Page 4-Saturday, September 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Wbr 3ibigan BaiIy
Fighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LIX, No. 21 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
The safmAe old song for
Zambia: Caught in the crossfire
South Africa has a new prime
minister; his name is Pieter Botha. He
emerged on Thursday the victor in a
three-way intra-party fight for the top
slot. The question now is: What kind of
prime minister will Mr. Botha be?
A glance at Mr. Botha's past
achievements should speak to that. As
a tough defense minister, Mr. Botha
earned the nickname "Pete the
Weapon." He has been a law and order
man of the highest degree - a position
he promises to keep.
Mr. Botha was also responsible for
building one of the most modern, well-
equipped military machines in all of
Africa. His most noted failure was an
ill-fated campaign against the Marxist
Popular Liberation Movement in the
1975 Angola war.
In a true expression of Afrikaaner
mentality, Mr. Botha, in his election
speech, claimed "there is a total
onslaught against the free world. . . it
is also directed at the fatherland." He
promised to do all in his power to keep
his country free - at least for the
minority white population. It is
apparent that Prime Minister Botha
will maintain the policies of his
predecessor John Vorster, who has
done more than his fair share to
further the cause of racism. "I intend
carrying out the policies of my party
with all its consequences," said Mr.
Botha. With the selection of Mr. Botha,
the consequence, more than ever,
appears to be a bloody revolution in
that country.
LUSAKA, Zambia - As host to 10,000
foreign guerrillas waging liberation wars in
two neighboring countries, Zambia is paying
a high price for its principles. Not only have
innocent Zambian civilians become victims of
a war not their own, but some critics are won-
dering if the foreign guerrillas or the Zam-
bian government ultimately is in control of
the country's southern African policy.
The Zambian-supported force of- the
Southwest Africa People's Organization
(SWAPO) battling South Africa in Namibia
(formerly Southwest Africa) number more
than 2,000. The other guerrilla army in Zam-
bia, Joshua Nkomo's Zimbabwe People's
Union (ZAPU), which is fighting in Rhodesia,
has grown to a force of 8,000.
In an incident in late August, 12 Zambians
were killed and more were injured when
South African troops in Namibia's Caprivi
Strip shelled the town of Sesheke just across
the Zambian border. There were also repor-
ted but unconfirmed casualties among the
Zambian army. Furthermore, the South
Africans entered Zambia and pursued
retreating guerrillas 80 miles northward
along the Zambezi River for 24 hours.
SWAPO ESTIMATED its casualties at "a
few dozen dead," but South African officials
said that more than 100 were killed. And the
South Africans reported nine of their troops
While justification for harboring the
SWAPO guerrillas is unquestioned by the
Zambians, more and more civilians are un-
willing to pay the price in human lives.
In Sesheke, SWAPO men frequently mingle
with the local bar crowd, but the atmosphere
is more one of tolerance than of welcome. One
expatriot teacher in Seshke called SWAPO
men "undisciplined" and a "boldly nuisance.
They carry their weapons around as if they
were acting in a wild West film."
Others complained that besides en-
dangering the population by attracting
reprisal raids, the soldiers eat all the meat
and maize meal in the area.
The Seshke villagers in the past few years
have become increasingly caught up in the
border stand off between South Africans in
the Caprivi Strip of Namibia and the SWAPO
forces in Zambia. Last July, the South
African presence near Katima Mulilo, only a
mile across the river from Sesheke, increased
considerably. The Zambian army responded
much to the dismay of the Sesheke villagers,
by adding groung-to-air missiles to its border
defenses at Sesheke.
Teachers at the town's school objected
especially because the howitzers were placed
on a ridge above the school. Later one teacher
said of the fighting, "It was exactly what they
said would never happen, and exactly what
we said would happen."
By Mark Brewer
THE INCIDENT began Tuesday evening
Aug. 22 when a SWAPO rocket was fired from
their base at Katima Mulilo into a South
African mess hall, killing nine men. About 1
a.m. Wednesday, the South Africans bombar-
ded the SWAPO camp at Katimo Mulilo, and
fire was exchanged until 3 a.m. when SWAPO
forces retreated across the river into Zambia.
During this initial fighting, according to
Sesheke teachers, the Zambian guns were
heard firing from the ridge behind the school.
Later that morning, about 6:30, the South
Africans turned their guns on Sesheke and
bombarded the ridge area with mortars for
almost three hours. A stray mortar landed in
a trench where civilians were crowded and
killed 10 people. Two other people were killer
trying to run to trenches.
The resentment and fear of
the alien armies growing
presence, the dissatisfaction
with the closure of the
Rhodesian border and the
dismal state of the copper-
dependent economy are
eroding the power of Zambia
President Kenneth Kaunda.
The Zambian army returned fire for a short
time, according to residents, then apparently
At 9 a.m., the South Africans addressed the
Sesheke resdents by loudspeaker telling them
to evacuate because the bombardment would
resume in a few hours. The villagers hastily
gathered and fled, many to Livingstone. After
further shelling, the South Africans moved
through Katima Mulilo then crossed the river
to enter Zambia and pursue the SWAPO for-
ces for the next 24 hours.
