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September 30, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-30

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Take ten
In his first State of the University message on Sept. 30, 1968, newly-
arrived University President Robben Fleming 'called for greater
student participation but condemned "violence, coercion, and
threats" on the part of students. Speaking before 800 faculty members,
their wives and nearly 150 uninvited students in Rackham Lecture
Hall, Fleming warned of the difficulty the University faced in growth
and the financing of that growth. He noted that 1968 was the first year
the University was forced to turnaway qualified applicants.,
All night action
If, like My Fair Lady's Eliza Doolittle, you've got a hankering to
dance all night, head over to the Michigan Union. From 8 p.m. tonight
until 8 tomorrow morning, you can disco there to your heart's content,
or play pinball or billiards or participate in a host of other activities as
the Union Programming Committee sponsors its firtst "all Nighter".
The Union will be alive until the wee hours with dancing, beer, a
student organizations activities fair and a prize raffle, to name a few
of the happenings. Ken Feit, self-proclaimed Fool, will be on hand to
provide entertainment. Admission is $1.00with student I.D.
...this last day of September begin at 10 with the Artists and Craf-
tsmen Guild Fall Art Fair at the Michigan Union. The fair, which runs
until 6, includes displays in the Pendleton Room on the second floor of
the Union. Art-st-in-residence Ken the Fool conducts one-hour
workshops in the first floor Union Gallery. At 11, he'll feature sign
language; puppetry at 1; movement at 3, and story-telling at 4:30. The
fair also features demonstration in the Collaborative studios, lower
level of the Union. Carol Furdato displays her weaving skills at noon,
Barb Tannenbaum demonstrated calligraphy at 1, more weaving with
Ruth Brownley-Green at 2, followed by batik with Carol Shostak at
3 ... the Michigan Cannabis Caucus holds an organizational meeting
at noon in the Tower Room of Eastern Michigan University's McKen-
ny Union in Ypsilanti . . MSA will sponsor an All Night Information
Fair on Student Organizations as part of the Union Programming
Committee's all-night slate of activities at the Michigan Union from 8
p.m. til 8a.m
Oh, brother!
While Jimmy Carter reflects on the achievements of the Camp
David summit, another member of the Carter clan is doing his bit to
promote international harmony. Billy Carter, the presdent's beer-
guzzling sibling, is in Tripoli promoting warmer relations between the
United States and Libya-a puritanical Moslem land where all
alcoholic beverages are verboten. "That will make a nice big dent on
his beer belly,'' remarked on less-than-kind observer, noting that
brash billy is better known for promoting beer in television than for his
expertise. Word that the president's kid brother had arrived in Tripoli
Wednesday on a four-day visit was greeted with other cries of disbelief
from observers of Arab affairs on the Lebanese capital. "Absolutely
impossible," said one Westerner. "This must be the Libyan equivalent
of April Fool's Day."
There heis .. .
Skimpier bathing suits than usual adorned the contestants of a
beauty pageant held at the St, Cloud State University in Minnesota -
all the participants were male. And many did not enjoy being on
display in the role-reversal contest nearly as much as they'd expected.
and affirmed they would not choose to repeat the experience. "I've
never been so embarassed in my life," said one contestant as he
paraded before the crowd amidst catcalls and clapping. "Yeah, I felt
just like a cow; just like at the state fair," another agreed. But
moderator Warren Farrellm a men's liberator advocate, knows which
way the wind blows. "Freedom of choice is quite meaningless in the
face of social pressure," he declared. "In a sense, every woman is in a
beauty contest every day of her ife, whether she's attractive or ugly."
On the outside.. ..
Trade in your stadium blanket for an umbrella, because there's a 40
per cent chance the clouds may open upon us before the end of the
fourth quarter. Expect partly cloudy skies today with a high around
Daily Official Bulletin

