Page 2-Sunday, December 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Canham thinks IIEW
w1il change Title IX
Political discontent scars Iran
Don Canham, the University's
Athletic Director, stated Friday he
doubts the government announcement
excluding big, money college sports
from Title IX sex discrimination
guidelines will hold up in the days
On Wednesday, Health, Education
and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Joseph
Califano stated at a news conference
that since the major sports, such as
football, are "unique among sports at
some institutions, they may not need
to meet Title IX regulations.
followed by angry reactions from
womens' rights groups around the
country, and exclamations of joy from
Big Ten and NCAA officials.
Canham cited a New York Times
reporter's description of the news con-
ference as the "most muddled" affair
he had witnessed.
Although Canham favors the new
policy, which would greatly relieve the
Athletic Department's problemstwith
Title IX, he feels that the decision to ex-
clude football (and basketball, in some
cases) will be made in the courts, not at
a surprise press conference.
(Continued from Page 1)
starring Greek talent of some local
renown, sold out nightly at the Broad-
way. Today, the marquees are gone and
a small sign on the side of the building
reads, "Shut Down Indefinitely." Steel
sheeting guards the doors.
Many restaurants have switched off
their neon lights. Liquor is no longer
served because'restaurants that served
it were singled out by protesters and
THIRSTY IRANIANS who don't ob-
serve the Moslem ban on alcohol now
must go to one of the capital's luxury
hotels or private clubs, which serve as
clearing houses for rumors. Conver-
sation often centers on how to get your
money out of Iran, no simple matter
since currency controls were imposed
Nov. 15.
The social whirl has slowed to a walk.
Cocktails or dinner are served by 6
o'clock. The party ends with a dash
home by 9 because of the curfew.
At the root of it all is Moslem anger
over Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's
drive to Westernize Iran. Devout
Moslems say the granting of freedoms
to women, the redistribution of church
lands and other reforms begun in 1963
undermine Iran's traditional Moslem
THE ORTHODOX Moslem protesters
have been joined by political dissidents
demanding greater political liberty.
The women's liberation movement
here is now on the line, and Western-
educated Iranian women say their
gains may be lost if fanatical Moslem
leaders have their way.
The few women who venture out
alone these days do so nervously, unac-
customedly clutching at their chadur,
the ankle-length veil still worn in or-
thodox Moslem nations. The shah ended
the requirement that women wear
veils, but under Moslem pressure the
veils are returning.
BLUE JEANS or a well-cut evening
dress often show through. Foreign
women wear scarves to avoid the jeers
of passing males.
The country has been wracked by
almost daily demonstrations since
January, and between 1,000 and 2,000
persons have died.
A Western diplomat who has served
here three years and counts the days
until his transfer to another post said:
"The changes that have occurred and
the ones looming before us have set
back this nation and its drive to reach
acceptable Western levels of social and
industrial progress."
THE DIPLOMAT, who asked to
remain unnamed, said the situation
could continue for months. He said the
shah's 43-000-man army, which backs
their ruler to the hilt, is too strong to be
beaten easily. But he said the militant
religious leaders, or mullahs, keep for-
cing the shah to give in, little by little.
"In the end, there probably won't be
anything left for anyone except the oil,"
he said.
The proud shah has pledged to his 34
million subjects to end deep-rooted
corruption. He sent 64 relatives out of
the country in September as charges of
corruption swirled about them. His
wife, Empress Farah, and three of his
four children remain at his side. Crow
Prince Reza is in Texas for jet pilot
THE 59-YEAR-OLD monarch has
made concessions but shows no sign of
heeding calls that he step down.
On Nov. 6 the shah picked Gen.
Gholam-Reza Azhari to head a quasi-
military government to put down the
Azhari said laws would be revised to
conform with Islamic principles. It was
what many Moslem religious leaders
wanted, but not exactly what the
Western-educated intellectuals were
expecting. They want more political
and individual freedoms and for the
shah to relinquish some power and be a
constitutional monarch.
The shah apparently has abandoned
his dream of turning Iran into a moderns
developed nation and major military
power by 1990, deciding instead to heed:
the calls for a more equal distribution
of oil wealth.
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H'igh turnout in Namibia electioni
WINDHOEK, South West Africa
(UPI) - Namibia's administrator
general yesterday said 81 per cent of
the territory's registered voters
ignored pleas for a boycott and cast
ballots in a controversial pre-
independence election.
Counting of the ballots, which were
being brought to Windhoek in a variety
of ways ranging from canoes to air-
plane, was expected to start tomorrow
with the announcement of results to
follow a week later.
Administrator General Judge M. T.
-Steyn said 334,399 of 439,000 registered
voters cast their ballots to choose a 50-
man constituent assembly for the South
Africa-ruled territory, also called South
West Africa.
THE 81-PER CENT turnout came
despite condemnation of the voting by
the United Nations and a threat by the
South West African People's
Organization (SWAPO) to wreck the
polling with violence.
The failure of SWAPO and two other
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leftist parties to participate left the con-
test open to a battle between five con-
servative parties. The most moderate
of these - the Democratic Turnhalle
Alliance - was expected to be the easy
In its campaign, the Alliance, a
grouping of white, black and mixed-
race forces, promised to dismantle all
trace of racial discrimination imposed
by South Africa and bring peace to
THE SOUTH African-appointed ad-
ministrator general described the tur-
nout as "astounding," and said the
voting created a new political reality in
Namibia that could not be ignored by
the United Nations or SWAPO.
"The people have exhibited a keen
desire for independence," he said.
In view, of the demonstrated desire
for change, Steyn said the United
Nations should view the organization of
Volume LXXXIX. No. 78
Sunday.December 10. 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April 2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor,
*Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7,00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
a second round of voting it demanded
under its supervision with great urgen-
HE SAID SWAPO, which has been
fighting a limited guerrilla war for in-
dependence, should also take note of the
voting and exchange its rifles for a
political program.
Politicians said the failure of SWAPO
to keep the voters away from the polls
was a serious setback to its claim to be
the only legitimate political force in the
Daily Official Bulletin
General Notices:
STUDENT ACCOUNTS: Your attention is called to
the following rules passed by the Regents at their
meeting on February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay
all accounts due the University not later than the last
day of classes of each semester or summer
semester. Student loans which are not paid or
renewed are subject to this regulation; however,
students loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid
accounts at the close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier of the
University and
"(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the
grades for the semester or summer seeion just
completed will not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
")b) ' 4a1 students owing such accounts will not be
allowed to register in any subsequent semester or
summer session until payment has been made."
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