The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 10, 1978-Page 3
ERA still in real trouble
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Happenings.. .
Cinema II-Life of Emil Zola, 7 p.m., Mrs. Minniver,
99 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-The Wrong Box, 7 p.m., My Man
Godfrey, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
University Club-The Barococo Ensemble, "Brunch
on the Terrace," 10a.m., noon, first floor, Union.
UAC Soph Show-Pippin, 2 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
University Dance Co.-3 p.m., Power Center.
Canterbury Choir-Advent Choral Concert, 4 p.m.,
Trinity Episcopal Church, Toledo.
Back Alley Players-two one-act plays, poetry
reading, 8 p.m., 332 S. State.
Music School-Concert Band, Chamber Winds, 8
p.m., Hill Aud.
Residential College Singers, Orchestra-Christmas
Concert, 8 p.m., East Quad Aud.
Kelsey Museum-Mari Allen, "Guardians of the
Nile: Sculpture from Karanis in the Fayoum-1250
B.C.-A.D. 45," 2 p.m., Kelsey Museum.
Eclipse Jazz-Ann Arbor Jazz Workshop: Advanced
Session 3:30 p.m., Anderson Room D.
Outing/Hiking Club-2 p.m., north entrance,
Metropolitan Community Church-MCC Fellowship
Hour, 4:30, 1679 Broadway.
Wesley Foundation-song practice, workshop ser-
vice, fellowship dinner, 5 p.m., 602 East Huron.
Overeaters Anonymous-7 p.m., W5643 University
Cobblestone Farm-"Country Christmas at Cob-
blestone Farm," noon Packard Rd. near Buhr Park.
Ski Racing Club-Skiw Swap and Sale, noon, Sports
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-While the City Sleeps, 7
p.m., Man Hunt, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Treble Glee Club-concert with special guest artists,
Judy Manos, 8 p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre.
University Choir-Philharmonia, 8 p.m., Hill Audi-
Sociology-John Caldwell, Australian National
University, "A General Theory of Fertility," 3:30,
Assembly Hall, Rackham.
Macromolecular Research Center-Professor Joseph
Salamone, "Copolymerization Studies of Zwitterionic
-Monomers," 4 p.m., Room 3005, Chemistry Building.
Ann Arbor Tenants Union-Bake Sale, 9 a.m.-3
p.m., Fishbowl.
WCBN-WRCN-"Habitat," round table on student
housing problems, call-in, 763-3500, 5:30 p.m.
Xanadu Co-op-Scottish country dancing, 7:30 p.m.,
1811 Washtenaw.
Siddha Yoga Dham-Introductory program of Sid-
dha Meditation, 7:30 p.m., 1520 Hill St.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Innocence Unprotected,
7 p.m., Infra Man, 8:40, 10:20, Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-Henry V, 7 p.m., 9:20 p.m., Old Arch.
Men's Glee Club-Christmas carolling, sing-along, 3-
5 p.m., Diag.
Music School-Honors Quartet, '8 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Arts Chorale-works by Vivaldi, Zimmerman,
Spanish carols, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Union Programming-Soundstage Coffee House, 9
p.m., University Club.
Center, Continuing Education of Women-panel,
"Women and Computer Jobs," 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Pen-
dleton Arts Center, Union.
Ecumenical Center/International Center-Kate
Rubin, "The Role of Students in Choosing a New
President of the University," noon, International Cen-
Booked for Lunch program-Selma Fraiberg, Direc-
r awof,+haITniit'u onf Michigan's Child Develonment
vasively Monitor Pulmonary Blood Flow," 4 p.m., 1042
East Engineering.,
Wesley Foundation-Wesley Foundation trustees,
noon, Women's Support Group, 4 p.m., 602 East Huron.
Marson Graphics-American and European Prints
Exhibit, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Union Gallery.
LSA Media Center-Video to Go: Advanced Por-
tapak Techniques for Location Productions, 7 p.m., 6
Women's Health Collelctive-program on medical
self-help, 8:30 p.m., 1917 Washtenaw.
Ann Arbor Tenants' Union-Benefit-Tucker Blues
Band, 9 p.m., Union Ballroom.
Cinema II-Alexander, 7, 9 p.m., Aud. 3 MLB.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-That Obscure Object of
Desire, 7, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-It Happened One Night, 7, 9:05 p.m.,
Old Arch. Aud.
UAC-Jango and Friends Roadshow; Prismatic
Band, 9 p.m., Union Ballroom.
Carols Around the Carillon-led by Willis Patterson,
Hudlson Ladd, carilloneur, 7:30 p.m., Burton Tower.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-The Creatures, 7 p.m., And
God Created Woman, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-39 Steps, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch Aud.
Musical Society-"Nutcracker," Pittsburgh Ballet
Theatre, 8 p.m., Power Center.