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If you'
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Internships give
By CAROL AZIZIAN Ti D LIU, a senior majoring in Wa
re an undergraduate student in Economics, interned with the tm
Arts looking for an educational American Civil Liberties Union We
:perience next summer, you. (ACLU) in Washington D.C. this past Dev
ave an opportunity to lobby on summer. During his public service in- wor
Hill, produce a documentary ternship, he accompanied the director
r a radio station, or conduct of ACLU to lobby on Capitol Hill con- wou.
ifor a corporation's marketing cerning the office's position on privacy L
legislation. does
.fice of Career Planning and "I was interning under the director mu
nt offers summer internships and this was part of my responsibility,", on
nt offte sudetsrmrilshe said. "ACLU took us seriously. Th
rgraduate students primarily watdt ssr efh ey pha
e Literary College (LS&A). wanted to give us a general idea of how con
in other areas may apply, an- the office worked, and lobbying was inte
have been selected, according part of this."tni
yl Liang, supervisor of the Liu's other responsibilities included tun
y. ,attending congressional hearings and ter
RNSHIPS are offered in public mark-up sessions (concerning K
and business areas. Public ser- language or the way a bill is written), in
ernships were initiated nearly andg arching b ils h wer radi
"s ago by students and ad- relevant t ACLU. Mas
'ed throughsCareer Planning "AS INTERNS we worked on po
cement, while business inter- Criminal Code revisions, ERA exten- pro
egan about five years ago. sion, privacy legislation, housing acts, 29 ti
service internships, including and Grand Jury reform. Along with wi.K
nt in congressional offices, other staff members, I would research wit
e agencies, interest groups, bills and help formulate the ACLU's arei
iedia, are conducted in' position," said Liu. two
gton D.C. and London. "When I represented the ACLU at sup
ent in the business intern congressional hearings and mark-up 6
z, including fields of finance, sessions, a lot of people didn't realize I mu
incg,led/mg eing, pbic was an intern, and I went along with Kn
s, and broadcasting, is in that, because I thought it would help th
Detroit, New York City, and make ACLU's position more effective,"
he said. Liu added that he also did some
ast summer, approximately 70 clerical work.
among 425 applicants receives Liu, who is interested in urban or in-
in the public service program. ner city problems, said the experience
tudents among 475 applicants helped him question the effectiveness of
I jobs in the Business Intern a career in Washington. "Before I went,
a, according to Liang. working through the forum of

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, September 30, 1978-Page 3
education, pay

shington, D.C., either for the Depar-
ent of Health, Education, and
lfare, or Housing and Urban
velopment, seemed possible. After
king there, I see my effectiveness
uld be limited."
IU, HOWEVER, said the program
s have some problems. One is too
ch emphasis on getting placed with
gressional offices. "There's an em-
sis on the glamour of working for a
gressman, but it seems that other
rnships offer better work oppor-
ities. I think the program should
phasize interning with public in-
est groups," he said.
aren King, a junior who's majoring
Radio and Television, interned in
io news at station WBZ in Boston,
Ss. A documentary series she
duced aired September 25 through
hroughout the New england area.
ing is also a student coordinator
h the intern program. Coordinators
former interns who make a one or
-year commitment to work with
ervisors in running the program.
ch the program did for me," said
g. "I wanted to help people the way
y (persons running the program)

helped me."
Deborah Miller, a junior who plans to
major in Political Science and
Psychology, said she was disappointed
with the job she received.
"It was not so much a problem with
the program, as a matter of personal
taste," she said.
SHE WORKED for the Consumer
Protection Center at the Georgetown
University Law Center in Washington
D.C. As a case worker in Contact 4
(which receives consumer complaints
from across the country by mail), she
negotiated problems by phone between
consumers and merchants.
"It was tedious talking to these
people every day for eight hours, and it
was frustrating talking to businessmen
because often we had no legal clout," sh
said. "I didn't like being in one office all
day. Some of the other interns in
Washington had more flexibility.
Some former interns said that the
program should be open to more
students. Mark Freer, a junior
majoring in Business Management of
Natural Resources, said "there are so
many students who want to get in the
program, it seems unfair that so few
can get in.

MARC:e, A slice of
Old World spirit

Looking for a part time job
while you're in school?
a way to supplement your
family income during the day
High school students and housewives, McDonald's has part
time or full time positions available. Experience not neces-
sary. We will train you to become a member of the Mc-
Donald's family. We offer very competitive pay, flexible
hours, paid vacation after 1 year even for our part timers.
Free food for breaks, uniforms provided. Excellent training
and break facilities.
Stop in today at one of the following McDonald's:

