse 1961 and headed Bell's radio
physics research department since
Wilson, 42, was born in Houston, was
graduated from Cal Tech in 1962, went
to Bell in 1963 and teamed up with
"I hope it (the prize) doesn't make
any big difference in my work in the

future," he said fom his home in
Holmdel, N.J., when he was notified he
had won.
KAPITSA IS the second Russian to
win Nobel honors for low-temperature
physics. His associate, Lev Landau,
won in 1962. Kapitsa, a legendary figure
in the physics world, has lomg been
mentioned as a Nobel prospect. His
research with liquid helium has had a
major effect on Soviet steel and energy
industries. His work has contributed
toward development of low- energy
He worked with Albert Einstein, who
won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921,
and with Lord Ernest Rutherford of
England, a renowned physicist who
won the prize for chemistry in 1908.
Kapitsa had laboratories at
Cambridge University in England and
in Moscow and was head of the Institute
for Physical Problems at the Soviet
Academy of Sciences. In 1934 the Josef
Stalin regime prevented hin from
returning to England.
IN 1964 HE was put under a form of
"house arrest" by Stalin when he was
reluctant to work toward a Soviet arms
buildup. he was said to have worked on
the Soviet stom and hydrogen bombs
during the next few years, but Kapitsa
denies this.
He resumed directorship of the
institute in 1955 after Premier Nikita
Khrushchev took power, and still holds
the post.
Kapitsa, who was vacationing at a
spa outside Moscow, said, when told of
the honor, that it was "an exciting
event for all of Soviet science."'
MITCHELL WAS not available for
comment, but his wife Helen said he
would use the money to expand the
laboratory he founded 15 years ago.
A member of the Swedish Academy
of .Science, which awards the prizes,
said Mitchell's work, once viewed with
skepticism but now accepted as the
basis of bioenergetics, can aid in the
development of energy sources.
"I believe that we futurely must
imitate biological systems to meet our
long-range energy demands,"
Professor Bo Malstrom of the academy
In 1950, the Niagara River Pact was
signed by Canada and the United States
approving an increase in power output
from the Niagara River.

Happenings ...
burst into action at noon with a luncheon lecture called
"Reflections on the Middle East (comments from an American
Perspective)" in the Reception Room of the International
Center. . . Student Activities is sponsoring a workshop on publicity
and promotion at one in Conference rooms 4 and 5 of the
Union... After a short afternoon break hear Peter Davies speak on
"Laboratory Experiments on Topographis Effects in Rotating
Stratified Fluids" in Room 246 of the west Engineering building at
4 ... or attend an open meeting by Action for Soviet Jewry and
Human Rights (AKTSIA) in the multi-purpose room of the
Undergraduate Library, also at 4. . . or if you're in the mood for a
flick hop over to Modern Languages Building auditorium 3 for "Roots:
The Choice" at 4:15 . . after a break in the action head over to
Rackham Amphitheater for an International Festival Symposium
entitled "Latin America: External Threats and Internal Pressures,"
at 7:30. . . alsoat 7:30 you can attend the Regent Candidates Night, in
the Pendleton Center on the second floor of the Union. . . at 8 the Max
Kade Deutches Haus is sponsoring "Konigliche Hoheit," at 603
Oxford. . . you can wrap up the day's activities by attending a
harpsichord recital by Jose Uriol, at the Music School Recital Hall at
Leghorn lament
With all the presidential search committees scurring around the
University, maybe we could set the record straight on precedents.
When Hanna Holburn Clay was recently tapped to be president at the
University of Chicago Ms. Magazine and the Chicago Tribune reported
that Clay would be the first woman to hold the top spot at any major
coeducational university. But the other day the campus newspaper att
the University of Texas (U-T) carried a short article including an
interview with T-U chief Lorene Rogers. "I don't think anyone could
say that U-T was anything but a University. Surely they
realized I was a woman," Rogers said. Sources blamed the error on
the generation gap.
On the outside ...
Remember all that sunshine which flooded the city yesterday? Well,
don't count on'seeing it again today because we'll have mostly cloudy
skies during the day with a chance of showers and a high of about 57.

Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Astronomy/Physics: E. Adelberger, U--
Washington, "Parity violation in, Nuclei and
Atoms," 296 Dennison. 4 p.m.
Applied Mechanics/Eng. Sci.: Peter A. Davies,
"Laboratory Experiments on Topographic Effects in
Rotating Stratified Fluids," 246 Eng., 4 p.m.
Music School: Jose L. Gonzales Uriol, Harpsichord
recital.SM Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m.

Volume LIX, No. 36
Wednesday, October 18, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday
morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative
presents in AUD. A.
Special Two-Day Engagement
Wednesday, Oc _18-7 A.9:30
Thursday, Oct. 19-7 i 9:15
(Bernardo Bertolucci, 1973)
MARLON BRANDO appears as a sex-
ually aggressive expatriate who em-
barks on a three-day affair with
Jeanne (MARIA SCHNEIDER), a young
modish Parisienne. The affair is pure-
ly physical, isolated experience, and
the apartment an island in which are
examined certain aspects of human
relationships. With JEAN-PIERRE
LEAUD. "A film that has made the
strongest imprestion on me in almost
twenty years of reviewing."-
Pauline Kael. Rated X. Music by Oli-
ver Nelson and Gato Berbieri. In Eng-
lish and French, with subtitles.



A gang member doesn't ordinarily go around the streets singing "Maria" but
this film makes it believable for a couple of hours. At least perhaps the most
striking aspect is the sweep and vitality of the' dazzling Jerrome Robbins'
dances that the Jets and the Sharks do. But the Leonard Bernstein score is
also splendid in this story of a present day Romeo & Juliet. With NATALIE WOOD.


7:00 & 9:30


VILLAGE"wi All seats $1.50
69.1300 W until 4:30






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