CATHOLIC NUNS who operate a Sesheke
hospital later returned to aid casualties. They
found the stores emptied. By Friday, a small
detachment of the Zambian army from.
Livingstone escorted a teacher and a gover-
nment official into Sesheke to collect personal
property and assess damage; they found
SWAPO guerrillas living in the school.
By Saturday, the nuns reported that the
town was calm, but looting had begun
because few residents had yet returned. The
South Africans, furthermore, were warning
by loudspeaker that if the Zambian army,
which had not yet re-entered the town, did
not hand over the SWAPO guerrillas they
would shell the town again.
The Zambian and many of the European
teachers say they will not return to Sesheke.
SWAPO has acknowledged that its forces
began the fighting - but within the Caprivi
Strip. Thus they charged that the counter-
attack on their base across the Zambian bor-
der was an unwarranted attack on Zambia.
The Zambian press, the Organization for
African Unity and other African governments
also have decried the attack on Sesheke as
unprovoked and a violation of Zambian
territory. However, since the SWAPO forces
continually move back and forth from
Namibia to Zambia, where the organization is
concentrated, and since there were reports
that the Zambian army contributed to the
Katima Mulilo battle, the charges are a fine:
THE CONSEQUENCES on the civilian
population of hosting guerrilla armies,
however, has become a political issue in
Zambia. The total number of SWAPO }and
ZAPU troops equals that if the Zambian ar-
my, and with Soviet backing the guerrilla
armies are better equipped. The force of their
presence has prompted some Zambians to re-
examine the consequences of their actions.
Elias Chipema, the chairman of the Stan-
dard Bank of Zambia, recently observed that
in any foreign power decision, the liberation
movements "must be satisfied ... They have
firepower sufficient to threaten our very
political stability."
The resentment and fear of the alien ar-
mies' growing presence, the dissatisfaction
with the closure of the Rhodesian border and
the dismal state of the copper-dependant
economy are eroding the power of Zambia
president Kenneth Kaunda. Recently he told
a political gathering, "If you open the border
(with Rhodesia) now, the Patriotic Front
would destroy it."
For a time it seemed that the growing op-
position would take on Kaunda, who has
almost institutional stature in the country an
on the continent, in this fall's elections. Three
challengers - Harry Nkumbula, Robert
Chiluwe and Simon Kapwepwe - announced
their desires to contest Kaunda's nomination
for a five-year term at the one party's general
conference. But the constitution was suddenly
changed to remove any possibility of a
Despite this, opposition to Kaunda - and
the support of the guerrilla armies - con-
tinues to grow.
Mark Brewer, a contributor to Pacifi
News Service, is currently traveling i
Southern Africa reporting on nationalis
Pope John Paul I
was man of the people
T HE WORLD suffered' the loss of
another man of peace Thursday.
The Supreme Pontiff of the Roman
Catholic Church, Pope John Paul I is
dead. The 65-year-old Cardinal Albino
Luciani was elected to the highest
position in the church only 34 days ago.
He came in a time of transition and
faced serious challenges to church
doctrine. He seemed the man to cope
with these most sensitive problems.
He was a humble man of small
-beginnings. "I am a little man
daccustomed to little things and to
silence," he once said. Born in a small
mining village in Italy he rose to the
pontifical post through the expression
of hisdedication to the high ideals he so
often espoused in humble terms.
He will be remembered as a kind-
hearted gentleman, a holy. man.
Perhaps, however, John Paul will be
remembered best as the pope of the
people. He, much more than his
predecessors, understood the trials
and tribulations of the common man -
possibly because he was born a
common man and, despite his success,
always maintained his commonality
with all people.
Dist. Field Newspaper Sydnciate, 1978
Letters to the Daily
To the Daily:
The time has come to praise
out-going President Robben
Fleming. Even his critics and
detractors are acknowledging his
skill as a mediator and
The Southern African
Liberation Committee would like
to add its voice to the chorus and
praise President Fleming on his
departure. We consider his
decision excellent and well-
We were not surprised when he
announced his intention to leave
Ann Arbor on returning from a
visit to South Africa (financed by
that country's minority regime).
He witnessed the full horror of
the apartheid system and came
away "rather discouraged about
chances a successful settlement
is going to be reached." Realizing
his position on University
investment in apartheid had
become untenable; he showed
characteristic skill and agility in
his much publicized decision to
take a new job.
We congratulate President
Fleming for freeing himself of
responsibility for the University'
s policy on investment in South
Africa and wish the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting the best
of luck with their new president.
-Southern African Liberation
Surprise and pleasure
To the Daily:
I was both surprised and
pleased to read your editorial of
the 23rd entitled "The House has
denied women a basic right."