Most of you would probably opt for
cheering at a football game over
rooting as a medieval joust, but a
growing number of students prefer
those activities normally associated
with knight in shining armor and dam-
sels in distress.
These people are members of MARC,
the Medieval and Renaissance
Collegium. And MARC is more than
just sentimentalism for an age long
past. According to Christine Bor-
nstein, acting director of the program
while Shakespeare scholar Russell
Fraser is on research leave, MARC is a
highly intensified interdisciplinary
humanities program focusing on
various intellectual, cultural and social
aspects of the Middle Ages and the
THE COLLEGIUM was founded in
1973 by a federal grant from the
National Endowment for the
Humanities. Even though the grant has
since been exhausted, the Univesity has
continued its support of the program.
MARC offers courses ranging from
the history of English criminal law to
paleography. The program draws
students and professors from such
disciplines as law, art history, music,
religion, medicine and philosophy.
"More and more, professors from
around the University are showing an

interest in teaching a course here,"
says Bornstein. "In all, the University
has been very receptive."
This receptiveness has helped with
room space, too. Once cloistered away
in the Law Quad, MARC has since
taken up residence in East Quad and
has established the MARC House there.
The variety of students living in the
house attests to the multidisciplinary
spirit of the program.
"Even graduate students from such
completely' dissimilar fields as
geography, library science and
business have taken housing here," ex-
plains Bornstein. "You don't have to be
taking courses with us to live in MARC
house and share the environment."
Contrary to what some people might
first assume, MARC students believe
their study to be relevant to today's
world. "The Middle Ages and
Renaissance form a great deal od our
culture's background," says one
student. "We are, in fact, still very
much affected by the fusion of thought
between these two ages," adds another.

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Twenty-seven dwarfs, inmates in a reformatory for deviant dwarfs, stage a
wild uprising when the director takes a day off. These anarchistic dwarfs
really go berserk, bombarding the deputy with stones and live hens, smash-
ing furniture, dressing dead insects with miniature clothing, marching in
procession through smoking flower pots, holding aloft a pet monkey tied to
a cross. "Wildly funny and obscenely terrifying."-London International Film
Festival. All dwarf cost. German with subtitles.
SUN: D. H. Lawrence's VIRGIN & THE GYPSY
TUES. OCT. 3 (not Wed. Oct. 4)

3200 S.A.B.
MBA Admissions Forums for Fall 1978 are
scheduled on the dates and at locations listed below:
NEW YORK CITY: Oct. 19, noon-7 p.m., Oct. 21, 10
a.m.-4 p.m., Roosevelt Hotel-45th and Madison Ave.
BOSTON: Nov. 17, noon-7 p.m., Nov. 18, 10 a.m.-4
p.m., 57 Park Plaza (Howard Johnson's), 200 Stuart
LOS ANGELES: Dec. 1, noon-7 p.m., Dec. 2, 10
a.m.-4 p.m., Los Angeles Hilton, 930 Wilshire Blvd.
You can drop by anytime. Admission fee is $2.00. Ad-
ditional information available at CP&P.
NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science for 1978-
79. Fellowships in Science will be offered in mid-
February 1979 for further study in the sciences at in-
stitutions outside the U.S.
These fellowships normally awarded for tenures of
either 9 or 12 mos. are intended for persons planning
to enter upon on continue postdoctoral study in the
sciences. Fields covered are the mathematical,
hysical, medical, biological, engineering, and
ocial sciences, and the history and/or philosophy of
cience. Also included are interdisciplinary fields
comprised of overlapping areas between two or more
sciences (such as oceanography, operations resear-
ch, meteorology, and biophysics). A list of the

specific fields supported in this program is included
in the application materials. Apply to: National
Science Foundation, NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program, Div. of Scientific Personnel Improvement,
Washington, D.C. 20550.
Oct. 2 & 3, Monsanto Co.
Oct. 5, Harris Corp. & George Washington U. Law
Oct. 10, Control Data Corporation, Montgomery
Ward, Earlham Sch. of Religion, HUD, and Univ. of
Oct. 11, Detroit News, Northwest Orient Airlines,
Burroughs Corp.
Oct. 12, General Telephone & Electronics, North-
west Orient Airlines, Manufacturers National Bank,
& Burroughs Corp.
3200 SAB 763-4117
Experiment in International Living, vermont. Of-
fers over 100 group leadership positions in thirty-one
countries. Language skills necessary in most cases.
Further details available. Appl. deadline Nov. 15.
1979 Newspaper Fund, New Jersay. Editing Inter-
nship' Program and Minority Internship Program.
Complete details available. Deadline for applying
Dec. 1.,
Newsday, New Yotk. Summer Journalism
Program for '79. Open to students completing their
sophomore and junior years in journalism, Further
details available.


.a 7 9


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