Wesley Foundation-Men's Support Group, 3:30
p.m., 602 East Huron.
Rackham Student .Government-executive council
meeting, 4 p.m., East Alcove Room, Rackham
Children of Holocaust Survivors-7 p.m., 1429 Hill.
Comprehensive Health Planning Council-presen-
tation on the proposed replacement of the main
hospital building of the University of Michigan
Hospital, 7:30 p.m., West Cafeteria of Pioneer High
U.S.-China People's Friendship Association-sale, 10
a.m., Union Lobby.
LSA Media Center-The Studio and the State of the
Art in Video, 7 p.m., 6 Angell.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Everything You Always
Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask, 7,
10:20 p.m., Slither, 8:40 p.m., Natural Science Aud.
Cinema Guild-It's a Wonderful Life, 7, 9:05 p.m.,
Old Arch. Aud.
Cinema II-Thunderball, 7, 9:15 p.m., Aud. A,
Dickens Fellowship-Bert Hornback, reading "A
Christmas Carol," Canterbury Brass Quintet, 8 p.m.,
Pendleton Center.
Musical Society-"Nutcracker;" Pittsburgh Ballet
Theatre, 8p.m., Power Center.
Adolescent Unit, University Hospital-Benefit Bake
Sale, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m., foyer of Hospital Cafeteria.
International Center-"After Classes," games and
coffee hour, 3-5 p.m., International Center.
Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate
women-deadline for obtaining applications, 5 p.m.,
office of the Director of Student-Alumni Serives,
Alumni Association, Union.
On the outside
If there were such a thing, today would be a great
day to stay inside and work on those term papers. Such
a prospect couldn't be more chilling than today's tem-
peratures, which will go no higher than 22 and will get
down to 7.
Rights Amendment has little or no
chance of being ratified soon in seven
states that have been targeted for
heavy lobbying by a leading women's
rights organization, a recent survey by
the Associated Press shows.
Both supporters and opponents of the
amendment painted a black picture of
ratification prospects in the seven
states-Arizona, Florida, Illinois,
Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina and,
Oklahoma-which have been targeted
for lobbying by the National Women's
Political Caucus.
AN EIGHTH state, Georgia, is on a.
separate list maintained by Sarah
Weddington, President Carter's special
assistant for women's affairs. Florida,
Nevada and North Carolina also are on
Weddington's priority list.
"It's dead," Nevada Gov. Mike
O'Callaghan, a Democrat, said of chan-
ces for ratification of the ERA in his
Mary Odom, president of North
Carolinians United for ERA, summed it
up this way: "If we took a vote today,
we couldn't win."
IN FLORIDA, for example, a
ratification effort fell short in a special
session last week. Prospects for
ratification next year are rated about
50-50, with the balance tipped slightly
toward the opponents. The legislature
does not meet again until April 3.
Other states which have not ratified
the ERA are Alabama, Arkansas,
Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina,
Utah and Virginia. The women's
caucus did not make a special effort in
these states, which are not considered
prime targets for ratification. In
Virginia, for instance, ERA supporters
have failed five times to win its
The ERA, first approved by Congress
in 1971, got a new lease on life earlier
this year when the House and Senate
approved a resolhtion extending its
ratification deadline from March 22,
1979, to June 30, 1982. That action
spurred new and even more intensive
lobbying by supporters and opponents
of the proposed constitutional amen-
dment, which would probhibit
discrimination on the basis of sex.
Look well-groomed
THE SURVEY showed little support
for/predictions by some ERA backers
that the extension would provide the
impetus for the amendment's approval
by the necessary 38 states before the
original March 22 deadline.
So far, 35 states have ratified the
ERA. But legislatures in four of these
states-Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska
and Tennessee-have voted to rescind
their approval votes. The General Ser-
vices Administration, which records
ratifications by the states, has said that
the rescinding votes will be forwarded
to Congress for a decision on their
Opponents of the ERA have said they
will file court challenges to the exten-
sion of the ratification deadline-the
first reprieve granted for a con-
stitutional amendment since Congress
began setting time limits early in this
THE PROTRACTED battle over the
ERA has been an emotional one in
which supporters insist that women
need their rights spelled out in the U.S.
Constitution while opponents insist that
equal fervor that federal statutes
already on the books do an adequate job
of protecting women against
The ERA states simply that "equality
of rights under law shall not be denied
or abridged by the United States or any
state on account of sex."
The opposition forces, led by Phyllis
Schlafly, have argued that ratification
of the ERA would, among other things,
subject women to military draft.
Schlafly, national chairman of Stop
ERA, has said that a modified ERA
which would not deprive women "of
any of the rights, exemptions and
benefits they now possess . . . would
allow for rational differences between
men and women."
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