Pleased because, as a woman, I
feel very strongly that I have the
right to have control over my
body, whether or not I have the
money. Surprised, because, as a
Renihlicnn I have come to
decision does not apply to women
on welfare. "To appropriate the
grand sum of one dollar for
'nontherapeutic, abortions' is- a
cruel hoax on a segment of our
population which has already
seen too much of life's cruel
side," said Governor William
Milliken in his veto message of
August 3. He went on to say that
he "cannot say to a woman who is
pregnant.. . that she cannot have
(an abortion) solely because she
is poor."
Senator William Fitzgerald (D-
Detroit), as you know, takes a
diameterically opposite position.
I applaud your editorial view that
"this makes us doubt the
plausibility of the gubernatorial
candidacy of William
Fitzgerald." It is likewise with
pleasure that I read that you view
the choice of Olivia Maynard as
running mate as a choice based
more on political expedience"
than on "respect for Maynard's
political viewpoint."
As I said before, in the past you
have, seemingly without pause
for thought, endorsed
Democratic candidates from the
top of the slate on down to the
Contact your reps
Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg., Washington,
D.C. 20510
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515
Rep. Carl Pursell (Rep.), 1709 Longworth House Office Bldg.,
Washington, D.C. 20515
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lan
sing, MI 48933
Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives, State
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933
bottom. It now appears that your
partisanship has mellowed,
which is a welcome sight for
many of us. -Julia Weeks
Campus coordinator for
Milliken for Michigan
Editor's note: The Daily has not yet endorsed
a candidate in the 1978 gubernatorial race.
GEO backs talk with action
.I hope Betty Ford has better luck with her face lift than we're having with ours!'
tb i ~ttbt!3an uIa+I
Managing Editors
Editorial page director
STAFF WRITERS: Michael Arkush, Richard
Berke, Lenny Bernstein, Brian Blanchard, Bruce Brumnberg,
'Mitch Cantor, Donna Debrodt, Eleonora diLiscia, Marianne
Egri, Josh Gamson, Steve Gold, Sue Hollman, Elisa Isaacson,
Margaret Johnson, Carol Koletsky, Paula Lashinsky, Marty
Levine, Mitch Margo, Sheila Middlebrook, Dan Oberdorfer.
Mark Parrent, Judy Rakowsky, Martha Retallick, Keith Rich-
burg, Julie Rovner, Beth Rosenberg, Dennis Sabo, Amy Saltz-
man, Steve Shaer, John Sinkevics, Liz Slowik, R.J. Smith,
..ina Tn nia c,,d..a.... U? p iJ nlff Qbev Woson
Arts Editors
1308 MILLER....
E RNIE t)L'N14AI ..
II;NI{Y'lE N(PEt 11I.lHl)T.
(CUB SC'IWAR'li .....
... . purts Editor
Executive Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
.xecutive' Shorts Editor
...Executive Sports Editor
To the Daily:
In the Friday, September 22
issue of the Daily, reporter
Mitch Cantor made several
accurate observations on the
state of campus unions in his
editorial "Campus labor
solidarity: Much talk but little
action." Coverage of the
Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) and its
legal trial against the Univesity
administration has sometimes
been misleading, though
generally fair and accurate. We
were pleased to find that Mitch
Cantor made a most accurate
summary of the nature of the
tril by stating that "University
administrators claim GSAs
(Graduate Student Assistants)
are students receiving their
assistantships as a form of
financial aid, and are not
employees." This comment
Pmanni7ac the faot that with
relationship with the
We are more distrubed,-
however, by press coverage
which emphasizes the legal
battles as the organization's
"fight for its life." It is correct
to report that the University's
fight is taken up with -the
intention of killing GEO and
that the outcome of the trial will
affect whether or not GEO will
be able to continue being legally
certified bargaining agent for
GSAs. It would also be correct
to report that it is very likely
that GEO will win this case, as
any courtroom observer would
probably be quick to agree.
However, it is. misleading to
bluntly state that GEO is fighting
for its life. GEO is fighting a
serious legal battle and is
seriously fighting for
contractual protection of its
m'yrhnc end fnr nnalitu
We are grateful to the CLSG for
having organized the campus
labor rally early in the
semester and for taking
initiative in uniting students
and all campus employees.
GEO is in the process of
building a campus labor
coalition committee and will be
working' with CLSG in the
future. Through these alliances
we hope the Daily will realize
that there is action behind our
talk. GSAs can join'* this
committee and/or any others at
the union's informational' and
organizational meeting on
Wednesday, September 27, 8-
9:30 p.m. in the Rackham
It is exciting to see the staff of
the Daily take interest in the
plight of campus labor and to
facilitate the education of the
University community to issues
of imnortance to the workers
Andy Febeg ...............................Photo Elitor
Brad Beain..............................Staff Photographe'
Alan Binsky.............................Staff Photographer
Wayne Cable ...........................Staff Photopphd
John Knox......?......................... .Staff Photogapher
Maurem O'Malley...........................Staff Photographa-